Quotes & Sayings About The Us Healthcare System
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Top The Us Healthcare System Quotes

Here is the problem: Poor Americans consume too little healthcare, especially preventive healthcare. Other Americans - often rich Americans - consume too much healthcare, often unwisely, and sometimes to their detriment. The American healthcare system combines famine with gluttony. — Otis Webb Brawley

Most innovations, unfortunately, actually increase the net costs of the healthcare system. There's a few, particularly having to do with chronic diseases, that are an exception. If you could cure Alzheimer's, if you could avoid diabetes - those are gigantic in terms of saving money. But the incentive regime doesn't favor them. — Bill Gates

[I] vow[ed] to fight against socialized medicine ... On healthcare, I agree with the President that we need to get costs under control ... I can also say without hesitation, that the quality of healthcare in this county is second to none - and sacrificing quality to achieve these necessary reforms is not acceptable. A single payer, government run healthcare system is the worst possible way to achieve this goal. — Glenn Thompson

If you are among those who believe that the U.S. has the best healthcare system in the world - despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary - it's because my fellow spinmeisters and I succeeded brilliantly at what we were paid very well to do with your premium dollars. — Wendell Potter

Free education, almost free healthcare, a generous benefits system and a better state pension than elsewhere, guarantee equal opportunities for all citizens. The only problem is that all these require a considerable amount of public revenue. This is why the common assertion that to be born in Finland is like winning the jackpot in the lottery is only applicable when you are at the receiving end. A far more common experience is that you need to win the lottery just to cover the tax bill. — Tarja Moles

That's because both the job title and the job itself have never existed before. We used the term 'ground-breaking' to describe this position because that is exactly what it is." Leonard Scott leaned forward. "The current Administration is committed to solving the greatest problems of our time - climate change, sustainability, the deficit, the impending crisis stemming from shortfalls in Social Security and Medicare, healthcare, and the problems that our nation faces as a result of an aging population. We are implementing a plan that will address all of these issues and will revolutionize the way that this country looks at retirement. Rather than continuing on in a bankrupt, broken system that meets the needs of no one, we are going to introduce American seniors to a new way of life - a holistic community that will engage them like nothing ever has before. — Alexandra Swann

I support repeal, but I think we ought to also spend time on the replacement side of that. The Republican approach has never been, 'Let's get rid of this,' but, 'Let's replace it with something that does deal with a very real problem in our healthcare system.' And that is the entry's cost and lack of coverage. — Rob Portman

The U.S. has the most dysfunctional healthcare system in the industrial world, has about twice the per capita costs, and some of the worst outcomes. It's also the only privatized system. — Noam Chomsky

I believe strongly that the opportunity is here for us in America to finally have a healthcare system that we can really be proud of. But it's got to be one where everybody is involved. Everybody: consumers, employers, providers, health-insurance companies, everybody. — Max Baucus

The U.S. healthcare system is probably the most interesting large group of companies that are heading for major problems that we've seen in a long, long time. — James Chanos

It is a law of nature that everything run by the government will get more expensive and worse over time. Everything run by the private sector will get better and cheaper over time. The fact that [Obamacare] starts this badly does not bode well ... We want healthcare run on the same system that gave us cell phones, flat screens, Jerry Garcia chia pets. Everything you submit to the free market ... keeps getting better and better. — Ann Coulter

Families represent the basic building blocks of our society, and primary care a foundational piece of any healthcare system. — Tony Tan

If we limit our sight to individual players, we'll never see the big picture. The issue is a systemic one, maintained by interconnected actors, all acting in their self-interest to further their goals. The trouble is not, or not always, the actors themselves, or their intrinsic motivations. Instead, it's the overarching goal of the entire system that's at fault: corporate profit above public health. — T. Colin Campbell

Each party has a platform
a pre-fixed menu of beliefs making up its worldview. The candidate can choose one of the two platforms, but remember: no substitutions.
For example, do you support healthcare? Then you must also want a ban on assault weapons. Pro limited government? Congratulations, you are also anti-abortion.
Luckily, all human opinion falls neatly into one of the two clearly defined camps. Thus, the two-party system elegantly represents the bi-chromatic rainbow that is American political thought. — Jon Stewart

it requires deep love to coax effective treatment from our mental healthcare system for a partner who is convinced that nothing can improve or, worse, that nothing is wrong, when it obviously is. — Gina Pera

Questions [about our healthcare system] are not hard because the answers are complicated, they are hard because they require that we be honest with ourselves. — Rebecca Onie

Senator [Ben] Sanders and I share some very big progressive goals. I've been fighting for universal healthcare for many years, and we're now on the path to achieving it. I don't want us to start over again. I think that would be a great mistake, to once again plunge our country into a contentious debate about whether we should have and what kind of system we should have for healthcare. — Hillary Clinton

What I'd like to see is a private [healthcare] system without the artificial lines around every state. I have a big company with thousands and thousands of employees. And if I'm negotiating in New York or in New Jersey or in California, I have like one bidder. Nobody can bid.Because the insurance companies are making a fortune because they have control of the politicians. — Donald Trump

Having a system for thinking deeper can provide greater insight into solving everyday problem. Such a system is shared in my book, Medical Investigation 101. — Dr. Russ Hill

The fears are unanimous. ObamaCare is too expensive. It is a government takeover of our healthcare system. Services will be diminished. The patient-doctor relationship will be eliminated. It will not make healthcare more affordable. And it will bankrupt small businesses. — Joseph M. Kyrillos

I believe that the most dangerous drugs that there are right now are the drugs that are legal - Over-the-counter medication. I think the entire healthcare system promotes the use of these drugs. — Slaine

If I was in the US and had a serious medical condition, I would prefer to fly to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore or Bangkok to receive treatment. Not only would I save thousands of dollars, (even with the airfare), but I think that the care that I would receive would be superior - and this from a nurse-manager retired from the U.S. healthcare system! I would say the same for dental care as well - it's cheap and of a high standard. — Anonymous

Nothing can prepare you for the yawning chasm of time that passes in Canada before the healthcare system actually does any healthcare. — Jeremy Clarkson

American healthcare faces a crisis in quality. There is a dangerous divide between the potential for the high level of quality care that our health system promises and the uneven quality that it actually delivers. — Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government basically running the entire healthcare system, turning large insurers into de facto public utilities, depriving people of choice, depriving people of options, raising people's prices, raising taxes when we need new jobs. — Paul Ryan

to tackle the problem of healthcare costs effectively, we'll need a system in which "everyone is practicing at the top of their license. — Robert Wachter

Unless you are willing to force people using the law to go to medical school, you cannot have a successful universal healthcare system. That — Ben Shapiro

I am interested in getting people to use the healthcare system at the right time, getting them to see the doctor early enough, before a small health problem turns serious. — Donna Shalala

[The healthcare bill is a] headlong rush into socialism ... we will not stand for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid hijacking of our freedom and democracy so they can impose their socialist 'utopia' of higher taxes, restricted access, inferior quality, and deadly inefficiency on the best health care system in the world ... You and the RNC are all that stand between the Democrats' scheme to take more of your hard-earned income to pay for this unsustainable, freedom destroying entitlement and an opportunity to work for real, truly bipartisan step-by-step solutions ... — Michael Steele

No subject was more important in the 2014 elections than healthcare, and Republicans in Congress should waste no time in taking decisive action in response to the voters'€ demands. Obamacare has escalated costs, disrupted coverage, and introduced bad incentives throughout our healthcare system. Congress must repeal Obamacare and send the president a replacement package of reforms that protects freedom and focuses on the real problem with American healthcare -€" affordability. — Bobby Jindal

We are highly committed to international cooperation, development of public-private partnerships. To use the potential of large companies that have already been through the steps that we are taking now would be beneficial for the development of the country's healthcare system — Veronika Skvortsova

How many businesses do you know that want to cut their revenue in half? That's why the healthcare system won't change the healthcare system. — Rick Scott

Quality Healthcare is a premier healthcare brand in Hong Kong and is the leading private healthcare provider there. We are believers in long-term growth prospects of the Asian healthcare space and the benefits of a world-class pan-Asian integrated healthcare delivery system. — Malvinder Mohan Singh

I read many years ago how healthcare was organized in Ancient Chinese villages. They have a doctor, and this doctor was paid one egg or chicken by each family when each family member was healthy. When something goes wrong, they stop paying. So the doctor was motivated not to spend money for healing but to spend money for preventing disease. This the product. You should organize the system that way. The system as a whole is setting the product of maintaining health. — Kakha Bendukidze

The 'find it, fix it 'model of medicine doesn't work any more. The U.S. healthcare system is bankrupting the country, bankrolling the insurance companies and exhausting healthcare staff. And despite all that, we are ranked 50th in the world for life expectancy. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Women tend to need the healthcare system more because we bear children. Insurance companies - not all of them, but many of them - 'gender-rate.' Women may pay 40% more for their health insurance than men do. — Gloria Steinem