Famous Quotes & Sayings

So Stressed Quotes & Sayings

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Top So Stressed Quotes

So Stressed Quotes By Kevin Griffin

When I'm really stressed emotionally, I say to myself that there's only so much I can do to change things. Life happens on life's terms. Then, I go for a run. — Kevin Griffin

So Stressed Quotes By Laurann Dohner

Let me tell you how it's going to be, Justice. You don't tell me who I can and can't have inside my house. I work for the NSO but my personal life is my own. You lost the right to give me your opinion," she stressed that last word, "about what I do or don't do the second you decided you didn't want to see me anymore. You don't want me so don't you dare tell me I can't spend time with other men. — Laurann Dohner

So Stressed Quotes By Bridgette Wilson

I played varsity on all of them for four years. I'm 5'9 and that's not that tall for a center so I was a forward. I loved playing volleyball and basketball and track I was good at, but it stressed me out. — Bridgette Wilson

So Stressed Quotes By Bernard Cornwell

The first sound was the bowstrings, the snap of five thousand hemp cords being tightened by stressed yew, and that sound was like the devil's harpstrings being plucked. Then there was the arrow sound, the sigh of air over feathers, but multiplied, so that it was like the rushing of a wind. That sound diminished as two clouds of arrows, thick as any flock of starlings, climbed into the gray sky. Hook, reaching for another broadhead, marveled at the sight of five thousand arrows in two sky-shadowing groups. The two storms seemed to hover for a heart's beat at the height of their trajectory, and then the missiles fell. It was Saint Crispin's Day in Picardy. For an instant there was silence. Then the arrows struck. It was the sound of steel on steel. A clatter, like Satan's hailstorm. — Bernard Cornwell

So Stressed Quotes By Matias Dalsgaard

You can desire joy, and hope for it, but joy has a mind of its own and won't let itself be pressured or stressed. So wait for it, allow yourself to be happy, and be happy when you are happy. — Matias Dalsgaard

So Stressed Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

Negativity is totally unnatural. It is a psychic pollutant, and there is a deep link between the poisoning and destruction of nature and the vast negativity that has accumulated in the collective human psyche. No other life-form on the planet knows negativity, only humans, just as no other life-form violates and poisons the Earth that sustains it. Have you ever seen an unhappy flower or a stressed oak tree? Have you some across a depressed dolphin, a frog that has a problem with self-esteem, a cat that cannot relax, or a bird that carries hatred and resentment? The only animals that may occasionally experience something akin to negativity or show signs of neurotic behavior are those that live in close contact with humans and so link into the humans mind and its insanity. — Eckhart Tolle

So Stressed Quotes By Jane Roberts

You must again realize that we speak of the self as being so divided only for simplicity's sake. While the self is whole, it is however compartmentalized for efficiency's sake, but beneath consciousness the doors are open. Again, the conscious self is most necessary. However it cannot be stressed too strongly that consciousness is merely a state of focus, and not a self. Consciousness is the direction in which the self looks at any given time. — Jane Roberts

So Stressed Quotes By Miranda Hart

When my sitcom 'Miranda' first became successful, I was so in the thick of working and I was so stressed that I didn't really enjoy the moment. You suddenly look back and go, 'Gosh, you've just got to enjoy every day.' And now I wake up and literally pinch myself every day. — Miranda Hart

So Stressed Quotes By Joanne Schoenwald

Why do we do it? What's in our brains that makes us suddenly want bad food when we're stressed?'
I've read that people use this sort of food to dull their senses. It basically pollutes your body so it isn't as sensitive and receptive to outside influences. So maybe that's it. It's a form of self-medication. Or self-dopification. — Joanne Schoenwald

So Stressed Quotes By Evanna Lynch

Sometimes I'm stressed and I'm sick of things and I need to forget about them for a while, so in Harry Potter you're taken to this wonderful imaginary world where everything is so different. — Evanna Lynch

So Stressed Quotes By Alana Blanchard

Every day is different when I'm home, but mainly I just surf. There's no nightlife or shopping, so it's pretty mellow but really nice to come back to after a trip or an event. If you're traveling, you're all stressed out, then you get to Kauai, and nothing matters anymore. — Alana Blanchard

So Stressed Quotes By J-Live

The poor get worked, the rich get richer,
The world gets worse, do you get the picture?
The poor gets dead, the rich get depressed,
The ugly get mad, the pretty get stressed.
The ugly get violent, the pretty get gone,
The old get stiff, the young get stepped on.

Whoever told you that "it was all good" lied,
So throw your fists up if you not satisfied. — J-Live

So Stressed Quotes By Tammara Webber

Let me tell you girls a story, short and sweet. In high school, I was a junior varsity cheerleader dating a senior who was up for football scholarships. I'd slept with him several times willingly. One night I wasn't in the mood, but he was. So he held me down and forced me. The few people I told about it - including my best friend - pointed out what would happen to him if I told. They stressed the fact that I hadn't been a virgin, that we were dating, that we'd had sex before. So I kept quiet. I never even told my mother. That boy put bruises on my body. I was crying and begging him to stop and he didn't. That's called rape, ladies. — Tammara Webber

So Stressed Quotes By John Ratey

At every level, from the microcellular to the psychological, exercise not only wards off the ill effects of chronic stress; it can also reverse them. Studies show that if researchers exercise rats that have been chronically stressed, that activity makes the hippocampus grow back to its preshriveled state. The mechanisms by which exercise changes how we think and feel are so much more effective than donuts, medicines, and wine. When you say you feel less stressed out after you go for a swim, or even a fast walk, you are. — John Ratey

So Stressed Quotes By David Nail

I'm a worrywart, so I'm always a bit more stressed out than I should be or wish I was. — David Nail

So Stressed Quotes By Dr. Dre

They wanna hang us, see us dead, or enslave us, keep us trapped in the same place we raised in. Then they wonder why we act so outrageous, run around stressed out and pull out gauges. — Dr. Dre

So Stressed Quotes By Sam Altman

Maybe I am a bit unusual here, but I am less stressed if I have my phone with me. Because I can spend like an hour in the morning taking care of everything instead of I sit there and wonder what I missed or wonder what's happening. So it's way less stressful for me to just answer my phone. — Sam Altman

So Stressed Quotes By Sara Gilbert

I think people sometimes get stressed out when they have a newborn and an infant. Try to enjoy it because the time is so fleeting, and soon enough, they'll be running around and be more independent. You're going to miss that time. — Sara Gilbert

So Stressed Quotes By Julie Lythcott-Haims

The data emerging about the mental health of our kids only confirms the harm done by asking so little of our kids when it comes to life skills, yet so much of them when it comes to adhering to the academic plans we've made for them and achieving more, ever more academically. They are stressed out of their minds and have no resilience with which to cope with that stress, and we continue along our pressurizing path, as if this trauma is not happening, or as if somehow our kids' struggles - this suffering - is, or will be, "worth it." The guidance center bulletin from any — Julie Lythcott-Haims

So Stressed Quotes By Gabrielle Aplin

I feel more comfortable in a place like Brighton - a town, with one centre, one bus station, one train station. And there are so many arty, creative people, and things are less rushed, less stressed. — Gabrielle Aplin

So Stressed Quotes By Dianna Agron

You have to protect the integrity of the show, your health, the character, all those things. So it's just about finding the right moments for everything. And if you're too stressed or tired, you to just back off for a little bit. — Dianna Agron

So Stressed Quotes By Craig Biddle

In a sense, this is so obvious that it seems silly to have to say it. But given the commonly accepted views on morality - from the biblical tenet: "Judge not that ye be not judged" to the relativist mantra: "Who are you to judge?" - not only does it have to be mentioned; it has to be stressed. Judging people rationally and treating them accordingly is a requirement of human life. While — Craig Biddle

So Stressed Quotes By Frank Chodorov

The Constitution did not give Americans freedom; they had been free long before it was written, and when it was put up for ratification they eyed it suspiciously, lest it infringe their freedom. The Federalists, the advocates of ratification, went to great pains to assure the people that under the Constitution they would be just as free as they ever were. Madison, in particular, stressed the point that there would be no change in their personal status in the new setup, that the contemplated government would simply be the foreign department of the several states. The Constitution itself is a testimonial to the temper of the times, for it fashioned a government so restricted in its powers as to prevent any infraction of freedom; that was the reason for the famous "checks and balances." Any other kind of constitution could not have got by. — Frank Chodorov

So Stressed Quotes By James B. LaValle

Cortisol decreases insulin sensitivity by receptor cells, decreases glucose uptake, and increases blood sugar. The rise in blood sugar is intended to serve as a reservoir for the central nervous system, which requires a continuous supply of glucose to function. Problems arise when this stress state becomes chronic. When cortisol levels (and, therefore, blood sugar levels) are chronically elevated due to the stress in our lives, the risk of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia increases, and you start to gain weight. So, by being chronically stressed out, you gain weight. — James B. LaValle

So Stressed Quotes By Carl Hart

Dopamine makes up less than one percent of the brain's neurotransmitters. It's a small portion. Dopamine is released when people are happy, angry, stressed. So it's really hard to call this specific neurotransmitter "the pleasure neurotransmitter." — Carl Hart

So Stressed Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being "here" but wanting to be "there" or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It's a split that tears you apart inside. To create and live with such an inner split is insane. The fact that everybody else is doing it doesn't make it any less insane. — Eckhart Tolle

So Stressed Quotes By Carmen Electra

Worry and stress is one of the most unhealthiest things. They say that cancer and sickness comes from that, so you know I do my best. There are times that I do feel very stressed, but I do my best to keep it away and get plenty of rest. — Carmen Electra

So Stressed Quotes By Jane Green

Loving she realises is a verb. It is an act. It is not enough to say you love someone, and then forget about them, or trust a relationship will stay strong simply because you share a house or children or a life.
Loving requires acts of love. It requires thinking of your spouse, doing things for them to make them happy. It requires acting in loving ways, even when you are tired, or bogged down with work, or so stressed you are waking up every night with a jaw sore from grinding your teeth.
They forgot to do that, she now knows. They forgot to love each other. They expected love to continue, without putting any work into it, and today she knows this is why her marriage failed. — Jane Green

So Stressed Quotes By Lisa Cholodenko

I was going through some stressful stuff, and I lost feeling in my face and in my tongue. So I went to a doctor. He said he didn't think I had MS or a brain tumor. He said, 'I think you're just stressed out.' — Lisa Cholodenko

So Stressed Quotes By Bridgette Wilson

The first time around as a mom, I held on really tight and I was so stressed. — Bridgette Wilson

So Stressed Quotes By Laura Prepon

My fitness routine includes things that are not stressful on my body - swimming, yoga, stretching, and rebounding. When I used to kill myself in the gym, it had an adverse effect on me because my body would be so stressed out and constantly in fight-or-flight mode. — Laura Prepon

So Stressed Quotes By James S.A. Corey

Yeah." They shared a companionable silence as the coffee brewed. When it was finished, Holden poured two mugs and handed one to Naomi. "Captain," she said, then paused. "Jim. I've been a pain-in-the-ass XO so far. I've been stressed out and scared shitless about eighty percent of the time." "You do an amazing job of hiding that fact," Holden replied. — James S.A. Corey

So Stressed Quotes By Cara Castronuova

I know that when I get stressed, I want to eat junk food. So now I just know - 'I'm stressed, I want to eat junk food, so I'm going to go work out instead, or eat something healthy.' It really works. — Cara Castronuova

So Stressed Quotes By Shirley Eaton

When women are stressed, they either eat too much and get fat, or they eat not so much and get thin, and the latter is what happens to me. — Shirley Eaton

So Stressed Quotes By Britney Spears

I notice that if there are some times I've been stressed, because I'm human and stress about things, that affects your kids. So you have to make sure you're a happy mom so they can be happy. — Britney Spears

So Stressed Quotes By Aly Michalka

I know for a fact that if I could do only music, I'd be out of my mind, insane. I'd be stressed-out; there's so much work. I mean, you work constantly; there are no breaks, really. If you're not promoting a record, you're making one. If you're not making one, you're touring. If you're not touring, you're doing photo shoots and prep work. — Aly Michalka

So Stressed Quotes By Larissa Ione

Shit," he breathed against her lips. "I've been wanting to do this since I first tasted you in the prey room." The reminder that he'd tossed her into a cold, dank dungeon and then scared her to death should have put a damper on things, but it didn't. She was so stressed out, so tired of not knowing if she was going to live or die - she couldn't help but embrace these few precious moments of forgetting the hell that was her life and remembering what it was like to actually live. Boldly, she ran her hands up Riker's arms, letting her fingers map the rough scars and thick veins that wound around his biceps. — Larissa Ione

So Stressed Quotes By Asher Roth

Unfurl your brow. So many people walk around stressed, or upset, or confused, and they make that face, where they scrunch their brow. Just recognizing that your face is clenched and unfurling your brow will instantly make you feel more relaxed. — Asher Roth

So Stressed Quotes By Anonymous

These days, most Americans who are unashamedly prejudiced know better than to say so, except to a secure, like-minded audience, given that many people live and work in environments where they can be slapped on the wrist, publicly humiliated, or sacked for saying anything that smacks of an "ism." However, just as it takes mental effort to maintain a prejudice despite conflicting information, it takes mental effort to suppress those negative feelings. Social psychologists Chris Crandall and Amy Eshelman, reviewing the huge research literature on prejudice, found that whenever people are emotionally depleted - when they are sleepy, frustrated, angry, anxious, drunk, or stressed - they become more willing to express their real prejudices toward another group. — Anonymous

So Stressed Quotes By Amber Brooks

Learn how to delegate. If you try to do everything yourself, you will end up really stressed. Delegate what can be delegated so you can focus on what really does need your attention. Write down all the important things you need to do. No matter how good your memory is, a little distraction can take your mind off the important stuff. However, no matter what distractions you may have, the list will always remind you of what you need to do. — Amber Brooks

So Stressed Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

I had started keeping a journal, and I was discovering that I didn't need school in order to experience the misery of appearances. I could manufacture excruciating embarrassment in the privacy of my bedroom, simply by reading what I'd written in the journal the day before. Its pages faithfully mirrored my fraudulence and pomposity and immaturity. Reading it made me desperate to change myself, to sound less idiotic. As George Benson had stressed in Then Joy Breaks Through, the experience of growth and self-realization, even of ecstatic joy, were natural processes available to believers and nonbelievers alike. And so I declared private war on stagnation and committed myself privately to personal growth. The Authentic Relationship I wanted now was with the written page. — Jonathan Franzen

So Stressed Quotes By Alex Lake

That was the trouble now. People felt sad, so they got a pill. Work was hard, so people resigned. Marriages went through rocky patches and people got divorced. It was selfishness, pure and simple. And it was all justified by emotions. I'm unhappy. I'm stressed. I need to feel loved. Just having the emotion was enough justification for whatever people did. And it was useless. Didn't people see that unhappiness came from within? A person could change jobs, but if they were an unhappy type then they would take their unhappiness with them. — Alex Lake

So Stressed Quotes By Robert M. Sapolsky

But if you get chronically, psychosocially stressed, you're going to compromise your health. So, essentially, we've evolved to be smart enough to make ourselves sick. — Robert M. Sapolsky

So Stressed Quotes By Charlyne Yi

Even when I'm stressed out I'm not mean to people. I'm not constantly rude to people. But sometimes people are so rude. — Charlyne Yi

So Stressed Quotes By Kelly Oram

It's just not worth it to be so stressed and angry about everything. Life's generally not so bad- most people just choose to see the negative. — Kelly Oram

So Stressed Quotes By Charlie Puth

When I get high anxiety, I vomit. My mom was so stressed out. Then I found out I was staying in John Mayer's old dorm room, and I had a nice roommate. That completely brought me down. I was completely comfortable at Berklee. — Charlie Puth

So Stressed Quotes By James Rollins

We must savor every moment given us," she stressed. "We know not where this journey ends so we must wring each scrap of joy out of it while it lasts. — James Rollins

So Stressed Quotes By Heidi Julavits

If I can just stop being so stressed out, maybe my cancer will get better! This is far less scary than treating a disease of unknown etiology. — Heidi Julavits

So Stressed Quotes By Ricky Martin

I think religion is a bunch of hooey, and I think that the holidays are an opportunity for people to get stressed out, getting their rush to shop. It's so conformist. — Ricky Martin

So Stressed Quotes By Lawrence Sutin

To comprehend Crowley, one must comprehend what he meant by "Magick" - the "discredited" tradition he swore to "rehabilitate."
Magick, for Crowley, is a way of life that takes in every facet of life. The keys to attainment within the magical tradition lie in the proper training of the human psyche itself - more specifically, in the development of the powers of will and imagination. The training of the will - which Crowley so stressed, thus placing himself squarely within that tradition - is the focusing of one's energy, one's essential being. The imagination provides, as it were, the target for this focus, by its capacity to ardently envision - and hence bring into magical being - possibilities and states beyond those of consensual reality. The will and imagination must work synergistically. For the will, unilluminated by imagination, becomes a barren tool of earthly pursuits. And the imagination, ungoverned by a striving will, lapses into idle dreams and stupor. — Lawrence Sutin

So Stressed Quotes By Ron Willingham

I have observed several hundred salespeople who were taught to use deceptive practices like 'bait and switch' and encouraged to play negotiation games with customers. They were so stressed by this behavior that they suffered from a high incidence of alcohol and substance abuse, divorce, job-jumping, and low productivity. In the same industry, I have observed countless people who had been taught to sell with high integrity. Ironically, their customer satisfaction, profit margins, and salesperson retention were significantly higher. — Ron Willingham

So Stressed Quotes By William Thorsell

You become visibly stressed because you are working hard to pay for a standard of living so robust that it overwhelms your capacity to consume it. — William Thorsell

So Stressed Quotes By Selena Gomez

I want to keep pushing myself so I never feel settled. I don't really know if it's going to end up working. I'm stressed out most of the time. — Selena Gomez

So Stressed Quotes By Kevin Leman

Moms are, in my opinion, the wonders of the universe. They can leap tall buildings in a single bound, they can go where no person has gone before, and they can somehow get toddlers to eat. The problem is that mothers are also some of the most stressed people on the planet. There's just so much to do and not enough of them. — Kevin Leman

So Stressed Quotes By Brandy Norwood

It's her first grandchild, so she's really, really, really excited. I guess my mom is a little more stressed out than me. — Brandy Norwood

So Stressed Quotes By Emma Donoghue

In the world I notice persons are nearly always stressed and have no time ... I don't know how persons with jobs do the jobs and all the living as well ... I guess the time gets spread very thin like butter all over the world, the roads and houses and playgrounds and stores, so there's only a little smear of time on each place, then everyone has to hurry on to the next bit. — Emma Donoghue

So Stressed Quotes By Philippe Cousteau Jr.

As an explorer, I know firsthand there are many places in the ocean so full of life that they should be protected. Coral reefs and mangrove coastlines are stressed already by climate change and ocean acidification, and poor planning will just make their plight worse. — Philippe Cousteau Jr.

So Stressed Quotes By Rousas John Rushdoony

It needs more than ever to be stressed that the best and truest educators are parents under God. The greatest school is the family. In learning, no act of teaching in any school or university compares to the routine task of mothers in teaching a babe who speaks no language the mother tongue in so short a time. No other task in education is equal to this. The moral training of the children, the discipline of good habits, is an inheritance from the parents to the children which surpasses all other. The family is the first and basic school of man. — Rousas John Rushdoony

So Stressed Quotes By Matt Haig

It was, of course, another test. Everything in human life was a test. That was why they all looked so stressed out. — Matt Haig

So Stressed Quotes By J.M. Darhower

His chest swelled with pride at her words. Good, because no one touches my girl unless she wants to be touched. No woman should ever be violated. That's something my mom made sure we understood. She said a woman's body was a temple, and you should never enter it without an invitation. I was just a kid and didn't understand at the time, but she stressed it so much that I remember. — J.M. Darhower

So Stressed Quotes By Manasa Rao

I don't understand how teens in this generation stress being in a relationship/love more than adults do about their future. She's testing him to see if he's loyal, he's testing her to see if she's after money. So, basically it's a messed up-stressed-testing generation. Love has been blown so far out of proportion I reckon. The stress surrounding the single sentence 'I love you' is saddening. Relax!!! You're young! Your teen years are supposed to be fun. You have your whole lives ahead to find the right one. Just sit back, chill and live life the way it comes. — Manasa Rao

So Stressed Quotes By Anonymous

Our wants always exceed our resources, and we believe that's the source of our unhappiness. Not so. Never was. No wonder we always feel stressed out and inadequate; we never make enough money to afford what we tell ourselves we need. — Anonymous

So Stressed Quotes By Susan Barbara Apollon

Wellbeing is all about balance. Unfortunately, the normal modern lifestyle (which actually isn't normal at all) often pushes us away from what's healthy and manageable, and prompts us to make decisions that overload our bodies and minds. As a society, we are just too busy, too stressed, too consumed with so-called success, too worried about our looks and our image, and not plugged in at all to our spiritual and emotional roots. — Susan Barbara Apollon

So Stressed Quotes By Aprilynne Pike

Are you free to be anything more than a friend to me? If," and she stressed the if heavily, "I ever decided to live in Avalon and wanted to be with you, would you be free enough to do that?"
He looked away, and Laurel could tell he'd been avoiding a conversation like this.
"Well?" she insisted.
"If you wanted it," he finally said.
"If I wanted it?"
He nodded. "I'm not allowed to ask. You would have to ask me."
Her breath caught in her chest, and Tamani looked at her.
"Why do you think David bothers me so much?"
Laurel looked down at her lap.
"I can't just storm in and proclaim my intentions. I can't 'steal' you away. I just have to wait and hope that, someday, you'll ask."
"And if I don't?" Laurel said, her voice barley above a whisper.
"Then I guess I'll wait forever. — Aprilynne Pike

So Stressed Quotes By Selena Gomez

I have to admit, at first, it was really overwhelming and I would get stressed about putting things together. Now, it's like trying to figure out a puzzle piece, and I love that ... There are so many things that I don't even know and would love to discover more about. I was so upset I had to leave [Europe] before Paris Fashion Week, but then I was like ... "Oh wait, my album is coming out." — Selena Gomez

So Stressed Quotes By Brigid Schulte

Think about the farmer," Akil tells me. "The farmer can't control and predict very much either. So why is that any better or worse than being on Wall Street? As a farmer, if there was a freeze that destroyed your crops, that might've stressed you, but it wasn't your fault. But as a knowledge worker, you're expected to be in charge of everything. And when things go wrong, it is your fault. The thinking is, you could have planned more, or you should have anticipated what went wrong. That combination of having a lot coming at you and of shifting away from physical work - which does help cope with stress - and not even being able to say, 'It's not my fault, I surrender to higher forces,' whether you believe it's weather or God - that's been taken away." * — Brigid Schulte

So Stressed Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

The most common response I hear when I tell people I teach meditation is, "I'm so stressed out. I could use some of that!" A response I also sometimes hear, which amuses me a lot is, "My partner should really meet you!" — Sharon Salzberg

So Stressed Quotes By Kylie Minogue

Everyone knows how much Australia means to me. I try to get back here as much as I can, but normally it's for work, so I'm in and out and jetlagged and stressed. — Kylie Minogue

So Stressed Quotes By Garrison Keillor

I grew up in a fundamentalist protestant family that stressed that we were a select people and so we were to avoid contact with others who did not share our faith. — Garrison Keillor

So Stressed Quotes By Dan Baum

Americans, whether armed or not, were still looking everywhere but at social class when parsing the texture of their lives. It wasn't so much that stressed-out blue-collar folks were clinging bitterly to their guns and religion, as Barack Obama had posited while running for president. It was more that guns and religion were keeping them from feeling bitter about the indignities inflicted on the middle class. — Dan Baum

So Stressed Quotes By Karen Armstrong

The new Sufi tariqahs founded at this time stressed the unlimited potential of human life. Sufis could experience on the
spiritual plane what the Mongols had so nearly achieved in terrestrial politics — Karen Armstrong

So Stressed Quotes By Victoria Osteen

One thing is certain: our families are important. Don't get so stressed out and so preoccupied that we neglect one of the greatest things that God has given us, and that's our families. — Victoria Osteen

So Stressed Quotes By Tom Ford

If I'm sending emails, and I get all wound up and stressed and don't know what to do with myself for 20 minutes, I just go soak in hot water and lie there, thinking, 'What should I do?' So it's meditative. — Tom Ford

So Stressed Quotes By Jennifer Connelly

I try to do a lot of research beforehand so I know where I want to go with a scene. I try not to get too stressed about it, because I find that's the worst thing. — Jennifer Connelly

So Stressed Quotes By R.J. Palacio

Now that I look back, I don't know why I was so stressed about it all this time. Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing. — R.J. Palacio

So Stressed Quotes By Dale Peck

Children," Mrs. Oakenfeld sighed.
"I do not want you to be good to avoid being punished. I do not want you to be good so that you can receive rewards. I want you to be good," she stressed, "because it is the right thing to do.
You are very formidable adversaries, but don't you see that when you work against eachother, you just cancel eachother out? — Dale Peck

So Stressed Quotes By Rick Strassman

In my mind, MDMA is a mild drug. People who prefer it to the typical psychedelics tend not to do well when stressed, either by life or by taking more potent mind-bending drugs. MDMA is what I like to call a "love and light" drug, one that accentuates the positive and minimizes the negative. If only life were so simple. — Rick Strassman

So Stressed Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

We could say that the totality, life wants the sapling to become a tree, but the sapling doesn't see itself as separate from life and so wants nothing for itself. It is one with what life wants. That's why it isn't worried or stressed. And, if it has to die prematurely, it dies with ease.. — Eckhart Tolle

So Stressed Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Sara, I didn't realize you were so crazy," Evan noticed. Sara just smiled in return and
hopped away to find her new friends. "Did you know she was like this?"
"Yes," I stressed. "It's one of the reasons we're best friends. It's not like she can be this way
in school. This is how we are when we're somewhere else. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

So Stressed Quotes By Jewel

I wrote the song 'Angels Standing By' ... to try and soothe myself - rock myself to sleep, basically - because I was so scared and stressed. — Jewel

So Stressed Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Bekka treated her role has Frankenstein's bride more like an audition to be Brett's bride. Every part of her body had been colored bright kelly green - even parts that her mother had stressed were 'not to be seen by anyone except God and the inside of a toilet bowl.' Instead of wearing a wig, Bekka had teased and then shellacked her own hair into a windblown cone and she'd used female-mustache bleach to create white streaks. Her seams, made of real suture thread, had been attached to her neck and wrists with clear double-sided costume tape because drawing them on with kohl would not have been 'honoring the character.' Her Costume Castle dress had been exchanged for something 'more authentic' from the Bridal Barn. If Brett didn't see his future in her heavily black-shadowed eyes tonight, he never would. Or so she believed. — Lisi Harrison

So Stressed Quotes By Alexander Schmemann

Once more, the joyful character of the eucharistic gathering must be stressed. For the medieval emphasis on the cross, while not a wrong one, is certainly one-sided. The liturgy is, before everything else, the joyous gathering of those who are to meet the risen Lord and to enter with him into the bridal chamber. And it is this joy of expectation and this expectation of joy that are expressed in singing and ritual, in vestments and in censing, in that whole 'beauty' of the liturgy which has so often been denounced as unnecessary and even sinful.
Unnecessary it is indeed, for we are beyond the categories of the 'necessary.' Beauty is never 'necessary,' 'functional' or 'useful.' And when, expecting someone whom we love, we put a beautiful tablecloth on the table and decorate it with candles and flowers, we do all this not out of necessity, but out of love. And the Church is love, expectation and joy. — Alexander Schmemann

So Stressed Quotes By Francis Chan

It is the Holy Spirit who keeps us from this path and gives us confidence so we can enjoy intimacy with our Creator. Though I do not believe God gives us His Spirit solely for our personal benefit, it is undeniable that one of the greatest aspects of being in relationship with the Holy Spirit is the intimacy, security, and encouragement He brings us. It is then we can serve God as a beloved child rather than a stressed-out, guilt-ridden slave. — Francis Chan

So Stressed Quotes By Edith Hamilton

When I read educational articles it often seems to me that this important side of the matter, the purely personal side, is not emphasized enough; the fact that it is so much more agreeable and interesting to be an educated person than not. The sheer pleasure of being educated does not seem to be stressed. — Edith Hamilton

So Stressed Quotes By Michelle Tea

I'm A Queer Poet Too! She stressed queer not because she walked around identifying as a queer poet but so that the youth understood she would fuck her. — Michelle Tea

So Stressed Quotes By Temple Grandin

Language just gradually came in, one or two stressed words a time. Before then, I would just scream. I couldn't talk. I couldn't get my words out. So the only way I could tell someone what I wanted was to scream. If I didn't want to wear a hat, the only way I knew to communicate was screaming and throwing it on the floor. — Temple Grandin

So Stressed Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

You can be very much aware that when you are stressed, it always is a sign you have lost the present moment. So, you can choose to re-enter the present moment. — Eckhart Tolle

So Stressed Quotes By Liam Payne

I was ill. I was told I was stressed, so I had to get everything checked out. I didn't think I was, but someone told me I was. As a result, I went to get a blood test. I'd never had one before, so I held my breath when I was getting it done. That caused me to go into a fit. — Liam Payne

So Stressed Quotes By Tom Felton

I like the laid-back ladies. Looks are stressed so much these days, and a lot of girls feel they need to do all of these weird and wonderful things to look good, and they really don't. The best-looking girls don't do anything; they just sort of know they're beautiful, especially in jeans and a hoodie. — Tom Felton

So Stressed Quotes By Michelle Obama

Exercise is really important to me - it's therapeutic. So if I'm ever feeling tense or stressed or like I'm about to have a meltdown, I'll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan with the girls. — Michelle Obama

So Stressed Quotes By Liana Liberato

Any actor has their moments of being stressed, but the great part about this job is that it's so unpredictable, and that's what I like. I love spontaneity. I don't ever want to be bored, doing the same thing from 9 to 5. — Liana Liberato

So Stressed Quotes By Muriel Barbery

Just by observing the adults around me I understood very early on that life goes by in no time at all, yet they're always in such a hurry, so stressed out by deadlines, so eager for now that they needn't think about tomorrow ... But if you dread tomorrow, it's because you don't know how to build the present, and when you don't know how to build the present, you tell yourself you can deal with it tomorrow, and it's a lost cause anyway because tomorrow always ends up becoming today, don't you see? — Muriel Barbery

So Stressed Quotes By Angela Bassett

When I was in school, my mother stressed education. I am so glad she did. I graduated from Yale College and Yale University with my master's and I didn't do it by missing school. — Angela Bassett

So Stressed Quotes By Sylvia Day

You're blond, but surely you can't be so naive as to believe that."
"You're stressed," I countered, "but surely you know you're being an ass. — Sylvia Day

So Stressed Quotes By Samantha Cheverton

We weren't too stressed out, this morning we just knew that if we had strong, good swims we would be fine, so it was actually a lot of fun. — Samantha Cheverton

So Stressed Quotes By Kim Harrison

Okay," Glenn said as he stood. "We need to get this back to the . . . ah, forensics lab. I want to know how long the body was stressed before she died."
"An hour. That's all. Perhaps less." We all looked at Nina, and she shrugged, dust and rust marring her makeup like dried blood. "But by all means, do your scientific poking and prodding. She's suffered so much, what's one more indignity? — Kim Harrison

So Stressed Quotes By Renee Marino

Crying feels so good sometimes, and I do it when I'm happy, sad, stressed, scared. I like to believe that tears are my friend. — Renee Marino

So Stressed Quotes By Ilchi Lee

When you are stressed, first notice and acknowledge it. By doing so, you can use the space between the stressor and your reaction for different choices, instead of reverting automatically to your habitual responses. Become aware of your breathing, and breathe comfortably. As soon as you become aware of breathing, your breath naturally becomes deep and slow. Focus on each pause between inhaling and exhaling. It will give you a sense of space and quietude inside you. — Ilchi Lee

So Stressed Quotes By Amber A. Bardan

I worry about you. Not just about your safety. I worry when you're stressed. I worry when you're unhappy."

His words leveled her world.

Her eyes snapped open and she saw him - saw him in a way that would stay with her forever.

"I fucking worry about you not eating breakfast. I worry about every damn little thing about you. I worry about you like I've never worried about anything in my life. Because I care. I fucking care, Charlize. I care so much it makes me scared. I don't think you're incapable of looking after yourself - I just can't help needing to make everything okay. — Amber A. Bardan

So Stressed Quotes By Kim Clijsters

People get so stressed and nervous and mad. — Kim Clijsters