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Quotes & Sayings About Updates

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Top Updates Quotes

Updates Quotes By Jonathan Coe

As for human contact, I'd lost all appetite for it. Mankind has, as you may have noticed, become very inventive about devising new ways for people to avoid talking to each other and I'd been taking full advantage of the most recent ones. I would always send a text message rather than speak to someone on the phone. Rather than meeting with any of my friends, I would post cheerful, ironically worded status updates on Facebook, to show them all what a busy life I was leading. And presumably people had been enjoying them, because I'd got more than seventy friends on Facebook now, most of them complete strangers. But actual, face-to-face, let's-meet-for-a-coffee-and-catch-up sort of contact? I seemed to have forgotten what that was all about. — Jonathan Coe

Updates Quotes By Rob Lowe

One of the interesting things about Twitter is looking how famous people choose to use it. Take someone like Steve Martin, who I follow: it's all sorts of comic gems, nothing private, nothing personal - all jokes. Other celebrities are overtly personal - like Charlie Sheen. I do a mix of observations and updates. — Rob Lowe

Updates Quotes By Margo Jefferson

So I won't trap myself into quantifying which matters more, race, or gender, or class. Race, gender, and class are basic elements of one's living. Basic as utensils and clothing; always in use; always needing repairs and updates. Basic as body and breath, justice and reason, passion and imagination. So the question isn't "Which matters most?," it's "How does each matter?" Gender, race, class; class, race, gender - your three in one and one in three. — Margo Jefferson

Updates Quotes By Connor Franta

The best part about best friends is that you can maintain a relationship at any distance. In this day and age, we have Skype, FaceTime, text messages, audio messages, photo messages, and every social media site you can think of. With my friends, I send little photo updates almost daily and do a video call every week. It's really not that difficult. We talk about anything and everything. I can confide my deepest, darkest secrets with my best friends and fear no judgment. It's actually the best. And when we have the luxury of being in the same location, we pick things up like we were never separated. It really doesn't matter where we go or what we do; it's honestly just so nice to be in each other's presence that the rest doesn't matter. — Connor Franta

Updates Quotes By Anonymous

He shook his head and went on to his favourite book website at the moment: GoodReads, intending to check the entrants for his latest giveaway. His Recent Updates page — Anonymous

Updates Quotes By Jaron Lanier

Why do people deserve a penny when they update their Facebook status? Because they'll spend some of it on you. — Jaron Lanier

Updates Quotes By Ryan Holmes

Social media, for all of its limitations, is rarely irrelevant. The stream of updates on your Facebook page, for instance, is algorithmically engineered to be darn-near irresistible. — Ryan Holmes

Updates Quotes By Ben Parr

Windows Updates have sometimes been a pain point for users. The update pop-ups can interrupt a movie or a video game, and the automatic restarts can result in lost data or confused users. — Ben Parr

Updates Quotes By Nat Friedman

Red Carpet Enterprise has been really well received since one guy can install it in about an hour, and it makes it trivial to deal with software management issues like deploying updates and creating standard package sets for your various machines. — Nat Friedman

Updates Quotes By Taryn Manning

I'm pretty hard on myself. Every now and again I'll go on my IMDB or update my resume and I'm like, "man, I've done a lot of work." — Taryn Manning

Updates Quotes By Karl Lagerfeld

What I do Coco would have hated. The label has an image and it's up to me to update it. I do what she never did. I had to find my mark. I had to go from what Chanel was to what it should be, could be, what it had been to something else. — Karl Lagerfeld

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

Ignore errors in updates because you never know the context in real life, mobile or otherwise. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By David Levithan

Now I read the updates on her online profile and she read mine, and that's what we were to each other. — David Levithan

Updates Quotes By Alfred Hermida

In less than a decade, social media is one of those things that has become part of the fabric of society. It is also something about which everyone has an opinion. At some point in a dinner party, someone tends to malign social media for being full of updates about lunch or photos of pets. Life is full of froth. It is the mundane that makes us human. The seemingly inconsequential tidbits we share help us forge social bonds and bring us closer together. — Alfred Hermida

Updates Quotes By Venus Williams

I try to update as much as possible. You don't want to be in the past. — Venus Williams

Updates Quotes By Richard Perle

When you gaze into souls, it's something you should update periodically, because souls can change. — Richard Perle

Updates Quotes By Emily St. John Mandel

No more social media, no more scrolling through litanies of dreams and nervous hopes and photographs of lunches, cries for help and expressions of contentment and relationship-status updates with heart icons whole or broken, plans to meet up later, pleas, complaints, desires, pictures of babies dressed as bears or peppers for Halloween. No more reading and commenting on the lives of others, and in so doing, feeling slightly less alone in the room. No — Emily St. John Mandel

Updates Quotes By Lance Broughton

Relaxing in the sun was my cup of tea. I'm a champion relaxer and have won numerous prizes in do-nothing competitions. To maintain my competitive edge I need to keep in touch with the updates in relaxing techniques. — Lance Broughton

Updates Quotes By Caroline Kepnes

Some people, it's like they care more about their status updates than their actual lives. — Caroline Kepnes

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

Tether smartphones with laptops when you need a connection. Turn off updates to avoid exceeding plan data. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By Php

techno softwares malaysia hire php and java developers "
"PHP Developers

Job Description:

1. Understanding client requirements & functional specifications
2. Developing and maintaining dynamic websites and web applications
3. Ensuring foolproof performance of the deliverable
4. Coordinating with co-developers and other related departments
5. Sending regular updates about project status

Desired Candidate Profile:

1. Must be proficient in PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, Javascript, AJAX, XML
2. Should have experience with Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Magento.
3. Should have excellent written communication skills (English)
4. Must have capacity to work independently and also as a part of team
5. Must have dedication and commitment towards work.
6. Eligibility: (B.Tech/B.E)
7. Salary: Higher Salary based on Experience and Expertise) — Php

Updates Quotes By Marina Keegan

But it became clear very quickly that I'd underestimated how much I liked him. Not him, perhaps, but the fact that I had someone on the other end of an invisible line. Someone to update and get updates from, to inform of a comic discovery, to imagine while dancing in a lonely basement, and to return to, finally, when the music stopped. — Marina Keegan

Updates Quotes By Nicholas Carr

One of its major recent thrusts has been to place a greater priority on what it calls the "freshness" of the pages it recommends. Google not only identifies new or revised Web pages much more quickly than it used to - it now checks the most popular sites for updates every few seconds rather than every few days - but for many searches it skews its results to favor newer pages over older ones. — Nicholas Carr

Updates Quotes By Mark Bowden

Anyone who uses Windows on their home computer is familiar with routine security updates, which Microsoft issues on the second Tuesday of each month. In the Tribe it has become known as "Patch Tuesday. — Mark Bowden

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

It's good netiquette to provide links in updates. Everyone does not know what you know. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

The hours Facebook users put into their profiles and lists and updates is the labor that Facebook then sells to the market researchers and advertisers it serves. — Douglas Rushkoff

Updates Quotes By Rupert Dreyfus

Social media is basically standing at a bucket filled with other people's vomit and you suck the vomit through a straw, and gag and wince at the unbearable taste of other people's vomit. Yet strangely we continue to suck through the straw as if we've never tasted such lovely vomit. And then before you know it you're old and you're grey. And that's the end of you. A lonely death. Your gravestone is marked with the six saddest words:

Social Media Drained My Soul Away

And they all mourn your loss at a budget funeral service while updating their social media statuses on mobile phones apps. And in years to come nobody remembers any of your updates; even those updates that you deep-down believed were going to bring about world peace. The Digital Age is more disposable than nappies and just as full of shit. — Rupert Dreyfus

Updates Quotes By Brian Michael Bendis

Jeph [Loeb] will call me with updates, and I'll go, "Are you f - king with me?" I never saw this coming, and certainly never saw it coming while I was still coherent and in the game. That's the difference between me and the previous generations. (Legendary X-Men writer) Chris Claremont had to wait decades before his s - t was on the screen. — Brian Michael Bendis

Updates Quotes By Tom Chatfield

Vast volumes of mixed media surround us, from music to games and videos. Yet almost all of our online actions still begin and end with writing: text messages, status updates, typed search queries, comments and responses, screens packed with verbal exchanges and, underpinning it all, countless billions of words. — Tom Chatfield

Updates Quotes By Suzanne Collins

Even though I don't ask, Plutarch gives me cheerful updates on the phone like "Good news, Katniss! I think we've almost got him convinced you're not a mutt!" Or "Today he was allowed to feed himself pudding! — Suzanne Collins

Updates Quotes By Bill Simmons

I started my Twitter account for selfish reasons: I wanted to have a place to post updates on my book signing tour and stuff like that. I never realized that I'd have so much fun tweeting. It's become the deleted scenes for my DVD of columns and podcasts. — Bill Simmons

Updates Quotes By Brad Listi

Getting tired of sitting, staring at my computer screen, day after day, where everyone is two-dimensional, reduced to an avatar photo, status updates, or maybe some carefully curated vacation photos. There's something exhausting about that after a while. I found myself wanting to hear voices. — Brad Listi

Updates Quotes By Deyth Banger

I live with past called "DeYtH" ( a guy who is famous with cs 1.6 maps, mods, photoshop and e.t.c. and with my now "Mark Tven", you probably said "Oh,Oh I know this name this guy was a writer..." it's not taken the guy was called Mark Twain, I'm Tven, famous with awesome maps and interesting updates of cs 1.6 maps. To don't forget, I'm famous with my nick of past with writting. — Deyth Banger

Updates Quotes By Steven Magee

Historians will remember the first year of Microsoft Windows 10 for its willful vandalism of many computers through the release of a flawed operating system (OS) and mandatory flaky automatic updates. — Steven Magee

Updates Quotes By Aaron Hartzler

Given enough time, everything changes. Maybe this sense of how fragile our connections are is what makes us obsessed with saving them - writing them down, taking pictures, recording them in tweets, documenting them with status updates and videos. It is clear to me now that when the earth does move beneath our feet - when our hearts slam and scrape and break apart - when we barely survive the flood, we take precautions. We — Aaron Hartzler

Updates Quotes By Leopold Trepper

Week after week, the heads of Red Army Intelligence received updates on the Wehrmacht's preparations. — Leopold Trepper

Updates Quotes By E. Lockhart

Maybe a friend is someone who wants your updates. Even if they're boring. Or sad. Or annoyingly cutesy. A friend says "Sign me up for your boring crap, yes indeed"
because he likes you anyways. He'll tolerate your junk — E. Lockhart

Updates Quotes By Barton Gellman

A minimum precaution: keep your anti-malware protections up to date, and install security updates for all your software as soon as they arrive. — Barton Gellman

Updates Quotes By Kiera Cass

The calls are for updates and to see how her day went. The letters are for the things I can't always say out loud. — Kiera Cass

Updates Quotes By China Mieville

Sometimes I'd go to his house. If I had some cool cards in my pack of Iceberg Updates, we'd compare collections, maybe swap a few. — China Mieville

Updates Quotes By Arnold Mindell

Arya Maloney updates the basis and practice of transpersonal psychology by using the spiritual principles of India's masters and the transformational alchemy inherent in his clients' processes. His work is both enlightening and informative. — Arnold Mindell

Updates Quotes By Glenn Turner

There is one major problem with anti-virus software: It needs updating. Users cannot be relied upon to have even the anti-virus software in the first place, let alone be able or willing to pay for the updates. — Glenn Turner

Updates Quotes By Biz Stone

You curate information that you want to receive. It's a lot different because I'm not asking you if it's okay, I'm just saying I'm following your updates. That's why I don't think of Twitter as a social network. — Biz Stone

Updates Quotes By Jen Lancaster

If I were to run for president, then people would debate the pros and cons of what's wrong with me in increasingly aggressive 140 character tweets and Facebook status updates, and, inevitably, everyone would end up fighting. — Jen Lancaster

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

It is proper Netiquette to post pictures with status updates to make them more engaging. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By David Duchovny

There's two things I gotta do. One is, I gotta update my resume. And then, I have to call my mother. — David Duchovny

Updates Quotes By Brittany Cavallaro

But these - they weren't case updates so much as letters, the kind you wrote to someone you knew so well you could imagine them beside you, even when they were across an ocean, living out another life. — Brittany Cavallaro

Updates Quotes By Kate White

Inform your boss of your progress. Even if your boss isn't asking for in-person updates, send her periodic e-mails about the project. That way she can get a sense about whether there's any kind of problem you might not recognize, especially if you're new at the game. Better to have her course-correct than have the project later blow up in your face. — Kate White

Updates Quotes By Robert Duchnik

In my experience, requirements change quite often, or new situations will arise that weren't anticipated at the start of the project. If the situation can be addressed with a plugin, I just whip open the standalone plugin page, make the updates and pop the new plugin back in. Because the plugin is self-contained, it's easy to recreate the problem, fix it, and get it back into the codebase. — Robert Duchnik

Updates Quotes By Jay Asher

Josh turns to me. "I can't believe she's writing these things." "Not she," I say. "Me." "Why would anyone say this stuff about themselves on the Internet? It's crazy!" "Exactly," I say. "I'm going to be mentally ill in fifteen years, and that's why my husband doesn't want to be around me. — Jay Asher

Updates Quotes By Sophie Hannah

Poirot is a classic character from fiction, not a MacBook Air; he would not benefit from updates. — Sophie Hannah

Updates Quotes By Jessica Park

Julie swallowed. "Flat Finn is on Facebook?" She'd love to see those status updates. 'Got strapped to the roof of the car today for a trip to Starbucks. Would have loved to taste caramel mocha, but can't move arms and so was forced to stare longingly at delicious hot beverage. Will the taunting never end? — Jessica Park

Updates Quotes By Stieg Larsson

The media have the ability to attract the craziest people to call in perfectly absurd tips. Every newsroom in the world gets updates from UFOlogists, graphologists, scientologists, paranoiacs, and every sort of conspiracy theorist. — Stieg Larsson

Updates Quotes By Tristan MacManus

Twitter seems just to be constant updates; it seems to me as promotional tool where people talk themselves up, and I don't want it to take over what I'm doing. — Tristan MacManus

Updates Quotes By Ryan Holiday

Talkativeness is afraid of the silence which reveals its emptiness, Kierkegaard once said. Now you know why sharing, commenting, clicking, and participating are pushed so strongly by blogs and entertainment sites. They don't want silence. No wonder blogs auto refresh with new material every thirty seconds. Of course they want to send updates to your mobile phone and include you on e-mail alerts. If the users stops for even a second, they may see what is really going on. And then the business model would fall apart. — Ryan Holiday

Updates Quotes By David P. Perlmutter

If you have time for just three status updates a week, make one promotional, one funny or interesting (containing a picture or video) and one promoting somebody else. — David P. Perlmutter

Updates Quotes By Kresley Cole

Occasionally, he left the compound. I'd figured he must be out hunting, at least some of the time, but he hadn't returned with a new icon, and I'd heard nothing on Arcana Radio. Plus, Lark's laminated player list - the little twit actually did keep it on the fridge door - had had no updates since the Star.

Well, other than her scratching my title out and scribbling in "The Unclean One." Har. — Kresley Cole

Updates Quotes By Tim Cook

We're putting all of our energy into making it right. And we have already had several software updates. We've got a huge plan to make it even better. It will get better and better over time. We screwed up. That's the fact. — Tim Cook

Updates Quotes By John Jackson Miller

She eagerly showed him her updates - and he ignored her obvious disappointment as he just as quickly undid them, stripping away one safety practice after another. Toxic exposure was a small price to pay to meet the Emperor's quota. — John Jackson Miller

Updates Quotes By Ashlee Vance

You can see Musk's embrace of the car as lifestyle in Tesla's abandonment of model years. Tesla does not designate cars as being 2014s or 2015s, and it also doesn't have "all the 2014s in stock must go, go, go and make room for the new cars" sales. It produces the best Model S it can at the time, and that's what the customer receives. This means that Tesla does not develop and hold on to a bunch of new features over the course of the year and then unleash them in a new model all at once. It adds features one by one to the manufacturing line when they're ready. Some customers may be frustrated to miss out on a feature here and there. Tesla, however, manages to deliver most of the upgrades as software updates that everyone gets, providing current Model S owners with pleasant surprises. — Ashlee Vance

Updates Quotes By Austin Kleon

Social media sites are the perfect place to share daily updates. Don't worry about being on every platform; pick and choose based on what you do and the people you're trying to reach. — Austin Kleon

Updates Quotes By Rory Vaden

We're busy being busy. Distraction is a dangerously deceptive saboteur of our goals, because we are not present to how much time we lose. We're distracted by things like being in meetings or on conference calls, or we get on Facebook related to business and the updates of friends captivate our attention and an hour goes by before we wake up. — Rory Vaden

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

Updates are low quality if we lose more contacts than we gain. It's over posting if all we get is exposure. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By Matthew Yglesias

It's rare that you have a policy issue that can be solved by throwing more money at the problem, but the technology to make bus service more frequent and equip buses with GPS systems that provide real-time schedule updates to bus stops exists and operates in many parts of the world. We should be installing it in our major cities. — Matthew Yglesias

Updates Quotes By Keith Ferrazzi

The Web is no longer just about the present-that crazy driver or this delicious meal. As we share messages, photos and updates, we're building a data trail about our lives and histories online.We can now tell stories not just about what is happening today, but where we've been, what we've shared, and what might happen in the future. — Keith Ferrazzi

Updates Quotes By Brian Switek

Even now, the world's metamorphosis continues. It's at a rate that's practically impossible to detect with our own eyes, but it's happening. The scale of a human life - measured by the speed of Internet updates or the crawl of a working day - is ill suited to fit the dynamic nature of our planet and the fantastic organisms that continue to evolve here. — Brian Switek

Updates Quotes By LaToya Hankins

The road to hell may be paved with good intentions but the path to misery is cobbled with trying to live up to other people's status updatesLaToya Hankins

Updates Quotes By Marian Tee

like to see more of Vivian and Luca and maybe other Italian bachelors follow in Rafe's footsteps, too. ;) I'd love to write a new romantic adventure for Rafe and Ari, too (but is that allowed for Kindle Worlds? Mm..). Oh, and you can also write to me directly. I love hearing from readers. You can reach me via my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or you can also email me. A list of my works (arranged according to reading order) can be found here and you can also visit my author page on Amazon for book links. Lastly, for updates on my newest releases and exclusive excerpts for upcoming releases, please consider signing up for my newsletter. Thank you! — Marian Tee

Updates Quotes By David McKoy

Mac knocks on the door. After he updates Spider, he asks, "Do you have your weapon with you?"
"Yes, it's like my American Express card. I never leave home without it." Mac hears Spider lock and load the weapon. Reassured that Spider is going to be all right, he walks out the front door. — David McKoy

Updates Quotes By Prabal Gurung

I tweet myself and do all the Facebook updates. It started off with me wondering whether I was showing off and I was very careful about what I wrote. — Prabal Gurung

Updates Quotes By Austin Kleon

Stock and flow" is an economic concept that writer Robin Sloan has adapted into a metaphor for media: "Flow is the feed. It's the posts and the tweets. It's the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that remind people you exist. Stock is the durable stuff. It's the content you produce that's as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. — Austin Kleon

Updates Quotes By Haroutioun Bochnakian

Democracy is a continuous, open process of civility.
A democracy can never be "done"; updating democracy can never be over.

Democracy can be nothing else but a continuous process, because we use it to organize our life, and life is nothing but a continuous process.

Democracy can be compared to an operating system or an anti-virus software; if it does not get perpetually updated, it becomes obsolete very fast.

Trusting the updates or the "improvements" of democracy to the elected and the owned mass media is like trusting the updates of an anti-virus program to virus creators; it defeats the purpose of updates or improvements. — Haroutioun Bochnakian

Updates Quotes By LeVar Burton

I get most of my news updates from electronic and social media. — LeVar Burton

Updates Quotes By D.K. Segraves

The 2015 edition updates the 2013 edition with more than 40 pages of new content. — D.K. Segraves

Updates Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

The faux now of Twitter updates and things pinging at you - all the pulses from digitality that we try to keep up with because we sense that there's something going on that we need to tap into - are artifacts, or symptoms of living in this atemporal reality. And it's not any worse than living in the 'time is money' reality that we're leaving. — Douglas Rushkoff

Updates Quotes By Max Levchin

If I see what you're up to on Facebook but I don't see your updates on Flickr, I'll still care about Facebook. — Max Levchin

Updates Quotes By Meredith Gould

Christ has no online presence but yours, No blog, no Facebook page but yours, Yours are the tweets through which love touches this world, Yours are the posts through which the Gospel is shared, Yours are the updates through which hope is revealed. Christ has no online presence but yours, No blog, no Facebook page but yours. What we believe shapes how we relate to one another and interact with the world - wherever and however we relate and interact. You don't have to make too great a leap of faith or intellect to understand that by extension, what we believe provides a framework for using social media. — Meredith Gould

Updates Quotes By Bernard Kelvin Clive

You can't build a strong personal brand by just posting status updates ... people need more than that, they need valuable content, beyond updates and tweets. — Bernard Kelvin Clive

Updates Quotes By Fierce Dolan

Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates. — Fierce Dolan

Updates Quotes By Anonymous

No more Internet. No more social media, no more scrolling through litanies of dreams and nervous hopes and photographs of lunches, cries for help and expressions of contentment and relationship-status updates with heart icons whole or broken, plans to meet up later, pleas, complaints, desires, pictures of babies dressed as bears or peppers for Halloween. No more reading and commenting on the lives of others, and in so doing, feeling slightly less alone in the room. No more avatars. — Anonymous

Updates Quotes By Darynda Jones

Did you look at the memo?"
"What memo? We're getting memos now?"
"I sent a memo a week ago. I've been sending you a memo every week with a list of all the updates and my notes on all our cases for weeks now."
Holy cow. Missed the boat on that one. "Oh, those memos. I totally knew that."
"You're not even reading them, are you?"
"I thought they were optional."
Note to self: Stop making paper airplanes out of Cookie's memos. — Darynda Jones

Updates Quotes By Chelsea Clinton

Caricatured as navel-gazers, Millennials are said to live for their 'likes' and status updates. But the young people I know often leverage social media in selfless ways. — Chelsea Clinton

Updates Quotes By Laurence J. Peter

The computer may be incompetent in itself
that is, unable to do the work for which it was designed. This kind of incompetence can never be eliminated, because the Peter Principle applies in the plants where computers are designed and manufactured. — Laurence J. Peter

Updates Quotes By David Chiles

Good updates are nice, as a matter of netiquette. Bad ones are negative. — David Chiles

Updates Quotes By Scott Shay

The invention of "electronic ink" is just around the corner. This invention will enable the use of flexible paper-like devices to display electronic texts, thereby resolving the issue of using cumbersome, bulky electronic devices such as laptops and PDAs. Some day not so far in the future you will be able to carry around a newspaper in your briefcase that constantly updates itself wirelessly via the Internet. You will be able to carry a small "book" in your book bag that can call up the text not only for all of your classes in school, but also every book ever published (or at least digitized). Imagine - the entire Library of Congress in your book bag. — Scott Shay

Updates Quotes By Kim Stolz

for approximately forty-eight hours. In bed, Kate went through her nightly Facebook routine - reading through her news feed, allowing her mind to wander the endless tangents of mutual friends' photos and wall updates. Then — Kim Stolz

Updates Quotes By John William Tuohy

A few days after I began my short story, I returned to his desk and handed him my updates. He pushed his wire-rimmed reading glasses way down on his nose and focused on the two pages. "Okay, you got a beginning; you got yourself a middle and an end. You got a wing-dinger opening line. But you don't have an establishing paragraph. Do you know what that is?"
He didn't wait for me to answer.
"It's kinda like an outdated road map for the reader," he said. "It gives the reader a general idea of where you're taking him, but doesn't tell him exactly how you intend to get there, which is all he needs to know. — John William Tuohy

Updates Quotes By David Hahn

Marketers can target Sponsored Updates to any segment of our premium audience based on professional profile data across more than 225 million members. — David Hahn

Updates Quotes By Suzanne Collins

Updates from Coin about the nature of the bombs. Certainly, the war is still being waged, but as to its status, we're in the — Suzanne Collins

Updates Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

When I think about, say, 1995, or whever the last moment was before most of us were on the internet and had mobile phones, it seems like a hundred years ago ... Time passed in fairly large units, or at least not in milliseconds and constant updates. A few hours wasn't such a long time to go between moments of contact with your work, your people or your trivia. — Rebecca Solnit

Updates Quotes By Stephen Elop

I know there's been questions about-so how long does that continue-and we've now been very clear about that, that software updates to Symbian devices are expected until at least 2016. So there's a long history still to be paved for Symbian in the future. — Stephen Elop

Updates Quotes By Jose Ferreira

We know everything about what you know and how you learn best because we get so much data. And education is the highest-stakes media product in your life. It's infinitely more important than your Facebook friends' status updates or your Google search results because it's your future. — Jose Ferreira

Updates Quotes By Casey Neistat

I don't keep an ongoing dribble of updates of my day, but I tell little compartmentalized stories every day on Snapchat. I use it much more like making a movie than maintaining a diary. When people watch my 60-second clips, there's a beginning, middle, and end. — Casey Neistat

Updates Quotes By Kevin Mitnick

You can't go to Windows Update and get a patch for stupidity. — Kevin Mitnick