Famous Quotes & Sayings

Short Cousin Quotes & Sayings

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Top Short Cousin Quotes

Short Cousin Quotes By Stephen King

The word is only a representation of the meaning; even at its best, writing almost always falls short of full meaning. Given that, why in God's name would you want to make things words by choosing a word which is only cousin to the one you really wanted to use? — Stephen King

Short Cousin Quotes By William, Saroyan

In getting from Windsor to Detroit there is a choice between a free tunnel and a toll bridge, which turned out to be a short ride for a dollar, which I mentioned to the toll-collector who said, 'One of those things,' impelling me to remark to my cousin, 'Almost everything said by people one sees for only an instant is something like poetry. Precise, incisive, and just right, and the reason seems to be that there isn't time to talk prose. This suggests several things, the most important of which is probably that a writer ought not to permit himself to feel that he has all the time in the world in which to write his story or play or novel. He ought to set himself a time-limit, and the shorter the better. And he ought to do a lot of other things while he is working within this time-limit, so that he will always be under pressure, in a hurry, and therefore have neither the inclination nor the time to be fussy, which is the worst thing that happens to a book while it's being written. — William, Saroyan

Short Cousin Quotes By Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Nevertheless, in a passage that is very often commented upon because it summarizes the entire salvific economy of faith, the Apostle calls Christ the 'pioneer and perfecter of our faith' (Heb. 12:2), because he has to accomplish the same act as the Christian, only in the opposite direction, as it were. Whereas by venturing to let go of everything the Christian takes a stand beyond finitude and comes into the limitlessness of God, Christ, in order to make this act possible and to be its source, has dared to emerge from the infinitude of the 'form of God' and 'did not think equality with God a thing to be grasped,' has dared to set out into the limitation and emptiness of time. This involved a transcendence and a boundary crossing no less fundamental than that of the Christian, and Christ undertook it so as to entrust himself henceforth within time, with no guarantee or mitigation from eternity, to the Father's will, which is always given to him in the present moment. — Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Short Cousin Quotes By Henry Sherman Adams

Certain plants, like certain friends, you enjoy having for a visit but do not care to see remain forever and a day. — Henry Sherman Adams

Short Cousin Quotes By Frederick Lenz

I saw more truth and sensitivity in art than I did in many of the people in this world. — Frederick Lenz

Short Cousin Quotes By Anne Lamott

Hope is not logical. It always comes as a surprise, just when you think all hope is lost. Hope is the cousin to grief, and both take time: you can't short-circuit grief, or emptiness, and you can't patch it up with your bicycle tire tube kit. You have to take the next right action. — Anne Lamott

Short Cousin Quotes By Victor Cousin

Yes, gentlemen, give me the map of any country, its configuration, its climate, its waters, its winds, and the whole of its physical geography; give me its natural productions, its flora, its zoology, &c., and I pledge myself to tell you, a priori, what will be the quality of man in history:-not accidentally, but necessarily; not at any particular epoch, but in all; in short, -what idea he is called to represent. — Victor Cousin

Short Cousin Quotes By Peter Jackson

The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most dependable forms of filmmaking. — Peter Jackson

Short Cousin Quotes By Marissa Mayer

When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night. — Marissa Mayer

Short Cousin Quotes By Kathryn Kuhlman

Faith is that quality or power by which the things desired become the things possessed. — Kathryn Kuhlman

Short Cousin Quotes By Jim Butcher

I took a big dose of Tylenol the original, since I didn't have my Tylenol 3 or its lesser-known, short-lived cousin, Tylenol Two: The Pain Strikes Back. — Jim Butcher

Short Cousin Quotes By Roger Scruton

The most important political effect of this displacement of civil by enterprise association has been the gradual loss of authority and decision-making from the bottom of society, and its transfer to the top. If you supply society with a dynamic purpose, especially one conceived in these linear terms, as moving always forwards towards greater equality, greater justice, greater prosperity or, in the case of the EU, 'ever closer union', you at the same time license the would-be leaders. You give credentials to those who promise to guide society along its allotted path, and you confer on them the authority to conscript, dictate, organize and punish the rest of us, regardless of how we might otherwise wish to lead our lives. In particular, you authorize the invasion of those institutions and associations that form the heart of civil society, in order to impose on them a direction and a goal that may have nothing to do with their intrinsic nature. — Roger Scruton

Short Cousin Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

She stepped over two small girls (she wasn't certain who they belonged to) playing with tanks in the middle of the hall and snuck past a sort of possible second cousin carrying two lit candles. The Gray Man lifted his arms above his head to avoid being ignited by the second cousin, who clucked at him.
"Life's short."
"And getting shorter every day."
"So you see my point."
"I never disputed it. — Maggie Stiefvater

Short Cousin Quotes By John Dos Passos

It has been the struggle between privileged men who have managed to get hold of the levers of power and the people in general withtheir vague and changing aspirations for equality, for justice, for some kind of gentler brotherhood and peace, which has kept that balance of forces we call our system of government in equilibrium. — John Dos Passos

Short Cousin Quotes By Maurice Holt

Success, like happiness, is best pursued obliquely. — Maurice Holt

Short Cousin Quotes By Emma Watson

Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint to me are like a pair of warm-hearted brothers. — Emma Watson

Short Cousin Quotes By Mila Kunis

I actually live a very mediocre lifestyle. So I decided to step back and do things not just for the sake of doing them, but because I believe in them and I want to do them. — Mila Kunis

Short Cousin Quotes By Ellen Raskin

Grace sat down where the chair wasn't. — Ellen Raskin

Short Cousin Quotes By Egon Schiele

No erotic work of art is filth if it is artistically significant; it is only turned into filth through the beholder if he is filthy. — Egon Schiele

Short Cousin Quotes By Laura Mvula

I bumped into my cousin after she'd shaved her hair very short, and she looked incredible. She seemed so effortless and cool, and I wanted that. And, I've had it like that ever since. — Laura Mvula