Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Tickles

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Top Tickles Quotes

Tickles Quotes By C.S. Lewis

I am progressing along the path of life in my ordinary contentedly fallen and godless condition, absorbed in a merry meeting with my friends for the morrow or a bit of work that tickles my vanity today, a holiday or a new book, when suddenly a stab of abdominal pain that threatens serious disease, or a headline in the newspapers that threatens us all with destruction, sends this whole pack of cards tumbling down. At first I am overwhelmed, and all my little happinesses look like broken toys. Then, slowly and reluctantly, bit by bit, I try to bring myself into the frame of mind that I should be in at all times. I remind myself that all these toys were never intended to possess my heart, that my true good is in another world, and my only real treasure is Christ. And perhaps, by God's grace, I succeed, and for a day or two become a creature consciously dependent on God and drawing its strength from the right sources. — C.S. Lewis

Tickles Quotes By Paul Whiteman

Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul. — Paul Whiteman

Tickles Quotes By Darrell Calkins

Love has an enormous spectrum of expression and impact. At the far end, it begins to unravel and move away from subjective experience and personal preference. It becomes pure intent, something that no longer tickles our desires, but fulfills the deeper needs of each circumstance we're in. — Darrell Calkins

Tickles Quotes By Michel De Montaigne

I once took pleasure some place in seeing men, through piety, take a vow of ignorance, as of chastity, poverty, penitence. It is also castrating our disorderly appetites, to blunt that cupidity that pricks us on to the study of books, and to deprive the soul of that voluptuous complacency which tickles us with the notion of being learned. — Michel De Montaigne

Tickles Quotes By Katie McGarry

Noah propped himself up on his elbow, his wicked grin in place. "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to see you on this bed?"
"Nope." The hem of my sweater rode up from our fall, exposing my belly button. Noah traced circles onto the skin of my stomach, down to the material of my low-rise jeans. His touch sent a combination of tickles and chills through my body. My heart sped up and I struggled to keep my breathing normal.
Every Noah rumor had been right. His kisses curled my toes and now his simple touch rocked my body. Fear mingled with the pleasure in my bloodstream. — Katie McGarry

Tickles Quotes By Karyn Bosnak

Almost sneezing is like almost having an orgasm. Sure it tickles getting there, but if you don't get the release you were hoping for at the end, then what's the point? — Karyn Bosnak

Tickles Quotes By Jeff Greenwald

All the above is, of course, a gross simplification. There are deeper reasons to travel - itches and tickles on the underbelly of the unconscious mind. We go where we need to go, and then try to figure out what we're doing there. — Jeff Greenwald

Tickles Quotes By Emo Philips

Sometimes my mother goes through my socks and underwear. I wouldn't mind, but it tickles so much! — Emo Philips

Tickles Quotes By Amie Kaufman


Tickles Quotes By Pat Conroy

The moment you are born your death is foretold by your newly minted cells as your mother holds you up, then hands you to your father, who gently tickles the stomach where the cancer will one day form, studies the eyes where melanoma's dark signature is already written along the optic nerve, touches the back where the liver will one day house the cirrhosis, feels the bloodstream that will sweeten itself into diabetes, admires the shape of the head where the brain will fall to the ax-handle of stroke, or listens to your heart, which, exhausted by the fearful ways and humiliations and indecencies of life, will explode in your chest like a light going out in the world. — Pat Conroy

Tickles Quotes By Thomas Brooks

He is the best preacher, not that tickles the ear, but that breaks the heart. — Thomas Brooks

Tickles Quotes By George R R Martin

It hurts so much, she thought. Our children, Ned, all our sweet babes. Rickon, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Robb ... Robb ... please, Ned, please, make it stop, make it stop hurting ... The white tears and the red ones ran together until her face was torn and tattered, the face that Ned had loved. Catelyn Stark raised her hands and watched the blood run down her long fingers, over her wrists, beneath the sleeves of her gown. Slow red worms crawled along her arms and under her clothes. It tickles. That made her laugh until she screamed. "Mad," someone said, "she's lost her wits," and someone else said, "Make an end," and a hand grabbed her scalp just as she'd done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold. - Catelyn Stark — George R R Martin

Tickles Quotes By Sam Cassell

I make big shots everywhere. I get accustomed to it. I'm not afraid to be the goat. I don't worry about what you (reporters) say about me in the papers. In fact, I like it. It tickles me. — Sam Cassell

Tickles Quotes By Vance Havner

Too much preaching nowadays pats the back and tickles the ear, but does not get under the skin. There is no conviction and therefore no conversion. I am thinking not only of the ministry of reproof and rebuke but also of the message of inspiration, of encouragement, of comfort. People go out of church at noon with the depths unstirred, the heart untouched, the conscience unpricked. — Vance Havner

Tickles Quotes By Jessi Colter

The fact that this is getting released, and people are just now hearing it, kind of tickles me. This is just awesome that the media is excited to talk to me and find out what's happening. — Jessi Colter

Tickles Quotes By Katie McGarry

Isaiah places his hands on the top of my car and leans over so that his head is level with mine. The strong scent of dark spices tickles my nose and I inhale deeply. A brief calm washes through me and somehow I know Isaiah will get me out of this. — Katie McGarry

Tickles Quotes By Anton Chekhov

Critics are like horse-flies which hinder the horses in their plowing of the soil. The horse works, all its muscles drawn tight like the strings on a double-bass, and a fly settles on his flanks and tickles and buzzes. And what does the fly buzz about? It scarcely knows itself; simply because it is restless and wants to proclaim: 'Look, I too am living on the earth. See, I can buzz, too, buzz about anything.' — Anton Chekhov

Tickles Quotes By Katie McGarry

His touch sent a combination of tickles and chills through my body. My heart sped up and i struggled to keep my breathing normal.
Every Noah rummor had been right. His kisses curled my toes and now his simple touch rocked my body. — Katie McGarry

Tickles Quotes By Carolyn Press-McKenzie

So I started to detox Dottie from the trauma of her past... teaching her that I was of value to her, which is essentially the key to any connection with an animal. You just work out what they value the most and then become a calm and non-demanding provider. As I worked with Dottie I gave her options; she was allowed to disengage and walk away when she felt unsure, because I wanted her to put that reactive fight trigger right to the back of her mind - and it worked. She started to become more and more precocious and surprisingly confident. As time passed she learnt to seek me out for not only food but tummy tickles and play as well.
Pg 12 — Carolyn Press-McKenzie

Tickles Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Love tickles parts of you that, prior to its influence, you didn't even know could feel. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Tickles Quotes By Various

My brother is a professional boxer. Heavyweight? No, featherweight. He tickles his opponents to death! — Various

Tickles Quotes By Henry Fielding

Contempt of others is the truest symptom of a base and bad heart,
while it suggests itself to the mean and the vile, and tickles there little fancy on every occasion, it never enters the great and good mind but on the strongest motives; nor is it then a welcome guest,
affording only an uneasy sensation, and bringing always with it a mixture of concern and compassion. — Henry Fielding

Tickles Quotes By Christopher Hawke

It's strange how what drives us may abandon us midstream, how what tickles our ears with lies one moment may tell us truths that knock us on our emotional ass the next.
After all, it is an unbelievably real world, with Darwin scribbling his thoughts into books and telling us what monkeys we are. Each of us explores possibility, hungry for sustaining adoration, yet we know enough to render ourselves helpless.
We strive and strain, bellow and believe, we learn, and everything we learn tells us the same thing: life is one great meaningful experience in a meaningless world. Brilliance has many parts, yet each part is incomplete.
We live, heal and attempt to piece together a picture worth the price of our very lives.
The picture I saw presented demonic executioners, who crippled those daring to look and consumed souls without defense. They're everywhere. Some are people we know. Others are the great fears and addictions of our lives. — Christopher Hawke

Tickles Quotes By Alan Bradley

Tickling and learning were much the same thing. When you tickle yourself - ecstasy; but when anyone else tickles you - agony. — Alan Bradley

Tickles Quotes By Gayle Forman

Something tickles inside me, an echo from another time when it wasn't all frozen in there. — Gayle Forman

Tickles Quotes By Colleen Boyd

Does it hurt?"
"My magic...takes away most of the pain. I feel nothing. But Rylan?"
"Kiss me. Please. One last feeling."
Heat tickles my chin as I lean down and grant Ivy her final request. I kiss her like I don't want to let her go, hard and soft and urgent and slow until we both need air. — Colleen Boyd

Tickles Quotes By Rhea Perlman

I watched 'The Neighbors' when it first came on, and I thought it was hysterical. And every time I think something just tickles my funny bone, I call my agent and say, 'You know, I like this show. If they're ever looking for somebody, I'd like to work with them.' — Rhea Perlman

Tickles Quotes By Libba Bray

The night's chilly breath tickles up my neck and finds my ear, whispering secrets only the wind knows. — Libba Bray

Tickles Quotes By Jonathan Latimer

That gun of yours tickles me where I don't like to be tickled," she said. — Jonathan Latimer

Tickles Quotes By Vera Nazarian

Thoughts are slippery fish in a cold shallow stream.
If you are intent on capturing a worthwhile one, you need to stand very still, focus very hard on somewhere outside yourself, and then simply ignore it until it gets so close that it tickles your ankles.
Then, pounce. — Vera Nazarian

Tickles Quotes By Harold Monro

The public, as a whole, does not demand or appreciate the pure expression of beauty. Its cultured members expect to find in poetry, if anything, repose from material and nervous anxiety; an apt or chiselled phrase strokes the appetites and tickles the imagination. The more general public merely enjoys its platitudes and truisms jerked on to the understanding in line and rhyme; truth put into metre sounds overwhelmingly true. — Harold Monro

Tickles Quotes By Bruce Sutter

It just tickles me still when you see Roger Clemens, as great as he is, throw a split-finger and the hitter just swings and misses. They don't see that ball that well. Jack Morris threw an awful good one and Mike Scott. There's a lot of great pitchers over the years that I think that pitch definitely helped their career. — Bruce Sutter

Tickles Quotes By Lou Doillon

It is impossible for me to get involved in films that I don't like, so I just wait for a project that really tickles my fancy. — Lou Doillon

Tickles Quotes By Veronica Roth

If you flinch," Four says, slowly, carefully. "Al takes your place. Understand?" I nod. Four's eyes are still on mine when he lifts his hand, pulls his elbow back, and throws the knife. It is just a flash in the air, and then I hear a thud. The knife is buried in the board, half a foot away from the my cheek. I close my eyes. Thank God. "You about done Stiff?" asks Four. I remember Al's wide eyes and his quiet sobs at night and shake my head. "No." "Eyes open, then." He taps the spot between his eyebrows ...
"Come on, Stiff," he says. "Let someone else stand there and take it." Why is he trying to goad me into giving up? Does he want me to fail? "Shut up, Four!"
My body goes rigid. This time, when it hits the board, my ear stings, and blood tickles my skin. I touch my ear. He nicked it. And judging by the look he gives me, he did it on purpose. — Veronica Roth

Tickles Quotes By Zeno Vendler

Esse est percipi, to be is to be perceived, said good old Berkeley; but, according to most philosophers, he was wrong. Yet, obviously, there are things for which the adage holds. Perception, trivially, to begin with. If elements of conscious awareness
pains, tickles, feelings of heat and cold, sensory qualia of colors, sounds, and the like
have any existence, it must consist in their being perceived by a subject ... This shows, of course, that such experiences are epiphenomenal, at least with respect to the physical world. — Zeno Vendler

Tickles Quotes By Cassie Mae

He goes to start the car for me again, leaning so close his breath tickles my neck. My head goes fuzzy as I picture him closing the distance between our bodies, forgetting I'm supposed to be doing something. His lips form words, but I don't hear them. His scent is intoxicating, pulling me under. Holy crap! I'm going to pass out! — Cassie Mae

Tickles Quotes By John Michael Hayes

Bourbon's the only drink. You can take all that champagne stuff and pour it down the English Channel. Well, why wait 80 years before you can drink the stuff? Great vineyards, huge barrels aging forever, poor little old monks running around testing it, just so some woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma can say it tickles her nose. — John Michael Hayes

Tickles Quotes By Kristen Simmons

I feel a strange sensation brewing inside of me. It tickles my throat and forces my lips into a grin. Before I can stifle it, I giggle. And then I laugh. — Kristen Simmons

Tickles Quotes By Leandra J. Kalsy

What tickles the soul, makes all the world well again — Leandra J. Kalsy

Tickles Quotes By Veronica Roth

We're all right, you know,' he says quietly. 'You and me. Okay?' My chest aches, and I nod. 'Nothing else is all right.' His whisper tickles my cheek. 'But we are. — Veronica Roth

Tickles Quotes By Shan Sa

Love has been buried forever under the leaves at my feet. I lie down on the ground and rest my head on my bag. The grass tickles my arms where I bend the stalks under my neck.
I want to sleep. — Shan Sa

Tickles Quotes By Anna Kendrick

If you tell a guy you don't like being tickled and he tickles you anyway, that's a red flag. — Anna Kendrick

Tickles Quotes By Yoon Joon-soo

Every time I see you, I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. I feel uncomfortable every time I see you, and every time we talk, my throat tickles. — Yoon Joon-soo

Tickles Quotes By Nick Offerman

Now, I know what you're thinking: Isn't this the guy who said, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"? Well, not exactly. This quote has been somewhat paraphrased and hijacked by many of our nation's craft breweries, and rightly so. It may be revisionist writing, but I for one am okay with it. What Franklin did write was, "Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine, a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy." Beer, wine . . . come on. Six of one, etcetera. He also coined the euphemism for drunkenness "Halfway to Concord," which tickles me to no end. That, my friends, is fun with words. — Nick Offerman

Tickles Quotes By Comte De Lautreamont

I am filthy. I am riddled with lice. Hogs, when they look at me, vomit. My skin is encrusted with the scabs and scales of leprosy, and covered with yellow pus.[ ... ] A family of toads has taken up residence in my left armpit and, when one of them moves, it tickles. Mind one of them does not escape and come and scratch the inside of your ear with its mouth; for it would then be able to enter your brain. In my right armpit there is a chameleon which is perpetually chasing them, to avoid starving to death: everyone must live.[ ... ] My anus has been penetrated by a crab; encouraged by my sluggishness, he guards the entrance with his pincers, and causes me a lot of pain. — Comte De Lautreamont

Tickles Quotes By Jagdish Joghee

Love is a feeling that must be felt from the heart and seen through inner beauty. Only if this was known to the youth, many a marriages would have blossomed with age and cherished through decades. Just like a plant that needs the sun, water and more time to grow into a beautiful tree with lovely leaves and flowers, love needs time to be nurtured over time, built on a strong foundation of friendship, trust and honesty. When this foundation is built and combined with the feeling that tickles you from within, that is when love actually happens, the rest is all infatuation, attraction or even lust. — Jagdish Joghee

Tickles Quotes By Charles Yang

Language is what we use to tell stories, transmit knowledge, and build social bonds. It comforts, tickles, excites, and destroys. Every society has language, and somehow we all learn a language in the first few years of our lives, a process that has been repeated for as long as humans have been around. Unlike swimming, using Microsoft Windows, or making the perfect lemon souffle - which some of us never manage to do - learning a language is a task we can all take for granted. — Charles Yang

Tickles Quotes By Nora Roberts

Life is like a moustache. It can be wonderful or terrible. But it always tickles. — Nora Roberts

Tickles Quotes By James Rozoff

Stories are like DNA, they shape the culture that they're a part of. A society is not a society without its own unique stories. But we allow machines to make our stories, nowadays, or at least to tell them. We allow things to shape our understanding of who we are. We are entertained, not nurtured. We are given Twinkies for our mind, things that amuse but do not enlighten. It tickles our taste buds, but it does not enrich us. — James Rozoff

Tickles Quotes By Christopher Lloyd

There is certainly a higher percentage of wit in British comedy than in American comedy. What always tickles me is the way in which people try to use their intellect to get themselves out of tricky situations but never quite manage to do so - much to their enormous embarrassment. — Christopher Lloyd

Tickles Quotes By Timothy Hallinan

What was it like, being married to six actresses?"
"Like being married to one of them. They're all pretty much alike."
"Why'd you keep doing it, then?"
"Hope is the thing with feathers," Trent said, "that tickles your scrotum at the moments when you most need a clear head. — Timothy Hallinan

Tickles Quotes By Cynthia Hand

I love how he sometimes gets embarrassed by the mushy stuff between us and then his voice gets all gruff and he tickles me or kisses me to shut us both up. Boy, do we ever kiss. We make out like champions. — Cynthia Hand

Tickles Quotes By Mireille Guiliano

~....value simplicity in all things, never serve any aperitif but Champagne. Hard liguor requires a bar, special paraphernalia, and a variety of glasses, as well as messy shaking or stirring. More important, it numbs more than it tickles the taste buds. When you've spent time and money preparing delicious food for your guests, the last thing you want is to render them unable to taste it. That will eliminate one of the most important topics of conversation!~ — Mireille Guiliano

Tickles Quotes By Gay Hendricks

Rule Number One is this: If you're open to learning, you get your life-lessons delivered as gently as the tickle of a feather. But if you're defensive, if you stubbornly persist in being right instead of learning the lesson at hand, if you stop paying attention to the tickles, the nudges, the clues - boom! Sledgehammer. — Gay Hendricks

Tickles Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

What tickles your ears should not stab another's heart. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Tickles Quotes By Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

During the day I negotiated buying mom and pop companies and incorporating them into our larger network. Sometimes we let the original owners stay on as consultants. Rarely, actually, if I'm being honest and, even when we did, it never usually lasted for very long. Mostly, those once proud owners would see the box store makeover of their businesses and decide that retirement in some warm locale really did seem the better option. Did I ever feel guilty looking at these hardworking people and taking everything they'd assembled? Not even a little. Would you feel guilty handing someone hundreds of thousands or, in some cases, millions of dollars to go do whatever tickles their fancy? — Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

Tickles Quotes By Christopher Titus

Everybody I've ever met was destroyed by a member of the opposite sex early on and that damage you took into every relationship after that, everybody. Every woman in here got intimidated by a guy, pushed around too much, now you're new boyfriend tickles you a little too hard, boom restraining order. Every guy here had a woman sleep with his best friend, now your new girlfriend hugs your cousin a little long, boom car bomb. — Christopher Titus

Tickles Quotes By Jessica Khoury

He pulls out the pipe I stole and sticks it between his teeth.
"What do you think?" he asks around the stem. "Do I look noble?"
I snatch it away, and his teeth close with a clack. "Don't you know that will kill you?"
He stares at me a minute, a mischievous light coming into his eyes. Then suddenly he lunges at me.
"Give it back!"
"It's mine! I stole it!"
"I saved you from getting flogged!"
He makes a grab for the pipe, and I roll aside, holding it out of his reach. With a wicked laugh, he tickles my side, and I drop the pipe as I hasten to shove him away.
Aladdin picks up the pipe and brandishes it triumphantly, while I lie in the grass and laugh. — Jessica Khoury

Tickles Quotes By A.G. Howard

Before I can even ask what he means, he skims his licorice-scented lips across my forehead - just shy of touching - his warm breath dragging across my left eye patch, then down a cheek, toward my mouth. The corner of my mouth tickles as he passes over it; then his breath stops to hover across my chin.
His palms rest against the wall on either side of my head. He lets the web serve as his hands, his breath serve as his lips, holding me immobile and kissing me without ever touching me. — A.G. Howard

Tickles Quotes By Booker T. Washington

There are those among the white race and those among the black race who assert, with a good deal of earnestness, that there is no difference between the white man and the black man in this country. This sounds very pleasant and tickles the fancy; but, when the test of hard, cold logic is applied to it, it must be acknowledged that there is a difference, - not an inherent one, not a racial one, but a difference growing out of unequal opportunities in the past. — Booker T. Washington

Tickles Quotes By Francesca Zappia

My parents didn't grow up here or anything. They chose to live in this nowhere town. Why? Because it was named after Hannibal of Carthage. Their basic train of thought was this: Hannibal's Rest? And we're naming our child after Alexander the Great? MARVELOUS. Ah, the history, it tickles.

Sometimes I wanted to beat my parents over the head with a frying pan. — Francesca Zappia

Tickles Quotes By Keri Russell

I was a huge fan of 'Arrested Development,' and there's just something it tickles in me and it's bright and it's hilarious. — Keri Russell

Tickles Quotes By Anonymous

Something about the girl's face tickles at the back of my mind, like I should recognize it, — Anonymous

Tickles Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

When you frown,
it amuses your enemies.
When you sulk,
it gratifies your enemies.
When you cry,
it tickles your enemies.
When you smile,
it agitates them.
When you laugh,
it angers them.
When you glow,
it infuriates them. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Tickles Quotes By Khadija Rupa

My eyes always keep searching,
for something inexpressible,
above the far away sky.

I long to get lost,
inside the evening-twilight.

Silence always tickles me -
in a strange way;

I meet "me"
in the time between
sunset and darkness. — Khadija Rupa