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Wandering In The Woods Quotes & Sayings

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Top Wandering In The Woods Quotes

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By R.S. Thomas

I have been Merlin wandering in the woods Of a far country, where the winds waken Unnatural voices , my mind broken By a sudden acquaintance with man's rage. — R.S. Thomas

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Ah, but Senor!" exclaimed the niece, "your Grace should send them to be burned along with the rest; for I shouldn't wonder at all if my uncle, after he has been cured off this chivalry sickness, reading one of these books, should take it into his head to become a shepherd and go wandering through the woods and meadows singing and piping, or, what is worse, become a poet, which they say is an incurable disease and one that is very catching. — Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Theresa May

We are engaged in a struggle that is fought on many fronts and in many forms. — Theresa May

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By C. G. Jung

You do not overcome the old teaching through doing less, but through doing more. Every step closer to my soul excites the scornful laughter of my devils, those cowardly ear-whisperers and poison-mixers. It was easy for them to laugh, since I had to do strange things. — C. G. Jung

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Christina Stead

The Chinese are a knowing people; and I daresay that is why they once made a religious odor about old age; to prevent their sons from seeing their own future. — Christina Stead

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Percy Bysshe Shelley

From the Greek of Moschus
Published with "Alastor", 1816.
Tan ala tan glaukan otan onemos atrema Balle - k.t.l.
When winds that move not its calm surface sweep
The azure sea, I love the land no more;
The smiles of the serene and tranquil deep
Tempt my unquiet mind. - But when the roar
Of Ocean's gray abyss resounds, and foam
Gathers upon the sea, and vast waves burst,
I turn from the drear aspect to the home
Of Earth and its deep woods, where, interspersed,
When winds blow loud, pines make sweet melody.
Whose house is some lone bark, whose toil the sea,
Whose prey the wandering fish, an evil lot
Has chosen. - But I my languid limbs will fling
Beneath the plane, where the brook's murmuring
Moves the calm spirit, but disturbs it not. — Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Alan Lee

When I started to draw, most of my influences were from other painters and illustrators, so I was drawing landscape at second hand, really. The trees were Rackham trees, or trees that I had seen in paintings rather than from my own observation ... and I started to feel this was a real lack in my work. Everything was too generalised, and not based on real experience. Then in 1975, after having worked for some years in London as a book cover illustrator mainly, I came down to Devon and stayed with some friends up on the moor. In the course of this one weekend, wandering around the moor, finding rivers and ancient woods, I realised that everything that I would ever want to draw was actually here. There was so much richness in the texture and forms of these fantastic trees ... and I decided in the course of that weekend to come and live here. I looked at a couple of houses, found one, and made an offer on it, all in that one weekend! — Alan Lee

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Alexis M. Smith

You've been here before, Bell. Remember the stories you told me about wandering in the woods when you were a little girl? It scared the crap out of you, but you went out there all alone, knee-high to a bunny rabbit, and picked berries and climbed trees and found bird nests and came home all bug-bitten and mossy. And you loved every minute of it. It made you our beautiful Arctic Bell, impervious to cold and feared by mosquitoes. Aren't you glad you didn't stay by grandma's side, darning socks and baking gingerbread?
Who darns socks?
Girls nobody tells stories about. — Alexis M. Smith

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Miriam Toews

Life being what it is, one dreams not of revenge. One just dreams. — Miriam Toews

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Pablo Picasso

Two of the most frustrated trades are dentists and photographers - dentists because they want to be doctors, and photographers because they want to be painters. — Pablo Picasso

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Jenifer Mohammed

But hippies always forget that old Gaea can be one heartless bitch. Spend a little time wandering lost in the woods as she attacks you and tries to reduce you to fertilizer." She snorted. "You won't be singing kumbayas very long." She paused to make sure Janus would get the point. "In this world, Gaea's the predator and we're the prey. — Jenifer Mohammed

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Mary Ruefle

I do not think I really have anything to say about poetry other than remarking that it is a wandering little drift of unidentified sound, and trying to say more reminds me of following the sound of a thrush into the woods on a summer's eve - if you persist in following the thrush it will only recede deeper and deeper into the woods; you will never actually see the thrush (the hermit thrush is especially shy), but I suppose listening is a kind of knowledge, or as close as one can come. (viii) — Mary Ruefle

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Allison McAtee

Being in nature is inspiring. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and spent countless hours of my youth wandering the woods in awe of the beauty that exists all around us. — Allison McAtee

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Cory Booker

You should be able to afford health care for your family. You should be able to retire with dignity and respect. And you should be able to give your children the kind of education that allows them to dream even bigger, go even farther and accomplish even more than you could ever imagine. — Cory Booker

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

Perceval spends twenty years wandering in the woods, looking for the thing he had found, that was given to him, that seemed so easy, that was not. Later, when things were difficult for me with my work and I felt that I had lost or turned away from something I couldn't even identify, it was the Perceval story that gave me hope. There might be a second chance ... in fact, there were more than two chances-many more. I know, after fifty years that the finding/losing, forgetting/remembering, leaving/returning never stops. — Jeanette Winterson

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Hugh Bonneville

I've often been the guy who doesn't get the girl. — Hugh Bonneville

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Miranda July

It was a new experience to walk across the city in tiny shorts and a half shirt ... I often felt that I would be shot in the back with an arrow or gun, but this didn't happen. The world wasn't safer than I had thought; on the contrary, it was so dangerous that my practically naked self fit right in, like a car crash, it happened every day. — Miranda July

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Wendell Berry

But then I wasn't just asking questions; I was being changed by them. I was being changed by my prayers, which dwindled down nearer and nearer to silence, which weren't confrontations with God but with the difficulty - in my own mind, or in the human lot - of knowing what or how to pray. Lying awake at night, I could feel myself being changed - into what, I had no idea. It was worse than wondering if I had received the call. I wasn't just a student or a going-to-be preacher anymore. I was a lost traveler wandering in the woods, needing to be on my way somewhere but not knowing where. — Wendell Berry

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Cullen Bunn

If you go out in the country, spend a lot of time on decaying farms, and you see a lot of crumbling tobacco farms, and wandering the woods, there's something beneath the surface; there's something older ... more sinister. — Cullen Bunn

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Matthew Pearl

'Pity without rigor would be cowardly egotism, mere sentimentality.' — Matthew Pearl

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Bob Woodward

Once at Haldeman's 7:45 a.m. senior staff meeting, Moynihan grew so frustrated at the wandering discussion that he raised his clenched fist, brought it down hard on the table, and shouted, "Fuck!" There was immediate silence. Butterfield watched everyone turn to Rose Woods, the only woman at the meeting, in horror and embarrassment. — Bob Woodward

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Hanshan

I settled at Cold Mountain long ago Already it seems like ages Wandering free I roam the woods and streams Lingering to watch things be themselves Men don't come this far into the mountains Where white clouds gather and billow Dry grass makes a comfortable mattress The blue sky is a fine quilt Happy to pillow my head on the rock I leave heaven and earth to endless change — Hanshan

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Randy Pausch

A parent's job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their own dreams. — Randy Pausch

Wandering In The Woods Quotes By Gloria Naylor

3)"One man's weed is another man's flower." (115). — Gloria Naylor