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Who Was Confucius Quotes & Sayings

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Top Who Was Confucius Quotes

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Okakura Kakuzo

In the liquid amber within the ivory porcelain, the initiated may touch the sweet reticence of Confucius, the piquancy of Laotse, and the ethereal aroma of Sakyamuni himself. — Okakura Kakuzo

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Pearl S. Buck

Somehow I had learned from Thoreau, who doubtless learned it from Confucius, that if a man comes to do his own good for you, then must you flee that man and save yourself — Pearl S. Buck

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Lauren Stewart

Good," Landon said, taking a small sip from the bottle. "Then don't try to kill me again."
"Deal." He got up, crossed the room without moving too quickly, and put out his hand.
Landon took it, his grip tight, not letting go even after they shook. "'He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted', asshole." Then he released his hand and leaned back in the chair with his eyes closed, a small smile on his lips.
"Thanks for the tip, Confucius."
"That was Lao-tzu, not Confucius."
"Oh, right. Lao-tzu. Wasn't he the guy who also said, 'He who has nothing interesting to say should shut the fuck up'?"
Landon laughed. "I think that was someone else. — Lauren Stewart

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Michael Puett

We tend to believe that to change the world, we have to think big. Confucius wouldn't dispute this, but he would likely also say. Don't ignore the small. Don't forget the "pleases" and "thank yous." Change doesn't happen until people alter their behavior, and they don't alter their behavior unless they start with the small. — Michael Puett

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Steven Pinker

Golden Rule has been rediscovered many times: by the authors of Leviticus and the Mahabharata; by Hillel, Jesus, and Confucius; by the Stoic philosophers of the Roman Empire; by social contract theorists such as Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke; and by moral philosophers such as Kant in his categorical imperative. — Steven Pinker

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Slavoj Zizek

Confucius was not so much a philsopher as a proto-ideologist: what interested him was not metaphysical Truths but rather a harmonious social order within which individuals could lead happy and ethical lives. He was the first to outline clearly what one is tempted to call the elementary scene of ideology, its zero-level, which consists in asserting the (nameless) authority of some substantial Tradition. — Slavoj Zizek

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Norman Geisler

So I cast my lot with Him-not the one who claimed wisdom, Confucius; or the one who claimed enlightenment, Buddha; or the one who claimed to be a prophet, Muhammad, but with the one who claimed to be God in human flesh. The one who declared, 'Before Abraham was born, I am'-and proved it. — Norman Geisler

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Confucius

Though Confucius served the Duke of Lu, a Chinese state, he made many enemies with the nobles of the land. His views antagonized the powerful nobles, who wanted the Duke to be a puppet in their hands. Confucius was exiled from the State of Lu for more than two decades. He lived in the countryside, spreading his teachings. — Confucius

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Evan Osnos

Confucius, who was born in the sixth century B.C., traditionally had a stature in China akin to that of Socrates in the West. — Evan Osnos

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Fulton J. Sheen

Not only were the Jews expecting the birth of a Great King, a Wise Man and a Saviour, but Plato and Socrates also spoke of the Logos and of the Universal Wise Man 'yet to come'. Confucius spoke of 'the Saint'; the Sibyls, of a 'Universal King'; the Greek dramatist, of a saviour and redeemer to unloose man from the 'primal eldest curse'. All these were on the Gentile side of the expectation. What separates Christ from all men is that first He was expected; even the Gentiles had a longing for a deliverer, or redeemer. This fact alone distinguishes Him from all other religious leaders. — Fulton J. Sheen

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Sylvia Day

Confucius say, man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day — Sylvia Day

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Yangsze Choo

Confucius, who had said it was better not to know about ghosts and gods, but rather to focus on the world we lived in. — Yangsze Choo

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Rawi Hage

There is a war out there, and believe me, Fly, it was never really between Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Crusaders and Confucius. The final battle is between those who love, respect, and liberate the body and those who hate it — Rawi Hage

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Alan W. Watts

According to tradition, the originator of Taoism, Lao-tzu, was an older contemporary of Kung Fu-tzu, or Confucius, who died in 479 B.C.1 Lao-tzu is said to have been the author of the Tao Te Ching, a short book of aphorisms, setting forth the principles of the Tao and its power or virtue (Te e). But traditional Chinese philosophy ascribes both Taoism and Confucianism to a still earlier source, to a work which lies at the very foundation of Chinese thought and culture, dating anywhere from 3000 to 1200 B.C. This is the I Ching, or Book of Changes. — Alan W. Watts

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Anthony De Mello

As the great Confucius said, "The one who would be in constant happiness must frequently change." Flow. But we keep looking back, don't we? We cling to things in the past and cling to things in the present ... Do you want to enjoy a symphony? Don't hold on to a few bars of the music. Don't hold on to a couple of notes. Let them pass, let them flow. The whole enjoyment of a symphony lies in your readiness to allow the notes to pass ... — Anthony De Mello

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Artur Phleps

The new religion without any secrets is philosophy. The old religion, said Aristotle, is necessary only for the uneducated; Confucius, Buddha, Voltaire and Lessing were of the same opinion. — Artur Phleps

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Bohdi Sanders

Confucius taught this when he said, "The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior man, what is profitable. — Bohdi Sanders

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You know, I met a wise man centuries ago in China who said to me, 'He who lets fear rule him, has fear for a master. (Acheron)
Confucius? (Talon)
No, Minh-Quan. He was a fisherman who used to sell what I'm told was the best zong zi ever made. (Acheron) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Who Was Confucius Quotes By Oliver Goldsmith

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. — Oliver Goldsmith