Famous Quotes & Sayings

Separare Quotes & Sayings

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Top Separare Quotes

Separare Quotes By Christiaan Huygens

A man that is of Copernicus' Opinion, that this Earth of ours is a Planet, carry'd round and enlightn'd by the Sun, like the rest of them, cannot but sometimes have a fancy ... that the rest of the Planets have their Dress and Furniture, nay and their Inhabitants too as well as this Earth of ours. ... But we were always apt to conclude, that 'twas in vain to enquire after what Nature had been pleased to do there, seeing there was no likelihood of ever coming to an end of the Enquiry ... but a while ago, thinking somewhat seriously on this matter (not that I count my self quicker sighted than those great Men [of the past], but that I had the happiness to live after most of them) me thoughts the Enquiry was not so impracticable nor the way so stopt up with Difficulties, but that there was very good room left for probable Conjectures. — Christiaan Huygens

Separare Quotes By Lady Bird Johnson

The First Lady is an unpaid public servant elected by one person - her husband. — Lady Bird Johnson

Separare Quotes By Rivers Cuomo

I guess I'm just a born performer or artist or sharer. I find the intimate details of my life compelling and interesting. I guess that I'm assuming that everyone else does, too. — Rivers Cuomo

Separare Quotes By James Baldwin

It was a gesture of great despair and I knew that she was giving herself, not to me, but to that lover who would never come. — James Baldwin

Separare Quotes By Francis George

If God is inside our nature and our history, he can take over our lives. What is an opportunity for believers - finding freedom in surrendering our lives and our selves to God - is overwhelming and demeaning for others. And it is true that to invite Jesus into one's life is to be changed. Christ breaks down our defenses, including the habits of ordinary life. — Francis George

Separare Quotes By Bill Vaughan

There is a mighty big difference between good sound reasons and reasons that sound good. — Bill Vaughan

Separare Quotes By Jincy Willett

Once, before leaving on vacation, I copied an entire page from an Alice Munro story and left it in my typewriter, hoping a burglar might come upon it and mistake her words for my own. That an intruder would spend his valuable time reading, that he might be impressed by the description of a crooked face, was something I did not question, as I believed, and still do, that stories save you. — Jincy Willett

Separare Quotes By Thomas Beecham

Movie music is noise ... even more painful than my sciatica. — Thomas Beecham

Separare Quotes By Elizabeth Bowen

Reason can never reconcile one to life: nothing allays the wants one cannot explain. — Elizabeth Bowen