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Quotes & Sayings About Striving For A Better Life

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Top Striving For A Better Life Quotes

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Dominick Cruz

Greatness is a life mission being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best that you can and bringing out the best in others — Dominick Cruz

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Suzy Kassem

You can't move things by not moving. — Suzy Kassem

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Steve Maraboli

We must never forget that while striving to leave a better planet to our kids, it is just as important that we strive to leave better kids to our planet. — Steve Maraboli

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Yu Hua

It's better to live an ordinary life. If you go on striving for this and that, you'll end up paying with your life. — Yu Hua

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Stanley Kurtz

To succeed, this movement will have to change our ideals in fundamental ways. It will have to kill off the traditional American dream, the idea of constant striving for a better future, symbolized by the middle-class goal of a rising income and the purchase of a little house with a yard - not to mention the freedom to move where you please, run your life, and govern your town with your neighbors when you get there. Greg Galluzzo, Obama's mentor and the man who created the grassroots crusade that inspired Building One America, dismisses the American dream as a sham. What really makes Americans move to the suburbs, says Galluzzo, is 'racism and greed. — Stanley Kurtz

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Countries around the world provide frightening examples of what happens to societies when they reach the level of inequality toward which we are moving. It is not a pretty picture: countries where the rich live in gated communities, waited upon by hordes of low-income workers; unstable political systems where populists promise the masses a better life, only to disappoint. Perhaps most importantly, there is an absence of hope. In these countries, the poor know that their prospects of emerging from poverty, let along making it to the top, are minuscule. This is not something we should be striving for. — Joseph E. Stiglitz

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Anna Barnes

Mindfulness is about focusing on the magic of the present moment. Rather than fretting about the past or worrying about the future, the aim is to experience life as it unfolds moment by moment. This simple practice is immensely powerful. As we rush through our lives, mindfulness encourages us to stop constantly striving for something new or better and to embrace acceptance and gratitude. This allows us to tap into the joy and wonder in our lives, and to listen to the wisdom of our hearts. This book will show you how to experience small but beautiful moments of mindfulness every day and so guide you along the path to finding more peace and contentment in your life. — Anna Barnes

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Sereda Aleta Dailey

Life is open to us all. No one will ever see life exactly the same as another. Some folks will argue that one who is on a focused path to expanding into the best they can be has changed or is changing.
To that I say: I haven't changed I'm just growing better and more confident about moving towards my vision.. I feel ready. Since I'm ready everything has opened to me. Beyond that, just remember that- No one can see the goal like you can. No one will, ever. But team work still works!
People can feel the passion in your movement. Help comes when we free ourselves from fearing success. Call out your dream and move on it. Step by step. Yes, you can. Just keep striving! Much love and honor. — Sereda Aleta Dailey

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Louise Erdrich

Something in her was changing as she read the books. Life after life flashed before her eyes, yet she stayed safe from misery. And the urge to act things out onstage could be satisfied cheaply, and at home, and without the annoyance of other members of an acting company. Her ambition to leave faded and a kind of contentment set in. She hadn't exactly feared the word contentment, but had always associated it with a vague sense of failure. To be discontented had always seemed much richer a thing. To be restless, striving. That view was romantic. In truth, she was finding out, life was better lived in a tranquil pattern. As long as she could read, she never tired of the design of her days. — Louise Erdrich

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Jaggi Vasudev

Lots of earthquakes and landslides and disturbances keep happening on a daily basis simply because the mountain is growing. The same is true with human life: if one is striving to grow, earthquakes and landslides keep happening in one's life.
Those who are stagnant, who don't grow, their life seems to be stable and steady, and looks better. But it's lifeless. For one who is striving to grow, an enormous amount of upheaval happens in his life. But all the upheavals are worth a little bit of growth that could happen within a human being. — Jaggi Vasudev

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Jesse Haubert

Cory wondered if maybe some people were better off dead. When you're dead you don't have to face the horrors of life, whether it's striving to be the best, dealing with something bad you or somebody else did, dealing with someone's death or anything. Most people, if not everyone, had a reason to die. Dead people can't even be upset about dying because they're dead. — Jesse Haubert

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Khloe Kardashian

The journey is about growing and evolving and forever striving to become a better person. Bad things happen to us all; it is how we respond to those unfortunate events that defines the quality of our life and the lives of those around us. — Khloe Kardashian

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By LeBron James

Basketball isn't easy. All my life I've been striving to make myself better. It's a full time commitment. To be the best, you have to work the hardest. You have to chase what seems impossible over and over and over again, because giving up is not an option, and when you feel like you've reached your limit, it's only the beginning, that's when the time to dig deep, to find the courage to push some more, because if you've got the drive, the discipline, and the bizarre to do what it takes to make yourself great, then the rewards are endless. — LeBron James

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Barack Obama

America isn't Congress. America isn't Washington. America is the striving immigrant who starts a business, or the mom who works two low-wage jobs to give her kid a better life. America is the union leader and the CEO who put aside their differences to make the economy stronger. — Barack Obama

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Logan Seelye

If all of us carried a positive attitude, and we focused our efforts on striving for something positive in our own lives and in life all around us, everything would take a turn for the better. Yes, I really do believe that a positive mindset can change the world. Don't you? — Logan Seelye

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Daniel Kraus

The weathered dairy barn, the wilted chicken coop, the leaning corn crib, the corroded silos
all were revealed as structures of utility and grace. Someone must have rigged Ry's perception so that he had spent his whole life seeing only the ultimate futility of these structures while concealing what made them worthy, the struggle itself, the striving for a better day. — Daniel Kraus

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Jenni Schaefer

I wrote in my journal about how good I felt when I was not living under Ed's control. Then, when I really felt like giving up, I read these pages and realized that I was striving for in recovery was a real possibility. I thought about these experiences and used them as encouragement to keep moving forward. Even one minute of freedom was proof that I was getting better. At first, these times were few and far between. Now, these moments are connected; they are my life — Jenni Schaefer

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Brene Brown

Healthy-striving self-talk: "I want this for me. I want to feel better and be healthier. The scale doesn't dictate if I'm loved and accepted. If I believe that I'm worthy of love and respect now, I will invite courage, compassion, and connection into my life. I want to figure this out for me. I can do this. — Brene Brown

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Kevin McCarthy

America is nation of people striving to make life better for themselves and for their families. — Kevin McCarthy

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Sam Davis

Better to sink with tempests raging o'er
Masts all dismantled and hull gaping wide
Than rest and rot on some unclouded shore
The idle plaything of the listless tide.

Better the grime of battle on the brow,
With grim defeat to crush thy dying hand
Than through long years of peace to tyrant bow
Or dwell captive in a strangers land.

Better the castle with beleaguered gate,
By battle's lightning shivered in a day
Than peaceful walls in pomp of sullen state,
Through centuries sinking to a dull decay.

Better resolve to win thy heart's desire,
And striving bravely, die in the endeavor
Than have the embers of some smothered fire
Lie smouldering in thy saddened soul forever. — Sam Davis

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Christopher Titus

This country you're sitting in right now was not built on love, hugs, time-outs and trophies you didn't earn. This country was built on shame, humiliation and striving to be better. By the way, if you're in this room right now and you're successful ... you didn't get there because someone loved you too much or gave you too many hugs or you got a trophy when you lost. You did it because at one point in your life, somebody turned to you and said you're a loser, and in that second, you decided to bust your ass to make them choke on that sentence ... Or, your parents gave you the money. — Christopher Titus

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Thurman P. Banks Jr.

There is only one person I wake up every morning striving to be better than, and that is myself. — Thurman P. Banks Jr.

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Albert Ellis

Life is indeed difficult, partly because of the real difficulties we must overcome in order to survive, and partly because of our own innate desire to always do better, to overcome new challenges, to self-actualize. Happiness is experienced largely in striving towards a goal, not in having attained things, because our nature is always to want to go on to the next endeavor. — Albert Ellis

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Earl G. Graves, Sr.

Hold on to your dreams of a better life and stay committed to striving to realize it. — Earl G. Graves, Sr.

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Marc Veasey

The American Dream has always focused on building a better life for yourself and your family, striving for success, and even fleeing from religious prosecution. — Marc Veasey

Striving For A Better Life Quotes By Ludwig Feuerbach

Christianity set itself the goal of fulfilling man's unattainable desires, but for that very reason ignored his attainable desires. By promising man eternal life, it deprived him of temporal life, by teaching him to trust in God's help it took away his trust in his own powers; by giving him faith in a better life in heaven, it destroyed his faith in a better life on earth and his striving to attain such a life. Christianity gave man what his imagination desires, but for that very reason failed to give him what he really and truly desires. — Ludwig Feuerbach