Famous Quotes & Sayings

Tlesna Quotes & Sayings

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Top Tlesna Quotes

Tlesna Quotes By Jane Swisshelm

As our boys and men are all expecting to be Presidents, so our girls and women must all hold themselves in readiness to preside inthe White House; and in no city in the world can honest industry be more at a discount than in this capital of the government of the people. — Jane Swisshelm

Tlesna Quotes By Joseph Raffael

I have learned from nature that all is equal ... all is equal and in balance. I see everything as fitting together. — Joseph Raffael

Tlesna Quotes By Felix Dennis

Money is color-blind, race-blind, sex-blind, degree-blind, and couldn't care less who brought you up or in what circumstances. — Felix Dennis

Tlesna Quotes By Anonymous

Birth is but the beginning of a trajectory to death; for all their love, parents cannot halt it and in a sense have "given us to death" merely by giving us birth. — Anonymous

Tlesna Quotes By T.R. Richmond

I rarely read newspapers. There's more truth in a decent novel. — T.R. Richmond

Tlesna Quotes By Jean-Jacques Rousseau

That which renders life burdensome to us generally arises from the abuse of it. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Tlesna Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

What is good? All that enhances the feeling of power, the Will to Power, and the power itself in man. What is bad? All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is increasing
that resistance has been overcome. Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but competence. The first principle of our humanism: The weak and the failures shall perish. They ought even to be helped to perish. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Tlesna Quotes By Ivan Lendl

Tennis is basically a game where you try to create an opportunity for yourself to finish the point, because you can't wait for the opponent to miss anymore. Well, if you create an opportunity and don't take advantage of it, you let the opponent back to even, then you are just starting the point over, so you have to take advantage of them. — Ivan Lendl