Famous Quotes & Sayings

Swim Drown Quotes & Sayings

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Top Swim Drown Quotes

Swim Drown Quotes By E.K. Blair

my bleeding heart. I want to crawl inside of his skin and drown myself in his blood. I want to swim in his marrow. — E.K. Blair

Swim Drown Quotes By Shahrnush Parsipur

On the way I thought about how millions of people drowned so that the first person could learn to swim. The amazing thing is that people still drown. — Shahrnush Parsipur

Swim Drown Quotes By Marian Keyes

Drink never drown anyone's sorrows," he went on. "It only teaches them how to swim. — Marian Keyes

Swim Drown Quotes By Eliza Lentzski

I was trying to drown my sorrows," I explained, looking down into the bottom of my glass, "but my sorrows learned to swim. — Eliza Lentzski

Swim Drown Quotes By Steve Maraboli

I'm water...
If you're oil, we'll clash.
If you're a flower, I'll nourish you.
If you're a light, I'll reflect you.
If you can't swim, you'll drown in me.
If you're up for adventure, I'm endless entertainment.
I'm just being me.
If we don't fit, it's not my fault, nor yours.
You be you. I'll be me. — Steve Maraboli

Swim Drown Quotes By Hermann Hesse

Most men will not swim before they are able to. Is that not witty? Naturally, they won't swim! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they wont think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown. — Hermann Hesse

Swim Drown Quotes By William Wharton

People can't fly because they don't believe they can. If nobody ever showed people they could swim, everybody'd drown if they were dropped into the water. — William Wharton

Swim Drown Quotes By Yasmin Mogahed

But, this dark place is not the end. Remember that the darkness of night precedes the dawn. And as long as your heart still beats, this is not the death of it. You don't have to die here. Sometimes, the ocean floor is only a stop on the journey. And it is when you are at this lowest point, that you are faced with a choice. You can stay there at the bottom, until you drown. Or you can gather pearls and rise back up - stronger from the swim, and richer from the jewels. — Yasmin Mogahed

Swim Drown Quotes By Saeed Jones


The only regret is that I waited
longer than a breath
to scatter the sun's reflection
with my body.

New stars burst upon the water
when you pulled me in.

On the shore, our clothes
begged us to be good boys again.

Every stick our feet touched
a snapping turtle, every shadow
a water moccasin.

Excuses to swim closer to one another.

I sank into the depths to see you
as the lake saw you: cut in half
by the surface, taut legs kicking,
the rest of you sky.

Suddenly still, a clear view
of what you knew I wanted
to see.

When I resurfaced, slick grin,
knowing glance; you pushed me
back under.

I pretended to drown,
then swallowed you whole. — Saeed Jones

Swim Drown Quotes By Oliver Sykes

I can't drown my demons. They know how to swim. — Oliver Sykes

Swim Drown Quotes By Sarah MacLean

Leave it to the English to fabricate a lake," she tossed over her shoulder to Carla, who snickered.
"And leave it to the Italians to fall into it!"
"I was retrieving my hat!"
"Ah . . . that makes it all much more logical. Do you even know how to swim?"
"Do I know how to swim?" she asked, and he took more than a little pleasure in her offense.
"I was raised on the banks of the Adige! Which happens to be a real river."
"Impressive," he said, not at all impressed. "And tell me, did you ever swim in said river?"
"Of course! But I wasn't wearing" - she waved a hand to indicate her dress - "sixteen layers of fabric!"
"Why not?"
"Because you don't swim in sixteen layers of fabric!"
"Why not?" He had her now.
"Because you will drown!"
"Ah," he said, rocking back on his heels. "Well, at least we've learned something today. — Sarah MacLean

Swim Drown Quotes By Margaret Millar

You can't drown your troubles ... because troubles can swim. — Margaret Millar

Swim Drown Quotes By Albert Borris

They say that if you really want to kill yourself, no one can stop you. There are too many ways to do it. You can jump off a bridge or a building. You can hang yourself. You can crash a car or slit your wrists or swim out really far into the ocean until you drown. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not dead, if I really wanted to kill myself. — Albert Borris

Swim Drown Quotes By Victoria Erickson

Often times, a person will think they know you by piecing together tiny facts and arranging those pieces into a puzzle that makes sense to them. If we don't know ourselves very well, we'll mistakenly believe them, and drift toward where they tell us to swim, only to drown in our own confusion.
Here's the truth: it's important to take the necessary steps to find out who you are. Because you hold endless depths below the surface of a few facts and pieces and past decisions. You aren't only the ripples others can see. You are made of oceans. — Victoria Erickson

Swim Drown Quotes By Steven Erikson

He swam at my feet,
Powerful arms in broad strokes
Sweeping the sand.
So I asked this man,
What seas do you swim?
And to this he answered,
'I have seen shells and the like
On this desert floor,
So I swim this land's memory
Thus honouring its past,'
Is the journey far, queried I.
'I cannot say,' he replied,
'For I shall drown long before
I am done.'
Sayings of the Fool
Thenys Bule
Steven Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen 02
Deadhouse Gates — Steven Erikson

Swim Drown Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

This pen is my only outlet, my only voice, because I have no one else to speak to, no mind but my own to drown in and all the lifeboats are taken and all the life preservers are broken and I don't know how to swim I can't swim I can't swim and it's getting so hard. It's getting so hard. It's like there are a million screams caught inside of my chest but I have to keep them all in because what's the point of screaming if you'll never be heard and no one will ever hear me in here. No one will ever hear me again. — Tahereh Mafi

Swim Drown Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

You are loved deeper than any ocean. Let your mind swim through it's depth because I will never let you drown. — Shannon L. Alder

Swim Drown Quotes By Charlize Theron

We all understand situations where it's swim or drown. Sometimes we surprise ourselves when we start swimming and see how well we can do it. — Charlize Theron

Swim Drown Quotes By Lynne Hugo

We suffer the threat of breathing in water; we fight the nightmares that would drown us. And just as we feel the deceptive joy of floating, we flex our muscles and learn to kick, propelling ourselves into deeper waters where we can't see the bottom or touch the side.

There, in the deep, we stroke.

Then, surprising ourselves, saving ourselves, we swim. — Lynne Hugo

Swim Drown Quotes By Khang Kijarro Nguyen

She walks in beauty.
I am trampled by it.
She swims in beauty.
I drown in it. — Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Swim Drown Quotes By Karlene Logan

May the memory of the pain leave your mind instantly, and the memory of the person fill your heart forever

When anger dies, forgiveness is born

Love is like water - you can drown instantly, or swim in it forever — Karlene Logan

Swim Drown Quotes By Rita Mae Brown

He tried to drown his troubles but they knew how to swim. — Rita Mae Brown

Swim Drown Quotes By Joseph Conrad

Let them think what they liked, but I didn't mean to drown myself. I meant to swim till I sank
but that's not the same thing. — Joseph Conrad

Swim Drown Quotes By Pierce Brown

If you are thrown into the deep and do not swim, you will drown," he says, and raises his thin eyebrows. "So keep swimming, right? — Pierce Brown

Swim Drown Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

Don't drown the man who taught you to swim. If you learned your trade or profession from the man, do not set up in opposition to him. — Charles Spurgeon

Swim Drown Quotes By J. Limbu

My mind is like a sea
You will only drown,
If you think you can swim
There are things that devours me,
No love can ever save me. — J. Limbu

Swim Drown Quotes By J.R. Ward

God, those eyes of his were gleaming again. So blue, so bright, the color endless, like the sea. An ocean to swim in. To drown in. To die in. — J.R. Ward

Swim Drown Quotes By H. Jackson Brown Jr.

If you know someone who tries to drown their sorrows, you might tell them sorrows know how to swim. — H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Swim Drown Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. and you'll survive — Cassandra Clare

Swim Drown Quotes By Frida Kahlo

"I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim."
Frida Kahlo

Swim Drown Quotes By Dan Abnett

You are walking along the shores of a lake,' Sindermann said. 'A boy is drowning. Do you let him drown because he was foolish enough to fall into the water before he had learned to swim? Or do you fish him out, and teach him how to swim?'
Loken shrugged. 'The latter.'
'What if he fights you off as you attempt to save him, because he is afraid of you? Because he doesn't want to learn how to swim?'
'I save him anyway. — Dan Abnett

Swim Drown Quotes By Carlos Salinas

When speaking of love, and suffering a broken heart, the student said, 'You can't drown if you vow to never swim again.' To which the master replied, 'You will also never choke if you don't eat.' — Carlos Salinas

Swim Drown Quotes By S.L. Jennings

I know I want her body more than I want my next breath. And I know that meeting her, basking in her smiles and wanting her on me like a second skin has forever changed me. But can there ever be more? Can I spend every night counting her freckles, like I once counted the stars? Can I replace my sunrise with the vision of her sleeping beside me, fiery hair, wild and tangled all over her face? Can I swim in those too-big turquoise eyes and drown myself in her laughter every night?
I think the biggest question is, How can I not — S.L. Jennings

Swim Drown Quotes By Melodie Ramone

I made up my mind right then what I really wanted in my life. It was comfort of a home and a family. But more than that, I wanted love. I wanted love to surround me. I wanted to swim in it. I wanted to hold it in my hand like heated sand and pour it through my fingers so it covered my feet. I wanted to taste it, I wanted to smell it. I wanted to wrap myself up in it like a blanket and stay safe and warm inside of it forever. And I wanted to give it. I wanted to drown people in it. I wanted to love with all my heart and be loved just as much in return. — Melodie Ramone

Swim Drown Quotes By Pittacus Lore

If you ever know a man who tries to drown his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim. — Pittacus Lore

Swim Drown Quotes By Frida Kahlo

I drank to drown my sorrows, but the damned things learned how to swim. — Frida Kahlo

Swim Drown Quotes By Pittacus Lore

If you ever see a man trying to drown his sorrows, kindly remind him that his sorrows can swim. — Pittacus Lore

Swim Drown Quotes By Emma Restall Orr

If you submit to the ocean, you drown. If you try to control the ocean, then you're deluded. You learn how to live with the ocean. You learn how to float, to swim, to be a part of it, to be with it. That is the nature of the Pagan's relationship with nature. — Emma Restall Orr

Swim Drown Quotes By Hannah Moskowitz

It's not just like that. I can't just swim away."
"Why not?"
"I'm afraid I'll drown." He looks up and gives the world's smallest smile. He takes a deep breath with those lungs. "I'm afraid I'll drown. — Hannah Moskowitz

Swim Drown Quotes By Rajneesh

Meditation means: remain as relaxed as you are in deep sleep and yet alert. Keep awareness there; let thoughts disappear but awareness has to be retained. And this is not difficult: it is just that we have not tried it, that's all. It is like swimming: if you have not tried it, it looks very difficult; it looks very dangerous too. And you cannot believe how people can swim because you simply drown! But once you have tried a little bit it comes easily; it is very natural. — Rajneesh

Swim Drown Quotes By Carolee Dean

Let me love you, girl who came from the sea. Let us swim to the bottom of the ocean where we can be anything and where no one can find us. We will grow gills and breathe salt water. We will sprout fins and scales and make our home in underground caves. Or else will drown there. But either way, i will be happy — Carolee Dean

Swim Drown Quotes By Michael J. Gelb

Crazy people who are productive are geniuses. Crazy people who are rich are eccentric. Crazy people who are neither productive nor rich are just plain crazy. Geniuses and crazy people are both out in the middle of a deep ocean; geniuses swim, crazy people drown. Most of us are sitting safely on the shore. Take a chance and get your feet wet. — Michael J. Gelb

Swim Drown Quotes By James Dean

There is no way to be truly great in this world. We are impaled on the crook of conditioning. A fish that is in the water has no choice that he is. Genius would have it that we swim in sand. We are fish and we drown. — James Dean

Swim Drown Quotes By Ann Landers

People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. — Ann Landers

Swim Drown Quotes By Jane Davitt

His expression softened, which made Sterling's throat tighten just a little. "You've cannonballed into the deep end when you don't know how to swim, haven't you?"
Sterling looked at him solemnly and smiled. "Yes," he said. "Don't let me drown. — Jane Davitt

Swim Drown Quotes By Melissa Brown

Tucker was my safe place for three years, my secure dock in a sea of indecision as I dealt with my father's illness and death. And now I had to sink or swim. It was time to let go ... and move on. Slowly, I pushed off from the dock that was Tucker Montgomery and prepared to swim ... praying I wouldn't drown. — Melissa Brown

Swim Drown Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

He could not swim, but how would you drown him? His wrath seemed to buoy him up. Some halt in the way of things seems to work here. See him. You could say he's sustained by his fellow man, like you. Has peopled the shore with them calling to him. A race that gives suck to the maimed and the crazed, that wants their wrong blood in its history and will have it. But they want this man's life. He has heard them in the night seeking him with lanterns and cries of execration. How then is he borne up? Or rather, why will not these waters take him? — Cormac McCarthy

Swim Drown Quotes By Rachel Van Dyken

Don't let yourself drown. Don't run or swim away from the safety of the boat. The boat, that's your home, your family, your life. The preserver that keeps you afloat will always be your wife, your partner. Without a preserver you drown, a preserver without something to hold onto has no purpose, so you see, you need each other ... you need to rely on one another for everything. Never forget that if it's not worth fighting for, it's not worth having. — Rachel Van Dyken

Swim Drown Quotes By Megan Hart

The well of my heart is a very deep place,
and at the bottom, it's dark.
He was my ocean, and I didn't know
if I would drown until I learned
how well I could swim. — Megan Hart

Swim Drown Quotes By Karen White

But I think sometimes a person has to be forced underwater to see if they're going to drown or swim. — Karen White

Swim Drown Quotes By Randall Munroe

Q. What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool? Would I need to dive to actually experience a fatal amount of radiation? How long could I stay safely at the surface? - Jonathan Bastien-Filiatrault A. Assuming you're a reasonably good swimmer, you could probably survive treading water anywhere from 10 to 40 hours. At that point, you would black out from fatigue and drown. This is also true for a pool without nuclear fuel in the bottom. — Randall Munroe

Swim Drown Quotes By Frida Kahlo

I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling. — Frida Kahlo

Swim Drown Quotes By Timothy Pina

One can never swim upstream to a prosper future if they continue to drown in their past. — Timothy Pina

Swim Drown Quotes By Simon Mawer

All the answers you may wish for lie within faith, but it demands a complete and incontinent surrender, an immersion as total as any baptism. Indeed baptism is a kind of enactment of the surrender: you bathe in faith, you swim in it, you live by it, surrounded by it, buoyed up by it, engulfed by it. You drown in it, for at times it takes your breath away as entirely as any lungful of water ... All the answers lie in faith; and when you lose your faith you have no choice but to substitute for if a philosophy that deliberately and coldly offers no answers at all. — Simon Mawer

Swim Drown Quotes By Nadia Hashimi

The person most likely to drown in the river is the one who believes he can swim. — Nadia Hashimi

Swim Drown Quotes By Seanan McGuire

Life in our world is very sink or swim, and that's for the best. If you can't survive in the deep end, you should get out before you drown. — Seanan McGuire

Swim Drown Quotes By Alan W. Watts

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. — Alan W. Watts

Swim Drown Quotes By Hermann Hesse

Most people have no desire to swim until they are able to. Isn't that a laugh? Of course they don't want to swim! After all, they were born to live on dry land, not in water. Nor, of course, do they want to think. They weren't made to think, but to live! It's true, and anyone who makes thinking his priority may well go far as a thinker, but when all's said and done he has just mistaken water for dry land, and one of these days he'll drown. — Hermann Hesse

Swim Drown Quotes By John Perkins

This book was written so that we may take heed and remold our story. I am certain that when enough of us become aware of how we are being exploited by the economic engine that creates an insatiable appetite for the world's resources, and results in systems that foster slavery, we will no longer tolerate it. We will reassess our role in a world where a few swim in riches and the majority drown in poverty, pollution, and violence . We will commit ourselves to navigating a course toward compassion, democracy, and social justice for all. — John Perkins

Swim Drown Quotes By Joni Mitchell

Inside your own self pity there you swim, in sinking down to drown her voice still haunts you, and only with your laughter can you win. — Joni Mitchell

Swim Drown Quotes By Steve Maraboli

There are some people whose turbulent waves of behaviors will drown you no matter how well you think you can swim. — Steve Maraboli

Swim Drown Quotes By Billy O'Connor

I tried to drown my demons with whiskey, but I found out real devils can swim. — Billy O'Connor

Swim Drown Quotes By Robert Breault

Often it's just a short swim from the shipwreck of your life to the island paradise of your dreams, assuming you don't drown in the metaphor. — Robert Breault