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Stocker Quotes & Sayings

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Top Stocker Quotes

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Peace produces a proper perspective. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

You can't choose your emotion, but you can chose your response. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A change of heart changes everything. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Jesus isn't one of many; he's the one and only. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Life always squashes death. Love always soothes sadness. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Control what you can. Influence what you should. Forget the rest. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

You need to get out of your nest in order to fly. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Joy in your Job is possible to the extent you're willing to choose it. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Sometimes it is better to say 'no' and lose your job than it is to say 'yes' and lose your soul. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The Decisions You Make Today Affect The Outcomes Of Tomorrow. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

He who is flexible masters the day. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Comparing kills fulfillment. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Confidence is being scared to death but getting the job done anyway. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

To better handle grief, become the passenger, not the driver. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Leadership is Art; use lots of color — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

It is important to view current events through Christ-like eyes. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Principle comes first; action thereafter. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Where Love meets action, there be God. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Don't let the guilt of the past keep you from the victories of the future. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The Church is both organism and organization - Woven together in a beautifully messy dance that stumbles across the stage of a fallen world. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Death is just the door through which we experience true Life. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

There are no perfect decisions, only excellent applications. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

When you join teams that changes lives, yours will be the first. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Always be excellent and you'll rise above the rest. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

If I knew I was going to die, I'd do the things on my life list. Why not do them now? — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Success is just around the corner from difficulty. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

History affects our future but it doesn't determine it. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Service is born out of love not duty. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The problem Christians have isn't our belief in what God could do, but on what God should do. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Our country is a place where hope can be born and great companies, organizations and non-profits can spring up from an idea birthed on the back of a coffee-shop napkin. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Without vision, a church devolves into a lukewarm, aimless organization characterized by infighting, budget grabbing and a dead heart for the lost. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

For the Christ-follower,small spiritual adjustments make huge eternal differences. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Before marriage, you lose your virginity. After marriage, you get to give it away. Which would you rather experience? — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Monday: New Week; Fresh Start; Time to make something happen! — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Overtime, your actions betray your heart. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A good man measures his life not in the number of his years but in the quality of his friends. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Patience is something I can't wait to have! — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Knowledge isn't life changing. The application of knowledge is. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Controlled anger leads to positive action. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

This life is a wading pool compared to the ocean call eternity. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The atrocities of war are only overshadowed by the heroism of their dead. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Why does February feel like one big Tuesday? — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A Sunrise is God's way of saying, Let's start again. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Chris Abani

My books are often shelved around those of Chinua Achebe and Margaret Atwood, or Chimamanda Adichie and Monica Ali. All of this depends, of course, on the bookstore and how conversant the shelf stocker is with the alphabet. — Chris Abani

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

When I tell, I inform. When I ask, I transform. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

All Christians are in ministry. Sometimes, they're in church work. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The best way to reach your Goal is to say "NO" more than you say "YES — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

When you love what you do, it shows. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Joy is found in simple things. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A happy birthday is measured not in the amount of gifts one gets, but in the amount one is loved. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Leadership is making the wise decision even when it's hard. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Some will, some won't. Look for the ones who will. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Why do we adults complicate that which is so simple. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Finding your purpose is a lifelong adventure. Enjoy the journey. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A promise is something that has been given but not yet realized. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Hope is the pin-pricked light that tears through the fabric of our dark world. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Selfishness squelches love. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Use fear as a counselor not a captor. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Do what you love but do what it takes to do what you love. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

God has given you grace. Maybe you should give yourself some too. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

In prayer, God does want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn't track your eloquence, he treasures your soul. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The past informs our present and our future. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Success is not an adjective for a life. A person can only be successful at part of something not in all something. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Fear makes you worry and worry makes you weary. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Selflessness is the highest goal of good leaders. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Give yourself permission to Risk. It is only in risk that one finds success. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Confidence is that internal alignment between what you know, what you believe and what you portray. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

If at first you don't succeed, tweak it before you toss it. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The sense of fulfillment is often hidden in acts of kindness — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Jesus doesn't lead you out of your day, He leads you into it. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Each day of your existence ready's itself for your impact — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Government should be a floor upon which the good of the people flourishes, not a ceiling upon which people bump their heads! — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Busyness chokes deep thinking. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Joy weathers any storm: Happiness rides the waves. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A surrendered heart leads to greatness. A stubborn heart leads to struggle. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Sometimes we get so enamored with the tradition of something that we forget about the intent of it. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A confident leader is like a duck. Above the water, he is calm and poised while below the water, he is driven by a flurry of focused activity. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Making others better is a core value of a great life. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

True prayer is pleading with God for that which He wants to do anyway. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The words you speak reveal the heart you have. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Happy is what I feel; Joy is what I experience. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Starting the morning without prayer is like starting a car without gas. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Success comes through small daily wins. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Most people's greatest regret is not living the life they knew they could live. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The pondering heart is a thankful heart. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A speaker should approach his preparation not by what he wants to say, but by what he wants to learn. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Joy is something we can't manufacture. Joy happens to us not because of us. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By David Stocker

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For the wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you; If I die, you are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honor. — David Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

A life lived without borders is a life lived in captivity — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Execution is something, but timing is everything. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Sometimes, God drives us to Prayer and Scripture not for answers to the struggles, but for anchors in the storms. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

No matter what, its always an opportunity. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Put people first and you'll be first among people. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

The more you respond to change externally, the more solid you need to be internally. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Words give sound to the beauty of Life. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Jesus' love for you far outweighs your expectations of Him. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Serving is the best kind of Leading. — Todd Stocker

Stocker Quotes By Todd Stocker

Love is a Dance set on the stage of Forgiveness and Grace. — Todd Stocker