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Quotes & Sayings About Wants Versus Needs

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Top Wants Versus Needs Quotes

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By K.J. Kilton

Writing is like running a marathon. One needs stamina and perseverance. The right preparation and pacing get results. — K.J. Kilton

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Paul Haggis

We are manipulated by fear and the fear of others, and how we're often manipulated into doing things and voting in ways that are against our own best interest. Look at healthcare. People will tell you that healthcare is socialism and communism, and they're doing this while their wife needs an operation and their kid needs braces. — Paul Haggis

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Ben Goldacre

Teaching needs an ecosystem that supports evidence-based practice. It will need better systems to disseminate the results of research more widely, but also a better understanding of research, so that teachers can be critical consumers of evidence. — Ben Goldacre

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Mia Farrow

Women in Africa, generally a lot needs to be done for women. Women are not being educated, not only in Angola but my trip to Nigeria, one point I would make over and over again was that women need to be educated too. — Mia Farrow

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Hillary Clinton

The Republicans can't go after Donald Trump where I think he needs to be criticized. — Hillary Clinton

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Nora Roberts

She needs me. She needs someone who understands and appreciates who she is, and who she's decided to be. And I need her, because who she is, and who she's decided to be are - big surprise to me - what I've been waiting for all my life. — Nora Roberts

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Alan Dressler

When I talk to audiences about the size and age of the cosmos, people often say, "It makes me feel so insignificant." I answer, "The bigger and more impersonal the universe is, the more meaningful you are, because this vast, impersonal place needs something significant to fill it up." We've abandoned the old belief that humanity is at the physical center of the universe but more come back to believing we are at the center of meaning. — Alan Dressler

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Bernie Mac

I'm looking for laughs, you know? If it take me to flip over a table, if I have to go physical comedy, I will do it. But whatever the joke needs at that particular time, is where I'm dedicated to. I'm not into beating somebody down and beating myself up. I don't do insults and things like that. I don't do it - I'm a storyteller. — Bernie Mac

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Ariel Pink

I'm so unmaterialistic in every way. If you saw my apartment, it would explain a lot, I think. It's not so much a mess, but it just needs to have some feng shui or a real 'Queer Eye' makeover or whatever. — Ariel Pink

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Nicola Marsh

All pomp and show." Anjali's glare at the house would've exploded bricks if she'd had superhuman powers. "A fat cow needs a big barn. — Nicola Marsh

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By John Amaechi

We need to accept that some people are camp and some people are butch. Some people are pretty and some people are average, but we all fit. — John Amaechi

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Cheryl Richardson

A lot of times we set ourselves up to fail. It's interesting. A lot of times the resolutions we choose are the ones, like you said in the opening, we keep breaking over and over again. Sometimes it reflects parts of ourselves that we really need to accept instead of trying to change. — Cheryl Richardson

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Nhat Hanh

The organic gardener does not think of throwing away the garbage. She knows that she needs the garbage. She is capable of transforming the garbage into compost, so that the compost can turn into lettuce, cucumber, radishes, and flowers again ... With the energy of mindfulness, you can look into the garbage and say: I am not afraid. I am capable of transforming the garbage back into love. — Nhat Hanh

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Michael J. Fox

I think we all get our own bag of hammers. We all get our own Parkinson's. We all have our own thing. I think that we'll look at it through the filter of that experience, and we'll say, "Yeah, I need to laugh at my stuff, too." — Michael J. Fox

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Jane Roberts

You each have the same energy and it sings within you. You need not be shy of it, it is your own. You need not look to gurus, or Gods, or Seths. It dwells within your own being. — Jane Roberts

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Ellen Bass

As survivors, we've been conditioned to be victims sexually. Many of us have never learned to say no or to set limits on our sexual activities ... To heal, it's important that we take control, that we make active choices concerning if, when, and how we want to explore sexuality. Especially in the beginning, you need to put your own needs about sex ahead of anyone else's. — Ellen Bass

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Helen Vendler

For the mind and the imagination, bookstores aren't enough, college courses aren't enough, the Internet isn't enough. Those resources are all governed by the tastes and needs of the moment. Only libraries take the long view, quietly shelving the unused with the used, knowing that one of these days the two categories will be reversed by a student's discovery of those hitherto undisturbed volumes whose contents will unsettle the learned world. — Helen Vendler

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

Boxing should focus on pitting champion versus champion - those are the fights that everyone wants to see. The sports also needs to work on developing new heroes and personalities. I'd like to see more vignettes on fighters, focusing on their lives, goals and stories. Boxers need to be larger than life. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Kapil Kumar Bhaskar

Most of the time our inner voice tries to guide us to 'Truth' but we, out of our own vested interests, wish to continue living in our own self-created illusions because it suits our purpose or fulfils our needs. — Kapil Kumar Bhaskar

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Lady Gaga

They say that this country is free, and they say that this country is equal, but it is not equal if it's 'sometimes' ... We need change now. We demand actions now. — Lady Gaga

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Manprit Kaur

Negative habits eat you up. They're the biggest roadblocks that prevent you from realising your fullest potential; and the very first step towards crafting real change is to become aware of all the destructive habits that squander you! An awareness of what needs to be improved, tackled, or abandoned will go a long way in restructuring your life. Make a list of all the lousy habits that you want to eliminate; and then roust them out of your life, before they chomp you up completely. Axe them, uproot them, throw them into the ocean and never look back. — Manprit Kaur

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Donna Farhi

The world doesn't really need more people who can bend their bodies into amazing positions. What it needs are kinder, more compassionate, generous people. — Donna Farhi

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Rajneesh

This whole society, up to now, has been very violent with the individual. It does not believe in the individual; it is against the individual. It tries in every possible way to destroy you for its own purposes. It needs clerks, it needs stationmasters, deputy-collectors, policemen, magistrates, it needs soldiers. It does not need human beings. — Rajneesh

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Paul H. Dunn

Quit thinking that tomorrow your problems will go away and life will begin in earnest. The Lord is waiting to help you cope today if you will lay your human-size needs at his divine feet. — Paul H. Dunn

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Pam Brown

Bears need people. People need bears. — Pam Brown

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Mark Brunell

For me personally, I need to anticipate pressure and tuck the ball away. — Mark Brunell

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I call her Val because it's short for Valium and I always tell her she needs to take that shit by the bucketful. I wasn't lying when I said she was fucking crazy. — Colleen Hoover

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By John Gray

Science enables humans to satisfy their needs. It does nothing to change them. They are no different today from what they have always been. There is progress in knowledge, but not in ethics. This s the verdict both of science and history, and the view of every one of the world's religions. — John Gray

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Amy Sumida

In real life, Snow White stays dead and Rapunzel grows old, alone in her tower. In real life, you gotta have enough sense to stay away from ugly bitches offering you shiny apples and have enough balls to cut off your own hair and use it as a ladder if needs be. In real life, you gotta save yourself and the only happy endings are the ones paid for in massage parlors. — Amy Sumida

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Jen Lancaster

I don't care how happily married you are or how deeply enmeshed you are with your children and family and career
every woman needs a couple of chicks who'll break out the sangria just because you need to vent. — Jen Lancaster

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Peter Drucker

No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings. — Peter Drucker

Wants Versus Needs Quotes By Abdul Sattar Abu Risha

Democracy is a hegemonic tool of the West and contrary to Islam. Why do you act as though the entire world needs democracy? And when it comes to homosexuality, the issue is clearly dealt with by the Koran. It says it is forbidden and should be punished. — Abdul Sattar Abu Risha