Famous Quotes & Sayings

Wittering On Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wittering On Quotes

Wittering On Quotes By China Mieville

Virgina Woolf versus Edward Lear."
"Christ Alive," said Billy. "Are those my only choices?"
"I went for Lear," said Leon. "Partly out of fidelity to the letter L. Partly because given the choice between nonsense and boojy wittering you blatantly have to choose nonsense. — China Mieville

Wittering On Quotes By Noam Chomsky

Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush's compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic. — Noam Chomsky

Wittering On Quotes By Francis Chan

I've grown up in a generation that questions God for setting boundaries. Does He have the right to set boundaries? I've grown up in a generation that thinks where meeting with a God is an ordinary thing. — Francis Chan

Wittering On Quotes By Lauren Oliver

He believed in people. He believed that if people could only be shown the right way-the way to health and order, a way to be free of unhappiness-they would make the right choice. They would obey. — Lauren Oliver

Wittering On Quotes By Anamika Mishra

Live to the fullest, with no regrets in your heart — Anamika Mishra

Wittering On Quotes By Don DeLillo

But you have to direct yourself out of this thing, not into it. Don't fold up. — Don DeLillo

Wittering On Quotes By Erich Fromm

The Jewish and particularly the Christian traditions have stressed the element of sin but have ignored the fact that it is the emancipation from the security of Paradise which is the basis for man's truly human development. — Erich Fromm

Wittering On Quotes By Annalee Newitz

We sometimes allow writers to publish their work without editing on io9. — Annalee Newitz

Wittering On Quotes By Rachel Hawkins

When you don't have much family left, you'll do anything to protect what you have. — Rachel Hawkins

Wittering On Quotes By Kevin Shields

I buy magazines. I'm not floating around in my own universe. I'm interested in everything. — Kevin Shields

Wittering On Quotes By Carson McCullers

For you see, when us people who know run into each other that's an event. It almost never happens. Sometimes we meet each other and neither guesses that the other is one who knows. That's a bad thing. It's happened to me a lot of times. But you see there are so few of us. — Carson McCullers

Wittering On Quotes By Arthur Schopenhauer

Nevertheless, let no one boast. Just as every man, though he be the greatest genius, has very definite limitations in some one sphere of knowledge, and thus attests his common origin with the essentially perverse and stupid mass of mankind, so also has every man something in his nature which is positively evil. Even the best, nay the noblest, character will sometimes surprise us by isolated traits of depravity; as though it were to acknowledge his kinship with the human race, in which villainy
nay, cruelty
is to be found in that degree. — Arthur Schopenhauer

Wittering On Quotes By Ryan Lewis

When artists who are not associated with the typical infrastructure get recognition, that becomes a cultural movement. — Ryan Lewis