Women Empower Women Quotes & Sayings
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Top Women Empower Women Quotes

UN studies conducted in more than forty developing countries show that the birth rate falls as women gain equality ... I believe income-earning opportunities that empower poor women ... will have more impact on curbing population growth that the current system of "encouraging" family planning practices through intimidation tactics.. Family planning should be left to the family. — Muhammad Yunus

If I were not a writer, I would spend more time doing the things that I am already doing, which include doing research in physics, teaching, and running a nonprofit organization with a mission to empower women in Cambodia. — Alan Lightman

Bill Clinton, talking about the need to financially empower wives and mothers in regressive countries, once remarked that women have 'the responsibility gene.' No one has that gene more markedly than his wife. — Tina Brown

A woman caring for her children; a woman striving to excel in the private sector; a woman partnering with her neighbors to make their street safer; a woman running for office to improve her country - they all have something to offer, and the more our societies empower women, the more we receive in return. — Queen Rania Of Jordan

Girls rival each other. Women revive each other.
Girls empale each other. Women empower each other.
Girls compare each other. Women champion each other. — Ann Voskamp

Know that you matter, your thoughts and feelings matter, your sexual needs and wants matter, your sexual boundaries and sexual health matter. -That is the definition of sexual empowerment. — Miya Yamanouchi

I am very grateful for the success, because it has given me the freedom to write without pressure, in my own way, and has enabled me to maintain my family and educate my children and grandchildren, as well as to create a Foundation to empower women and girls. — Isabel Allende

I am proud to represent these men and women who empower people in developing nations and promote the Peace Corps mission of peace and friendship. These volunteers are making major strides to improve the lives of people and communities around the world. — Kenny Marchant

I think the most important thing people can do to save our planet and the human race is to empower women! — Robert Ballard

The dream for many millennial women is to make a difference as social or political entrepreneurs. They are using the social media and marketing tools they have mastered to empower less fortunate women and direct them onto career tracks that women have traditionally avoided, like science and technology. — Gail Sheehy

A woman is a symbol of nature; she has the beauty to attract and empower, the passion and compassion to create and nurture, and the power of love to transpire and transform. — Debasish Mridha

If you want to run for Prime Minister, you can. If you don't, that's wonderful, too. Shave your armpits, don't shave them, wear flats one day, heels the next. These things are so irrelevant and surface to what it is all really about, and I wish people wouldn't get caught up in that. We want to empower women to do exactly what they want, to be true to themselves, to have the opportunities to develop. — Emma Watson

By healing our internal divisions and fully accepting ourselves as we are, we learn to accept and empower our sexual core, and we learn to honor our unique expression of Masculine and Feminine gifts. We fully incarnate in our bodies, at home and at ease in a man's body or a woman's body. And we learn to love with complete abandon, as free men and women, without rules or roles or guarded hearts. — David Deida

I'm not here to judge, I'm here to empower women to figure out what's best for them. — Heidi Murkoff

Only insecure boys will belittle a woman. The greatest way to "man-up" is to empower women. — Steve Maraboli

Once you educate the boys, they tend to leave the villages and go search for work in the cities, but the girls stay home, become leaders in the community, and pass on what they've learned. If you really want to change a culture, to empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, and fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls. — Greg Mortenson

Politics is a potent way to empower women. — Preneet Kaur

Privilege is not in and of itself bad; what matters is what we do with privilege. I want to live in a world where all women have access to education, and all women can earn PhD's, if they so desire. Privilege does not have to be negative, but we have to share our resources and take direction about how to use our privilege in ways that empower those who lack it. — Bell Hooks

I'm continuing to do what I can to empower and inspire other women. — Camila Alves

When feminists create "safe spaces" for adult women...I seriously question why any woman would identify as a feminist. Feminists literally treat adult women like three year olds. How does this empower you to make smart choices about your life? How does this embolden you to go after what you want?....If feminists followed the dictionary, they wouldn't fear #WomenAgainstFeminism and work so desperately to exclude them from the conversation about gender and equality. They would engage in debate and offer evidence....But they don't. They file false reports, claim abuse and harassment where none took place and ultimately, expose the heart of fascist, intolerant, hateful darkness at the core of feminism. — Janet Bloomfield

Societies that empower women are less violent in every way. — Steven Pinker

Carrying confidence isn't being the person everyone likes, it's being yourself, regardless of who likes you. — Nikki Rowe

We know what to do and we know how to do it, these investments save lives, empower women and girls, strengthen health systems and have a profound and lasting impact on development. — Babatunde Osotimehin

In our society, as women filmmakers, we are expected to make films that empower women and that raise awareness about women's issues. That is a huge misconception. — Esra Saydam

Since violence is largely a male pastime, cultures that empower women tend to move away from the glorification of violence and are less likely to breed dangerous subcultures of rootless young men. — Steven Pinker

The best way to transform a society is to empower the women of that society. — Debasish Mridha

When women get on competing, those aren't real women after all. Real women are those who empower the other, and they aren't found in parties or social gatherings — Kudrat Dutta Chaudhary

If you empower women, you can change the world. — Meg Ryan

We need to empower women. Give women a voice in the decision-making process. Give women a political voice where they can champion, for their own welfare. And, of course, for us. United Nations - organizations, agencies - we need to do our part. — Margaret Chan

I was the director of my life, it was already true, and I would soon lead myself to my dreamed-of destinations.
It was the task of my one thousand miles of solitude. — Aspen Matis

Girls' education is no silver bullet. Iran and Saudi Arabia have both educated girls but refused to empower them, so both remain mired in the past. But when a country educates and unleashes women, those educated women often become force multipliers for good. — Nicholas Kristof

Women who help and empower other women contribute in making this world a better place — Cathy Rafferty

There is a growing interest in examining the point at which the political and the spiritual intersect. Service to others is a spiritual value, and the overt recognition of this can be part of the development of our wholeness. My hope is to add my voice to the chorus of other women who are calling for a bridge between the secular and the spiritual. Our effectiveness in building this bridge will depend on how well we connect to each other in every interaction. That means taking the time to listen to those who come from points of view that are different from our own. If we listen well, learn from one another, and find the ability to empathize with one another's experiences, I believe the split will have served us well. When a broken bone mends, it becomes stronger along the break. When we strengthen our connections to one another, we become whole. And when we are whole, we are empowered an can empower others. — Helen LaKelly Hunt

Paine's texts may be selectively read and variably interpreted, but as much as those on the political right can quote and try to command him, Paine himself was no conservative. He was a radical, a revolutionary democrat. He fought to liberate men and women from the authoritarianism of states, classes, and churches and to empower them to think for and govern themselves.13 — Harvey J. Kaye

If you really want to change a culture ... empower women. — Greg Mortenson

We need to empower all women, both financially and socially, to give them the tools to support themselves and their families. We need to start seeing them as contributors to society, as assets, not as objects of pity or, even worse, objects of shame. — Cherie Blair

i am a woman
and i am alone,
and i cannot tell
which one of the two
i love being more. — AVA.

If we don't empower women, we don't allow them to unlock the potential of themselves and their children. — Melinda Gates

For me professionally as well I've built an incredible business that I'm very proud of that is my own brand and that is both creating incredible content to empower and inspire this next generation of working women through a digital platform, mainly through my website, ivankatrump, our email newsletters, and our social-media platforms. — Ivanka Trump

I want to empower women. — Alexander McQueen

High heels empower women in a way. — Christian Louboutin

It's just so impressive to see how the women have used making Fair Trade clothes to escape poverty and empower themselves and their children. - Emma Watson — Safia Minney

I've had great people come in my life, meaning not just men, but women, support me and empower me. So that has lifted me to be the woman I am. — Ledisi

show me all the parts of you
that you do not love
so i know where to begin. — AVA.

By empowering women, we empower the nation. — Debasish Mridha

Oh! You are a woman! You are the pure reflection of my mother, sister, and daughter. I can never hurt you. — Debasish Mridha

How, I asked myself, do you convince men and women who live comfortably to change a system that provides their comforts
even when they know about EHMs and jackals, when they understand that attached to their comforts are terrible price tags? Where do you find words to empower them to stand up to a force like the corporatocracy? How do you inspire them to take actions that will bend the corporations to the will of the people? — John Perkins

Let's empower men and help them take a stand to stop acts of violence against women. — Michelle Yeoh

Service is an opportunity for young women to really empower themselves. — Chelsea Clinton

Pageants were an amazing platform that gave a little girl like me from the mountains of my beautiful Puerto Rico a chance to travel, explore the world, meet amazing people, work for great charities and be a voice to empower women wherever I went. For all those things, I am grateful. — Joyce Giraud

When you empower women and help them thrive, you help their communities thrive. Women shoulder the burden disproportionately. — Joy Bryant

I am doing the mountain climbing to empower women. — Samina Baig

It is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something as simple as television can empower us to create change and awareness in the world. — Teri Hatcher

There's a saying in Africa, if you give a woman empowerment, you empower a community, you empower men, you empower man. When women become empowered and live in their strength it's beneficiary to others, and I think as young women today we sometimes forget that we are standing on the struggle of other women. Those women had to stand up to make a change, and they were not popular, and now we're making them unpopular again. — Danai Gurira

Mothers who are strong people, who can pursue a life of their own when it is time to let their children go, empower their childrenof either gender to feel free and whole. But weak women, women who feel and act like victims of something or other, may make their children feel responsible for taking care of them, and they can carry their children down with them. — Frank Pittman

Women empowerment does not mean you create complex among men. Then it will take 20 more years to empower men. It is all about evolving as a soul, as a human being. It does not mean that you become a sexist. — Kangana Ranaut

I want to empower women. I want people to be afraid of the women I dress. — Alexander McQueen

Everyday i meet with clients including widows and divorcees who have the same fears about money and it's my role to empower them, and women in general, to take control of their finances and create a plan. — Maili Wong

Mountain climbing is my passion, and to empower women through my expeditions is the reason. — Samina Baig

the woman is rain,
and when she falls,
she is a monsoon.
to love her is to drown. — AVA.

let the stars inside you breathe,
before the darkness swallows them whole.
let them burn through your skin and light this
whole goddamn world on fire. — AVA.

Walmart's Global Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative is working to create opportunity and empower women and girls in markets around the world. — Sylvia Mathews Burwell

I've been a staunch advocate of women's empowerment, and I've worked hard throughout my career to advance the cause. It is heartening to see that gender equality is really becoming more of a reality. There is still much more to be done, and I'm confident that, by working together, we can empower women worldwide. — Madhuri Dixit

Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women. — Michelle Bachelet

I think I've really learned how important it is to empower women. — Geri Halliwell

The rationale seems to be that we keep people as victims by validating them, empathizing with them, and fighting alongside them for equality and the dignity they deserve. I don't think people are kept down by that. I believe what keeps people down is the constant dismissal of their pain, the degradation, the humiliation, the fear of injustice, and the continuous crushing of their will, their faith, and their hope. This type of oppression kills the self-esteem people need to empower themselves, and it's flat-out terrorism. — Kyrian Lyndon

Empower us women and we will change this whole entire world. — Alicia Keys

The higher the better. It's more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way. — Christian Louboutin

By boosting oversight and accountability, we can empower the VA in its core mission of helping the men and women who have served our country. — Ann Kirkpatrick

I would prefer to believe that a market in fetal organs would empower women to use their reproductive capabilities to their own economic advantage. — Jacob M. Appel

I just love the idea of witches, in general. The whole concept of witches was to keep down the feminine rise in power that was happening, at the time. They created this concept of witches, so that they could burn women at the stake and keep them in their place, and now we've turned it around to empower women. That's very ironic. If they only knew that they created a weapon for us to use against them. — Madchen Amick

The root cause of the looming energy problem - and the key to easing environmental, economic and religious tensions while improving public health - is to address the unending, and unequal, growth of the human population. And the one proven way to reduce fertility rates is to empower young women by educating them. — Lawrence M. Krauss