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Types Of Guys Quotes & Sayings

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Top Types Of Guys Quotes

Types Of Guys Quotes By Forest Whitaker

I like to play complex characters and the duality, and trying to reach for the light, it's more interesting really. I've gotten to play so many types of guys and I just try to find the humanity in each one of them the best I can. — Forest Whitaker

Types Of Guys Quotes By Kimora Lee Simmons

I tell young girls all the time: "Go for the guys who are more serious, distinguished". The hot-model types, they're too pretty, and too wet behind the ears. Besides, do you want a guy who takes longer to get ready than you? — Kimora Lee Simmons

Types Of Guys Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

One who has been stung by a spider should not go out and kill bees. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Types Of Guys Quotes By William Poundstone

In The Tricky Art of Co-Existing, Sandi Toksvig navigates life's little dilemmas with wit and not-so-common sense. You'll learn the strange history of common courtesy and the one true secret of social success: how to not drive everyone around you crazy. — William Poundstone

Types Of Guys Quotes By Mark Wilson

from the head honcho to the person who scraped shit from the toilets. He always saw the individual person rather than the job. There were only two types of people that mattered for Tom. Good guys and wanks. That was the only measure he took of anyone. — Mark Wilson

Types Of Guys Quotes By Allen Iverson

My whole thing was, just being me. Now, you look around the NBA and all of them have tattoos, guys wearing cornrows. Now you see the police officers with the cornrows. I took a beating for those types of things. — Allen Iverson

Types Of Guys Quotes By Ben Schwartz

I love the idea of doing totally different types of guys for different projects. I love that I get to do this. It's so fun. — Ben Schwartz

Types Of Guys Quotes By Michael Lee-Chin

My first playpen was a cardboard box. — Michael Lee-Chin

Types Of Guys Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

It would be nice to think that the menacing aspects of North Korea were for display also, that the bombs and reactors were Potemkin showcases or bargaining chips. On the plane from Beijing I met a group of unsmiling Texan types wearing baseball caps. They were the 'in-country' team from the International Atomic Energy Agency, there to inspect and neutralize North Korea's plutonium rods. Not a nice job, but, as they say, someone has to do it. Speaking of the most controversial reactor at Yongbyon, one of the guys said, 'No sweat. She's shut down now.' Nice to know. But then, so is the rest of North Korean society shut down - animation suspended, all dead quiet on the set, endlessly awaiting not action (we hope) or even cameras, but light. — Christopher Hitchens

Types Of Guys Quotes By Justin Timberlake

The thing is that my idols have always been the types of guys who could do anything: Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Sinatra, Dean Martin; and when you look up to people like that, you don't accept that you need to be compartmentalised. — Justin Timberlake

Types Of Guys Quotes By Adam Selzer

A long time ago, Trinity and I made a list of types of guys you should never date. We add to it every now and then. It includes things like never date a guy whose computer costs more than his car (you'll never get him to pay attention to you except over instant messages), never date a guy who has a pet lizard (he's probably into weird stuff in bed) and never under any circumstances go on a second date with a guy who says the word "married" on the first date (he'll turn out to be a mama's boy or a religious type) — Adam Selzer

Types Of Guys Quotes By William Faulkner

I decline to accept the end of man ... I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among the creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail. — William Faulkner

Types Of Guys Quotes By Megan Fox

I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I'm attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He's usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut, nice guys. So it's strange. — Megan Fox

Types Of Guys Quotes By Avi

In my books I try to tell a good story, not give messages. — Avi

Types Of Guys Quotes By Leon Bridges

I'm coming from a Ginuwine and Usher background: slow and smooth songs. And that's why I really connected to Sam Cooke, because he was just very smooth. It's not like the James Brown types, which is all great stuff, but he was totally set apart from those guys. — Leon Bridges

Types Of Guys Quotes By Dakota Fanning

I think that when you're in the public eye, you automatically become a role model, because people are reading about you and looking at pictures of stuff you've done. But, you know, no one's perfect, everyone makes mistakes. I have made mistakes and I will make mistakes. I'm only human. — Dakota Fanning

Types Of Guys Quotes By Tate Donovan

When I was growing up, it was so embarrassing to be from Jersey. — Tate Donovan

Types Of Guys Quotes By Marty Rubin

I fear gratuitous censorship more than gratuitous violence. — Marty Rubin

Types Of Guys Quotes By George Pelecanos

My name recognition has opened doors on the research side. I used to go into crack houses and drug markets and really bad neighborhoods by myself, routinely, and hang out. Sometimes I still do, because I don't want to attract attention. But lately, I've been riding with cops and gaining access to other types of law, like the ATF guys, just because of my name. I guess it's a smarter way to work. — George Pelecanos

Types Of Guys Quotes By Brent Jones

See, you've got to understand, son. There's two types of guys in this world. There's guys . . . who think they're in control, and guys like us who live in the moment. Who accept life as it is. — Brent Jones

Types Of Guys Quotes By Marcus Samuelsson

I've been lucky to travel and work all over the world through the lens of the back of the house, and I love that monocle. I love that lens, because it's real people. — Marcus Samuelsson

Types Of Guys Quotes By Michael Jai White

I love the movie 'Taken,' but the dialogue in the beginning of that movie is hilarious. They're talking, these commando types, and there's dialogue like, 'Hopefully your daughter appreciates what you're doing for her. Does she know that you're doing it?' What guys talk like this? — Michael Jai White

Types Of Guys Quotes By Jennie Allen

I am a human, and we humans arrive with "screwed up" on our foreheads. We come that way, but somewhere between toddlerhood and being a grown-up we learn to wipe off our forehead signs. Sit up straight. To be good. But before God I am no different from these men. My forehead is clean my soul certainly is not. That day on an old, beat-up sofa with some old, beat up guys, I rethought the things of value to people and the types of people I've valued, and I realized that God shown more through those accused and hurting men then than in me. — Jennie Allen

Types Of Guys Quotes By Elmore Leonard

The bad guys are the fun guys. The only people I have trouble with are the so-called normal types. Their language isn't very colorful, and they don't talk with any certain sound. — Elmore Leonard

Types Of Guys Quotes By George Tillman Jr.

These guys at Fox knew that as a filmmaker, I could always tell different types of stories and each can emotionally connect to a universal audience. — George Tillman Jr.

Types Of Guys Quotes By Maj Sjowall

There are lots of good cops around. Dumb guys who are good cops. Inflexible, limited, tough, self-satisfied types who are all good cops. It would be better if there were a few more good guys who were cops." His — Maj Sjowall

Types Of Guys Quotes By J. R. Bourne

I don't mind playing bad guys, but I love having the opportunity to play all different types of characters. — J. R. Bourne

Types Of Guys Quotes By Deyth Banger

Most people which died poor or rich or other types of people knew something they written it and in the near future when they revive they will somehow reach to this knowledge and will start looking from this view... — Deyth Banger

Types Of Guys Quotes By John Leguizamo

It used to be trained professionals doing animation and they were great. Now they have celebrities and famous actors doing the voices, but that does not always work. But I think this film turned out really well, partly because the three of us (me, Ray and Denis) are comedians who are used to doing solo acts and doing certain types of voices. The three of us are New York guys, we all came up the same way in the profession and we are all edgy and enjoy doing family movies. It was a good combination I think. — John Leguizamo

Types Of Guys Quotes By Anna Kendrick

I've never really gone for the razzle-dazzle types: no quarterbacks, no flashy guys, and no Prince Charmings. — Anna Kendrick

Types Of Guys Quotes By Ilona Andrews

In my experience, the ex-military guys came in two types. The first grew long hair, sprouted beards, and indulged in all the things they hadn't been able do while they'd been in the armed forces. The second did their best to pretend they never got out. — Ilona Andrews

Types Of Guys Quotes By Christian Rudder

Women are much more discriminating. I think both types of people are equally interested in having an attractive partner. But women essentially give the thumbs up to only half as many guys as guys giving the thumbs up to women. — Christian Rudder

Types Of Guys Quotes By H.L. Mencken

Metaphysics is almost always an attempt to prove the incredible by an appeal to the unintelligible. — H.L. Mencken

Types Of Guys Quotes By Pete Hautman

Guys have four personalities: the one they use with their parents, the one they use around other adults, the one they use for talking to girls, and the one they use for hanging with their friends. Leakage between the various personality types can cause serious problems. — Pete Hautman

Types Of Guys Quotes By Sarah Ockler

He loved to read. He loved words, the way they string together into sentences and stories. He wanted to study them, to know and create them, to share them with the world. — Sarah Ockler

Types Of Guys Quotes By John Green

Not to sound like a jerk, but Jane isn't really my type. Her hair's kinda disastrously curly and she mostly hangs out with guys. My type's a little girlier. And honestly, I don't even like my type of girl that much, let alone other types. Not that I'm asexual or something - I just find Romance Drama unbearable. — John Green

Types Of Guys Quotes By Kristen Ashley

In my experience, there were two types of guys. One type asked you every five minutes what was on your mind and then got pissy when you didn't feel like sharing. The other type never asked and you got pissy when they didn't seem to care. — Kristen Ashley