Famous Quotes & Sayings

Systematic Racism Quotes & Sayings

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Top Systematic Racism Quotes

Systematic Racism Quotes By James Baldwin

You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity, and in as many ways as possible, that you were a worthless human being. You were not expected to aspire to excellence: you were expected to make peace with mediocrity. — James Baldwin

Systematic Racism Quotes By Kathryn Bigelow

I really look for peak experiences and dramatic material that can allow peak experiences. — Kathryn Bigelow

Systematic Racism Quotes By Benjamin Hoff

As our planet takes action to cast out its manmade poisons and heal its man-caused wounds, many human inhabitants will no doubt give way to fear. Many will cling to seemingly powerful we're-God's-chosen-people religions, hoping that by so doing they will be saved from the wrath of a Vengeful God (not recognizing that the approaching "vengeance" will in reality be man's own actions coming back at him - and not recognizing that the Infinite Universal Power is far more than the narrow-minded gatekeeper of an exclusive Spiritual Country Club). — Benjamin Hoff

Systematic Racism Quotes By Anne Lamott

Jealousy has always been my cross, the weakness and woundedness in me that has most often caused me to feel ugly and unlovable, like the Bad Seed. — Anne Lamott

Systematic Racism Quotes By Jane Austen

Mrs. Musgrove was of a comfortable substantial size, infinitely more fitted by nature to express good cheer and good humor, than tenderness and sentiment — Jane Austen

Systematic Racism Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

The only real payoff for leadership is eternal. — Patrick Lencioni

Systematic Racism Quotes By Darnell Lamont Walker

The power structure understands that Black folks have been hungry for so long, fixing us a plate now that's the same size as theirs would do nothing for our hunger. After all, they're pretty full and fat.
They know we now require a much bigger plate than theirs to quiet the stomach rumblings.
They see us and know what it looks like to be less powerful. They are fighting to never FEEL it. — Darnell Lamont Walker

Systematic Racism Quotes By Macklemore

I think that, as a white person stepping into doing any sort of anti-systematic-racism type of work, asking yourself, 'What is your intention?' needs to happen on a consistent basis. Check yourself. Check yourself. Check yourself, like, constantly. — Macklemore

Systematic Racism Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

I feel as if I were nearer to the vitals of the globe, for this sandy overflow is something such a foliaceous mass as the vitals of the animal body. — Henry David Thoreau

Systematic Racism Quotes By John Caples

Every single element in an advertisement - headline, subhead, photo, and copy - must be put there not because it looks good, not because it sounds good, but because testing has shown that it works best! — John Caples

Systematic Racism Quotes By John Kennedy Toole

Myrna was not astigmatic; the lenses were clear glass; she wore the glasses to prove her dedication and intensity of purpose. — John Kennedy Toole

Systematic Racism Quotes By Paula S. Rothenberg

Can people of color be racist?" I reply, "The answer depends on your definition of racism." If one defines racism as racial prejudice, the answer is yes. People of color can and do have racial prejudices. However, if one defines racism as a system of advantage based on race, the answer is no. People of color are not racist because they do not systematically benefit from racism. And equally important, there is no systematic cultural and institutional support or sanction for the racial bigotry of people of color. In my view, reserving the term racist only for behaviors committed by whites in the context of a white-dominated society is a way of acknowledging the ever-present power differential afforded whites by the culture and institutions that make up the system of advantage and continue to reinforce notions of white superiority. (Using the same logic, I reserve the word sexist for men. Though women can and do have gender-based prejudices, only men systematically benefit from sexism.) — Paula S. Rothenberg

Systematic Racism Quotes By Bob Bitchin

The difference between an adventure and an ordeal is attitude. — Bob Bitchin

Systematic Racism Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn

I don't want people following Jon Kabat-Zinn. I want them following themselves. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Systematic Racism Quotes By Craig Seymour

The thing is that racism is systematic, so of course it sometimes manifested itself within the clubs. But I have certainly experienced racism outside of the clubs as well. — Craig Seymour

Systematic Racism Quotes By Tony Robbins

It's not can you, it's will you — Tony Robbins