Famous Quotes & Sayings

Very Important Macbeth Quotes & Sayings

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Top Very Important Macbeth Quotes

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Jean Edward Smith

If George Washington founded the nation, John Marshall defined it. — Jean Edward Smith

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Michael Punke

significance could be found in a — Michael Punke

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Bill Crawford

Never define people or situations in terms of their effect on you, unless you want to give them the power to make you feel that way. — Bill Crawford

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By William Shakespeare

When our actions do not, our fears make us traitors. — William Shakespeare

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By William Shakespeare

Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague the inventor. — William Shakespeare

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Ann Macbeth

We are not yet at the point where our size, our being the drama industry, is sufficient to support full time professional crews, and that is very very important. — Ann Macbeth

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Sean Penn

One of the reasons people sell out so quickly is because even the talented think they're frauds. It's a culture that doesn't encourage people to believe in the work they do. You're told to second-guess yourself all the time. That's where I think a little hostility and arrogance can save you. And I've never been lacking for either. — Sean Penn

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Jean Baudrillard

There is no more hope for meaning. And without a doubt this is a good thing: meaning is mortal. Appearances, they, are immortal, invulnerable to the nihilism. This is where seduction begins. — Jean Baudrillard

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Ronald Carter

Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) was a profoundly important analysis of human states of mind - a kind of early philosophical/ psychological study. He sees 'melancholy' as part of the human condition, especially love melancholy and religious melancholy. His concerns are remarkably close to those which Shakespeare explores in his plays. Ambition, for example, Burton describes as 'a proud covetousness or a dry thirst of Honour, a great torture of the mind, composed of envy, pride and covetousness, a gallant madness' - words which could well be applied to Macbeth. — Ronald Carter

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Julia Cameron

When we make time to write, we can do it anytime, anywhere. — Julia Cameron

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

I wasn't prepared for death. Nobody is. You lose someone you love more than you love yourself, and you get a crash course in mortality. You lie awake night after night, wondering if you really believe in heaven and hell and finding all kinds of reasons to cling to faith, because you can't bear to believe they aren't out there somewhere, a few whispered words of a prayer away. — Karen Marie Moning

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By William Shakespeare

There's husbandry in heaven; Their candles are all out. — William Shakespeare

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Mark Strong

If you think about Shakespeare, you remember Richard III and Macbeth before you remember Ferdinand, whose role is just to fall in love and be a bit of a wimp. I love the baddies. More important, though, is making the baddies somehow, weirdly, understood. — Mark Strong

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Johann Kaspar Lavater

The miser robs himself. — Johann Kaspar Lavater

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Harold Clarke Goddard

If the distinction is not held too rigidly nor pressed too far, it is interesting to think of Shakespeare's chief works as either love dramas or power dramas, or a combination of the two. In his Histories, the poet handles the power problem primarily, the love interest being decidedly incidental. In the Comedies, it is the other way around, overwhelmingly in the lighter ones, distinctly in the graver ones, except in Troilus and Cressida
hardly comedy at all
where without full integration something like a balance is maintained. In the Tragedies both interests are important, but Othello is decidedly a love drama and Macbeth as clearly a power drama, while in Hamlet and King Lear the two interests often alternate rather than blend. — Harold Clarke Goddard

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Novak Djokovic

I'm very fortunate to have the support of the people around me, I feel happy because my wife helps me and people who are close. — Novak Djokovic

Very Important Macbeth Quotes By Terry Pratchett

First you get the test, and then afterwards you spend years findin' out how you passed it. — Terry Pratchett