Famous Quotes & Sayings

The Desert Fathers Quotes & Sayings

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Top The Desert Fathers Quotes

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Kirsten Gillibrand

I might want to do a hundred things in a given day, but I know I have to pick up my kids between 5 and 6. That is the most important thing. So I fit in everything else around that. I know what needs to be done, and then I know what I want to get done. — Kirsten Gillibrand

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Thomas Merton

That year I had signed up for a course in French Medieval Literature. My mind was turning back, in a way, to the things I remembered from the old days in Saint Antonin. The deep, naive, rich simplicity of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries was beginning to speak to me again. I had written a paper on a legend of a 'Jongleur de Notre Dame,' compared with a story from the Fathers of the Desert, in Migne's Latin Patrology. I was being drawn back into the Catholic atmosphere, and I could feel the health of it, even in the merely natural order, working already within me. — Thomas Merton

The Desert Fathers Quotes By St.Athanasius

It was a dictum of his that the soul's energy thrives when the body's desires are feeblest. — St.Athanasius

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Amos Smith

The Alexandrian Mystics' emphasis on silent prayer gave their teachings interior depth missing from Western theology today. — Amos Smith

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Benedicta Ward

A monk was told that his father had died. He said to the messenger, "Do not blaspheme. My Father cannot die. — Benedicta Ward

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Elaina Marie

The only 'right path' for you is the one that stems deeply from the core of your true self. The only 'wrong' path for you is one that is not in alignment or acting in honor of your true self. — Elaina Marie

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Clive Sinclair

As Annie Proulx is to Wyoming, so is Jane Candia Coleman to Arizona. — Clive Sinclair

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Alain De Botton

To maximise output, every organisation will strive to obtain its necessary raw materials, labour and machinery at the lowest possible cost and combine them to turn out a product that it will then attempt to sell at the highest possible price ... And yet, troublingly, there is one difference between 'labour' and other commodities, a difference that conventional economics does not have a means of representing or giving weight to but that is nevertheless unavoidably present in the world: that labour feels pain. — Alain De Botton

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Christian Dior

Grooming is the secret of real elegance. The best clothes, the most wonderful jewels, the most glamorous beauty don't count without good grooming. — Christian Dior

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Pico Iyer

Nothing makes me feel better - calmer, clearer and happier - than being in one place, absorbed in a book, a conversation, a piece of music. It's actually something deeper than mere happiness: it's joy, which the monk David Steindl-Rast describes as 'that kind of happiness that doesn't depend on what happens. — Pico Iyer

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Jane Gardam

While writing a novel, I don't read anything new in fiction. I am too engrossed. — Jane Gardam

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Dwight Howard

I would never, ever desert my child. A lot of my friends didn't have fathers growing up, and they were very upset that their fathers weren't around. I was lucky to have mine around. — Dwight Howard

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Dorothy Day

A community is not a place where 'desert fathers' are testing themselves - more and more, harder and harder, each on his own. A community is what Saint Paul told us - our differences granted respect by one another, but those differences are not allowed to turn us into loners. You must know when to find your own, quiet moment of solitude. But you must know when to open the door to go with others, and you must know how to open the door. There's not point in opening the door with bitterness and resentment in your heart. — Dorothy Day

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Ilia Delio

Life in God should be a daring adventure of love - a continuous journey of putting aside our securities to enter more profoundly into the uncharted depths of God. Too often, however, we settle for mediocrity. We follow the rules and practices of prayer but we are unwilling or, for various reasons, unable to give ourselves totally to God. To settle on the plain of mediocrity is really to settle for something less than God that leaves the heart restless and unfulfilled. A story from the desert fathers reminds us that giving oneself wholly to God can make a difference: Abba Lot went to see Abba Joseph and said to him, "Abba, as far as I can I say my little office, I fast a little, I pray and meditate, I live in peace and as far as I can, I purify my thoughts. What else can I do?" Then the old man stood up and stretched his hands towards heaven. His fingers became like ten lamps of fire and he said to him, "If you will, you can become all flame."15 — Ilia Delio

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Stephen King

Cal thought: A new player. Terrific. Maybe William Shatner's in here, too. Also Mike Huckabee . . . Kim Kardashian . . . the guy who plays Opie on Sons of Anarchy and the entire cast of The Walking Dead. — Stephen King

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Jennifer Warnes

I think if you come straight on honest as much as you can, eventually that turns into success. Maybe not as quick as you'd like. — Jennifer Warnes

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Alan Valentine

For thousands of years, father and son have stretched wistful hands across the canyon of time, each eager to help the other to his side, but neither quite able to desert the loyalties of his contemporaries. The relationship is always changing and hence always fragile; nothing endures except the sense of difference. — Alan Valentine

The Desert Fathers Quotes By William Bradford

May not and ought not the children of these fathers rightly say: Our fathers were Englishmen which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness but they cried unto the Lord, and He heard their voice, and looked on their adversity, &c. Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good, and His mercies endure forever. Yea, let them which have been redeemed of the Lord, shew how He hath delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered in the; desert wilderness out of the way, and found no city to dwell in, both hungry, and thirsty, their soul was overwhelmed in them. Let them confess before the Lord His loving kindness, and His wonderful works before the sons of men. — William Bradford

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Michael Connelly

thanks to the many police officers who over the years have given me an insight into their jobs and lives. I also want to ackowledge Tom Mangold — Michael Connelly

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Joseph Campbell

The ego is as you think of yourself. You in relation to all the commitments of your life, as you understand them. The self is the whole range of possibilities that you've never even thought of. And you're stuck with you're past when you're stuck with the ego. Because if all you know about yourself is what you found out about yourself, well, that already happened. The self is a whole field of potentialities to come through. — Joseph Campbell

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Thomas Merton

The Desert Fathers believed that the wilderness had been created supremely valuable in the eyes of God precisely because it had no value to men. The wasteland was the land that could never be wasted by men because it offered them nothing. There was nothing to attract them. There was nothing to exploit. The desert was the region in which the Chosen People had wandered for forty years, cared for by God alone. They could have reached the Promised Land in a few months if they had traveled directly to it. God's plan was that they should learn to love Him in the wilderness and that they should always look back on the time in the desert as the idyllic time of their life with Him alone. The desert was created simply to be itself, not to be transformed by men into something else. — Thomas Merton

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Albert Einstein

Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present. — Albert Einstein

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Franz Kafka

The Fathers of the Church were not afraid to go out into the desert because they had a richness in their hearts. But we, with richness all around us, are afraid, because the desert is in our hearts. — Franz Kafka

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Constantina R. Palmer

Looking out the window of a large women's monastery after Divine Liturgy, my friend saw a few nuns walking toward the woods with satchels on their backs. Inquiring who they were, she was told they were ascetics who lived in the wilderness and had come to the monastery to attend Liturgy and to receive some food. Although we are much weaker in our times and far less ascetical than the early desert fathers and mothers, let it never be said that extreme Christian asceticism is extinct. Who knows how many St. Mary of Egypts are hidden in the wilderness? — Constantina R. Palmer

The Desert Fathers Quotes By Felix Dennis

Everything I publish is for my readers. — Felix Dennis