Social Media Love Quotes & Sayings
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Top Social Media Love Quotes


Listening to my fans and seeing love and support through social media from them is what I live for. — Jake T. Austin

It shouldn't be about getting famous. It shouldn't be about the size of your following. It should be about the way in which you connect with people in the world around you. It's about finding what you're truly passionate about, and letting that guide you. Fame is fleeting. But if you're really lucky, doing what you love can last forever. — Justine Ezarik

In short, the community on Facebook is the lazy kind. Whereas true community requires hard work ("love one another earnestly," writes Peter), social media provide us a kind of community that requires little of us. 'In other words,' writes Malcolm Gladwell, 'Facebook activism succeeds not by motivating people to make a real sacrifice but by motivating them to do the things that people do when they are not motivated enough to make a real sacrifice. — Kyle Tennant

We grew up with social media. There was no iPhone when we started! I love technology; I love what it does to my life. What I really love about social media and the Internet is that it has shifted the power it has democratised everything. — Karen Walker

Poetry, I tell my students,
is idiosyncratic. Poetry
is where we are ourselves,
(though Sterling Brown said
"Every 'I' is a dramatic 'I'")
digging in the clam flats
for the shell that snaps,
emptying the proverbial pocketbook.
Poetry is what you find
in the dirt in the corner,
overhear on the bus, God
in the details, the only way
to get from here to there.
Poetry (and now my voice is rising)
is not all love, love, love
and I'm sorry the dog died.
Poetry (here I hear myself loudest)
is the human voice,
and are we not of interest to each other? — Elizabeth Alexander

There's a lot of downsides to social media, but one of the nice things is that you can cut through all the BS and go straight to the person and ask them directly. I think that's a wonderful thing. I love talking to people who are true fans or who have a true love of cinema, and so if I can talk to them directly, great. — Andrew Stanton

Empowered Women 101: Real women don't tell the world or elude to it on Pinterest, Facebook or any other social media platform that they are in an awful relationship. It is disrespectful to the person you say you love. Plus, it is self abusive to yourself. Ask yourself these questions: What if everyone you knew read it? Would your significant other be upset or humiliated? Why are you posting it (pity, anxiety, fear, desperateness, inmaturity)? And why do you want people to know? — Shannon L. Alder


Something about seeking love through social media that leaves us feeling empty. Seeking an embrace that can only be made by God leaves us fetching for attention in weak people and desolate places. — Chris Marvel

The deceptive, glossy media images of faces, bodies and social lifestyles, make us hate ourselves so we will buy a solution to love ourselves once again. — Bryant H. McGill

I love social media. I love the connectivity it provides, the creativity it allows, and the breathtaking wealth of information we all have at our fingertips because of it. — Galit Breen

I'm not who that guy says I am. I'm not who that girl says I am. I'm not who social media likes and comments say I am. I'm not who the grades, to-do lists, messes, and mess ups say I am. I'm not who the scale says I am or the sum total of what my flaws say I am. I'm going to stop flirting with the unstable things of this world so I can fall completely in love with You. I am loved. I am held. I am Yours. I am forever Yours." The more intimacy like this that I have with God, the more secure my true identity is. — Lysa TerKeurst

Most of promoting seems unnatural to me, and I wish I didn't have to do it. I'm not especially good at tooting my own horn. However, I do love to connect with readers. That's why I try to keep up with my social media even when I don't have a new book coming out. — Linda Conrad

The huge amount of love and support I've been receiving, whether it's in the fashion industry itself or on social media, truly warms my heart and motivates me to be a voice for all the women out there. — Maria Borges

You could say that Facebook is doing a far more effective job than religion at teaching us to 'love thy neighbor,' connecting us with random strangers and 'friends' from distant lands. — Gemini Adams

I really do love social media. I've always been crazy about - even like, remember AOL chat rooms? I always loved message boards, and I was always interacting on the computer. — Chrissy Teigen

To be truly grateful for the kindness of other and to have those you love in your life is a great and powerful emotion. — John Patrick Hickey

THEIR ENERGY DON'T! — Qwana M. BabyGirl Reynolds-Frasier

Social media buzz can lead to huge successes when people spread the word about something they love and want to share. But authors creating their own buzz? Making their own noise? It's hard to make a lot of noise on our own about our own work. Except, sadly, negative noise. — M.J. Rose

Personally, I'd love to see more social media firms develop business models that aren't reliant on advertising. If you're a social media firm selling ads, your goal is to get people to interrupt what they're doing all day long so they come and stare at your service as much as possible. — Clive Thompson

I guess all the time I spend on social media has made me believe that love exists above the surface, that it's supposed to be light all of the time. — Shannon Mullen

Genuinely support people in ways you can. If you build great relationships and people get to like you for you, they will eventually promote what you do and would want to do business with you. The bottom line is that people love to do business with those they love and trust. Learn to understand people, your audience, their needs, and their real problem. If you are using a Facebook page or even your own profile, involve your friends in a fruitful discussion. Don't just make a post and leave to expect likes and comments. Take time to leave a note for a friend, ask about their business and what interests them. — Bernard Kelvin Clive

I would absolutely love to go back to the simplicity of the '80s, where there wasn't texting, social media, iPhones, or smartphones. I love the fact that you would go home and check your messages. I'm not well suited to the world of modern technology. — Matthew Rhys

I'm not such a fan of the concept of social media, though I don't have anything against it. I still love to call the people I want to be friends with. — Nina Hoss


Pinterest-Women love me
Snapchat-Girls love me
LinkedIn- Why are you ignoring me?
Reddit-Chill, it's life. They don't even know me. — Bhavik Sarkhedi

The main thing [of social media] is it allows us to speak directly with our fans and customers, getting that immediate feedback, that conversation; that's what I love. It means that no matter what we are saying, if it's big or small we have a way of saying it. People connect with that. — Karen Walker

Social Media has transformed contemporary life at work, home and play. You don't have to love me as long as you LIKE ME. Following is good, though cyber-stalking is bad. Selfies are addictive unless they're too dicktive. And going viral is no longer a health risk but, rather, the holy grail of communication. It only makes you sick if you have a brain. (WELCOME TO PLANET JORDO, I COMEDY IN PEACE) — J. Lee Margolis

Isn't it funny how we all will end up? Best friends today, communicating via internet tomorrow. Crush today, dancing at their weddings tomorrow. — Manasa Rao

Some say Twitter is overrated.
Some love it, others hate it.
I guess it depends on what you've got,
If you have guts to write a funny plot! — Ana Claudia Antunes

If you're not broadcasting what people feel is their truth as it relates to you, well that becomes a problem. If your not broadcasting how much you love your boyfriend or husband via social media, problems occur in the home and I really think this is happening more than we acknowledge. — Aeriel Miranda

In this day and age, social media is a huge part of a business, which I actually love. It's a phenomenal platform to share your message, keep others and myself inspired and help keep your students connected to your events. The hardest part is the anonymous ability to say whatever you want. — Kathryn Budig

I love social media and the ability to connect to new people through Twitter and Facebook and share my real time experiences with my mommy network. — Soleil Moon Frye

Social media and the Internet haven't changed our capacity for social interaction any more than the Internet has changed our ability to be in love or our basic propensity to violence, because those are such fundamental human attributes. — Nicholas A. Christakis

I'm not a gadget freak, so to say. I own an iPhone, which I love, and would sorely love to upgrade to MacBook Air from my current MacBook Pro. But what gets me going is the technology behind the gadgets, new websites, new apps. And I'm way too much into social media - FB, Twitter and Instagram are always open on my phone. — Shreya Ghoshal

Instagram: People love me no matter what.
Facebook: People used to love me.
YouTube: People will always love me.
Google+: Someday, people will, I know.
Twitter: I don't care, guys. — Bhavik Sarkhedi

The Kingdom is the love of God prevailing in politics, in business, in government, in media. It is all the impact of the laws of God creating a social environment where the strong help the weak, where those who have give to those who don't. It's a society where relationships are built on love. — Myles Munroe

I don't write as many songs as I used to. But, I find myself writing for social media more - times have changed. And I love photography, so a lot of my creative energy gets caught up that way. — Arlo Guthrie

I didn't expect to love being online as much as I do. I've met some wonderful people and discovered that however arcane some of my interests that there are people out there who are interested too. — Sara Sheridan

Tonya had done a little lurking on social media. She knew that Courtney, Greg's real love, had killed herself. Truth of the matter was, ever since then, Greg had never been the same. — Nako

Much like great products, great content will only find the best people to love it if it's leveraged well. — Paul Shannon

I have always considered myself a fast learner. I try to retain and absorb as much information and knowledge about the [music] business as I can. I don't want to just sit back and have other people do the hard work for me. I try to be involved in every process of my career as possible. I run my own social media, record, and try to vocal produce myself as much as possible, write my own songs, style myself, and learn the business side. If I didn't do acting or music, I was going to school for business. God has put me on this path and I can honestly say I wake up every day doing what I love. — Asher Monroe

I just think women should love themselves more than they do. Because I think - with all the social media stuff - we look at ourselves too much, and we just destroy ourselves when we're way cooler than we know. — Meghan Trainor

Social media is new to me and I didn't think I would like it, being very protective of my private space, but it's nice to connect to the love and positive vibes folks have to share. — Michael Hyatt

In this new era of social media the rules of the road have changed significantly, yet the basic yearning for true connectivity and love have not. — Matthew Hussey

The one thing I've discovered about social media is that people love answering questions. In fact, it sometimes feels like at any given moment, millions of people are online who have been waiting for exactly the question you fire off. — Susan Orlean

When I was in Japan on tour in 2010, I felt like I was 30 years into the future. I love technology and they are so advanced with their phones, computers, everything. I think they had the iPhone way before we did in the U.S. I love gadgets, games, social media and I try to stay ahead on all that stuff, but they get it all first. — Soulja Boy

People mistake their love of the technology for it being a solution. Social media is the problem, not the solution, in crisis management. It's a problem if you use it to communicate in areas where you're dealing with incredibly intense emotions and very deep conflicts. — Eric Dezenhall

Is that how you're supposed to find your soulmate and fall in love these days? By flirting in 140 character tweets and stalking each other's social media pages? — Alexandra Potter

It's super-important to have a strong social media presence, and Jane's always going, When interviewers ask you about your Twitter, say you love reaching out directly to your fans, and I'm like, I don't even know how to use Twitter or what the password is because you disabled my laptop's wireless and only let me go on the Internet to do homework research or email Nadine assignments, and she says, I'm doing you a big favor, it's for nobodies who want to pretend like they're famous and for self-promoting hacks without PR machines, and adults act like teenagers passing notes and everyone's IQ drops thirty points on it. — Teddy Wayne

People always knock what's new but I love the modern Internet, where cleverness is currency. Social media is a cleverness meritocracy. We're living in it. — Alexei Maxim Russell

Christ has no online presence but yours, No blog, no Facebook page but yours, Yours are the tweets through which love touches this world, Yours are the posts through which the Gospel is shared, Yours are the updates through which hope is revealed. Christ has no online presence but yours, No blog, no Facebook page but yours. What we believe shapes how we relate to one another and interact with the world - wherever and however we relate and interact. You don't have to make too great a leap of faith or intellect to understand that by extension, what we believe provides a framework for using social media. — Meredith Gould

I'm always suspicious of couples that make big shows of their love. I mean, if couples get too showy, their love seems fake. It always feels like the big love shows are trying to hide something. To me, the sweetest thing is couples that are more private about their love. To me, that shows a more romantic understanding of love and less of a "Hey... I want to announce to my friends and family that we're in love just to get social media recognition... — Monica Murray

Don't judge yourself by your past; you no longer live there. — Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha