Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Single Dads

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Top Single Dads Quotes

Single Dads Quotes By Nick Hornby

This, really, is the bottom line, the chief attraction of the opposite sex for all of us, old and young, men and women: we need someone to save us from the sympathetic smiles in the Sunday-night cinema queue, someone who can stop us from falling down into the pit where the permanently single live with their mums and dads. I'm not going back there again; I'd rather stay in for the rest of my life than attract that kind of attention. — Nick Hornby

Single Dads Quotes By Tez Brooks

A divorce is much like a ten-car pile up. It affects not just two drivers but a whole slew of perimeter vehicles that get caught in the chaos. Not even innocent bystanders come out unscathed. — Tez Brooks

Single Dads Quotes By Tez Brooks

There's no way I can care properly for my children if I don't first care for myself. — Tez Brooks

Single Dads Quotes By Dan Pearce

Dads. Do you honestly expect anybody to believe that you can't find 20 minutes to step away from your computer or turn off the television to play with your child? It has to happen every single day. Do you not understand that children will hinge their entire facet of trust on whether or not their dad plays with them and how involved he is when he plays with them? Do you know the damage you do by not playing with your children every day? — Dan Pearce

Single Dads Quotes By Art Alexakis

Being a child that grew up with a single mom back in the '70s, Father's Day to me was always a very uncomfortable time. At school, we would make Father's Day cards for our dads, and I usually mailed one to my dad, and he hardly ever responded. — Art Alexakis

Single Dads Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

And although there were countless single dads who were raising daughters, no one could deny that there were milestones that a girl wanted a mother for. — Lisa Kleypas

Single Dads Quotes By Kid Rock

I'm in awe of people like Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard; they're great musicians and people. But I'm most starstruck by people in the small town where I live. Especially single dads, like me, who are working five times as hard to raise their kids. — Kid Rock

Single Dads Quotes By Dan Pearce

Good fathers, and by that I mean real fathers who are there, have the ability to change almost every social problem we now find ourselves facing. I'd be assumptive enough to say that there isn't a single type of crime or a single problem so big that it couldn't be fixed or wiped out if fathers would just step up. — Dan Pearce

Single Dads Quotes By Kwanele Dee Nyembe

Because God knew some fathers would neglect their responsibilities .when He created a woman He didnt use dirt again but he took a rib out of a man, to form a more powerful being, that why you get single mothers who can be both dads and moms at the same time for they contain both characteristics of a man and a woman..# we men need to appreciate women — Kwanele Dee Nyembe

Single Dads Quotes By Tez Brooks

First off, let's clear this up - fries are not a side dish and you can't count those as a vegetable. Sorry. — Tez Brooks

Single Dads Quotes By Nick Hornby

The chief attraction of the opposite sex for all of us, old and young, men and women: we need someone to save us from the sympathetic smiles in the Sunday-night cinema queue, someone who can stop us from falling down into the pit where the permanently single live with their mums and dads. — Nick Hornby

Single Dads Quotes By Tez Brooks

Guys, I know some of you are leaving that used frying pan on the stove overnight and using it the next day for another meal. You know who you are. That's a gateway habit. Keep it up and before you know you'll be growing mushrooms on your shower floor and wearing your underwear inside out to avoid doing laundry. — Tez Brooks

Single Dads Quotes By Tez Brooks

Our kids need us to be the dad, not a fun single uncle. When you can replace your 007 poster with a framed portrait of Grandma, your kids will experience an underlying sense of being at home when they are with you - whether for a weekend, a summer, or full-time. — Tez Brooks