Famous Quotes & Sayings

St Lucian Creole Quotes & Sayings

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Top St Lucian Creole Quotes

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Anonymous

Appreciate and celebrate other people's success. Don't grow envious or feel cheated when others achieve something you are trying to achieve. Instead, recognize that success comes with hard work, and be willing to work hard for your own chance at success. True confidence has no room for envy and resentment. When you know you are great, you have no reason to hate. — Anonymous

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Edward Dahlberg

Men are mad most of their lives; few live sane, fewer die so. The acts of people are baffling unless we realize that their wits are disordered. Man is driven to justice by his lunacy. — Edward Dahlberg

St Lucian Creole Quotes By George Villiers, 1st Duke Of Buckingham

Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing that a mine is near. — George Villiers, 1st Duke Of Buckingham

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Gustave Courbet

I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom; I am one who is fond of olden times & intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients. — Gustave Courbet

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Todd Bridges

The factory that my grandmother had put under the house to produce these green men to come get me. — Todd Bridges

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Brian D. McLaren

Enter faith, and a whole new factor enters the equation. Words like "impossible" seem out of place. Despair and cynicism feel like insults to God. Hope grows, and love, and therefore motivation to care, to give, to act, to try, to dream, to risk. — Brian D. McLaren

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Venedikt Erofeev

I've always been in two minds about women, really. On the one hand, I always liked the fact they had waists, and we hadn't. That aroused in me a feeling of - how shall I put it? - well, pleasure. Yes, pleasurable feelings. Still, on the other hand, they did stab Marat with a penknife, and Marat was Incorruptible, so they shouldn't have stabbed him. That fairly killed off the pleasure. Then again, like Karl Marx, I've always loved women for their little weaknesses - i.e. they've got to sit down to pee, and I've always liked that - that's always filled me with - well, what the hell - a sort of warm feeling. Yes, pleasurable warmth. But then again they did shoot at Lenin, with a revolver no less! And that put a damper on the pleasure as well. I mean, fair enough, sitting down to pee, but shooting at Lenin? That's a sick joke, talking about pleasure after that.

However, I digress. — Venedikt Erofeev

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Teju Cole

To be alive, it seemed to me, as I stood there in all kinds of sorrow, was to be both original and reflection, and to be dead was to be split off, to be reflection alone. — Teju Cole

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Tyra Lynn

Everything he did was a physical thing. When he spoke, my bones ached. When he breathed, I felt it in my veins and on my skin. — Tyra Lynn

St Lucian Creole Quotes By Erma Bombeck

God created man, but I could do better. — Erma Bombeck

St Lucian Creole Quotes By James Kubicki

To know oneself and one's end or goal in life is true wisdom - knowledge of the heart more than the head. — James Kubicki