Famous Quotes & Sayings

Volvox Quotes & Sayings

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Top Volvox Quotes

Volvox Quotes By Michael Dobbs

There is no need to outrun the lion. All that is necessary for a man to do in order to survive is to outrun his friends. — Michael Dobbs

Volvox Quotes By Sarah Dessen

I was so scared about being discovered, but nobody came. Nobody heard. In my own ears, though, my sobs sounded primal and scary, like something I would have turned off if I'd been able to. — Sarah Dessen

Volvox Quotes By Chris Lilley

When no one knows you, and you're just trying to break into stuff, it's so good because you can write whatever you want and just say it; it's just between you and the audience. There's no process or worrying about anyone else interfering with what you're doing. — Chris Lilley

Volvox Quotes By Debra Anastasia

She'd made the best decision of her life when she convinced the easy-going David that, yes, he really did want to take her on a date. One year later they were inseparable.
He would make a patient, persistent father. He clearly adored Eve, but he also refused to put up with any of her drama. They solved their problems in quiet, respectful voices. Even Eve's father had seemed convinced that Eve and David would be together until they were old and forgetful. — Debra Anastasia

Volvox Quotes By Mickey Kaus

I don't have any particular beef with Barbara Boxer. My beef is with the official Democratic doctrine that anybody who reaches Boxer's position has to spout and has to endorse. — Mickey Kaus

Volvox Quotes By Lorraine Heath

He rolled her over, rising above her, cupping her cheek. "I wasn't lying, Loree. I've always heard the music in my heart ... but I lost the ability to do that when I went to prison. It was like the music just shriveled up and died. I thought I'd never hear it again. How could I play the violin if I couldn't hear the music? Then lately, I started going crazy because I'd hear snatches of music - when you'd look at me or smile at me. But I couldn't grab onto it, I couldn't hold it. Then last night, you told me that you loved me and I heard the music, so sweet, so soft. It scared me to hear it so clearly after I hadn't for so long.
"Tonight, I hurt you - again. I was going to let you go, Loree. I was gonna take you back to Austin. But I heard my heart break ... and I knew that's all I'd hear for the rest of my life. Don't leave me, Sugar."
Joy filled her and she brushed the locks of hair back off his brow. "I won't."
-Austin and Loree — Lorraine Heath

Volvox Quotes By John Larroquette

You take jobs so much of the time when you don't need to necessarily work for a living, but it becomes important who you are going to work with. — John Larroquette

Volvox Quotes By Thomas Wolfe

I believe that we are lost here in America, but I believe we shall be found. And this belief, which mounts now to the catharsis of knowledge and conviction, is for me
and I think for all of us
not only our own hope, but America's everlasting, living dream. — Thomas Wolfe

Volvox Quotes By Roger Scruton

To speak of beauty is to enter another and more exalted realm-a realm sufficiently apart from our everyday concerns as to be mentioned only with a certain hesitation. People who are always in praise and pursuit of the beautiful are an embarrassment, like people who make a constant display of their religious faith. Somehow, we feel such things should be kept for our exalted moments, and not paraded in company, or allowed to spill out over dinner. — Roger Scruton

Volvox Quotes By Joseph Wood Krutch

If only the fit survive and if the fitter they are the longer they survive, then Volvox must have demonstrated its superb fitness more conclusively than any higher animal ever has. — Joseph Wood Krutch

Volvox Quotes By Richard Roundtree

I was in the closet, so to speak, until after the fifth year when I was cancer-free. — Richard Roundtree

Volvox Quotes By Squarepusher

I didn't want to try and borrow kudos from Indonesian culture. I was trying to get a fresh perspective on these instruments. I'm not doing a Paul Simon Gracelands and stealing all this African music and not give anyone any credit. — Squarepusher

Volvox Quotes By Larry David

I don't like people cleaning my room. — Larry David