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Stop Irritating Me Quotes & Sayings

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Top Stop Irritating Me Quotes

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Pema Chodron

Laziness is not particularly terrible or wonderful. Rather it has a basic living quality that deserves to be experienced just as it is. Perhaps we'll find an irritating, pulsating quality in laziness. We might feel it as dull and heavy or as vulnerable and raw. Whatever we discover, as we explore it further, we find nothing to hold on to, nothing solid, only groundless, wakeful energy.
This process of experiencing laziness directly and nonverbally is transformative. It unlocks a tremendous energy that is usually blocked by our habit of running away. This is because when we stop resisting laziness, our identity as the one who is lazy begins to fall apart completely. Without the blinders of ego, we connect with a fresh outlook, a greater vision. This is how laziness - or any other demon - introduces us to the compassionate life. — Pema Chodron

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Sheila Wray Gregoire

Whatever you tolerate will continue. If he's doing something wrong - not just something that's irritating - you need to stop tolerating it. This is not the same as trying to change him. It simply means that you change how you react to him. — Sheila Wray Gregoire

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Ann Brashares

Grandma kept turning around in the front seat of their old Fiat saying, "Look at you girls! On, Lena, you are a beauty!"
Lena seriously wished she would stop saying that, because it was irritating, and besides, how was cranky Effie supposed to feel? — Ann Brashares

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Cherie Priest

I had an irritating flash of nervousness, wondering if he was right outside - or across the street, or downstairs, or hiding in a closet. Because I couldn't stop myself, I rushed to the hall closet and flung it open to make sure. Packed — Cherie Priest

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By C.D. Reiss

Stop smiling," I grumbled. "Can't.""Were you this irritating when we met?""I was charming. Very charming.""Where did Mr. Charming go?""That guy didn't have staying power.""But Mr. Irritating? He'll stick around?""Unfortunately. — C.D. Reiss

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Steven Erikson

You think too much, Pearl. It's your most irritating flaw, and, let us be honest, given the severity and sheer volume of your flaws, that is saying something. Since this seems to be a time for advice, I suggest you stop thinking entirely.' 'And how might I achieve that? Follow your lead, perhaps?' 'I think neither too much nor too little. I am perfectly balanced - this is what you find so attractive. As a capemoth is drawn to fire.' 'So I am in danger of being burned up?' 'To a blackened, shrivelled crust.' 'So, you're pushing me away for my own good. A gesture of compassion, then.' 'Fires neither push nor pull. They simply exist, compassionless, indifferent to the suicidal urges of flitting bugs. That is another one of your flaws, Pearl. Attributing emotion where none exists.' 'I could have sworn there was emotion, two nights past - ' 'Oh, fire burns eagerly when there's fuel - ' 'And in the morning there's naught but cold ashes. — Steven Erikson

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By E.L. James

My body's reaction is irritating. Maybe this will stop if I fetter, fuck, and flog her ... and not necessarily in that order. Yeah. That's what I need. — E.L. James

Stop Irritating Me Quotes By Tim O'Brien

My heart tells me to stop right here, to offer quiet benediction and call it the end. But the truth won't allow it. Because there is no end, happy or otherwise. Nothing is fixed, nothing solved. the facts, such as they are, finally spin off into the void of things missing, the inconclusiveness of us. Who are we? Where do we go? The ambiguity may be dissatisfying, even irritating, but this is a love story. There is no tidiness. Blame it on the human heart. One way or another, it seems, we all perform vanishing tricks, effacing history, locking up our lives and slipping day by day into the graying shadows. Our whereabouts are uncertain. All secrets lead to the dark, and beyond teh dark there is only maybe. — Tim O'Brien