Famous Quotes & Sayings

W Engine Function Quotes & Sayings

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Top W Engine Function Quotes

W Engine Function Quotes By Graham Harman

A philosophical thought is not supposed to be impervious to all criticism; this is the error Whitehead describes of turning philosophy into geometry, and it is useful primarily as a way of gaining short-term triumphs in personal arguments that no one else cares (or even knows) about anyway. A good philosophical thought will always be subject to criticisms (as Heidegger's or Whitehead's best insights all are) but they are of such elegance and depth that they change the terms of debate, and function as a sort of "obligatory passage point" (Latour's term) in the discussions that follow.
Or in other words, the reason Being and Time is still such a classic, with hundreds of thousands or millions of readers almost a century later, is not because Heidegger made "fewer mistakes" than others of his generation. Mistakes need to be cleaned up, but that is not the primary engine of personal or collective intellectual progress. — Graham Harman

W Engine Function Quotes By George Carlin

Engineers at General Motors have developed a revolutionary new engine whose only function is to lubricate itself. — George Carlin

W Engine Function Quotes By Steve Almond

At what point do we admit that the NFL's true economic function is to channel our desire for athletic heroism into an engine of nihilistic greed? — Steve Almond

W Engine Function Quotes By H.G.Wells

asked Kemp. "Three or four hours - the cat. The bones and sinews and the fat were the last to go, and the tips of the coloured hairs. And, as I say, the back part of the eye, tough, iridescent — H.G.Wells

W Engine Function Quotes By Suzi Quatro

The bass player's function, along with the drums, is to be the engine that drives the car ... everything else is merely colours. — Suzi Quatro

W Engine Function Quotes By Robert Wilson

When we look back at the Mayans or ancient Egypt, we look at their art. — Robert Wilson

W Engine Function Quotes By Beth Revis

The freedom of our people is more important!" Julie says fiercely. "We will never stop fighting, never stop working for what is right!"
Jack just smiles at her. "That's a nice lie to believe," he says. — Beth Revis

W Engine Function Quotes By John Taylor Gatto

Independent study, community service, adventures and experience, large doses of privacy and solitude, a thousand different apprenticeships - the one-day variety or longer - these are all powerful, cheap, and effective ways to start a real reform of schooling. But no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of "school" to include family as the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents - and make no mistake, that has been the central function of schools since John Cotton announced it as the purpose of the Bay Colony schools in 1650 and Horace Mann announced it as the purpose of Massachusetts schools in 1850 - we're going to continue to have the horror show we have right now. — John Taylor Gatto

W Engine Function Quotes By Josh Hanagarne

As a librarian, saving lives and worlds isn't in my purview, although if I could put those on my resume with a straight face, I would. Saving minds, however ... perhaps it's not as farfetched. A mind can be lost without its owner's death. A mind that no longer questions only fulfills the rudimentary aspects of its function. A mind without wonder is a mere engine, a walking parasympathetic nervous system, seeing without observing, reacting without thinking, a forgotten ghost in a passive machine. — Josh Hanagarne

W Engine Function Quotes By Geoff Dyer

I think I do have a sort of terrible propensity for boredom and for being bored, even though I am absolutely of the opinion that one shouldn't be bored and that there is no excuse for it and that it is a personal failing. — Geoff Dyer

W Engine Function Quotes By Emil Cioran

Impartiality is incompatible with the will to affirm oneself or quite simply with the will to exist. To acknowledge another's merits is an alarming symptom, an act against nature. — Emil Cioran

W Engine Function Quotes By Andy Biersack

Our shows have always been sort of an all-generations thing, people from 6 to 60. The other night, we played a show and we had a woman who was probably 70 to 75 years old, and she was there alone and she was singing every song. On the other end of the spectrum, there was a 7-year-old on his dad's shoulders and the dad is singing along. — Andy Biersack

W Engine Function Quotes By Blaise Pascal

No one dies so poor that he does not leave something behind. — Blaise Pascal

W Engine Function Quotes By Timothy Salter

O May my Song arise like Morning day,
And bid me look upon the break of light. — Timothy Salter

W Engine Function Quotes By Paul Park

I thought you could build a story that would function as a machine or else a complex of machines, each one moving separately, yet part of a process that ultimately would produce an emotion or a sequence of emotions. You could swap out parts, replace them if they got too old. And this time you would build in some redundancy, if only just to handle the stress.
One question was: Would the engine still work if you were aware of it, or if you were told how it actually functioned? Maybe this was one of the crucial differences between a story and a machine. — Paul Park