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Trump S Quotes & Sayings

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Top Trump S Quotes

Trump S Quotes By Don Gonyea

I talked to some of Donald Trump supporters and they, say, yeah, sometimes he makes me cringe, but I still like him, and I still think he's the right thing for America. — Don Gonyea

Trump S Quotes By Ivanka Trump

Life is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about taking a bigger-picture approach. — Ivanka Trump

Trump S Quotes By Rod Dreher

Though Donald Trump won the presidency in part with the strong support of Catholics and Evangelicals, the idea that someone as robustly vulgar, fiercely combative, and morally compromised as Trump will be an avatar for the restoration of Christian morality and social unity is beyond delusional. He is not a solution to the problem of America's cultural decline, but a symptom of it. The — Rod Dreher

Trump S Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Remember, the conventional wisdom is, "Yeah, you can do this like [Donald] Trump has done it during the primaries, buuuut once you get to the general, it's not about national votes. It's about states! It's about swing states. It's about battleground states. And you've gotta have targeted expenditures, great ads running against your opponent in those swing states." — Rush Limbaugh

Trump S Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

The more outlandish things he said, the deeper the connection. Well, [Donald] Trump has that. That's why I don't think they can destroy Trump the way that they're trying to destroy Trump over this thing in Scotland today. This is a perfect example. — Rush Limbaugh

Trump S Quotes By Carly Fiorina

Donald Trump is a big Christmas gift wrapped under the tree for Hillary Clinton. She desperately hopes she runs against Donald Trump. I, however, am the lump of coal in Mrs. Clinton's stocking, and she desperately hopes she does not run against me. — Carly Fiorina

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump Jr.

I say that in jest a little bit, but Donald Trump is a blue collar guy with a balance sheet. That's the way he likes to have fun. — Donald Trump Jr.

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

The people have an incentive to spend wisely. So the health care savings accounts are such a good thing. It's such a good idea. And it's time for it. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Dalia Mogahed

I don't think there's any clever way for the establishment to take Donald Trump down. It's very simple. Another candidate is going to have to find a way either to out-maneuver him, or to just frankly beat him in the argument. — Dalia Mogahed

Trump S Quotes By Bill Maher

New Rule: Conspiracy theorists who are claiming that we didn't really kill Bin Laden must be reminded that they didn't think he did the crime in the first place. Come on, nutjobs, keep your bullshit straight: The towers were brought down in a controlled demolition by George W. Bush to distract attention from Hawaii, where CIA operatives were planting phony birth records so that a Kenyan named Barack Obama could someday rise to power and pretend to take out the guy we pretended took out the Towers. And I know that's true because I just got it in an e-mail from Trump. — Bill Maher

Trump S Quotes By Erick Erickson

I don't think Trump's a conservative, I'm certainly not going to support him. — Erick Erickson

Trump S Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Some Trumpsters asked me if it was really a problem that Trump doesn't have money to run commercials now. And I said he doesn't have the money, just doesn't have the money. "That's not good. He needs to be running commercials." — Rush Limbaugh

Trump S Quotes By Kathie Lee Gifford

Mom thinks I live in this dream world where everybody's Ivana Trump. — Kathie Lee Gifford

Trump S Quotes By Alastair Campbell

All of this is happening because there has still been no reckoning post the financial crisis. So governments have fallen, one bloke has been to prison, the banks have gone pretty well back to status quo, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. And it's fuelling anger. And somehow [Donald] Trump, who represents the worst aspects of capitalism, has persuaded people he can deal with that. — Alastair Campbell

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Be careful with whom you associate. Loser's rub off! — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Dahlia Lithwick

For the most part, much of the legal world's attention has been focused on Donald Trump and his attacks on Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge who is currently presiding over the Trump University fraud cases in California. Trump somehow managed to offend surprising numbers of establishment Republicans. — Dahlia Lithwick

Trump S Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

You can go out and you can run ads all day long on Donald Trump and what he says about women, and you haven't even gotten close to separating his supporters from him, 'cause that's not why they're there. — Rush Limbaugh

Trump S Quotes By Ivanka Trump

Know what you want to achieve prior to starting to negotiate. It's the golden rule but the one most people fail to heed. Without a plan, you allow the opposing party to define your goals instead of the other way around. — Ivanka Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I don't like what's going on with voter ID. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

If you start getting involved with government on, this one gets this pay and this one gets that pay, then you say, where does it all start? Because you could have a woman that's much better than a man; you could have a woman that's not as good as a man. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Bernie Sanders

I think in terms of who can be trusted, I think the evidence is clear that there has been no candidate that I have ever seen who lies more often than does Donald Trump. I mean and that's just not me saying it, that's what any independent media analysis has shown. So in terms of trust, you really can't trust a word, I think, that Mr. Trump has to say. — Bernie Sanders

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Marco Rubio, as an example, he's got no money, zero.I think that's fine, that's OK, maybe it's good politically to say you owe money because you overborrowed on your credit cards. He's got nothing. I mean, he's got nothing. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Cory Booker

I thought that Donald Trump's ascendancy would end when he attacked John McCain, saying he's not a war hero. I found that shocking, for him to say that. — Cory Booker

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

In the Middle East, we have people chopping the heads off Christians, we have people chopping the heads off many other people. We have things that we have never seen before - as a group, we have never seen before, what's happening right now.The medieval times - I mean, we studied medieval times - not since medieval times have people seen what's going on. I would bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Ivana Trump

As you get older, your tastes get simpler. I like a sleek evening dress with a pair of big earrings. That's all. — Ivana Trump

Trump S Quotes By Noam Chomsky

Well, in fact if you look at the Trump voters, you take a look at their attitudes it's not all that different. In some respects they're similar. They're an older version of the Sanders people. So a lot of it is racist and you have that sort of thing, but if you look at their views on say health, education, and so on, it's kind of the same as Sanders. — Noam Chomsky

Trump S Quotes By Ivanka Trump

My father represents a very interesting challenge to the Republican party. I think this is taking people by surprise. (But) I think that's why he's so welcomed by the American voters, because they want somebody who says what they are thinking. — Ivanka Trump

Trump S Quotes By Bernie Sanders

I'm interested in - in that his power, if that is the word, is such that he has actually been able to be in a way a one-man wrecking crew in the area of deportment and how one proceeds politically on the stump. Marco Rubio is - is attempting, as you know, to a - to give [Donald] Trump a fight in Trump's own style. I'm not sure how that works, but - but certainly the indices are good. — Bernie Sanders

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Somebody said on television, somebody said last night on television: Nobody has gotten rich betting against Donald Trump. That's in my lifetime. That's not just for this election cycle. I went in, and people said: "He's not gonna run." I've gone through this with you. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Mitt Romney

Donald Trump talks about how he's not going to be controlled by the moneyed interests. Do people understand that he's not giving money to his campaign, he's loaning it because he expects to get money back from those same big donors he decries right now? He's planning on running a general election based upon raising money from those very people. — Mitt Romney

Trump S Quotes By Conan O'Brien

Mexico's No. 1 drug lord has escaped from prison and may be headed to the U.S. So Donald Trump was wrong. They ARE sending us their best. — Conan O'Brien

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

You have to love what you do. Without passion, great success is hard to come by. An entrepreneur will have tough times if he or she isn't passionate about what they're doing. People who love what they're doing don't give up. It's never even a consideration. It's a pretty simple formula. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

What I hate about Halle Berry is there's always drama around her. It's always fighting, automobile accidents, fistfights, boyfriends fighting ex-husbands for the child. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Getting things done in this country, if you want to build something, if you want to start a company, it's getting to be virtually impossible with all of the bureaucracy and all of the approvals. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I'll tell you that - like "Obama care" is an example. It's going to die of its own weight, but we have to kill it sooner. It's going to die of its own weight. You know, in '17, it's so astronomical and so expensive. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Markets always change, and as soon as there's downturn, cleanliness becomes a major value. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Trent Lott

I understand what's going on in people's minds, and I think the political leaders better be asking themselves 'why is it, that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and maybe even others are having the impact that they are having?' — Trent Lott

Trump S Quotes By Donald J. Trump

The successful entrepreneur's unique ability to turn trying times into triumphs. — Donald J. Trump

Trump S Quotes By Gloria Steinem

priests dressed in skirts try to trump women's birth-giving power by baptizing with imitation birth fluid, calling us reborn, and going women one better by promising everlasting life. Indeed, — Gloria Steinem

Trump S Quotes By James Brokenshire

We've also had comments in relation to Donald Trump's comments in respect of investment in Scotland- the UK government has never given Mr Trump awards or appointments. — James Brokenshire

Trump S Quotes By Nicholas Kristof

For all Trump's criticisms of government, his family wealth came from feeding at the government trough. His father, Fred Trump, leveraged government housing programs into a construction business; the empire was founded on public money. — Nicholas Kristof

Trump S Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

This is what happens in politics. The establishment doesn't like Ted Cruz either. It's not just [Donald] Trump. That's because he is who he is. He is conservative. He does want to get government out of people's lives and that - we can't have that in the establishment. — Rush Limbaugh

Trump S Quotes By Ivanka Trump

Divorce is never a nice thing, but it's very easy to take family for granted, and when there's a divorce, you don't take things for granted so much. — Ivanka Trump

Trump S Quotes By Anthony Robbins

Contrary to popular wisdom, knowledge is not power - it's potential power. Knowledge is not mastery. Execution is mastery. Execution will trump knowledge every day of the week. — Anthony Robbins

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I love producing children. It's fun! I don't like taking care of children, but I love producing children. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald J. Trump

One of the problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow. There are people - I categorize them as life's losers - who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others. As far as I'm concerned, if they had any real ability they wouldn't be fighting me, they'd be doing something constructive themselves. — Donald J. Trump

Trump S Quotes By Joy-Ann Reid

Donald Trump is actually doing what Bernie Sanders was billed as doing. He's doing new voters into the process. — Joy-Ann Reid

Trump S Quotes By Carly Fiorina

There are kind of four people up at the top, [Donald] Trump,[Marco] Rubio,[Ted] Cruz,[Ben] Carson, and then there's me and about three governors. I'm perfectly happy with that position right now, honestly, because when I started this race, I was 17 out of 16. The pollsters didn't even ask my name, because so few people knew me. — Carly Fiorina

Trump S Quotes By Anonymous

The Steyer brothers deplore the Koch brothers' big-money contributions, as they seek to trump them. That the formers' money in part derives from coal investments matters little given their green intentions. The media are furious over rumor-mongering about Hillary Clinton's health, but that is an ad hoc concern, not one born of principle about leaving the private health issues of public figures alone, given that they not long ago gladly trafficked in sick rumors about Sarah Palin's supposed faked pregnancy. — Anonymous

Trump S Quotes By Max Lucado

I would not have said anything about Mr. Trump, never - I would never have said anything if he didn't call himself a Christian. It'd be none of my business whatsoever to make any comments about his language, his vulgarities, his slander of people, but I was deeply troubled ... that here's a man who holds up a Bible one day, and calls a lady "bimbo" the next. — Max Lucado

Trump S Quotes By Hillary Clinton

When Donald Trump says, "Let's make America great again," that is code for let's take America backward. Back to a time when opportunity and dignity were reserved for some, not all. Back to the days when abortion was illegal, women had far fewer options, and life for too many women and girls was limited. Well, Donald, those days are over. — Hillary Clinton

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

We're going to come up with a great healthcare plan, whether it's healthcare savings accounts, we have a lot of different things. We're going to get rid of the lines between states, we're going to have great competitive bidding. But I say all the time, you can call it anything you want. People are not going to die in the middle of the street. People are not going to die on the sidewalk if I'm president, okay? — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

She's [Hillary Clinton] been there for 30 years. She's not going to change. Because you look at her donors. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

All people express a fondness for truth and sincerity, yet many people prefer to live with their illusions and delusions. A person's sincere desire to believe only what is true oftentimes does not trump their ingrained resistance to truths that fail to coincide with their deeply held desires. People reject truth because it undercuts what they wish was true and despise or discredit anyone whom offers a different version of truth than they are prepared to accept. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Trump S Quotes By Marco Rubio

Donald Trump has the benefit of the fact that he's dominated media coverage, I mean, literally dominated media coverage because of the outrageous things he says and so forth.That's going to end here. There's going to be real fight now for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and the conservative movement. And it is not - I will do whatever it takes to prevent it from being taken over by a con artist. — Marco Rubio

Trump S Quotes By Jeff Sessions

This is a critical time in American history. [Donald's Trump] strength is willingness to stand up to political conventions, take on Republican and Democrat leaders, and, in effect, do so in defense of the legitimate interest of people who make less than median income in America, is the key to victory. — Jeff Sessions

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I'm a believer in the polls, by the way. Rarely do you see a poll that's very far off. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Everybody has their detractors. Some people say arrogance, or whatever they may say. I only have one thing in mind, and that's doing a great job for the country. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

You look at what happened to the priest over the weekend in Paris, where his throat was cut, 85-year-old, beloved Catholic priest. You look at what happened in Nice, France, a couple of weeks ago.I would say, you gotta take a look that, because something is going on, and it's not good. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Fortunately in Libya, there's only a few cities on the coast, because most of Libya is a desert. The fact of the matter is, we absolutely have to be - and not just with special forces - I mean, that's not going to work. Come on, you've got to go back to the invasion, when we pushed Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. We have to be there on the ground in significant numbers. We do have to include our Muslim Arab friends to work with us on that. And we have to be in the air. And we - it should be a broad coalition made up of the kinds of people that were involved when we defeated Saddam. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Jeff Sessions

I think Donald Trump is moving to - and will continue to move to the economic argument, as to why what he's doing is - represents a commitment to stand up to big business, to international corporations who favor more immigration and lower wages - that's what they favor - and a defense of the interest of the American people who go to work every day. — Jeff Sessions

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Iran is now the dominant Islamic power in the Middle East, and on the road to nuclear weapons. Hillary Clinton's support for violent regime change in Syria has thrown the country into one of the bloodiest civil wars anyone has ever seen - while giving ISIS a launching pad for terrorism against the West. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Jimmy Fallon

Donald Trump's not backing down. Yesterday he said he doesn't need to be lectured by the other Republican candidates, who he says have no business running for president. Not to be confused with Donald Trump, who ran for president and now has no business. — Jimmy Fallon

Trump S Quotes By Jeff Sessions

It's perfectly reasonable and responsible policy for any nation to maintain its sovereignty, to protect its borders. And [Donald] Trump does not believe in ending immigration. He's never proposed that. — Jeff Sessions

Trump S Quotes By I.M. Savage

Bereft of vision to guide the city's citizens forward, he could only draw them inward and backward, to encourage them to fight over imagined foes and manufactured hurt. — I.M. Savage

Trump S Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

Let's say Donald Trump loses but it's close. That could change the whole way the job of being a politician shifts - that to succeed in politics, you have to be a caricature of what a politician is supposed to be like. — Chuck Klosterman

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

So Bush certainly wasn't the greatest, and Obama has not done the job. And he's created a lot of disincentive. He's created a lot of great dissatisfaction. Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Ted Cruz

On domestic policy, Donald Trump agreed with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Wall Street bailout, the TARP bailout of big bank. I think the government ought to be standing with mainstream, with working men and women. And then you put on top of that the ethical issues, whether it is refusing to release his taxes. And that's a real problem. — Ted Cruz

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

We're going to have a lot of different options. Right now you have no options. You know why? Because the insurance company controlled Obama because they gave him a lot of money. That's why you have lines around the states. And you can't get competitive bidding. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Well the thinking is we have the highest tax rate in the world. In the entire world, we have the highest tax rate. There's gridlock in Washington because there's no leadership. So what I'm doing is a large tax cut especially for the middle class and they're gonna- we're going to have a dynamic country. We're going to have dynamic economics. And it's going to be something really special. And people are going back to work. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump Jr.

I don't know if it's genetic or just because I was surrounded by it, but I was always fascinated with building and construction and development. — Donald Trump Jr.

Trump S Quotes By Don Gonyea

Donald Trump very confident in his standing with his supporters and one who could do and say anything and have it not affect him. It's like he's the ultimate Teflon candidate if he feels like he can say things like that at a rally. — Don Gonyea

Trump S Quotes By Sacha Baron Cohen

Don't listen to me. I'm not a politician. I know nothing about politics. But people are cheering when something very bad happens to him [Donald Trump]. So that's got to make you think before voting for him. — Sacha Baron Cohen

Trump S Quotes By David Souter

If speech always wins, even if it's an atomic secret that's going to be broadcast to our enemies, it's easy to make a decision. Speech always wins. But it doesn't ... Liberty doesn't always trump equality or equality always trump liberty. — David Souter

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Do you believe that Deborah Wasserman Schultz, she looks just as happy as Bernie [Sanders] did. She's now hired by [Hillary] Clinton. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. 'You're fired' is a very strong term. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Sarah Palin

I have the good fortune of knowing both John McCain and Donald Trump well, both men have more in common than the today's media hype would have you believe. Both blazed trails in their careers and love our great nation. — Sarah Palin

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I'm worth far too much money. I don't need anybody's money. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Amanda Craig

They might watch American movies, wear American clothes, even read American books but Bush and the Iraq War have made actual American people social lepers; she only has to open her mouth in some places to feel a wave of loathing directed at her. Katie is weary of pointing out that at least half her countrymen detest their President even more than Europe does, but it's no good. — Amanda Craig

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I have lost weight because my events are so exciting. When I'm done I don't want to eat.But I could see how it could go the other way for some people. That's only because their events are boring. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Joyce Carol Oates

For that was mom's trump card: she was the mother, and so possessed a mysterious and unquestioned authority. Dad was the boss, but Mom was the power. — Joyce Carol Oates

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Well, my plan, actually Larry Kudlow, who's a fantastic guy, I think likes my plan the most. I'm cutting taxes by about the most. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I would say, we have had a lot of problems with radical Islamic terrorism, that's what I'd say. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Cory Booker

It's not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. — Cory Booker

Trump S Quotes By Max Lucado

My concern is that somebody would make a decision against Christianity because of Mr. Trump's behavior. — Max Lucado

Trump S Quotes By Mike Pence

It's time for us to come together, time for us to come together around this good man [Donald Trump]. — Mike Pence

Trump S Quotes By Marco Rubio

His [Donald trump] views on Vladimir Putin, I think, are troubling. And I don't think he fundamentally understands exactly who Vladimir Putin is or exactly what he's trying to do. So, these are the kinds of things that I think in detail you need to begin to understand. — Marco Rubio

Trump S Quotes By Jill Stein

I will not sleep fine if Donald Trump wins and I will not sleep fine is Hillary Clinton wins. Whether you are looking at nuclear weapons, whether you are looking at expanding wars and their blowback, which will not stop as long as those wars continue to expand, or whether you're looking at the climate, in my view, we have no choice. This is an existential moment. We are deciding not only what kind of world we will have, but whether we will have a world or not. I think it's very important to get outside this box that tells us we are powerless, when in fact, we are powerful. — Jill Stein

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

The last few months of George Bush's presidency brought Obama and nobody can be happy about that. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I really like Barack Obama. I think that he's working very hard. He's trying to rebuild our reputation throughout the world. The previous administration was a total disaster, a total catastrophe. He was handed a pretty bad deck of cards. And I'm not saying I agree with everything he's doing. He's a champion. I mean, he won against all odds. When he first announced, people were giving him virtually no chance. And he's just done something that's amazing. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

When I tell somebody to do something I'm not going to get a lobbyist calling me the next day to say please don't do that even though it's good for America. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

Somebody said, well, it wouldn't have been any different. Well, it would have been. I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I'm extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those families would have - I doubt that those people would have been in the country. So there's a good chance that those people would not have been in our country. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Joseph Conrad

The unchanging Man of history is wonderfully adaptable cloth by his power of endurance and in his capacity for detachment. The fact seems to be that the play of his destiny is too great for his fears and too mysterious for his understanding. Were the trump of the Last Judgement to sound suddenly on a working day the musician at his piano would go on with his performance of Beethoven's Sonata and the cobbler at his stall stick to his last in undisturbed confidence in the virtues of the leather. And with perfect propriety. For what are we to let ourselves be disturbed by an angel's vengeful music too mighty for our ears and too awful for our terrors ? Thus it happens to us to be struck suddenly by the lightning of wrath. The reader will go on reading if the book pleases him and the critic will go on criticizing with that faculty of detachment born perhaps from a sense of infinite littleness and wich is yet the only faculty that seems to assimilate man to the immortal gods. — Joseph Conrad

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

We're the highest taxed in the world, we're the highest taxed country right now, and it's not even close. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay. And the reason they're going to pay and the way they're going to pay, Bob, is this. We have a trade deficit now with Mexico of $58 billion a year. The wall is going to cost $10 billion a year. That's what it's going to cost. It's going to be a powerful wall. It's going to cost $10 billion. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's [Clinton] people had something to do with putting them on these evenings because that's what she did to Bernie Sanders. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

As far as being a Republican is concerned, I come from a place, New York City, which is virtually, I mean, it is almost exclusively Democrat. And I have really started to see some of the negatives - as an example, and I have a lot of liking for this man, but the last number of months of his brother's administration were a catastrophe. And unfortunately, those few months gave us President Obama. And you can't be happy about that. — Donald Trump

Trump S Quotes By Jeb Bush

Donald [Trump], you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. That's not going to happen. — Jeb Bush

Trump S Quotes By Donald Trump

I get ratings but I don't do interviews for those people anymore. I don't watch CNN anymore. I don't do interviews with CNN anymore because its not worth it. It's very biased against me. — Donald Trump