Famous Quotes & Sayings

Semantic Search Quotes & Sayings

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Top Semantic Search Quotes

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

When it comes to semantic search and the success of your social media policy, truly, there is only one thing that absolutely counts: engagement. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

The idea of reputation, influence, and influencers in the offline world is as old as the hills. It's not new on the web either, but semantic search is creating a portable sense of identity, reputation, and influence that in the days before it simply did not exist. And this is changing everything — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Real search is about providing valuable information when it's really needed to those who are actually looking for it. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Semantic search is a holistic effort by Google (primarily) to understand who you are and what you do across the web. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

An entity, whether a person or a thing, requires the independent collection of facts about them and a cross-referencing of these facts through their digital footprint. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

At its most basic level semantic search applies meaning to the connections between the different data nodes of the Web in ways that allow a clearer understanding of them than we have ever had to date. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Everything you see in the world around you is content of some kind. The clothes you wear, the songs you sing, the ads you watch, the food you buy, the tunes you hum and the memes you share. Everything is a signal that sends a message. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By Bangambiki Habyarimana

Hypocrisy is power — Bangambiki Habyarimana

Semantic Search Quotes By Tanya Masse

If there is ONE THING that you do today, let it be this ...
Don't take life WAY too seriously. — Tanya Masse

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of your engagement in the social media environment what counts are: Comments and Sentiment. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Search is the means through which we navigate the Web. If your business is not visible in search it is difficult for it to be found by your customers. Search, above all else, is marketing, and it is undergoing a massive change. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

The connectivity of the cloud and the prevalence of tablets and smartphones have eroded the traditional online/offline divide. Within a short time we will most probably stop thinking of it as 'online.' We will simply be connected, all the time, everywhere, and the online world will be notable only by its absence when that connection breaks. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

I am a firm believer that knowledge is power but only if it leads to comprehension. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

The social media web is a very noisy one indeed and making sure that you are heard requires you to shout more effectively, rather than louder. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Levithan

Because I have this theory that when we die, every animal that we've eaten has a chance at eating us back. So if you're a carnivore and you add up all the animals you've eaten - well, that's a long time in purgatory, being chewed — David Levithan

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Companies that cannot successfully answer what they do fail to then understand how they can continue to do it in the face of change. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By Raymond Carver

Booze takes a lot of time and effort if you're going to do a good job with it. — Raymond Carver

Semantic Search Quotes By Christopher Masterson

When I was 11, I burned a field down by mistake. It was an empty field, probably about 10 acres in size. Me and my friend were lighting firecrackers, and we ended up burning down the entire field. We got found out, and I think I was grounded for about three months. — Christopher Masterson

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

In few other marketing activities does the phrase "the more things change, the more they remain the same" hold as much meaning as it does in search. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

The content you create and then share is part of your digital identity. It helps those who consume it to understand who you are, why you do the things you do and what values you stand for. As a result content is the primary means through which you establish your online identity, create your reputation and generate the all essential sense of trust without which nothing else can take place. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Ever since I was a child I have been a strong believer in the principle that to under-stand how anything works you need to take it apart and look at it in detail. This principle that worked with toys also works pretty well with search. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

In many ways semantic search takes us back to the golden days of the Web when in terms of working online anything was possible as long as you had passion, belief in yourself, and energy to work at it. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

It is not wrong to think that the traditional buying of a product has been replaced with an unwritten contract of shared values between a business and its customers. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

To win at semantic search you need more people than are on your payroll. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

It is no accident that in the field of philosophy ontology is the study of reality, existence and coming into being. In the fields of information retrieval (semantic search) and computing, ontology is the naming of the types, interrelationships and properties of the entities that exist (in reality or conceptually) and which define a particular domain of knowledge or expertise. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

What we learn from behavior economics is that the moment a metric is created it generates an incentive for people to pursue it. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By Lee Sherman

The humble little school library ... was a ramp to everything
in the world and beyond, everything that could be dreamed and
imagined, everything that could be known, everything that could be hoped. — Lee Sherman

Semantic Search Quotes By Temple Grandin

You can't punish a child who is acting out because of sensory overload. — Temple Grandin

Semantic Search Quotes By Edmond Manning

Men often think submission indicates weakness, that letting someone else take charge betrays a character deficit. But we all submit to strangers who drill into our teeth as long as we can see the parchment on their wall which reads Dentist. — Edmond Manning

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

A business needs a character and an identity, just like a person and just like a person it needs to have a Voice. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

Marketing effectively, in a semantic web, revolves around those three 'little' requirements: Trust, Authority, Reputation. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

In truth search can no more be considered independent of the Web than the Web can work without search. This symbiotic relationship brings forth all sorts of issues because it becomes part of a traditional push and pull where the Web, represented by those who actively work in it, wants to push all the wrong things, while search wants to pull in everything. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By Rob Cohen

No two directors make the same film the same way. — Rob Cohen

Semantic Search Quotes By David Amerland

A pair of eyes attached to a human brain can quickly make sense of the content presented on a web page and decide whether it has the answer it's looking for or not in ways that a computer can't. Until now. — David Amerland

Semantic Search Quotes By Abha Maryada Banerjee

Mistakes are not be apologized for each time..
That is a matter of choice in conscience or principles..
Instead mistakes need to be corrected each time..
There is no choice when it is about correction..treat it as an absolute! — Abha Maryada Banerjee