There More Than Meets The Eye Quotes & Sayings
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Top There More Than Meets The Eye Quotes

So I got into growing grapes, not realizing that there was a heck of a lot more to it than meets the eye. — Pat Paulsen

It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway. — Alan Watts

If anyone had been paying attention to the signs, they would have realized that air turns white when things are about to change, that paper cuts mean there's more to what's written on the page than meets the eye, and that birds are always out to protect you from things you don't see. — Sarah Addison Allen

What is real? Is there more to reality than meets the eye? Yes! was Plato's answer over two millennia ago. In his famous cave analogy, he likened us to people who'd lived their entire lives shackled in a cave, facing a blank wall, watching the shadows cast by things passing behind them, and eventually coming to mistakenly believe that these shadows were the full reality. Plato argued that what we humans call our everyday reality is similarly just a limited and distorted representation of the true reality, and that we must free ourselves from our mental shackles to begin comprehending it. — Max Tegmark

I believed then - in a deep, easy way that is impossible for me as an adult - that there was more to this world than meets the eye. Trees had spirits; the wind spoke. If you followed a toad or a raven deep into the heart of the forest, they were sure to lead you to something magical. — Jennifer McMahon

Imagination is what convinces us that there's more to the world than meets the eye. And isn't that the first principle of faith? — Jonathan Rogers

For it is a peculiarity of persons who lead rich, emotional lives, and who (as the saying is) live intensely and with a wild poetry, that they read all kind of meanings into comparatively simple actions, especially the actions of other people who do not live intensely and with a wild poetry. Thus you may find them weeping passionately on their bed, and be told that you - you alone - are the cause because you said that awful thing to them at lunch. Or they wonder why you like going to concerts; there must be more to it than meets the eye. — Stella Gibbons

There is always more in one of Ramanujan's formulae than meets the eye, as anyone who sets to work to verify those which look the easiest will soon discover. In some the interest lies very deep, in others comparatively near the surface; but there is not one which is not curious and entertaining. — G.H. Hardy

I'm Fasinated by women who aren't making a great impression on people. I think there's probably something there that is more than meets the eye. — Calista Flockhart

Behind the corpse in the reservoir, behind the ghost on the links, Behind the lady who dances and the man who madly drinks, Under the look of fatigue, the attack of migraine and the sigh There is always another story, there is more than meets the eye. — W. H. Auden

If there was no intentional walks, the guy would just walk him anyway, unintentionally intentionally walk him. You see a lot more of that than what meets the eye. — George Brett

To pray is to say that there is more than I can see, and more than I can do. There is more going on than meets the eye. — Shauna Niequist

There's a whole lot more to most people than meets the eye, Wilson. Unfortunately, a lot of times it isn't good stuff. It's scary stuff, painful stuff. By now, you know so much scary, painful stuff about me, it's a wonder you're still around. You had me pegged pretty well right from the start, I'd say. You're wrong about one thing, though. Girls like me notice guys like you. We just don't think we deserve them. — Amy Harmon

I am so afraid that strangers with think me good! and there is a degree of hypocrisy in appearing much better than one is. - Hannah More — Karen Swallow Prior

There's more to a picture than meets the eye. — Neil Young

Not so long ago, I spent a period in New York City, that teeming island of gneiss and concrete and glass, inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Though it wasn't by any means a comfortable experience, I began to wonder if Woolf wasn't right, if there wasn't more to the experience than meets the eye -- if, in fact, it didn't drive one to consider some of the larger questions of what it is to be alive. — Olivia Laing

Violet Markey.There's more to you than meets the eye. — Jennifer Niven

I guess the last remaining question is: What about the sombrero? It's still there, lying in the street but its temperature had returned to -24 degrees and fortunately for America it stayed there. Millions of tourists have walked all around it but not one of them has seen it, though it is in plain sight. How can you miss a very cold white sombrero lying in the Main Street of a town? In other words: There is more to life than meets the eye. — Richard Brautigan

Seeing is an experience. People, not their eyes, see. There is more to seeing than meets the eyeball. — Norwood Russell Hanson

All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye. — Margaret Atwood

I like small things, I like small moments that are almost elliptical, that are not necessarily linear; they're natural things that happen in the world, but if you look at them from a slight angle there's more than meets the eye. — Keith Carter

I want more out of life than an instant breakfast, and frozen dinner. I want to see what was in the past, i want an idea of what might be. I want more out of life than just what happens now. If I didn't think there was more to life than the present, I wouldn't be here. I'd do what I wanted without regard. I'd live the life of a barbaric dictate, not caring at all. I know there is more to this life, so I live my life that I might return to my Father without shame and despair. I seek to escape from this society of pleasure. I seek a life of fulfillment and joy, for I know there is more to life than meets the 'present' eye.l — John M. Stewart


However, I'm here to tell you dear reader that there is always more than meets the eye. — Isabella Kruger

Children may not understand all that's happening below the surface of a story. It doesn't matter. Because even though they may not be able to define or verbalize it, they sense there's something more than meets the eye; on an almost subliminal level, they're aware of a richness of texture, or meaning and emotion
a richness that, in a great book, is inexhaustible. And the child may well come back to it again and again, perhaps long after he's stopped being a child. — Lloyd Alexander

This book will prove the following ten facts:
1. A Goon is a being who melts into the foreground and sticks there.
2. Pigs have wings, making them hard to catch.
3. All power corrupts, but we need electricity.
4. When an irresistible force meets an immovable object, the result is a family fight.
5. Music does not always sooth the troubled beast.
6. An Englishman's home is his castle.
7. The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
8. One black eye deserves another.
9. Space is the final frontier, and so is the sewage farm.
10. It pays to increase your word power. — Diana Wynne Jones

Life has this beautiful way of opening doors when you least expect it. How thy open is sometimes never known. But does that not only further justify the magic and the possibility to the thought, that there is more to life than that which meets thee eye. — Tania Elizabeth

They talk about Amen Corner but there's so much more to it than what meets the eye on this golf course. — Fuzzy Zoeller

There is more here than meets the eye. — Murasaki Shikibu

Other big questions tackled by ancient cultures are at least as radical. What is real? Is there more to reality than meets the eye? Yes! was Plato's answer over two millennia ago. In his famous cave analogy, he likened us to people who'd lived their entire lives shacked ina a cave, facing a blank wall, watching the shadows cast by things passing behind them, and eventually coming to mistakenly believe that these shadows were the full reality. Plato argued that what we humans call our everyday reality is similarly just a limited and distorted representation of the true reality, and that we must free ourselves from our mental shackles to comprehending it. — Max Tegmark

So do you think there's more to her than meets the eye!" he teased, and Alex cursed herself for being so easy to read.
"My guess is she's running from something.
"No shit Sherlock", she agreed silently. "Probably a guy. It's nearly always a guy. — Melissa Hill

There's always another story. There's more than meets the eye. — W. H. Auden

I have a pretty open mind about supernatural stuff - I do believe that there's more to this world than what meets the eye. — Jennifer McMahon

You take after Bilbo,' said Gandalf. 'There is more about you than meets the eye, as I said of him long ago.' Frodo wondered if the remark meant more than it said — J.R.R. Tolkien

People at large are becoming more aware that there is much more to reality and to themselves than what meets the eye. — Vanna Bonta

There's always more than what meets the eye. If you dig in deep enough and pay attention, you can really see the beauty in a person. — April Mae Monterrosa

Do you know why I adore roses?" Shahrzad untied the knot of his tikka sash with deliberate slowness. "I've always loved them for their beauty and their scent, but--"
"It's because of their thorns." His muscles tensed at her touch. "Because there's more to them than first meets the eye. — Renee Ahdieh

For most of my life, I've felt that there must be more to our existence than meets the eye.
This is who I am, and you can't expect me to be someone I'm not. — Steve Jobs