Surrender God Quotes & Sayings
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Top Surrender God Quotes
![Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson](
Jesus didn't die to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous. Faithfulness is not holding the fort. It's storming the gates of hell. The will of God is not an insurance plan. It's a daring plan. The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ isn't radical. It's normal. It's time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It's time to go all in and all out for the All in All. Pack your coffin! — Mark Batterson
![Surrender God Quotes By Steven Erikson Surrender God Quotes By Steven Erikson](
Recall the gesture of abasement, warlock. You make it in recognition of your own humility. A god's powers are immeasurable and before them you are nothing. Therefore you would worship your god and surrender your life into its hands. But it doesn't want your life, and knows not what to do with your longing, helpless soul. In ritual and symbol you have lost yourselves. Could the god make you understand, it would make you understand this simple truth: the only thing worthy of worship is humility itself. — Steven Erikson
![Surrender God Quotes By Pope John Paul II Surrender God Quotes By Pope John Paul II](
From Mary we learn to surrender to God's Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God! — Pope John Paul II
![Surrender God Quotes By Ann Spangler Surrender God Quotes By Ann Spangler](
Even though many of us are working very hard at it, we rarely, if ever, experience the joy and peace that are promised in the Bible. So what's the problem? Perhaps we are still holding the reins of our lives too tightly, afraid to surrender ourselves to God's Spirit. — Ann Spangler
![Surrender God Quotes By David Wilkerson Surrender God Quotes By David Wilkerson](
What is it about tears that should be so terrifying? the touch of God is marked by tears ... deep, soul-shaking tears, weeping ... it comes when that last barrier is down and you surrender yourself to health and wholeness — David Wilkerson
![Surrender God Quotes By David Foster Wallace Surrender God Quotes By David Foster Wallace](
JAY: No really. Be secure. Pretend I'm a sperm cell. Here. I take the string out of the ... hood of my sweatshirt, affix it to my behind for a tail, like so ...
LENORE: What in God's name are you doing?
JAY: Pretend, Lenore. Be an ovum. Be strong. Let me hypothetically batter at you. Batter batter. Surrender to the unreal of the real interior.
LENORE: Are you supposed to be a sperm, wriggling your sweatshirt-string like that?
JAY: I can feel the strength of your membrane, Lenore. — David Foster Wallace
![Surrender God Quotes By Melody Beattie Surrender God Quotes By Melody Beattie](
Today I will surrender to discipline. I realize that sometimes it takes time to see the fruits of my labors, yet I still need to practice discipline. Help me to remember, God, that I'm moving forward, and that I'm learning the very important art of discipline. — Melody Beattie
![Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray](
A soul cannot seek close fellowship with God, or attain the abiding consciousness of waiting on Him all the day, without a very honest and entire surrender to all His will. — Andrew Murray
![Surrender God Quotes By Francis Chan Surrender God Quotes By Francis Chan](
It is easy to use the phrase 'God's will for my life' as an excuse for inaction or even disobedience ... My hope is that instead of searching for 'God's will for my life' each of us would learn to seek hard after 'the Spirit's leading in my life today.' May we learn to pray for an open and willing heart, to surrender to the Spirit's leading with that friend, child, spouse, circumstance, or decision in our lives right now. — Francis Chan
![Surrender God Quotes By Billy Graham Surrender God Quotes By Billy Graham](
God will not force himself upon us against our will. If we want his love, we need to believe in him. We need to make a definite, positive act of commitment and surrender to the love of God. No one can do it for us. — Billy Graham
![Surrender God Quotes By Francine Rivers Surrender God Quotes By Francine Rivers](
courage is not something we can manufacture by our own efforts. But when we surrender wholeheartedly to God, he gives us the courage to face whatever comes. He gives us the words to speak when we are called to stand and voice our faith. — Francine Rivers
![Surrender God Quotes By Iris Murdoch Surrender God Quotes By Iris Murdoch](
He felt himself to be one of them, who can live neither in the world nor out of it. They are a kind of sick people, whose desire for God makes them unsatisfactory citizens of an ordinary life, but whose strength or temperament fails them to surrender the world completely; and present-day society, with its hurried pace and its mechanical and technical structure, offers no home to these unhappy souls. — Iris Murdoch
![Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
There are times when it seems as if God watches to see if we will give Him even small gifts of surrender, just to show how genuine our love is for Him. To be surrendered to God is of more value than our personal holiness. Concern over our personal holiness causes us to focus our eyes on ourselves, and we become overly concerned about the way we walk and talk and look, out of fear of offending God. " ... but perfect love casts out fear ... " once we are surrendered to God (1 John 4:18). We should quit asking ourselves, "Am I of any use?" and accept the truth that we really are not of much use to Him. The issue is never of being of use, but of being of value to God Himself. Once we are totally surrendered to God, He will work through us all the time. — Oswald Chambers
![Surrender God Quotes By Henry T. Blackaby Surrender God Quotes By Henry T. Blackaby](
The fact that God can bring character development and personal growth out of any situation is conditional on people's willingness to submit to God's will. God is sovereign over every life, but those who yield their will to him will be shaped according to his purposes. When God directs a life for his purposes, all of life is a school. No experience, good or bad, is ever wasted (Rom. 8:28). God doesn't squander people's time. He doesn't ignore their pain. He brings not only healing but growth out of even the worst experiences. Every relationship can be God's instrument to mature a person's character. — Henry T. Blackaby
![Surrender God Quotes By Adam Houge Surrender God Quotes By Adam Houge](
I praise You for Your authority over me. I worship You for Your authority over the grave. I praise You! For there is none like You, and all creatures both spiritual and physical are subject to You. For You are Lord and reign over all. Everything is Yours and belongs to Your name alone. Reign in my life in all Your authority. I surrender to Your Lordship. I surrender to Your purpose and Your plans. Be mighty in my life, O God - mighty to save and swift to deliver. — Adam Houge
![Surrender God Quotes By James Martineau Surrender God Quotes By James Martineau](
This it is that gives a majesty so pure and touching to the historic figure of Christ; self-abandonment to God, uttermost surrender, without reserve or stipulation, to the guidance of the Holy Spirit from the Soul of souls; pause in no darkness; hesitation in no perplexity, recoil in no extremity of anguish, but a gentle unfaltering hold of the invisible Hand, of the Only Holy and All Good
these are the features that have made Jesus of Nazareth the dearest and most sacred image to the heart of so many ages. — James Martineau
![Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray](
be to the glory of God, in full surrender to His will, in full assurance of faith, in the name of Jesus, and with a perseverance that, if need be, refuses to be denied. — Andrew Murray
![Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren](
God is not a cruel slave driver or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission. He doesn't try to break our will, but woos us to himself so that we might offer ourselves freely to him. God is a lover and a liberator, and surrendering to him brings freedom, not bondage. When we completely surrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that he is not a tyrant, but a savior; not a boss, but a brother; not a dictator, but a friend. — Rick Warren
![Surrender God Quotes By F.B. Meyer Surrender God Quotes By F.B. Meyer](
surrender, and say, "My God, have — F.B. Meyer
![Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren](
DAY 10 Thinking about My Purpose POINT TO PONDER: The heart of worship is surrender. VERSE TO REMEMBER: "Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes." ROMANS 6:13B (TEV) QUESTION TO CONSIDER: What area of my life am I holding back from God? — Rick Warren
![Surrender God Quotes By Robin Jones Gunn Surrender God Quotes By Robin Jones Gunn](
Learn to make peace with the mysteries of surrender, submission, endurance. The promise is based on God's grace. The promise comes by faith. All of Abraham's children will certainly receive the promise. And it is not only for those who are ruled by the law. Those who have the same faith that Abraham had are also included. He is the father of us all. - Romans 4:16 NIrV — Robin Jones Gunn
![Surrender God Quotes By Beth Moore Surrender God Quotes By Beth Moore](
One positive result of past failure is that you surrender the pursuit of perfection and, if you've gained any sense along the way, you replace it with the pursuit of God's redemption. Nothing is more redemptive than faith in God. You learn that failure may be painful, but it's rarely fatal. After coming to grips with the high premium God places on our faith, I refuse to give up a life practice of believing God just because I accidentally swerve off the road a few times in my faith journey. Hebrews 11:6 says faith is what pleases God, not perfection. — Beth Moore
![Surrender God Quotes By T. S. Eliot Surrender God Quotes By T. S. Eliot](
Forgive us, O Lord, we acknowledge ourselves as type of the common man,
Of the men and women who shut the door and sit by the fire;
Who fear the blessing of God, the loneliness of the night of God, the surrender required, the deprivation inflicted;
Who fear the injustice of men less than the justice of God;
Who fear the hand at the window, the fire in the thatch, the fist in the tavern, the push into the canal,
Less than we fear the love of God. — T. S. Eliot
![Surrender God Quotes By C.S. Lewis Surrender God Quotes By C.S. Lewis](
Since I am I, I must make an act of self-surrender, however small or however easy, in living to God rather than to my self. — C.S. Lewis
![Surrender God Quotes By Daya Mata Surrender God Quotes By Daya Mata](
He knows what He is doing with me. I cannot always understand His way, but I am content in the realization that He knows what is best. That is surrender. — Daya Mata
![Surrender God Quotes By Hanna Whitall Smith Surrender God Quotes By Hanna Whitall Smith](
Like any other sin, the stronghold is in the will, and the will or purpose to doubt must be surrendered exactly as you surrender the will or purpose to yield to any other temptation. God always takes possession of a surrendered will. — Hanna Whitall Smith
![Surrender God Quotes By Brennan Manning Surrender God Quotes By Brennan Manning](
Alert to the manipulations and machinations of Pharisaical self-righteousness, ragamuffins refuse to surrender control of their lives to rules and regulations. They see that the stale religiosity of legalists, trapped in the fatal narcissism of spiritual perfectionism, obscures the face of the God of Jesus. — Brennan Manning
![Surrender God Quotes By A.W. Tozer Surrender God Quotes By A.W. Tozer](
The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us. — A.W. Tozer
![Surrender God Quotes By Robert Green Ingersoll Surrender God Quotes By Robert Green Ingersoll](
I want no heaven for which I must give my reason; no happiness in exchange for my liberty, and no immortality that demands the surrender of my individuality. Better rot in the windowless tomb, to which there is no door but the red mouth of the pallid worm, than to wear the jeweled collar of a god. — Robert Green Ingersoll
![Surrender God Quotes By Paul Tournier Surrender God Quotes By Paul Tournier](
Life can become once more a grand adventure if we will surrender it to god. He brings one adventure to an end, only to open another to us. With him we must be ready for anything. — Paul Tournier
![Surrender God Quotes By Kelly Martin Surrender God Quotes By Kelly Martin](
God, the universe, life, whatever name you give to the bigger picture, is experiencing itself through you as a human being. A journey from effortlessness, playfulness, freedom, to human doing, suffering and beyond. You can all return to the effortlessness, playfulness, freedom and being, by allowing your moment-by-moment experience, allowing your feelings of pain, suffering, rage, anger and envy to be felt, observed and tenderly allowed. No more self-beating, no more rushing against the tide, no more trying to steer that canoe, for life knows the way, always has and always will. — Kelly Martin
![Surrender God Quotes By Morris L. West Surrender God Quotes By Morris L. West](
Even in sin, the act of love -done with love- is shadowed with divinity. Its conformity may be at fault, but its nature is not altered, and its nature is creative, communicative, splendid in surrender. It was in the splendor of my surrender to Nina and she to me, that I first understood how a man might surrender himself to God -if a God existed. The moment of love is a moment of union -of body and spirit- and the act of faith is mutual and implicit. — Morris L. West
![Surrender God Quotes By Elisabeth Elliot Surrender God Quotes By Elisabeth Elliot](
My most earnest of all pleas to singles is abandonment of the self, surrender to Christ of all unfulfilled longings, an unequivocal willingness to receive whatever God assigns, and a determination to practice the sacrificial principle of Isaiah 58:10-11. Life becomes not only far simpler, but surprisingly joyful and free. — Elisabeth Elliot
![Surrender God Quotes By Brennan Manning Surrender God Quotes By Brennan Manning](
The gospel is absurd and the life of Jesus is meaningless unless we believe that He lived, died, and rose again with but one purpose in mind: to make brand-new creation. Not to make people with better morals but to create a community of prophets and professional lovers, men and women who would surrender to the mystery of the fire of the Spirit that burns within, who would live in ever greater fidelity to the omnipresent Word of God, who would enter into the center of it all, the very heart and mystery of Christ, into the center of the flame that consumes, purifies, and sets everything aglow with peace, joy, boldness, and extravagant, furious love. This, my friend, is what it really means to be a Christian. — Brennan Manning
![Surrender God Quotes By Selenis Leyva Surrender God Quotes By Selenis Leyva](
I believe in God. I got down on my knees and I said, 'I get it. If this isn't for me, then it isn't for me.' And then a week later, I started working. I worked on 'The Following,' I worked on 'Elementary,' I worked on a pilot and then I got 'Orange.' So literally from that moment of deep surrender, that's when you're blessed. — Selenis Leyva
![Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren](
Your wisest moments will be those when you say yes to God. — Rick Warren
![Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson](
Dear God, I surrender this thought to you, for I would see the miracle that lies behind it. Amen. — Marianne Williamson
![Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray Surrender God Quotes By Andrew Murray](
Christ Jesus said: "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." In other words: "I, the living One who have so completely given myself to you, am the Vine. You cannot trust me too much. I am the Almighty Worker, full of a divine life and power." You are the branches of the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is in your heart the consciousness that you are not a strong, healthy, fruit-bearing branch, not closely linked with Jesus, not living in Him as you should be - then listen to Him say: "I am the Vine, I will receive you, I will draw you to myself, I will bless you, I will strengthen you, I will fill you with my Spirit. I, the Vine, have taken you to be my branches, I have given myself utterly to you; children, give yourselves utterly to me. I have surrendered myself as God absolutely to you; I became man and died for you that I might be entirely yours. Come and surrender yourselves entirely to be mine. — Andrew Murray
![Surrender God Quotes By Pope John Paul II Surrender God Quotes By Pope John Paul II](
Believers do not surrender. They can continue on their way to the truth because they are certain that God has created them "explorers", whose mission is to leave no stone unturned, though the temptation to doubt is always there. Leaning on God, they continue to reach out, always and everywhere, for all that is beautiful, good, and true. — Pope John Paul II
![Surrender God Quotes By Winston S. Churchill Surrender God Quotes By Winston S. Churchill](
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. — Winston S. Churchill
![Surrender God Quotes By L.A. Witt Surrender God Quotes By L.A. Witt](
He didn't want to leave, and yet his chest hurt because this felt like goodbye. Like a real goodbye. The kind people said when they knew they'd never resurface. The kind that happened in this brutal, unforgiving world where a man, upon realizing there was a price on his head and a red dot on his chest, would often just surrender. Perhaps out of honor, perhaps out of the realization that there was no escape, so why run? Perhaps out of relief, as if this were the closest to suicide their god would allow. Make it quick. Make it count. Ciao. Why the hell did this feel like that? But — L.A. Witt
![Surrender God Quotes By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Surrender God Quotes By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn](
Our present system is unique in world history, because over and above its physical and economic constraints, it demands of us total surrender of our souls, continuous and active participation in the general, conscious lie. To this putrefaction of the soul, this spiritual enslavement, human beings who wish to be human cannot consent. When Caesar, having exacted what is Caesar's, demands still more insistently that we render him what is God's - that is a sacrifice we dare not make! — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
![Surrender God Quotes By Gangai Victor Surrender God Quotes By Gangai Victor](
If you want more of Jesus, give Him more of yourself — Gangai Victor
![Surrender God Quotes By Wesley Hill Surrender God Quotes By Wesley Hill](
If all Christians must surrender their bodies to God in Christ whenever they enter the fellowship of Christ's body, then it should come as no great shock that God might actually make demands of those Christians and their bodies - demands proving that God, and God alone, has authority over us. — Wesley Hill
![Surrender God Quotes By Cedric Hardwicke Surrender God Quotes By Cedric Hardwicke](
I believe that God felt sorry for actors so he created Hollywood to give them a place in the sun and a swimming pool. The price they had to pay was to surrender their talent. — Cedric Hardwicke
![Surrender God Quotes By Martin Luther Surrender God Quotes By Martin Luther](
Pray, and let God worry. — Martin Luther
![Surrender God Quotes By Julia Cameron Surrender God Quotes By Julia Cameron](
I surrender my anxiety and my sense of urgency. I allow God to guide me in the pacing of my life. I open my heart to God's timing. I release my deadlines, agendas, and stridency to the gentle yet often swift pacing of God. As I open my heart to God's unfoldings, my heart attains peace. As I relax into God's timing, my heart contains comfort. As I allow God to set the tone and schedule of my days, I find myself in the right time and place, open and available to God's opportunities. — Julia Cameron
![Surrender God Quotes By Richard J. Foster Surrender God Quotes By Richard J. Foster](
Joy, not grit, is the hallmark of holy obedience. We need to be lighthearted in what we do to avoid taking ourselves too seriously. It is a cheerful revolt against self and pride. Our work is jubilant, carefree, merry. Utter abandonment to God is done freely and with celebration. And so I urge you to enjoy this ministry of self-surrender. Don't push too hard. Hold this work lightly, joyfully. — Richard J. Foster
![Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh](
To love God means to surrender, to trust, to be ready to die into Him, because dying in God is the beginning of a new life; it is resurrection. Love has to become such an intense flame that it bums you out, that you are not left behind, that you are consumed in it. If you are not, the Guest comes. — Rajneesh
![Surrender God Quotes By Albert Camus Surrender God Quotes By Albert Camus](
The love of God is a hard love. It demands total self-surrender, disdain of our human personality. And yet it alone can reconcile us to suffering and the deaths of children, it alone can justify them, since we cannot understand them, and we can only make God's will ours. — Albert Camus
![Surrender God Quotes By Eugenia Price Surrender God Quotes By Eugenia Price](
If someone has just hurt you or broken your heart, if someone has just died, all the grace you need is there-waiting for you to receive it. As long as we are pulled inward-despair and self attention, we aren't free to reach for God's grace. If we mean to leave ourselves alone, we must keep a hand free. — Eugenia Price
![Surrender God Quotes By Adam Houge Surrender God Quotes By Adam Houge](
But in everything we should surrender our desires to God in prayer. Then we must wait for His response, that we can walk by faith and not by sight. — Adam Houge
![Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson](
Jesus proclaimed the favor of God in His very first sermon. Then He sealed the deal with His death and resurrection. Favor is a function of surrender. If we don't hold out on God, God will not hold out on us. — Mark Batterson
![Surrender God Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough Surrender God Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough](
There was a moment when any hope within me froze solid and I was finally emptied of all energy to fight the cold. And at the very point of that very surrender, when I became convinced that I must bow to a world that would be forever frigid, God cupped the hands of my soul and poured in the warmth of Christmas. — Craig D. Lounsbrough
![Surrender God Quotes By Joshua Stannard Surrender God Quotes By Joshua Stannard](
Surrender and sacrifice sets you up for success with God. — Joshua Stannard
![Surrender God Quotes By Mike Wilkerson Surrender God Quotes By Mike Wilkerson](
Trusting in Jesus requires that you surrender every competing hope. For the Israelites, it was the call to abandon the worship of any other god and entrust their lives to the one true God (see Ex. 20:3). For the disciples Peter, James, and John, it meant surrendering their livelihoods as fishermen the moment after pulling in their most profitable catch ever and following Jesus (Luke 5:11). For each of us, it means trusting his promise of forgiveness and not working to try to pay off our own debt. It means trusting his cleansing and not hiding in shame (1 John 1:9). It means clinging to God's steadfast love, his grace upon grace to us in Jesus Christ, as our only hope, the only true remedy against idolatry.40 — Mike Wilkerson
![Surrender God Quotes By Therese Of Lisieux Surrender God Quotes By Therese Of Lisieux](
Jesus does not demand great actions from us, but simply surrender and gratitude. — Therese Of Lisieux
![Surrender God Quotes By E'yen A. Gardner Surrender God Quotes By E'yen A. Gardner](
We must surrender ourselves to God, not our assignments. — E'yen A. Gardner
![Surrender God Quotes By Erwin W. Lutzer Surrender God Quotes By Erwin W. Lutzer](
You become stronger only when you become weaker. When you surrender your will to God, you discover the resources to do what God requires. — Erwin W. Lutzer
![Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
The reason some of us are such poor specimens of Christianity is because we have no Almighty Christ. We have Christian attributes and experiences, but there is no abandonment to Jesus Christ. — Oswald Chambers
![Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh](
The whole art of allowing the truth to take possession of you is of being vulnerable, of being open, of being in a let-go. Or in other words, the whole art consists of one word, "surrender". And that's what sannyas is, that's my definition of a sannyasin: a man who is surrendered to existence so totally that he never thinks in terms of achievement any more, because he is no more. Who is there to achieve? - he has disappeared totally, he has not left even a trace behind. In that very moment, when you are just a pure nothingness, truth arrives. It is a gift of God. — Rajneesh
![Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson](
Spiritual Work is not easy. It means the willingness to surrender feelings that seem, while we're in them, like our defense against a greater pain. It means that we surrender to God our perceptions of all things. — Marianne Williamson
![Surrender God Quotes By C.S. Lewis Surrender God Quotes By C.S. Lewis](
God has landed on this enemy-occupied world in human form ... The perfect surrender and humiliation was undergone by Christ: perfect because He was God, surrender and humiliation because He was man. — C.S. Lewis
![Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson Surrender God Quotes By Mark Batterson](
Put your Isaac on the altar! Then, and only then, will you see what God can do. He cannot give back what you do not give up. But if you surrender yourself to Him, He will provide the ram in the thicket. — Mark Batterson
![Surrender God Quotes By Tessa Dare Surrender God Quotes By Tessa Dare](
God," he choked out. "This can't happen."
"Oh, yes it can." Breathless, she worked the buttons of his trouser falls. "It will. It must." Having freed the closures of his trousers and smallclothes, she snaked her hand through the opening and brazenly took him in hand. Of course, now that she had him in hand, she wasn't quite sure what to do with him. She tentatively skimmed one fingertip over the smooth, rounded crown of his erection. In return, he pressed a single finger into her aching core.
"Cecily." He shut his eyes and grit his teeth. "If I don't stop this now ... "
"You never will?" She pressed her lips to his earlobe. "That's my fondest hope. You say you're done with fighting, Luke? Then stop fighting this."
He sighed deep in his chest, and she felt all the tension coiled in those powerful muscles release. "Very well," he said quietly, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Very well. To you, I gratefully surrender. — Tessa Dare
![Surrender God Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld Surrender God Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld](
When we are unable to change an event that has already been written in the stars, we are always presented the opportunity to surrender to the heart and find a new pathway to peace. Understanding Divine Reason allows us to honor God's Divine Plan. — Molly Friedenfeld
![Surrender God Quotes By Adrian Rogers Surrender God Quotes By Adrian Rogers](
Remember again the principle: We will never be over those things that God has set under us until we learn to be under those things that God has placed over us. There is strength through surrender. Are you under the Word of God? Is the Bible your mandate for life? Are you loving it, reading it, obeying it, and living it? Are you consciously filled with the Holy Spirit? Have you yielded every part of the temple of your body to him? Are you grieving him in any way? Are you graciously submitting to those human authorities that God has set over you: in the home, in the church, in civil government, and in the workplace? Have you made Jesus Christ the absolute Lord over everything in your life? — Adrian Rogers
![Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers Surrender God Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
If you are faced with the question of whether or not to surrender, make a determination to go on through the crisis, surrendering all that you have and all that you are to Him. And God will then equip you to do all that He requires of you. — Oswald Chambers
![Surrender God Quotes By Peter Scazzero Surrender God Quotes By Peter Scazzero](
God never loses any part of our past for his future when we surrender ourselves to him. Every mistake, sin, and detour we take in the journey of life is taken by God and becomes his gift for a future of blessing. — Peter Scazzero
![Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren Surrender God Quotes By Rick Warren](
Can I trust God? Trust is an essential ingredient to surrender. You won't surrender to God unless you trust him, but you can't trust him until you know him better. Fear keeps us from surrendering, but love casts out all fear. The more you realize how much God loves you, the easier surrender becomes. — Rick Warren
![Surrender God Quotes By John R. Rice Surrender God Quotes By John R. Rice](
If you surrender yourself, and do not rush, but meditate on the Word of God, you will find prayer forming in your heart. It is a prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit, a prayer that God will be pleased to hear. — John R. Rice
![Surrender God Quotes By Erica Jong Surrender God Quotes By Erica Jong](
Why is it so hard to be human being? I wonder. Why do we have to surrender? And to what? What if you refused to believe in a higher power? What if you thought you were the only trustworthy higher power? I have done that all my life and I know it doesn't work. You are not enough. Your will is not enough. But God? God is a pagan dream, conjured out of neediness. — Erica Jong
![Surrender God Quotes By Stasi Eldredge Surrender God Quotes By Stasi Eldredge](
Laying down what we want to protect or are afraid of losing or are terrified we will never have is not the same thing as losing those things. It is surrendering them. It is opening up our clenched hand around them and allowing God access to them and to us. It is actually saying yes to God for them. Yes to his plan. Yes to his way. It is believing that just as his ways are higher than the heavens are above the earth, so his way for the things we fear is higher. This God of ours is a God of life, of goodness. He is the God of the Resurrection. We lay down our fear. We pick up Jesus. He is the only way we can live beyond fear. He is the Way. — Stasi Eldredge
![Surrender God Quotes By William Booth Surrender God Quotes By William Booth](
The greatness of the man's power is the measure of his surrender. — William Booth
![Surrender God Quotes By Brian Zahnd Surrender God Quotes By Brian Zahnd](
Our responsibility is not to chaplain the state but to call the state to repentance and to surrender to the King who is Lord. Our responsibility is to be an alternative to the state. Christians would do far more good for our country by learning not to look to DC for solutions but to the glorious Son of God, who loves us and gave himself for us and, in doing so, gave us a whole new way of life - one not shaped by the power of force but the force of the gospel. — Brian Zahnd
![Surrender God Quotes By Caroline Myss Surrender God Quotes By Caroline Myss](
Of God in my life. I surrender my mind, my heart, my need for safety, and my need for rational explanations and orderly instructions to God's will for me. I trust that all that is in my life is as it should be. I release — Caroline Myss
![Surrender God Quotes By John David Geib Surrender God Quotes By John David Geib](
If we who self-designate ourselves with terms like "Catholic," "Orthodox," "Protestant," "Evangelical," "Charismatic," "Pentecostal" and others would fully surrender ourselves to The Holy Spirit, we could stop focusing on the secondary words we use to describe the primary experience of The Holy Spirit. — John David Geib
![Surrender God Quotes By E. Stanley Jones Surrender God Quotes By E. Stanley Jones](
If you don't surrender to God, don't think you don't surrender. Everybody surrenders
to something. — E. Stanley Jones
![Surrender God Quotes By Thiruman Archunan Surrender God Quotes By Thiruman Archunan](
A man actually has two Gods. The one, created him and the other, he created. Nature is not the first God but the first God exists in and as a part of the nature; a man with the help his reason creates a God against the forces of nature that are perceived to be as threat, hence the second God. The second God is the property of an individual mind that created it. A child has no reason and hence it has no second God; but it has the first God not yet known to it because the fear is not felt by the child! The first God is felt and known due to the fear ingrained in the instinct and the second God is the surrender and prayer brought out by the reason! — Thiruman Archunan
![Surrender God Quotes By Leo Tolstoy Surrender God Quotes By Leo Tolstoy](
Don't seek God in temples. He is close to you. He is within you. Only you should surrender to Him and you will rise above happiness and unhappiness. — Leo Tolstoy
![Surrender God Quotes By Jenny B. Jones Surrender God Quotes By Jenny B. Jones](
Do you have something to surrender today? Do you need God to meet you in the fire like he did those three men? Because sometimes you have to step out on faith into something that's gonna scare you so bad, your hair's gonna stand and you're gonna be crying for your mama before God pulls you through the other side. — Jenny B. Jones
![Surrender God Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough Surrender God Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough](
Of course I fall. Yet, I incessantly blame my falls on circumstance so that I can deny my own inadequacy and therefore remain my own god. And so, I am left to ask which will come first, the fall that kills me or the surrender that saves me? — Craig D. Lounsbrough
![Surrender God Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf Surrender God Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf](
To all who suffer- to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely- I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in. Never surrender. Never allow despair to overcome your spirit. Embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart. — Dieter F. Uchtdorf
![Surrender God Quotes By Ramana Maharshi Surrender God Quotes By Ramana Maharshi](
One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and require a higher power to help you, or investigate the cause of misery by going to the source and merging into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered. — Ramana Maharshi
![Surrender God Quotes By Henry B. Eyring Surrender God Quotes By Henry B. Eyring](
It takes a childlike heart to feel the promptings of the Spirit, to surrender to those commands, and to obey. That is what it takes to be nourished by the good word of God. — Henry B. Eyring
![Surrender God Quotes By Jefferson Bethke Surrender God Quotes By Jefferson Bethke](
So let's be done with the comparison game. Let's be done with constantly fighting for the higher moral ground to stand on and look down on everyone else. Let's be done with thinking we can actually earn something that is impossible to earn. Let's stop trying to be perfect and righteous because those are not the people God is looking for. God is looking for people who can admit their needs and surrender to a Savior, because if the Bible is any indication, it doesn't matter how messed up you are. If you love him, he can and will use you. — Jefferson Bethke
![Surrender God Quotes By Francois Fenelon Surrender God Quotes By Francois Fenelon](
Commit yourself then to God! He will be your guide. He Himself will travel with you, as we are told He did with the Israelites, to bring them step by step across the desert to the promised land. Ah! what will be your blessedness, if you will but surrender yourself into the hands of God, permitting Him to do whatever He will, not according to your desires, but according to His own good pleasure? — Francois Fenelon
![Surrender God Quotes By Anonymous Surrender God Quotes By Anonymous](
We feel the pull of the mindless herd, the allure of the pack, but we resist the extreme effects of this influence-and when we do not, we drag our societies down into the bloody wreckage of failed Utopias, led by Hitler or Lenin, or Mao Tse-tung. And the wreckage reminds us that God gave us our individualism and that to surrender it is to follow a dark path. When we fail to see the eccentricities in ourselves and to be amused by them, we become monsters of self-regard. Each in its own way, every family is as eccentric as mine. I guarantee it. Opening your eyes to this truth is to open your heart to humanity. — Anonymous
![Surrender God Quotes By William Gaddis Surrender God Quotes By William Gaddis](
Tragedy was foresworn, in ritual denial of the ripe knowledge that we are drawing away from one another, that we share only one thing, share the fear of belonging to another, or to others, or to God; love or money, tender equated in advertising and the world, where only money is currency, and under dead trees and brittle ornaments prehensile hands exchange forgeries of what the heart dare not surrender. — William Gaddis
![Surrender God Quotes By Julia Cameron Surrender God Quotes By Julia Cameron](
Enthusiasm is not an emotional state. It is a spiritual commitment, a loving surrender to our creative process. Enthusiasm - from the Greek, filled with God - is an ongoing energy supply tapped into the flow of life itself. — Julia Cameron
![Surrender God Quotes By Hans Urs Von Balthasar Surrender God Quotes By Hans Urs Von Balthasar](
What the Father gives is the capacity to be a self, freedom, and thus autonomy, but an autonomy which can be understood only as a surrender of self to the other. — Hans Urs Von Balthasar
![Surrender God Quotes By Macrina Wiederkehr Surrender God Quotes By Macrina Wiederkehr](
O Tree of God - Tree of Life, In the gift of your shade, I stand, my heart raised to your Creator. Your branches call me to reach out in all directions to many people. Your branches remind me of the sheltering arms of God. Your roots call me to be rooted in all that is good and nourishing. Your roots ask me to spend time in the ground of my being. Teach me, like you, to praise God in the silence of my being. Help me to surrender unnecessary words. Draw me, like a magnet, into the abiding love of God. And when it is time for me to die, teach me to die gracefully and joyfully. Teach me to let go as you let go of your leaves each autumn. In living and in dying, teach me to praise God by living well and dying well. May it come to pass! — Macrina Wiederkehr
![Surrender God Quotes By Chris Fabry Surrender God Quotes By Chris Fabry](
Prayer, at its most basic level, was surrender. Like Jesus in the garden, saying, "Not My will, but Yours, be done." The ironic thing was, when a person surrendered their will, they got God's, and then they received what they were really looking for all along. This was what she believed. — Chris Fabry
![Surrender God Quotes By Patrick Madrid Surrender God Quotes By Patrick Madrid](
God won't permit temptation beyond your strength. It is true that temptations come to all, but God will give you the graces you need to withstand them, if you ask him to and if you are willing to cooperate with his grace ... In God's presence, consider: Do I put up a fight when temptations beset me, or do I give up quickly and surrender myself to them without a struggle? Do I rely on God's grace to conquer temptations, or am I conquered by them? — Patrick Madrid
![Surrender God Quotes By Edith Pargeter Surrender God Quotes By Edith Pargeter](
Well, do as you think best. That's every man's right and duty. But for me, I pledge you now I will not surrender one grain of my rights. What I took, I took and by God, I'll keep it, too. Take her home tomorrow, Archie, and never look back to watch what I do, for you know it before. I would not give him one knigh who had confided himself to me and none other, much less you. Only over my dead body," said Hotspur hardily, eye to eye with the friend he had made under Homildon Hill, "will King Henry ever claim you as his prisoner. — Edith Pargeter
![Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson](
All of a sudden, you're not too proud to ask for help. That's what it means to surrender to God. — Marianne Williamson
![Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh Surrender God Quotes By Rajneesh](
Surrender is the quantum leap from mind to no-mind, from ego to egolessness. And in a single step the whole journey is contained. It is not a long journey from you to God, it is a single-step journey. It is not a gradual phenomenon; it is not that slowly slowly, gradually you come to the divine. It is a quantum leap! One moment you were in darkness and the next moment all is light. All that is needed is to put the ego aside. — Rajneesh
![Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson Surrender God Quotes By Marianne Williamson](
Dear God, I surrender this situation to you. May it be used for your purposes. I ask only that my heart be open to give love and to receive love. May all the results unfold according to your will. Amen. Whatever you do, do it for God. — Marianne Williamson