Famous Quotes & Sayings

Vitalizes Body Quotes & Sayings

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Top Vitalizes Body Quotes

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Victor Hugo

Red is an all-embracing colour,' said the bishop. 'How fortunate that those who despise it in a bonnet revere it in a hat. — Victor Hugo

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Munia Khan

I think poetry without metaphor is like husband and wife living in separate bedrooms. — Munia Khan

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Veronica Purcell

It flashed as a guiding light whilst
Duran was lost in his dreams — Veronica Purcell

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Martha Beck

In fact, when care appears, unconditional love often vanishes. — Martha Beck

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Colleen Houck

Love is not a consequence. Love is not a choice. Love is a thirst. A need as vital to the soul as water is to the body. Love is a precious draught that not only soothes a parched throat, but it vitalizes a man. It fortifies him enough that he is willing to slay dragons for the woman who offers it. Take that draught of love from me and I will shrivel to dust. To take it from a man dying of thirst and give it to another whilst he watches is a cruelty I never thought you capable of. — Colleen Houck

Vitalizes Body Quotes By James Arminius

[Theology] may be defined, the doctrine or science of the truth which is according to godliness, and which God has revealed to man that he may know God and divine things, may believe on Him and may through faith perform to Him the acts of love, fear, honour, worship and obedience, and obtain blessedness from Him through union with Him, to the divine glory ... On this account, theology is not a theoretical science or doctrine, but a practical one, requiring the action of the whole man, according to all and each of it's parts
an action of the most transcendent description, answerable to the excellence of the object as far as the human capacity will permit. — James Arminius

Vitalizes Body Quotes By M. Basil Pennington

Monks realize well that when the consciousness of one person is raised, the whole of humanity is raised; when the quality of life of one improves, all improve. Or, to put it in another, more biblical, way, the increased health and vitality of any one cell vitalizes the whole Body of Christ. 38 — M. Basil Pennington

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Andrew Johnson

If blacks were given the right to vote, that would place every splay-footed, bandy-shanked, hump-backed, thick-lipped, flat-nosed, woolly-headed, ebon-colored in the country upon an equality with the poor white man. — Andrew Johnson

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Jack Paar

Looking back, my life seems like one long obstacle race, with me as the chief obstacle. — Jack Paar

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Janet Jackson

To a world sick with racism, get well soon. — Janet Jackson

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Hilary Swank

You're not always going to hit the bull's-eye. I'm going to make movies that work and I'm going to make movies that don't work, and that's just a part of being creative. Because really, I think if you're taking risks and you're pushing yourself and you're doing things that scare you, you are going to fall on your face, and it's not always going to work. — Hilary Swank

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Gilbert K. Chesterton

The only thing that has kept the race of men from the mad extremes of the convent and the pirate-galley, the night-club and the lethal chamber, has been mysticism - the belief that logic is misleading, and that things are not what they seem. — Gilbert K. Chesterton

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Samuel Beckett

I must be happy, he said, it is less pleasant than I should have thought. — Samuel Beckett

Vitalizes Body Quotes By Truman Capote

There were hints of sunrise on the rim of the sky, yet it was still dark, and the traces of morning color were like goldfish swimming in ink. — Truman Capote