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Setting Goals In Life Quotes & Sayings

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Top Setting Goals In Life Quotes

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

Everybody is fighting a hard battle that you know nothing about, never give up with yours. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Anonymous

It's not your end goal that gives life to your required actions, it's your required actions that give life to your end goal. — Anonymous

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

To achieve in life is A hard story, you're starting to get the picture. It's hard work, and this is just the beginning. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

There are often two sets of goals in life: those that we establish, and those that really matter. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Gina Greenlee

Large bodies of goal achievement research encourage written goals for good reason. When we write down our goals, we transform what we imagine into reality. — Gina Greenlee

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

If you can endure, if you can persevere, if you can work and not grow weary, if you're both obsessed and talented, well, you might have a shot. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

When you decide - follow it up with action as spontaneously as possible if not sooner because the quicker you reciprocate with the decision the sooner you shall see results. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Steven Kotler

Applying this idea in our daily life means breaking tasks into bite-size chunks and setting goals accordingly. A writer, for example, is better off trying to pen three great paragraphs at a time - the equivalent of moving through Mandy-Rae's kick cycles - rather than attempting one great chapter. Think challenging, yet manageable - just enough stimulation to shortcut attention into the now, not enough stress to pull you back out again. — Steven Kotler

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Jonathan Anthony Burkett

My life goal right now is to die a good man, with a good heart, soul, and mind, with a good family, and a couple Grammys. — Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Roy Bennett

Cultivate the habit of setting clearly-defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination. — Roy Bennett

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Doreen Virtue

What topics fascinate me? Do I want to earn a degree or certificate? What would be fun, interesting, profitable, healthy, and/or beneficial for me to learn? What institutions or teachers do I want to learn from? What steps can I take today to propel me toward these goals? - My possessions: What types of possessions do I want or need in order to fulfill my divine function? What objects would make my life easier, safer, or more enjoyable? What types of furniture, clothing, cars, recreational vehicles, jewelry, equipment, toys, or other possessions have I always wanted? What possessions are weighing me down? What would I like to get rid of? Do I have anything I'd like to sell, donate, barter, or trade? When you've answered these questions for yourself, you'll be well on the way to setting healthy goals that will enrich and enhance your life! — Doreen Virtue

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Mark Batterson

The brain is a goal-seeking organism. Setting a goal creates structural tension in your brain, which will seek to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be, who you are and who you want to become. If you don't set goals, your mind will become stagnant. Goal setting is good stewardship of your right-brain imagination. It's also great for your prayer life. — Mark Batterson

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

To achieve in life is A hard story, But that shouldn't scare you. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

In regards to life goals, you need to think about where you are now, and plot out where you want to be a year from now, two years from now, and then five years from now. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Rasheed Ogunlaru

Goals are only ever a guide; a winding, changing path. It's your heart that will really keep you on tack ... and nourished along the way. — Rasheed Ogunlaru

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

Just because those around you do not constantly tell you what they are going through in their personal life, it does not mean they are living in a fairytale. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The line that we chart into our future is often more a circle that brings us back to our past. And it might be that there is some hidden intent in charting circles in that we can feel like we're moving when we actually have no intent of doing so. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

The reward for goal-setting is that as you achieve each goal, you feel in charge of your own destiny, with every moment taken up productively. Self-esteem increases and it becomes easier to remain motivated. So set those high goals and make clear plans for their execution. — Archibald Marwizi

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Rob Liano

You can't achieve major goals with minimal work. — Rob Liano

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

Success is not about impressing and pleasing everyone, but setting your own goals, and achieving them in your own time. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Og Mandino

And how will I accomplish this? First I will set goals for the day, the week, the month, the year, and my life. Just as the rain must fall before the wheat will crack its shell and sprout, so must I have objectives before my life will crystallize. In setting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold. This will be the standard by which I will live in the future. Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high for is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to aim my spear at the eagle and strike only a rock? Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. — Og Mandino

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Rajasaraswathii

Before building any relationship, think on how your partner could be the best companion to you in achieving your life's earnest goals — Rajasaraswathii

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Andrew Levkoff

I advise, however, moderation in this task of setting goals, or else risk becoming tangled up in a Gordian knot of life's many disappointments. — Andrew Levkoff

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

I believe you can train yourself to become a positive thinker, but you must cultivate a desire to develop the skill of setting personal worthy and realistic goals. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When you learn to master the principle of setting a goal, you will then be able to make a great difference in the results you attain in this life. — M. Russell Ballard

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Alfie Kohn

In short, with each of the thousand-and-one problems that present themselves in family life, our choice is between controlling and teaching, between creating an atmosphere of distrust and one of trust, between setting an example of power and helping children to learn responsibility, between quick-fix parenting and the kind that's focused on long-term goals. — Alfie Kohn

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Luck influences everything in life, but nothing beats setting goals and striving body and soul to achieve them. — Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Denis Waitley

The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've
already achieved them. — Denis Waitley

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

When you fill life with mourning and complaints, your accomplishments will be a little lower than success. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Kristi Yamaguchi

An athlete gains so much knowledge by just participating in a sport. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life. — Kristi Yamaguchi

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Living a life somewhere else in your mind is nothing more than being a prisoner where you are. — Shannon L. Alder

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Between here and there is a journey illuminated by the rising and setting of a radiant sun. Don't miss its splendor in your all-fired hurry to cross the finish line. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Chalene Johnson

The vital difference between dreamers and achievers boils down to some very basic, simple habits. People with clear, *written-out* goals who consistently honor their defined priorities tend to get results faster than others, and enjoy a greater level of happiness and long-term success in all areas of life. Yet most of us have never been formally taught a system of goal-setting and mastery that can be applied to health and fitness. — Chalene Johnson

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Robert Bakke

God would never give you a burning desire for something without giving you the skills to achieve it! That would be setting you up to fail, and God isn't in that business. God-given visions are designed to point you in the direction of God's purpose for your life. Once you've accepted this and have aligned your goals with God's plan for your life, a synergy between you and God is created, and in the world of prayer, this becomes extremely powerful! — Robert Bakke

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

To assume that I can even begin to chart a 'straight' path is probably the best way I can take myself 'straight' to the very place I don't want to go. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Daniel Kahneman

Recipe for a dissatisfied adulthood is setting goals that are especially difficult to attain. Measured by life satisfaction 20 years later, the least promising goal that a young person could have was becoming accomplished in a performing art. — Daniel Kahneman

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Auliq Ice

By the end of the date, your intentions should be clear. — Auliq Ice

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By John Patrick Hickey

Belief in yourself comes from a positive attitude that sees life as worth living and that you have a wonderful part to play in it. — John Patrick Hickey

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Tommy Newberry

Top 10 Reasons to Establish Written Goals for Your Life 10. Written goals strengthen your character by promoting a long-term perspective. 9. Written goals allow you to lead your life as opposed to simply managing it. 8. Written goals provide internal, permanent, and consistent motivation. 7. Written goals help you stay focused - to concentrate on what's most important. 6. Written goals enhance your decision-making ability. 5. Written goals simultaneously require and build self-confidence. 4. Written goals help you create the future in advance. 3. Written goals help you to control changes - to adjust your sails, to work with the wind rather than against it. 2. Written goals heighten your awareness of opportunities that are consistent with your goals. 1. And finally, the most important benefit of setting effective goals is the person you become as a result of the pursuit! — Tommy Newberry

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Robert Beatty

And she knew that her fate wasn't set by how or where she was born, but the decisions she made and the battles she fought. It didn't matter if she had eight toes or ten, amber eyes or blue. What mattered was what she set out to do. — Robert Beatty

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Jaha Knight

When you set a goal, you have a responsibility to yourself to see it through. No matter how impossible it may seem, resolve to accomplish it. — Jaha Knight

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Aaron Lauritsen

On ambition, goal setting and competition - it doesn't matter if you lose, but you can't win if you don't play the game. — Aaron Lauritsen

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Have faith in your abilities and stay committed to your goals. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By John Patrick Hickey

Your thoughts, the way you think is the most powerful influence in your life. — John Patrick Hickey

Setting Goals In Life Quotes By John Templeton

Your mission in life is to have a "why" to live for, to use your best qualities in the service of the kind of world in which you would like to live. That is your purpose. This is what life expects of you. And when you live according to your purpose, setting goals that support it, you may find the pieces of your life drawn together into a strong internal whole. Then, no matter how difficult life's experiences may prove to be, you can be able to endure and even prevail. — John Templeton