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Testing Time Quotes & Sayings

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Top Testing Time Quotes

Testing Time Quotes By Noah Baumbach

I think sometimes bad behaviour can be liberating for certain people. They need to behave badly to find themselves - to go off path to find their path. You see it with kids all the time: They're testing boundaries, and I think that's healthy. — Noah Baumbach

Testing Time Quotes By Alan Richardson

that material presents 'testing'
as: "start spending 100% of my time on the project, formally
writing a test strategy, approach, and plan, and writing
test cases and scripts which are cross referenced to the
requirements, even though the requirements are changing
and therefore much of the 'testing' would lead to waste and
rework — Alan Richardson

Testing Time Quotes By Gloria Steinem

There is also the less-well-known double standard of testing for steroids and other strength-enhancing drugs. "Because they think women can't get hard and muscular without drugs - which is wrong, some women can - " Bev said, "they started by testing all the contestants at every Olympia. Then they substituted random testing, which means you can be tested at any time during the year, without warning. But it's only for the women. The men, they don't test. They did it one year, and everyone looked so crappy they stopped it. — Gloria Steinem

Testing Time Quotes By Anthony Fauci

Testing two vaccines against different H1N1s at the same time has never been done. — Anthony Fauci

Testing Time Quotes By Anuranjita Kumar

Keep testing your conviction from time to time, with your intellect as well as emotions to ensure you are on the right path! — Anuranjita Kumar

Testing Time Quotes By Ellen Kushner

The time of testing, and of playing, was over. This was the final duel for one of them. Now they were fighting for their lives
for the one life that would emerge from this elegant battle ... For the moment the two of them were evenly matched, arm against arm. Michael prayed that it would never stop, that there would always be this moment of utter mastery, beautiful and rare, and no conclusion ever be reached. — Ellen Kushner

Testing Time Quotes By Kathleen Norris

The very nature of marriage means saying yes before you know what it will cost. Though you may say the "I do" of the wedding ritual in all sincerity, it is the testing of that vow over time that makes you married. — Kathleen Norris

Testing Time Quotes By Tamara E. Jernigan

One of the things that makes it so challenging is that we're constructing the Station hundreds of miles above the surface of the Earth and we're doing it one piece at a time For the International Space Station we do not have the privilege of assuming the Space Station is on the ground before we take it up one piece at a time. So we have to be very clever about the testing that we do and the training that we do to make sure that each mission is successful, and that each piece and each mission goes just as it's planned. — Tamara E. Jernigan

Testing Time Quotes By Tim Conway

People who come along all the time and they ask, 'What's wrong with this?' In other words, they're always wondering how close to the edge they can getand still be a Christian. Listen, if any of you are like that, just go back to the world. Stop testing the edges. If it's the world you want, go back to it! And if you want to love Christ, then love Christ, and love Him with all your heart, and follow Him, and stop playing this idiotic game where you want to see how close to the edge you can live. — Tim Conway

Testing Time Quotes By Maggie Osborne

I think I fell in love with you that amazing night on the kitchen floor. Or maybe it was the evening you stepped up and set my arm." Testing things, he reached for her hand, and, to his joy, she glared, but she let him take it. "Or maybe the night I knew I loved you was when I kissed you under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve. It's hard to say because I look at you now and it seems to me there's never been a time when I didn't love you. — Maggie Osborne

Testing Time Quotes By Carla Gugino

I'm intrigued by films that have a singular vision behind them. A lot of studio movies have ten writers by the time they're done. You have a movie testing 200 times, making adjustments according to various people's opinions. It's difficult to have an undistilled vision. — Carla Gugino

Testing Time Quotes By Yvonne S. Thornton

This is why, if I may be forgiven a digression, I believe it is time for the black race to forget about rhetoric and instead show what we are capable of doing. The testing will surely go on for the next generation and the next, but each time we meet the test, we'll climb another rung of the ladder until finally we arrive at parity, having earned our place rather than pleading or demanding that it be given to us. — Yvonne S. Thornton

Testing Time Quotes By Nick Hornby

Laura says - Everybody's faith needs testing from time to time, I thought it would be amusing to introduce you to someone with a Tina Turner album, and see whether you still felt the same. Rob reflects - ... tonight, I have to confess (but only to myself) that maybe, given the right set of peculiar, freakish, probably unrepeatable circumstances, it's not what you like but what you're like that's important. — Nick Hornby

Testing Time Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Testing time is the time for an increase in praise. — Sunday Adelaja

Testing Time Quotes By Roslyn Woods

happening at the time, but God was testing me. God wanted me to give uncle Garrett — Roslyn Woods

Testing Time Quotes By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I'm older now," Dean said, testing out the possibility. "Wiser, better. I've waited so long, planned so long ... " His voice was lower when he profiled, deeper. "Once upon a time, I am an amateur. Now, I'm an artist. Invincible. Unstoppable."
"And this time," I said slowly, "you want credit. — Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Testing Time Quotes By Tina J. Richardson

I look in the mirror and see a person. This person puts on another person's face when she goes out. She uses other people's expressions and sayings. She is a mimic. She prefers to be who she is, tries her own person out gradually, testing the waters so to speak. She fails most of the time. But the more she does it the better she feels. No more hiding behind the mask. Accept me as I am — Tina J. Richardson

Testing Time Quotes By Robert Moore

All knowledge that takes special training to acquire is the province of the Magician energy. Whether you are an apprentice training to become a master electrician and unraveling the mysteries of high voltage; or a medical student, grinding away night and day, studying the secrets of the human body and using available technologies to help your patients; or a would-be stockbroker or a student of high finance; or a trainee in one of the psychoanalytic schools, you are in exactly the same position as the apprentice shaman or witch doctor in tribal societies. You are spending large amounts of time, energy, and money in order to be initiated into rarefied realms of secret power. You are undergoing an ordeal testing your capacities to become a master of this power. And, as is true in all initiations, there is no guarantee of success. [Magician energy] — Robert Moore

Testing Time Quotes By Talon P.S.

The echo of two boys playing in a pool testing each other to see who could hold their breath the longest.
... Whadda ya wanna do now? - I know, we could wrestle like the Roman gladiators - Okay - What do we fight for? - Loser has to do the victor's homework for a week - Nah, raise the stakes. Loser has to suck the victor's johnny - Trenton recalled the long ago memory of two boys wrestling, butt naked in the back yard and the battle went on forever locked in each other's grip. A stalemate tangle in each other's arm. And they kissed finding each other's tongue. The taste of it so good and frightening at the same time and they pulled apart fearfully - Deez - Yeah Trent - I don't think we should tell anyone about this, okay? - Yeah okay - — Talon P.S.

Testing Time Quotes By Will Schwalbe

Trust is all about instinct. If you had all the facts, you wouldn't need trust. Trust is what is required in the absence of proof. But I believe you can strengthen your instincts by testing them; every time you prove yourself right or wrong, they grow stronger. — Will Schwalbe

Testing Time Quotes By John William Draper

Experimental investigation, to borrow a phrase employed by Kepler respecting the testing of hypotheses, is "a very great thief of time." Sometimes it costs many days to determine a fact that can be stated in a line. — John William Draper

Testing Time Quotes By John F. Kennedy

If scientific discovery has not been an unalloyed blessing, if it has conferred on mankind the power not only to create but also to annihilate, it has at the same time provided humanity with a supreme challenge and a supreme testing — John F. Kennedy

Testing Time Quotes By Gene Kim

My heart lurches as all the implications sink in. I've seen this movie before. The plot is simple: First, you take an urgent date-driven project, where the shipment date cannot be delayed because of external commitments made to Wall Street or customers. Then you add a bunch of developers who use up all the time in the schedule, leaving no time for testing or operations deployment. And because no one is willing to slip the deployment date, everyone after Development has to take outrageous and unacceptable shortcuts to hit the date. — Gene Kim

Testing Time Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

Boxing is the ultimate challenge. There's nothing that can compare to testing yourself the way you do every time you step in the ring. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Testing Time Quotes By Tom Landry

A vital team characteristic is the ability to overcome adversity. Any team acquires experience and endurance as it learns to fight back. This in turn builds the kind of character which seldom crumbles at a time of crisis or testing. — Tom Landry

Testing Time Quotes By Maureen McCormick

I hit rock bottom when I was doing "The Brady Brides." I was supposed to be at the studio, screen testing to pick the guy that would play my husband. At this time, I had been up for three days doing coke and was playing solitaire in my closet. — Maureen McCormick

Testing Time Quotes By Anonymous

Generative testing is an approach to testing software that was made popular by the QuickCheck library. Originally written in Haskell and since ported to several other programming languages (Ruby, Python, C, C++, Objective-C, Smalltalk, Java, JavaScript, Erlang, Scala, Clojure...), the QuickCheck library allows the developer to separate test logic from the generation of test cases. This means that, as developers, we can spend less time instructing the compiler how to test our code, and focus instead on what properties we expect our code to have. — Anonymous

Testing Time Quotes By Gerald M. Weinberg

Jane easily shifts among activities - testing for discovery, pinpointing, locating, determining significance, repairing, troubleshooting, and testing to learn. As long as she continues to serve her customers, it doesn't really matter which task she performs at any given time. — Gerald M. Weinberg

Testing Time Quotes By Carroll Smith

Nothing is ever in such short supply at a race track as time. It doesn't seem to matter whether we are at the track for a race meeting or for testing - there is never enough time. — Carroll Smith

Testing Time Quotes By Lena Dunham

You used to own the night and put it to good use, during that sweet spot after your father could no longer tell you when to go to sleep and before you shared an apartment with someone else. Is togetherness killing your productivity? When's the last time you stayed up until 4:00 a.m. testing the boundaries of your consciousness and Googling serial killers? But then you remember how hard it was, that moment between wakefulness and sleep. How the moment of settling down was almost physically painful, your mind pulling away from your body like a balloon being sucked into the atmosphere. He settles that. He tells you that your day was rich enough and now it is time to wind down. He helps you sleep. People need sleep. — Lena Dunham

Testing Time Quotes By Stella McCartney

The main challenge is technology and that's something I really push and work closely with Adidas on. They're real leaders in sports performance; always trying to push that further and further and get the best technology they can. That takes time and has rigorous testing, it's very laborious, but it's also very rewarding. You get to work with fantastic athletes, and that's a fantastic thing that has nothing to do with my day job in ready-to-wear. — Stella McCartney

Testing Time Quotes By Paul Lockhart

So how does one go about proving something like this? It's not like being a lawyer, where the goal is to persuade other people; nor is it like a scientist testing a theory. This is a unique art form within the world of rational science. We are trying to craft a "poem of reason" that explains fully and clearly and satisfies the pickiest demands of logic, while at the same time giving us goosebumps. — Paul Lockhart

Testing Time Quotes By Martin J. Blaser

We think that cutting routine office visits to twenty minutes, fifteen minutes, even ten minutes will save money when in fact, with less time for doctors to examine and less time to think, we are incurring far greater costs through excessive testing and needless treatment. — Martin J. Blaser

Testing Time Quotes By Bill Lee

The other day they asked me about mandatory drug testing. I said I believed in drug testing a long time ago. All through the sixties I tested everything. — Bill Lee

Testing Time Quotes By Hugh Nibley

Meteorology ... is quite as "scientific" as geology and far more so than archaeology - it actually makes more use of scientific instruments, computers, and higher mathematics ... Yet we laugh at the weatherman every other day; we are not overawed by his impressive paraphernalia, because we can check up on him any time we feel like it: he makes his learned pronouncements - and then it rains or it doesn't rain.
No scientific conclusion is to be trusted without testing - to the extent to which exact sciences are exact they are also experimental sciences; it is in the laboratory that the oracle must be consulted. But the archaeologist is denied access to the oracle. For him there is no neat and definitive demonstration; he is doomed to plod along, everlastingly protesting and fumbling through a laborious, often rancorous running debate that never ends. — Hugh Nibley

Testing Time Quotes By Steve McConnell

developer testing should probably take 8 to 25 percent of the total project time. — Steve McConnell

Testing Time Quotes By Alan Redpath

David knew that all the question marks of his life were in the hand of God. He knew it was impossible to be in God's hand and in the enemy's hand at the same time. The gloom begins to disappear and fear departs as faith emerges in glorious triumph. This man is rising out of his testing and adversity to learn to put his utter dependence on the Lord. — Alan Redpath

Testing Time Quotes By John Bevere

God has brought His Church into the wilderness. Spiritually, America is a dry and thirsty land. Our time of testing is at hand. God once again watches to see whether His people will seek His face or His hand. His face represents His character and nature; it denotes a relationship. His hand represents His provision and power. If you seek only His hand, you may not recognize His face. But if you know the face, you will know His hand. — John Bevere

Testing Time Quotes By Betty Edwards

Today we are not only testing and grading our children into the ground, but we are not teaching them how to see and understand the deep meaning of what they learn, or to perceive the connectedness of information about the world. It is indeed time to try something different. — Betty Edwards

Testing Time Quotes By Richard Rider

Real-time creeps back in, and Lindsay realises the kid's on his knees beside him, saying his name over and over and over.
"Oh, thank fuck ... Jesus, you're bleeding like hell."
"Thanks, Sherlock."
"Can you see a bright white light?"
"Oh fuck. Fuck! Okay, listen to me, don't go near it, okay?"
"Stay away from the light."
"What are you talking about?"
"That's death, innit? Don't go near it, promise me."
"I mean I can see the electric lights on the ceiling, you berk."
"You berk! You knob, I thought you were dying."
"You didn't specify what kind of bright light, you just said bright light,
you might've been testing my eyesight."
"I ain't fighting with you when you've been shot. — Richard Rider

Testing Time Quotes By Liz Halliday

In the future I would like to try other forms of racing, testing Formula cars or single seaters would be good, but again it is finding the time as I am incredibly busy. I don't think I have the time to try any other new sports. I have already cut skiing out of my routine in order to manage the racing and riding relationship. By the looks of things I am going to be busy for quite a few years. — Liz Halliday

Testing Time Quotes By Elizabeth Blair Lee

Elementary and high school students will still be tested under the new law. There just won't be so much riding on the scores. Also the arts didn't disappear under the old law, No Child Left Behind. But, Christopher Woodside of the National Association for Music Education says with so much time spent testing math and reading, the arts suffered. — Elizabeth Blair Lee

Testing Time Quotes By Jim Highsmith

The tail is the time period from "code slush" (true code freezes are rare) or "feature freeze" to actual deployment. This is the time period when companies do some or all of the following: beta testing, regression testing, product integration, integration testing, documentation, defect fixing. The worst "tail" I've encountered was 18 months - 18 months from feature freeze to product release, and most of that time was spent in QA. I've — Jim Highsmith

Testing Time Quotes By Valentino Rossi

Once the races begin it's more difficult and there is never that much time for testing. — Valentino Rossi

Testing Time Quotes By Jordana Brewster

People spend so much time in their cars, and it's a legal way to have fun by speeding a little bit or testing yourself a little bit, and you get to invest in your car. For some people, it becomes their baby. — Jordana Brewster

Testing Time Quotes By Alfred De Musset

During the wars of the Empire, while husbands and brothers were in Germany, anxious mothers gave birth to an ardent, pale, and neurotic generation. Conceived between battles, reared amid the noises of war, thousands of children looked about them with dull eyes while testing their limp muscles. From time to time their blood-stained fathers would appear, raise them to their gold-laced bosoms, then place them on the ground and remount their horses. — Alfred De Musset

Testing Time Quotes By Bill Gates

Over time, yes, countries will need to look at specific GMO products like they look at drugs today, where they don't approve them all. They look hard at the safety and the testing. And they make sure that the benefits far outweigh any of the downsides. — Bill Gates

Testing Time Quotes By Gail Carriger

We could come up with a reasonable explanation for your wearing it. Would that help?" wheedled Sophronia.
"Justification for my trotting around wearing a lady's undergarments? I hardly see how."
Soap's eyes were sparkling with amusement, and Vieve was dimpling openly at the very idea of Pillover in a skirt. Pillover stood holding the petticoat between thumb and forefinger as if it were contaminated with some dreaded chemical.
"Go on, pull it on over you clothes and go out there," Sophronia urged.
"You could say you were running some experiment dangerous to your nether regions," suggested Vieve.
"You could say you were testing the response time of the maid mechanicals," suggested Sophronia.
"You could say you like ladies' undergarments," suggested Soap.
"I'm doomed." Pillover rolled his eyes and flapped the petticoat. — Gail Carriger

Testing Time Quotes By Julia Quinn

Oh, God, Francesca,Now there's a good one.Why?Why? Why?" He gave each one a different tenor, as if he were testing out the word, asking it to
different people.
"Why?" he asked again, this time with increased volume
as he turned around to face her.
"Why? It's
because I love you, damn me to hell. Because I've always loved you. Because I loved you when you
were with John, and I loved you when I was in India, and God only knows I don't deserve you, but I
love you, anyway."
Francesca sagged against the door.
"How's that for a witty little joke?" he mocked. "I loveyou. I loveyou, my cousin's wife. I loveyou, the
one woman I can never have. I loveyou, Francesca Bridger-ton Stirling. — Julia Quinn

Testing Time Quotes By Paul McCartney

The medical argument for animal testing doesn't stand up. Even if it did, I don't think we should kill other species. We think we're so much better; I'm not sure we are. I tell people, We've beaten into submission every animal on the face of the Earth, so we are the clear winners of whatever battle is going on between the species. Couldn't we be generous? I really do think it's time to get nice. No need to keep beating up on them. I think we've got to show that we're kind. — Paul McCartney

Testing Time Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

And speaking of this wonderful machine:
[840] I'm puzzled by the difference between
Two methods of composing: A, the kind Which goes on solely in the poet's mind,
A testing of performing words, while he
Is soaping a third time one leg, and B,
The other kind, much more decorous, when
He's in his study writing with a pen. In method B the hand supports the thought,
The abstract battle is concretely fought.
The pen stops in mid-air, then swoops to bar
[850] A canceled sunset or restore a star,
And thus it physically guides the phrase
Toward faint daylight through the inky maze.
But method A is agony! The brain
Is soon enclosed in a steel cap of pain.
A muse in overalls directs the drill Which grinds and which no effort of the will
Can interrupt, while the automaton
Is taking off what he has just put on Or walking briskly to the corner store [860] To buy the paper he has read before. — Vladimir Nabokov

Testing Time Quotes By Faina Ranevskaya

Old age is the time when birthday candles cost more than the birthday cake itself, and half of your urine is wasted on medical testing. — Faina Ranevskaya

Testing Time Quotes By Richard A. Falk

The existing order is breaking down at a very rapid rate, and the main uncertainty is whether mankind can exert a positive role in shaping a new world order or is doomed to await collapse in a passive posture. We believe a new orderwill be born no later than early in the next century and that the death throes of the old and the birth pangs of the new will be a testing time for the human species. — Richard A. Falk

Testing Time Quotes By Sharon Guskin

Denise would never get over it. She knew that. Tommy's bones at the bottom of the well. She and Henry had spent some time with those bones. When the police had finished testing and tagging and photohgraphing them the funeral parlor had given them time before the burial. She'd clutched them to her chest. Run her fingertips along the smooth sockets that had held his shining eyes. There but not there.

Some part of her wanted those bones. Wanted to put the femurs under her pillow at night when she went to sleep. To carry his skull around in her purse so she'd be with him always.

She understood now how people went crazy and did crazy things. — Sharon Guskin

Testing Time Quotes By Henry Spencer

Reusable rockets promise much easier testing because you should usually get them back, and you can debug as you go rather than having to get everything perfect the first time. — Henry Spencer

Testing Time Quotes By Taylor Phinney

Cycling has nothing to do with the Tour de France. Racing a bike is a totally different sport than just being into cycling. Cycling is this therapeutic, beautiful mode of transportation where you attach yourself to this machine and it becomes part of you. Then you can go to all of these new places that you weren't able to go before, and that has nothing to do with racing. I'm not a bike racer; I'm a bike rider. I love riding my bike, but I also love testing what I can do on my bike. So, in that regard, I am a racer. But if I had been born in Belgium and I had to race in Belgium all the time, I would've never gotten to the level that I am now, because the racing over there is so stressful. It just takes everything away from the niceness of being able to ride a bike. — Taylor Phinney

Testing Time Quotes By Jen Turano

Squaring her shoulders after Permilia disappeared into the crowd, Wilhelmina began skating in Edgar's direction. Coming to a stop a few feet away from him, she smiled when he looked up. That smile, unfortunately, turned to a wince a mere second later, when he tried to get to his feet and immediately took to flailing about. Before she could do more than blink, he was sprawled facedown on the ice. Skating up next to him, she bent over. "Are you all right?" "I'm fine - well, except for my bruised pride," he said, rolling over before he struggled to a sitting position. "One would think that since I'm testing skates with two blades, I'd have an easier time of staying upright. But . . . I'm afraid that has not been the case." He caught her eye again and smiled. — Jen Turano

Testing Time Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

Mortality is a period of testing, a time to prove ourselves worthy to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. In order for us to be tested, we must face challenges and difficulties. These can break us, and the surface of our souls may crack and crumble-that is, if our foundations of faith, our testimonies of truth are not deeply embedded within us. — Thomas S. Monson

Testing Time Quotes By Fred Brooks

Well over half of the time you spend working on a project (on the order of 70 percent) is spent thinking, and no tool, no matter how advanced, can think for you. Consequently, even if a tool did everything except the thinking for you - if it wrote 100 percent of the code, wrote 100 percent of the documentation, did 100 percent of the testing, burned the CD-ROMs, put them in boxes, and mailed them to your customers - the best you could hope for would be a 30 percent improvement in productivity. In order to do better than that, you have to change the way you think. — Fred Brooks

Testing Time Quotes By James G. Frazer

The slow, the never ending approach to truth consists in perpetually forming and testing hypotheses, accepting those at which at the time seem to fit the facts and rejecting the others. — James G. Frazer

Testing Time Quotes By Orville Wright

In just six weeks from the time the design was started, we had the motor on the block testing its power. — Orville Wright

Testing Time Quotes By J. Thomas LaMont

Testing stools for C. diff in patients after they have finished their Flagyl or Vanco for 10 days and after their bowel movements have returned to normal (that is, formed and not watery) is a waste of time and money, and is not helpful to the doctor or patient. — J. Thomas LaMont

Testing Time Quotes By Bill Keller

I don't think fairness means that you give equal time to every point of view no matter how marginal. You weigh the sides, you do some truth-testing, you apply judgment to them. — Bill Keller

Testing Time Quotes By Michael Law

Sometimes it's hard to know when you've crossed the line from conscientious to compulsive. When you're in the thick of an assignment, it's easy to believe that you must spend so much time brainstorming, researching, writing, testing, revising or what-have-you. Often, it's only after you've been working for hours on end that you realize that half the work you've been doing wasn't actually necessary and that you've just wasted a lot of time. — Michael Law

Testing Time Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

How grateful we should be that a wise Creator fashioned an earth and placed us here, with a veil of forgetfulness of our previous existence so that we might experience a time of testing, an opportunity to prove ourselves in order to qualify for all that God has prepared for us to receive. — Thomas S. Monson

Testing Time Quotes By Roy Osherove

Can you send your team to a unit-testing course for a few days? When they come back, how much extra time do you provide for your team to apply what they've learned in a slower pace of development? Twenty percent more? Not even close. — Roy Osherove

Testing Time Quotes By Joelle Charbonneau Independent Study

Leaders are forced to kill all the time. Then they have to learn to live with the decisions they make. Just like I'm going to learn to live with mine. — Joelle Charbonneau Independent Study

Testing Time Quotes By Thabo Mbeki

I think that probably the most important thing about our education was that it taught us to question even those things we thought we knew. To say you've got to inquire, you've got to be testing your knowledge all the time in order to be more effective in what you're doing. — Thabo Mbeki

Testing Time Quotes By Timothy Ferriss

There has never been a better time for testing the uncommon. — Timothy Ferriss

Testing Time Quotes By Tamara L. Chilver

God has a plan for you (Jer. 29:11) and you will make it through this time of testing. Keep on believing and moving forward and you will see Him working out the details. God is never early or late but His timing is always perfect. You will see, I promise. — Tamara L. Chilver

Testing Time Quotes By Henry Spencer

Foul-ups in testing are not uncommon, especially when the test setup is being tried for the first time. — Henry Spencer

Testing Time Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

I was really interested in how marriages work, how you can, you know, be in love with somebody and spend many years with your lives intertwined, but in the end another soul can be fundamentally unknowable. And I think that the stress of war, when one party goes away and the other has to deal at home, is a really testing time in a lot of marriages. — Geraldine Brooks

Testing Time Quotes By Tarif Naaz

Kashmir was ignorant and, therefore, unaffected of the happenings taking place behind its lofty mountains. No social or political upheaval was permitted to cross the sky-high and colossal walls of Kashmir. It was mainly because Dogra regime was loyal to the British Government and proved its loyalty in the difficult and testing time of revolt 1857. — Tarif Naaz

Testing Time Quotes By Carlene Bauer

You and I are so different: I am one word at a time one foot in front of the other, slowly, always testing how surely footing is before proceeding to the next sentence with ruminative breaks for buttered toast and coffee. — Carlene Bauer

Testing Time Quotes By Kendrick Lamar

So next time you feel like your world is about to end, I hope you studied because He's testing your faith again. — Kendrick Lamar

Testing Time Quotes By Steve Pavlina

Imaginary testing is unreliable, and in many cases, it's a huge waste of time and energy. In truth you just don't know what will happen until you try. You may start a business, and it could take off in ways no one could predict. Or it could be a complete failure. You could ask for a date and end up with the partner of your dreams. Or you could be rejected cold. It's great to visualize what you want, but you never really know what's going to happen until you act. — Steve Pavlina

Testing Time Quotes By Kristiane Backer

According to Islam, whenever we are struck by illness or misfortune or someone hurts us, there is a higher purpose behind it, which we may not understand at the time,' one of them said to me. 'That's where trust comes in. Through suffering, God helps us to better ourselves and make good our mistakes. It is a form of purification and also God's way of testing the strength of our faith and the goodness of our character.' Another lady suggested I look on the bright side.

'Suffering draws us closer to God and that is our aim in life,' she said. Then she quoted Rumi who had said, 'It is pain that draws man to his Lord, because when he is well, he doesn't remember the Lord.' I tried to look at the positive and believe that there was a higher, spiritual perspective on what I had just been through, and all the advice I was given helped me a lot. But it took quite a while for my heart to catch up with my mind. — Kristiane Backer

Testing Time Quotes By Terri Blackstock

This life is not about our comfort. We have an eternity for that. I really think this is about training and testing. We will have work to do in Heaven, work that is fulfilling and perfect for us. God needs to develop certain skill sets in us before that time. That may be what this life is about. — Terri Blackstock

Testing Time Quotes By Kellie Lane

Let us pray: Most gracious and heavenly Father, we thank You, Lord God, for Your goodness. We celebrate life today, right where we are. Father, we acknowledge that nothing compares to You. There is nobody greater than You, O God. You and You alone are worthy of our praise. Thank You for this time of testing. Thank You for perfecting that which concerns us. Thank You for promising to complete that which You have started. Thank You for allowing us to trade in our spirits of heaviness for garments of praise. Hallelujah! We have prayed. Amen. — Kellie Lane

Testing Time Quotes By David L. Fleming

If we think that God loves us only if we act in a certain way, we will see our lives as a time of testing. We need to rise to the challenge, to avoid mistakes, to labor to do the right thing. But if God is Love loving, our life is a time of growing and maturing. "All the things in this world" are ways to become closer to God. — David L. Fleming

Testing Time Quotes By Vaclav Klaus

To reduce the interpretation of the causality of all kinds of climate changes and of global warming to one variable, CO2, or to a small proportion of one variable - human-induced CO2 - is impossible to accept. Elementary rationality and my decades-long experience with econometric modelling and statistical testing of scientific hypotheses tell me that it is impossible to make strong conclusions based on mere correlation of two (or more) time series. — Vaclav Klaus

Testing Time Quotes By Walter Annenberg

Adversity tests us from time to time and it is inevitable that this testing continues during life. — Walter Annenberg

Testing Time Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

You ask me,' a thoughtful Crumpet had once said in the smoking-room of the Drones Club, 'why it is that at the mention of his Uncle Fred's name Pongo Twistleton blenches to the core and calls for a couple of quick ones. I will tell you. It is because this uncle is pure dynamite. Every time he is in Pongo's midst, with the sap running strongly in his veins, he subjects the unfortunate young egg to some soul-testing experience, luring him out into the open and there, right in the public eye, proceeding to step high, wide and plentiful. For though well stricken in years the old blister becomes on these occasions as young as he feels, which seems to be about twenty-two. I don't know if you happen to know what the word "excesses" means, but those are what he invariably commits, when on the loose. Get Pongo to tell you some time about that day they had together at the dog races. — P.G. Wodehouse

Testing Time Quotes By Perie Wolford

Archie wasn't waiting for her at the attic. She didn't consider that. He was
probably giving her time to set and collect a trap, about a week or so as she guessed, a testing period. He couldn't trust her just yet, but she could tell that there was also more to it. He needed to distance himself, from her, because he was afraid to love her. That was it. Loving her was his flaw, weakness, and he could not have a weakness, not while at war. He wouldn't show up, not for some time. She knew that. The longer it would take for him to come back, the more he loved her. — Perie Wolford