Famous Quotes & Sayings

Small Thinker Quotes & Sayings

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Top Small Thinker Quotes

Small Thinker Quotes By Anonymous

Turner sounded his foghorn three times, the Sailor's Farewell. — Anonymous

Small Thinker Quotes By Josh Lanyon

I can't figure out where you put all that," Tucker observed. "You eat like a horse." "It goes straight to my cock — Josh Lanyon

Small Thinker Quotes By Ben Bova

He was close enough so that I could see his face clearly, even with his helmet's cheek flaps tied tightly under his bearded chin. I looked into the eyes of Hector, prince of Troy. Brown eyes they were, the colour of rich farm soil, calm and deep. No anger, no battle lust. He was a cool and calculating warrior, a thinker among these hordes of wild, screaming brutes. He wore a small round shield buckled to his left arm instead of the massive body-length type most of the other nobles carried. In it was painted a flying heron, a strangely peaceful emblem in the midst of all this mayhem and gore. — Ben Bova

Small Thinker Quotes By Mac Anderson

I highly recommend setting aside pockets of time during each day for solitude. You might have only five or ten minutes, but be alone and uninterrupted. And then sometime each week devote an extended time - at least one hour - to reconnect with your soul. How and when you do it is a very personal thing, but plan it because solitude doesn't happen on its own. Make it a priority in your life. — Mac Anderson

Small Thinker Quotes By Derrick Jensen

I think it's very important for us to start to build a culture of resistance, because what we're doing isn't working, clearly. — Derrick Jensen

Small Thinker Quotes By Alan AtKisson

This famous quote hangs over my desk, as well as the desks of many people with the hubris and optimism to believe they can change the world for the better. It seems implausible, yet time and again history has proven it true. Virtually every major shift in cultural history can trace its origins to the work of a small group, often gathered around an innovative thinker or body of thought. — Alan AtKisson

Small Thinker Quotes By Janet Morris

One to a customer was the rule: one body; one mind; one swing through life. - Tempus — Janet Morris

Small Thinker Quotes By Len Evans

You have only so many bottles in your life, never drink a bad one. — Len Evans

Small Thinker Quotes By Victor Hugo

The science of mathematics applies to the clouds; the radiance of starlight nourishes the rose; no thinker will dare say that the scent of hawthorn is valueless to the constellations ... The cheese-mite has its worth; the smallest is large and the largest is small ... Light does not carry the scents of earth into the upper air without knowing what it is doing with them; darkness confers the essence of the stars upon the sleeping flowers ... Where the telescope ends the microscope begins, and which has the wider vision? You may choose. A patch of mould is a galaxy of blossom; a nebula is an antheap of stars. There is the same affinity, if still more inconceivable, between the things of the mind and material things. — Victor Hugo

Small Thinker Quotes By Christina Ricci

I once ate McDonald's three times in one day. — Christina Ricci

Small Thinker Quotes By Terry Pratchett

He looked personable enough, not exactly a great thinker, but definitely the kind of profile you wouldn't mind seeing on your small change. — Terry Pratchett

Small Thinker Quotes By Dirk Benedict

Life without kids is like a camera without film. — Dirk Benedict

Small Thinker Quotes By Alan Lightman

Writers read essays and serious thinkers and serious readers ... that is a small population. — Alan Lightman

Small Thinker Quotes By Sue Monk Kidd

As he left, I peered at Sarah Mapps and her mother, the way they grabbed hands and squeezed in relief, and then at Nina, at the small exultation on her face. She was braver than I, she always had been. I cared too much for the opinions of others, she cared not a whit. I was cautious, she was brash. I was a thinker, she was a doer. I kindled fires, she spread them. And right then and ever after, I saw how cunning the Fates had been. Nina was one wing, I was the other. — Sue Monk Kidd

Small Thinker Quotes By Marian Deegan

Our lives are marked by the people who choose to matter more: the teacher who encouraged our curiosity, the neighbor who lent a helping hand in time of need, the great leaders and perceptive thinkers whose vision and innovation improve the quality of our lives. And that's what it means to matter more. It's not about pursuit of riches or fame. It's about making a difference in people's lives. Remembered or not, lived out in a small town or on the world stage, the journey of relevance matters. — Marian Deegan

Small Thinker Quotes By Bill Cosby

I think I am a good running back, but I'm really not that fast. There is only one thing I can do, that is throw a cross-body block. Picture perfect. I love it. Not that good at pass blocking. — Bill Cosby

Small Thinker Quotes By Rajneesh

Awareness, beholding the mind, is the most essential method to have a breakthrough. And once you have gone just a step beyond the mind, you have entered the world of nirvana, you have entered the world of light and eternal life. You have attained to spiritual integrity, freedom, and tremendous ecstasy which the mind cannot even dream about. — Rajneesh

Small Thinker Quotes By Martin Heidegger

The small are always dependent on the great; they are "small" precisely because they think they are independent. The great thinker is one who can hear what is greatest in the work of other "greats" and who can transform it in an original manner. — Martin Heidegger

Small Thinker Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

I believe you can train yourself to become a positive thinker, but you must cultivate a desire to develop the skill of setting personal worthy and realistic goals. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When you learn to master the principle of setting a goal, you will then be able to make a great difference in the results you attain in this life. — M. Russell Ballard

Small Thinker Quotes By Sextus Propertius

Anyone who is an enemy of mine, let him love women, but let he who is my friend rejoice in men. — Sextus Propertius