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Quotes & Sayings About Simplicity Is Beauty

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Top Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Murray Gell-Mann

One thing that makes the adventure of working in our field particularly rewarding, especially in attempting to improve the theory, is that ... a chief criterion for the selection of a correct hypothesis ... seems to be the criterion of beauty, simplicity, or elegance. — Murray Gell-Mann

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Charles Alexander Eastman

It was our belief that the love of possessions is a weakness to be overcome ... Children must early learn the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving ... The Indians in their simplicity literally give away all that they have - to relatives, to guests of other tribes or clans, but above all to the poor and the aged, from whom they can hope for no return. — Charles Alexander Eastman

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

Water's water and that's why it's beautiful. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Anuj

A man's simplicity is the beauty of his humanity in life. — Anuj

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Helena Rubinstein

Human relationships are about communicating. Business jargon should be banished in favor of simple English. Simplicity is a sign of truth and a criterion of beauty. Complexity can be a way of hiding the truth. — Helena Rubinstein

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alain De Botton

[Donald] Keene observed [in a book entitled The Pleasures of Japanese Literature, 1988] that the Japanese sense of beauty has long sharply differed from its Western counterpart: it has been dominated by a love of irregularity rather than symmetry, the impermanent rather than the eternal and the simple rather than the ornate. The reason owes nothing to climate or genetics, added Keene, but is the result of the actions of writers, painters and theorists, who had actively shaped the sense of beauty of their nation.
Contrary to the Romantic belief that we each settle naturally on a fitting idea of beauty, it seems that our visual and emotional faculties in fact need constant external guidance to help them decide what they should take note of and appreciate. 'Culture' is the word we have assigned to the force that assists us in identifying which of our many sensations we should focus on and apportion value to. — Alain De Botton

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Thich Thien-An

The beauty of Zen is found in simplicity and tranquility, in a sense of the all-embracing harmony of things. — Thich Thien-An

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Tom Walsh

There's an elegance to simplicity. Keeping things simple allows us to enjoy things more fully, without raising our expectations to unrealistic levels. Very often the most important thing that we can do in our lives is to keep things simple, yet we tend to complicate our lives and situations - often with the best of intentions - adding stress and work and many more details to our lives. Keeping things simple can certainly be a liberating force in our lives, and it can also help us to see the beauty of simplicity, and to learn its value. — Tom Walsh

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Jonathan Ive

I think there is a profound and enduring beauty in simplicity; in clarity, in efficiency. True simplicity is derived from so much more than just the absence of clutter and ornamentation. It's about bringing order to complexity. — Jonathan Ive

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Lawrence Reed

Where there are love and generosity, there is joy. Where there are sincerity and sacrifice, there is friendship. Where there are harmony and simplicity, there is beauty. Where there are prayer and forgiveness, there is peace. Where there are moderation and patience, there is wisdom. Where there are conflicts and crises, there is opportunity. Where there are wonder and adventure, there is growth. Where there are adoration and confession, there is worship. Where there are compassion and concern, there is God. Where there are faith and hope, there is spring. — Lawrence Reed

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By David Nevue

Simplicity is the key to beauty.
Clarity is the key to perfection. — David Nevue

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

Praise be to God I'm not good,
And have the natural egotism of flowers
And rivers following their bed
Preoccupied without knowing it
Only with blooming and flowing.
This is the only mission in the World,
This - to exist clearly,
And to know how to do it without thinking about it.) — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

The man stopped talking and was looking at the sunset.
But what does someone who hates and loves want with a sunset? — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Simplicity is the beauty of souls. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

All my own perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded upon Our Lady. — J.R.R. Tolkien

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Jack Kornfield

When we let go of yearning for the future, preoccupation with the past, and strategies to protect the present, there is nowhere left to go but where we are. To connect with the present moment is to begin to appreciate the beauty of true simplicity. — Jack Kornfield

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered. But most of all, I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes, on good days, for falling in love. — Nicholas Sparks

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

By simplifying our lives, we rediscover our child-like stalk of innocents that reconnects us with the central resin of our innate humanity that knows truth and goodness. To see the world through a lens of youthful rapture is to see life for what it can be and to see for ourselves what we wish to become. In this beam of newly discovered ecstasy for life, we realize the splendor of love, life, and the unbounded beauty of the natural world. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

A row of trees far away, there on the hillside.
But what is it, a row of trees? It's just trees.
Row and the plural trees aren't things, they're names. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

If I talk about her like she's a being
It's because talking about her I need to use the language of men
Which gives personality to things,
And imposes a name on things. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Mahlon Hoagland

Simplicity is indeed often the sign of truth and a criterion of beauty. — Mahlon Hoagland

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Genevieve Gorder

When East meets West, amazing design happens. L'Alahambra rug is a marriage of the clean line and simplicity of Western graphic design meets the complexity and beauty of Eastern pattern. — Genevieve Gorder

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Some of the greatest poetry is revealing to the reader the beauty in something that was so simple you had taken it for granted. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Simplicity is the beauty of life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Gerry McGovern

Beauty is highly desirable but simplicity and usefulness are the overwhelming fashion of our age. Just because it's beautiful does not mean it's useful. — Gerry McGovern

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Robin Hobb

In every building, in every garden, at every turn the visitor finds the austere beauty and simplicity of color and form that are the Mountain ideal. The overall impression that one carries away is of tranquillity and joy in the natural world. The chosen simplicity of life there may lead the visitor to question his own choice in life. — Robin Hobb

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Beauty is in the holiness of the heart and in the simplicity of mind. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Raine Miller

Is great beauty in the simplicity of giving oneself to another in trust, and allowing them to hold you up. — Raine Miller

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Simplicity is the character of the spring of life, costliness becomes its autumn; but a neatness and purity, like that of the snow-drop or lily of the valley, is the peculiar fascination of beauty, to which it lends enchantment, and gives what amiability is to the mind. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Jean Dubuffet

People have seen that I intend to sweep away everything we have been taught to consider - without question - as grace and beauty; but have overlooked my work to substitute a vaster beauty, touching all objects and beings, not excluding the most despised - and because of that, all the more exhilarating ...
I would like people to look at my work as an enterprise for the rehabilitation of scorned values, and, in any case, make no mistake, a work of ardent celebration ...
I am convinced that any table can be for each of us a landscape as inexhaustible as the whole Andes range ... I am struck by the high value, for a man, of a simple permanent fact, like the miserable vista on which the window of his room opens daily, that comes, with the passing of time, to have an important role in his life. I often think that the highest destination at which a work of art can aim is to take on that function in someone's life. — Jean Dubuffet

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

All the evil in the world comes from us bothering with each other,
Wanting to do good, wanting to do evil.
Our soul and the sky and the earth are enough for us.
To want more is to lose this, and be unhappy. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Abha Maryada Banerjee

When we search for 'mystery' where there is none..
We lose the 'very' moment and it's beauty..!
Simplicity is the most mysterious these days... — Abha Maryada Banerjee

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Duane Elgin

Poverty is mean and degrading to the human spirit, whereas a life of conscious simplicity can have both a beauty and a functional integrity that elevates the human spirit. — Duane Elgin

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Kahlil Gibran

Modern civilization has made woman a little wiser, but it has increased her suffering because of man's covetousness. The woman of yesterday was a happy wife, but the woman of today is a miserable mistress. In the past she walked blindly in the light, but now she walks open-eyed in the dark. She was beautiful in her ignorance, virtuous in her simplicity, and strong in her weakness. Today she has become ugly in her ingenuity, superficial and heartless in her knowledge. Will the day ever come when beauty and knowledge, ingenuity and virtue, and weakness of body and strength of spirit will be united in a woman? — Kahlil Gibran

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The secret of a happy life is to live a life with child-like simplicity, appreciate nature's beauty, and admire honesty. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Steven Weinberg

I now want to tell three stories about advances in twentieth-century physics. A curious fact emerges in these tales: time and again physicists have been guided by their sense of beauty not only in developing new theories but even in judging the validity of physical theories once they are developed. Simplicity is part of what I mean by beauty, but it is a simplicity of ideas, not simplicity of a mechanical sort that can be measured by counting equations or symbols. — Steven Weinberg

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Frank Wilczek

Dynamical beauty transcends specific objects and phenomena, and invites us to imagine the expanse of possibilities. For example, the sizes and shapes of actual planetary orbits are not simple. They are neither the (compounded) circles of Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Nicolaus Copernicus, nor even the more nearly accurate ellipses of Kepler, but rather curves that must be calculated numerically, as functions of time, evolving in complicated ways that depend on the positions and masses of the Sun and the other planets. There is great beauty and simplicity here, but it is only fully evident when we understand the deep design. The appearance of particular objects does not exhaust the beauty of the laws. — Frank Wilczek

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Aporva Kala

And what is that thing which you promise to provide?- 'The beauty of the soul and the simplicity of happiness', he replied. — Aporva Kala

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

But there are spirits of a yet more liberal culture, to whom no simplicity is barren. There are not only stately pines, but fragile flowers, like the orchises, commonly described as too delicate for cultivation, which derive their nutriment from the crudest mass of peat. These remind us, that, not only for strength, but for beauty, the poet must, from time to time, travel the logger's path and the Indian's trail, to drink at some new and more bracing fountain of the Muses, far in the recesses of the wilderness. — Henry David Thoreau

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

If they want me to have mysticism, okay, I've got it.
I'm a mystic, but only in my body,
My soul is simple and doesn't think. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Simplicity is the heart of everything. If you look to the desert, apparently the desert is very simple but it's full of life, it's full of hidden places and the beauty is that it looks simple but it's complex in the way that it expresses the soul of the world or God. — Paulo Coelho

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Robert Jordan

Those intricate curves and patterns your people create are beyond human eyes and hands to make. Perhaps we wished to avoid a poor imitation that would only have been an ever-present reminder to us of what we had lost. There is a different beauty in simplicity, in a single line placed just so, a single flower among the rocks. The harshness of the stone makes the flower more precious. We try not to dwell too much on what is gone. The strongest heart will break under that strain. — Robert Jordan

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Frederick Mosteller

In a problem, the great thing is the challenge. A problem can be challenging for many reasons: because the subject matter is intriguing, because the answer defies unsophisticated intuition, because it illustrates an important principle, because of its vast generality, because of its difficulty, because of a clever solution, or even because of the simplicity or beauty of the answer. — Frederick Mosteller

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Abraham Maslow

A person who makes full use of and exploits his talents, potentialities, and capacities. Such a person seems to be fulfilling himself and doing the best he is capable of doing. The self-actualized person must find in his life those qualities that make his living rich and rewarding. He must find meaningfulness, self-sufficiency, effortlessness, playfulness, richness, simplicity, completion, necessity, perfection, individuality, beauty, and truth. — Abraham Maslow

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Marianne Moore

Beauty and Beauty's son and rosemary -
Venus and Love, her son, to speak plainly -
born of the sea supposedly, at Christmas each, in company,
braids a garland of festivity.
Not always rosemary - since the flight to Egypt, blooming differently.
With lancelike leaf, green but silver underneath,
its flowers - white originally -
turned blue. The herb of memory,
imitating the blue robe of Mary,
is not too legendary
to flower both as symbol and as pungency.
Springing from stones beside the sea,
the height of Christ when thirty-three -
it feeds on dew and to the bee
"hath a dumb language"; is in reality
a kind of Christmas-tree. — Marianne Moore

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions. — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Richard P. Feynman

You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity. When you get it right, it is obvious that it is right
at least if you have any experience
because usually what happens is that more comes out than goes in. — Richard P. Feynman

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Magic is in simplicity. Simplicity is the ultimate expression of beauty. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Simplicity is the ultimate beauty of life. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Pablo Casals

To be a musician is a great privilege but it is also a very great responsibility. One must think that to be a musician is a gift - a gift from Nature. There is no great merit in us except in loving this gift with respect and devotion and doing everything possible to honor that gift by work and more work. We must work with conviction and humility, searching for beauty, simplicity, and the Truth. And it is for us musicians to do all in our power for a better world. Music must carry the message of beauty, of love and of peace. — Pablo Casals

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Barbara Taylor Bradford

A person with taste is merely one who can recognize the greatest beauty in the simplest things. — Barbara Taylor Bradford

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Simplicity is the beauty of all creation. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Robert Jordan

There is a different beauty in simplicity, in a single line placed just so, a single flower among the rocks. The harshness of the stone makes the flower more precious. — Robert Jordan

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Eric S. Raymond

Ugly programs are like ugly suspension bridges: they're much more liable to collapse than pretty ones, because the way humans (especially engineer-humans) perceive beauty is intimately related to our ability to process and understand complexity. A language that makes it hard to write elegant code makes it hard to write good code. — Eric S. Raymond

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Raymond Loewy

It would seem that more than function itself, simplicity is the deciding factor in the aesthetic equation. One might call the process beauty through function and simplification. — Raymond Loewy

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Albert Ellery Bergh

True eloquence is irresistible. It charms by its images of beauty, it enforces an argument by its vehement simplicity. Orators whose speeches are "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," only prevail where truth is not understood, for knowledge and simplicity are the foundation of all true eloquence. Eloquence abounds in beautiful and natural images, sublime but simple conceptions, in passionate but plain words. Burning words appeal to the emotions as well as to the intellect; they stir the soul and touch the heart. — Albert Ellery Bergh

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Eliezer Yudkowsky

Textbook science is beautiful! Textbook science is comprehensible, unlike mere fascinating words that can never be truly beautiful. Elementary science textbooks describe simple theories, and simplicity is the core of scientific beauty. Fascinating words have no power, nor yet any meaning, without the math. — Eliezer Yudkowsky

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By George D. Prentice

Those who think that in order to dress well it is necessary to dress extravagantly or grandly, make a great mistake. Nothing so well becomes true feminine beauty as simplicity. — George D. Prentice

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Paul Dirac

What makes the theory of relativity so acceptable to physicists in spite of its going against the principle of simplicity is its great mathematical beauty. This is a quality which cannot be defined, any more than beauty in art can be defined, but which people who study mathematics usually have no difficulty in appreciating. — Paul Dirac

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Beauty is not in complexity but it's in simplicity. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Emily Croy Barker

Natural beauty is always tiresome. It lacks that careless touch of artifice that is the hallmark of true originality. There is nothing so overdone and vulgar as unspoilt simplicity. — Emily Croy Barker

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Beth Moore

Part of the exquisite beauty of salvation is its simplicity. Any man, woman, or child can come to Christ with absolutely nothing to offer Him but simple faith - just as they are. Salvation requires nothing more than childlike faith - believing that Jesus Christ died for my sins and accepting His gift of salvation. — Beth Moore

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alvaro De Campos

I suddenly asked my master Caeiro, "Are you at peace with yourself?" and he answered, "No, I'm at peace." It was like the voice of the earth, which is everything and no one. — Alvaro De Campos

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By William Shenstone

Grandeur and beauty are so very opposite, that you often diminish the one as you increase the other. Variety is most akin to the latter, simplicity to the former. — William Shenstone

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Anne Frank

As long as this exists," I thought, "this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?" The best remedy for those who are frightened, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere they can be alone, alone with the sky, nature and God. For then and only then can you feel that everything is as it should be and that God wants people to be happy amid nature's beauty and simplicity. As long as this exists, and that should be forever, I know that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances. I firmly believe that nature can bring comfort to all who suffer. — Anne Frank

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Alberto Caeiro

I think about this, not like someone thinking, but like someone breathing,
And I look at flowers and I smile...
I don't know if they understand me
Or if I understand them,
But I know the truth is in them and in me
And in our common divinity
Of letting ourselves go and live on the Earth
And carrying us in our arms through the contented Seasons
And letting the wind sing us to sleep
And not have dreams in our sleep. — Alberto Caeiro

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Nikki Rowe

Re-programming your mind, body & spirit is like planting a garden, if the soil isn't right nothing will grow. — Nikki Rowe

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Tom Robbins

The beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts. — Tom Robbins

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Debasish Mridha

We never learn to value what is simple; what is difficult is worthy to us. But, the beauty of life is in the simplicity. — Debasish Mridha

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Deena Kastor

The beauty of running is its simplicity; the beauty of runners is that we all have a similar drive to improve. We are either trying to run a personal best, or toeing the line for the first time, which will snowball into a future of trying to run personal bests. We road racers are a tight community of mileage-happy, limit-pushing athletes. — Deena Kastor

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The ideal of beauty is simplicity and tranquility. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Larry Evans

The hallmark of the artist is simplicity. — Larry Evans

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Anne Frank

The best remedy for those who are frightened, lovely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere they can be alone, alone with the sky, nature and God. For then and only then can you feel that everything is as it should be and that God wants people to be happy amid nature's beauty and simplicity. — Anne Frank

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Ela Bhatt

Out of all virtues simplicity is my most favorite virtue. So much so that I tend to believe that simplicity can solve most of the problems, personal as well as the world problems. If the life approach is simple one need not lie so frequently, nor quarrel nor steal, nor envy, anger, abuse, kill. Everyone will have enough and plenty so need not hoard, speculate, gamble, hate. When character is beautiful, you are beautiful. That is the beauty of simplicity. — Ela Bhatt

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Christopher H. Browne

THE BEAUTY OF VALUE INVESTING is its logical simplicity. It is based on two principles: What's it worth (intrinsic value), and don't lose money (margin of safety). — Christopher H. Browne

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

For beauty there must be austerity and a total abandonment, and there cannot be abandonment if there is any sense of ambition expressing itself as an achievement. When there is austerity, there is simplicity, and only the mind that is simple can abandon itself, and out of this abandonment comes love. Such a state is beauty. But of that we are totally unaware. Our civilization, our culture, is based on arrogance, on the sense of achievement, and in society we are at each other's throats, violently competing to achieve, to acquire, to dominate, to become somebody. These are obvious psychological facts. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Camille Paglia

Charisma is the numinous aura around a narcissistic personality. It flows outward from a simplicity or unity of being and a composure and controlled vitality. There is gracious accommodation, yet commanding impersonality. Charisma is the radiance produced by the interaction of male and female elements in a gifted personality. The charismatic woman has a masculine force and severity. The charismatic man has an entrancing female beauty. Both are hot and cold, glowing with presexual self love. — Camille Paglia

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Freeman Dyson

In the history of science it happens not infrequently that a reductionist approach leads to a spectacular success. Frequently the understanding of a complicated system as a whole is impossible without an understanding of its component parts. And sometimes the understanding of a whole field of science is suddenly advanced by the discover of a single basic equation. Thus it happened that the Schrodinger equation in 1926 and the Dirac equation in 1927 brought a miraculous order into the previously mysterious processes of atomic physics. The equations of Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac were triumphs of reductionism. Bewildering complexities of chemistry and physics were reduced to two lines of algebraic symbols. These triumphs were in Oppenheimer's mind when he belittled his own discovery of black holes. Compared with the abstract beauty and simplicity of the Dirac equation, the black hole solution seemed to him ugly, complicated, and lacking in fundamental significance. — Freeman Dyson

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Sarah Lloyd

Back in the gurdwara, the ceiling doing strange things above my head, Jungli fed me with pieces of orange.
Our outspoken attachment deepened. I was moved by his tenderness, his simplicity and his beautiful eyes. Beauty is a great robber of my common sense. — Sarah Lloyd

Simplicity Is Beauty Quotes By Megan Fox

My definition of beauty is simplicity, elegance, and sensuality. I think that when a woman is in harmony with herself and remains true to her values, she will glow naturally. — Megan Fox