Famous Quotes & Sayings

Slay Dragon Quotes & Sayings

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Top Slay Dragon Quotes

Slay Dragon Quotes By A.S. Peterson

What do you know of the Knights?" he asked.

Fin shrugged. "I thought knights were only in children's stories until a few days ago."

Jeannot smiled. "A man could do worse than to live in the stories of a child. There is, perhaps, no better remembrance."

"Until the child grows up and finds out the stories aren't true. You might be knights, but I don't see any shining armor," Fin said.

Jeannot stopped near the gate of the auberge and faced her. "Each time a story is told, the details and accuracies and facts are winnowed away until all that remains is the heart of the tale. If there is truth at the heart of it, a tale may live forever. As a knight, there is no dragon to slay, no maiden to rescue, and no miraculous grail to uncover. A knight seeks the truth beneath these things, seeks the heart. We call this the corso. The path set before us. The race we must run. — A.S. Peterson

Slay Dragon Quotes By Lorraine Heath

Will it fade? The tattoo?"
"Why would you want it on your shoulder like that, something that will
forever be there?"
"As I recall, I was quite drunk at the time and thought it a good idea."
"Why a dragon?"
"Symbolic. We all face dragons in one way or another, at one time or
"So it's not a good thing."
"Depends whether or not we slay them. It all made perfect sense
when I was drunk."
"Did you slay yours?"
"I thought so at the time. — Lorraine Heath

Slay Dragon Quotes By Jack Campbell

How many dragons does a girl have to slay to get some respect around here? — Jack Campbell

Slay Dragon Quotes By Mario Batali

Twelve-piece cookware sets for ninety-nine bucks are routinely hawked on late-night TV - often by friends of mine. But with a mere five pieces, you can do whatever you like - slay the dragon and then cook its tenderloin in the style of the duke of Wellington, if you want to. — Mario Batali

Slay Dragon Quotes By Terry Goodkind

She looked so beautiful in the moonlight, but it wasn't only the way she looked, it was what was inside her, everything from her intelligence and courage to her wit, and the special smile she gave only to him. He would slay a dragon, if there were such a thing, just to see that smile. He knew he would never want anyone else for as long as he lived. He would rather spend the rest of his life alone than with someone else. There could be no one else. — Terry Goodkind

Slay Dragon Quotes By Stephan Attia

If you wish to slay a dragon you must charm it first. — Stephan Attia

Slay Dragon Quotes By Phil McGraw

Take it from a guy: If you're in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You're going to get to her somehow, some way. — Phil McGraw

Slay Dragon Quotes By Kristy Cambron

Our mother used to say that a hero doesn't always have to slay a dragon to save the day." She swept a lock of hair behind her ear in an honest gesture, then pursed her lips and looked back at him, her gaze endearing. "Sometimes he just walks through the fire alongside you, and that's enough. — Kristy Cambron

Slay Dragon Quotes By Gena Showalter

Gotta slay a lion before you can slay a dragon — Gena Showalter

Slay Dragon Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

A dragon grows in leaps and bounds,
Like troubles mounting by the pound.

Its stature heightens day to day,
Imposing dread and deep dismay.

A paralyzing roar it gains
While from its snout hot fire rains.

It sees you shrink. Your fear it knows.
And by the hour the nightmare grows.

Unless you slay the dragon soon,
Your troubles may become your doom. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Slay Dragon Quotes By Brian Andreas

Anyone can slay a dragon ... but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero. — Brian Andreas

Slay Dragon Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

I slay dragons at night while you sleep.
I see by the way your face contorts how they exist in your dreams.
Willing a magic sword, I plunge into your deepest nightmares and swing at the beasts with all my might, dodging flames exhaled by monsters that would eat me alive to go on torturing the fair one I love. I see your face relax, eyes still drowsily closed, when the mighty dragon is slain.
It may be that my fingers rub soft circles on your forehead as I imagine my brave fight as a knight reclaiming your dreams. You smile under the spell of my touch, and I am rewarded. And so, my love, as I await the dawn, I stand ready to slay dragons while you sleep. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Slay Dragon Quotes By Josie Wright

Facing your own feelings is like attempting to slay a fire-breathing dragon, and admitting your fear seems to make it more real, way harder to suppress. — Josie Wright

Slay Dragon Quotes By Michelle Hodkin

You were planned, Noah. Engineered." Noah practically radiated frustration. "For what?"
"To be the hero," David said, looking at Noah like he was his greatest disappointment. "To slay the dragon. But you fell in love with it instead. — Michelle Hodkin

Slay Dragon Quotes By Terry Goodkind

I'm warning you, stay back! This sword has magic.'
'Magic!' the dragon gasped in mock fright. It put a claw to its breast. 'Oh, please, brave man, don't slay me with your magic sword! — Terry Goodkind

Slay Dragon Quotes By Betsy Schow

What manly task may I perform for you?"
"If you care for me at all, you'll slay a dragon."
"Such a simple task to prove my devotion? For you, I will gladly take up this quest. Why, by the age of ten, I had already felled my first ogre. — Betsy Schow

Slay Dragon Quotes By Charlie Higson

Nasty little dragon. It wouldn't happen again. He was St George and he would slay the dragon. That was how it worked, wasn't it? He knew the story. He was a hero, a patron saint. He was England. This country was his. His people were marching towards him from all corners. He would take his throne. But first he had to destroy the dragon. He would butcher him like a piece of meat; a long pig, that's all he was: cutlets, chops, ribs and chitterlings. He would make sausages out of him, ha, because in the end he was nothing more than a side of pork ... No, smaller than that. He was just a lamb. A leg of lamb. Yes. He would slaughter the lamb. — Charlie Higson

Slay Dragon Quotes By Regina Scott

After only a few moments in her presence, he found himself wondering what dragon he might slay for her. — Regina Scott

Slay Dragon Quotes By Betsy Schow

Rule #17: To rescue a princess from magical imprisonment, a handsome prince must first slay the dragon. If one is not available, a large iguana will do in a pinch."
- Definitive Fairy-Tale Survival Guide, Volume 1 — Betsy Schow

Slay Dragon Quotes By Janette Oke

When you read you can have every adventure. In the pages of a book you can be anyone you ever dreamed of being ... They can never tell you you're too young to slay the dragon
because it all happens right here, where it's safe. — Janette Oke

Slay Dragon Quotes By Beth Revis

It takes Elder about 2.5 seconds to reach my room after I com him.
"What's wrong?" he asks, skidding through the door.
I laugh at the way his eyes search my room, looking for a dragon to slay for his damsel in distress. — Beth Revis

Slay Dragon Quotes By Jeff Lindsay

There are few things in the world that make me feel more clueless than a woman's tears. I know that I am supposed to do something comforting and then go slay whatever dragon caused the crying fit, but it has been my experience, in my limited dealings with women, that the tears never come when they should, and they are never about what you might think, and consequently you are reduced to truly stupid options like patting her head and saying, 'There there,' in the hopes that at some point she will let you in on what the display is actually about. — Jeff Lindsay

Slay Dragon Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

I hadn't meant to slay that dragon. It wouldn't have hurt me, I don't think. (I still dream about it sometimes. The way the fire consumed it from the inside out, like a cigarette burn eating a piece of paper.) — Rainbow Rowell

Slay Dragon Quotes By Steven Moffat

Mycroft Holmes: ... a necessary evil, not a dragon for you to slay.
Sherlock Holmes: A dragon slayer? Is that what you think of me?
Mycroft: No ... It's what you think of yourself.
Mrs. Holmes/Mum: Are you two smoking?
Mycroft: No-
Sherlock: It was Mycroft!
(They hide their lighted cigarettes behind their backs.) -Sherlock, "His Last Vow", season/series 3 — Steven Moffat

Slay Dragon Quotes By Steven Pressfield

Slay that dragon once, and he will never have power over you again. — Steven Pressfield

Slay Dragon Quotes By Jury Nel

You don't have to slay a dragon to be perceived a hero - smiling at someone at the right moment might also do the trick. — Jury Nel

Slay Dragon Quotes By Jeyn Roberts

You don't strike me as the princess type."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
Daniel Smiled. "It means that I'd still go out of my way to rescue you, but you'd probably smack me across the head and try to slay the dragon yourself. — Jeyn Roberts

Slay Dragon Quotes By Steven Pressfield

Resistance in my experience always kicks in when you're trying to move from a lower level to a higher level or to identify with a braver part of yourself or your higher nature. So it's that negative repelling force. It's kind of the dragon that we have to slay every day if we're artists or entrepreneurs. — Steven Pressfield

Slay Dragon Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

There are trials in life that feel as tremendous as a quest to slay dragons. These trials are daunting. They require hard work, determination, and courage. But when the dragon is finally slain, the relief is immense. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Slay Dragon Quotes By M.L. Rodriguez

Baby, for you, I'd go to the ends of the world--slay a dragon, climb the Himalayas, and even dance. I'd do anything for you."
~Zane — M.L. Rodriguez

Slay Dragon Quotes By Nikki Sixx

I wanted to help him but I guess ultimately you can only slay the dragon yourself. All that I could do was help him sharpen his sword if he needed me to. — Nikki Sixx

Slay Dragon Quotes By Marilu Henner

Stress is an important dragon to slay - or at least tame - in your life. — Marilu Henner

Slay Dragon Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

Do all lovers feel helpless and valiant in the presence of the beloved? Helpless because the need to roll over like a pet dog is never far away. Valiant because you know you would slay a dragon with a pocket knife if you had to. — Jeanette Winterson

Slay Dragon Quotes By William Ritter

Saint George's legend tells of the dangers of mythical creatures and the value of man asserting dominance over them. Manu's tale, quite conversely, stresses the value of mercy, coexistence, and peaceful symbiosis. [...] Marlowe is a good man, but he only knows how to slay dragons. The world is full of dragon-slayers. What we need are a few more people who aren't too proud to listen to a fish. — William Ritter

Slay Dragon Quotes By Ness Kingsley

Hold on, hold on, hold on," said the Hooded Person of Unknown Gender. "Are you really here to slay a dragon?"

"Yes! Why else would I be so far from home?"

"Sightseeing?" suggested the Female. — Ness Kingsley

Slay Dragon Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Fear never scaled one mountain, never stepped up on a stage, never accepted a challenge, never tilled new ground, never walked in a race; he never even dared to dream. Fear failed to slay a single dragon. Remember this before you choose to keep his company. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Slay Dragon Quotes By Riane Eisler

So many of the models of courage we've had, ones that are still taught to boys and girls, are about going out to slay the dragon, to kill. It's a courage that's born out of fear, anger, and hate. But there's this other kind of courage. It's the courage to risk your life, not in war, not in battle, not out of fear ... but out of love and a sense of injustice that has to be challenged. It takes far more courage to challenge unjust authority without violence than it takes to kill all the monsters in all the stories told to children about the meaning of bravery. — Riane Eisler

Slay Dragon Quotes By Laura Schlessinger

You can rescue a woman from a dragon - because you can go slay the dragon - but you can't rescue a woman from herself. — Laura Schlessinger

Slay Dragon Quotes By Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Stress is a dragon.
Believe in it and you're toast.
Slay your stress. — Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Slay Dragon Quotes By Bertrand Russell

It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so,it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that gaurds the door,and this dragon is religion — Bertrand Russell

Slay Dragon Quotes By Nora Roberts

You can't just hope for happy endings. You have to believe in them. Then do the work, take the risks. Slay the dragon - though I really think dragons get a bad rap - kiss the princess, or the frog, defeat the bad witch. — Nora Roberts

Slay Dragon Quotes By Maria V. Snyder

I'm sure you're just dying to tell me all the campus gossip about me. Right?"
"I do have a life. Maybe I've been too busy to listen to rumors," he huffed, pretending to have hurt feelings.
I looked at him.
He sighed. "Okay, you win. I'm bored out of my skull. Second Magician is busy playing detective, and Gelsi is neck-deep in some project and I never see her anymore." Dax paused dramatically. "My life is so boring that I have to live vicariously through your adventures."
"And since the rumors are so accurate - "
"Your adventures have turned into legends." He swept his arms wide, laughing. "So where are you off to now? Going to slay a dragon? Can Itag along as your lowly squire? I'll polish your staff of power every night with my shirt. I promise."
"I'm glad my problems are keeping you entertained, — Maria V. Snyder

Slay Dragon Quotes By George R R Martin

It is no easy thing to slay a dragon, but it can be done. — George R R Martin

Slay Dragon Quotes By Pat Oliphant

There were dragons to slay in the old days. Nixon was a good dragon. — Pat Oliphant