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The Blessed Life Book Quotes & Sayings

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Top The Blessed Life Book Quotes

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Rudolf Flesch

What are we after when we open one of those books? What is it that makes a classic a classic? ... in old-fashioned terms, the answer is that it wll elevate your spirit. And that's why I can't take much stock in the idea of going through a list of books or 'covering' a fixed number of selections, or anyway striving for the blessed state of having read this, or the other. Having read a book means nothing. Reading a book may be the most tremendous experience of your life; having read it is an item in your memory, part of your receding past ... Why we have that odd faith in the magic of having read a book, I don't know. We don't apply the same principle elsewhere: We don't believe in having heard Mendelssohn's violin concerto ...
I say, don't read the classics
try to discover your own classics; every life has its own. — Rudolf Flesch

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By O.R. Melling

To run with the wolf was to run in the shadows, the dark ray of life, survival and instinct. A fierceness that was both proud and lonely, a tearing, a howling, a hunger and thirst. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst. A strength that would die fighting, kicking, screaming, that wouldn't stop until the last breath had been wrung from its body. The will to take one's place in the world. To say 'I am here.' To say 'I am. — O.R. Melling

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Unknown

Do you ever read a book and it just changes your life? A book you didn't really think too much about when you picked it up- when you opened it and considered the averageness of its first few pages? But when you're done, your head hurts and your head is spinning and you question the authenticity of your own life, and you vow to be better and do better, to love deeper and laugh harder. I know that something such as a collection of meagre pages doesn't mean much to some people, but I literally could not think of a world without literary fiction (or non-fiction for that matter). I feel so blessed that I get to experience other peoples thoughts and imaginations through a book. — Unknown

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Glennon Doyle Melton

done everything backward. She'd done everything, forever, by the book. The right way. Until then, I'd only learned this about grace: sometimes, like in my case, you get blessed for no reason. You get something wonderful that you don't deserve. But on that day, I learned that the flip side is also true: sometimes you get screwed for no reason. You get something awful that you never, ever deserved. It all slips away. You cannot earn yourself an easy life or even a fair one. Soon — Glennon Doyle Melton

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

My God, bless Thou me indeed, for what profit were it, if my name were in a thousand mouths, if Thou shouldest spewit out of Thy mouth? What matter, though my name were written on marble, if it were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life? These blessings are only apparently blessings, windy blessings, blessings that mock me. Give me Thy blessing: then the honor which comes of Thee will make me blessed indeed. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Andy Andrews

I always encourage authors (especially new authors) to be as generous as we are blessed. For one thing, it is a way to help people. For another, it is a seed one is planting for the life of the book. Someone gave it to someone who gave it to someone else. — Andy Andrews

The Blessed Life Book Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I am grateful that early in my life I was blessed with a simple faith that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that he saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in a vision. He translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God. That testimony has been confirmed to me over and over again. — Dieter F. Uchtdorf