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When To Use Commas Before Quotes & Sayings

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Top When To Use Commas Before Quotes

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Sara Blakely

I always joke and say I want to invent a comfortable stiletto and then retire. — Sara Blakely

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Charles Dickens

Time was with most of us, when Christmas Day, encircling all our limited world like a magic ring, left nothing out for us to miss or seek; bound together all our home enjoyments, affections, and hopes; grouped everything and everyone round the Christmas fire, and make the little picture shining in our bright young eyes, complete. — Charles Dickens

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By J.R. Ward

You will leave now," she said softly, " or I will drag you out of here by your hair."
The man had breath like a day-old tuna sandwich. "I hate dykes. You always think you're tougher than you really
Xhex grabbed the man's wrist, turned him in a little circle, and cranked him arm up to the middle of his back. Then she clipped her leg around his ankles and shoved him off balance. He landed like a side of beef, the wind getting knocked out of him on a curse, his body plowing into the short-napped carpet. In a quick move, she bent down, buried one hand in his gelled-up hair, and locked the other on the collar of his suit jacket. As she draggep him face-first to the side exit, she was multitasking : creating a scene, commiting both an assault and a battery, and running the risk of a brawl if his buddies in the Hall of Fucktards got involved. But you had to put on a show every once in a while. To keep the peace, you had to get your hands dirty every once in a while. — J.R. Ward

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Alice Sebold

Who would have thought something that happened that long ago could have such power? — Alice Sebold

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Lewis Thomas

The commas are the most useful and usable of all the stops. It is highly important to put them in place as you go along. If you try to come back after doing a paragraph and stick them in the various spots that tempt you you will discover that they tend to swarm like minnows into sorts of crevices whose existence you hadn't realized and before you know it the whole long sentence becomes immobilized and lashed up squirming in commas. Better to use them sparingly, and with affection, precisely when the need for each one arises, nicely, by itself. — Lewis Thomas

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Nicole Sobon

There is no way of stopping death, not here. You can prolong it. But at some point, it is bound to catch up to you. — Nicole Sobon

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By David Kay

The Germans certainly - the intelligence service believed that there were WMD. It turns out that we were all wrong, probably in my judgment, and that is most disturbing. — David Kay

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Marty Rubin

What is love after all but trusting in the unknown. — Marty Rubin

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By David Brooks

No matter how hard we try to reduce everything to deterministic brain chemistry, no matter how hard we try to reduce behavior to the sort of herd instinct that is captured in big data, no matter how hard we strive to replace sin with nonmoral words, like "mistake" or "error" or "weakness," the most essential parts of life are matters of individual responsibility and moral choice: whether to be brave or cowardly, honest or deceitful, — David Brooks

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Randy Pausch

The size of your audience doesn't matter. What's important is that your audience is listening. — Randy Pausch

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Robert Breault

Today, befriend a stranger, or if you feel up to more of a challenge, befriend a loved one. — Robert Breault

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Brian Tracy

To be wealthy you must develop a burning desire for wealth and financial independence. — Brian Tracy

When To Use Commas Before Quotes By Fred Rogers

A love of learning has a lot to do with learning that we are loved. — Fred Rogers