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Selfless Help Quotes & Sayings

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Top Selfless Help Quotes

Selfless Help Quotes By Alain De Botton

It isn't surprising if, as adults, when we first start to form relationships, we should devotedly go off in search of someone who can give us the all-encompassing, selfless love that we may once have known in childhood. Nor would it be surprising if we were to feel frustrated and in the end extremely bitter at how difficult it seems to be to find; at how seldom people understand what we need or care to help us properly. — Alain De Botton

Selfless Help Quotes By Debi Mazar

A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares. — Debi Mazar

Selfless Help Quotes By Miles Anthony Smith

Being others-focused instead of self-focused changes your worldview. Living in a selfless manner and seeking to help others enriches our very existence on a daily basis. Get your hands dirty once in a while by serving in a capacity that is lower than your position or station in life. This keeps you tethered to the real world and grounded to reality, which should make it harder to be prideful and forget where you came from. — Miles Anthony Smith

Selfless Help Quotes By Vironika Tugaleva

When we are in constant pain, we cannot empathize with others, nor can we help them. It is only when we allow ourselves to open up to our own nourishment that we are free to feed the rest of the world. And thus, to attend to one's own suffering is the most selfless act. — Vironika Tugaleva

Selfless Help Quotes By Neill F. Marriott

We must help young women immerse themselves in a selfless work, perhaps receiving little public praise or attention. Instead, they must feel the Lord's great love for them and their efforts through the influence of the Holy Ghost. — Neill F. Marriott

Selfless Help Quotes By Frank Iero

It could be anything, give a homeless guy a sandwich, help an old lady across the street like anything to make this world a better place. If everybody just did one good thing for another person like a selfless good deed just think about how much a better place this would be. — Frank Iero

Selfless Help Quotes By Elisabeth Elliot

Ponnammal set the example for the others by quietly doing what they did not care to do. Her spirit created a new climate in the place, and the time came when there was not one nurse who would refuse to do whatever needed to be done. — Elisabeth Elliot

Selfless Help Quotes By Gretchen Rubin

Volunteering to help others is the right thing to do, and it also boosts personal happiness; a review of research by the Corporation for National and Community Service shows that those who aid the causes they value tend to be happier and in better health. They show fewer signs of physical and mental aging. And it's not just that helpful people also tend to be healthier and happier; helping others causes happiness. "Be selfless, if only for selfish reasons," as one of my happiness paradoxes holds. About one-quarter of Americans volunteer, and of those, a third volunteer for more than a hundred hours each year. — Gretchen Rubin

Selfless Help Quotes By J.F. Kelly

During the year of 2015 stay grounded. How? Each night before you go to sleep, write a word/expression capturing a positive state of mind on a sheet of paper. Fold the paper in a V and prop it on your nightstand beside your bed so you will see it the first thing in the morning.
When you wake up, look at the word, put the word into your mind and feel it/express it throughout the day, no matter what happens to you that day. Examples are: appreciation, look for the positive in others and events; happy, worthiness, creative, cheerful, forgiving, gratitude, letting go of your ego and focus on others, selfless, love, kindness, etc. — J.F. Kelly

Selfless Help Quotes By Arti Honrao

Even in times of today, when one does not feel the need to go out of one's way for someone else, there are people who would. There are people who would be good to someone, share a smile with someone, care for someone and actually help someone, despite knowing that their act of kindness would be reciprocated with looks and feelings of suspicion. These are the people so sure of their selfless motives, their act of kindness that in their hearts they know, eventually, around some corner, some day their smile would be returned with a smile and their kindness will earn them kindness and acceptance in return. — Arti Honrao

Selfless Help Quotes By Lawrence Reed

On the silver screen, capitalists are usually vilified as greedy and heartless, while statists of every stripe are depicted as selfless, romantic idealists who only want to help people. — Lawrence Reed

Selfless Help Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Selfless giving is love in action. Initially you will feel that you should help in a certain way, with a certain result. Do your best, but don't be concerned with results; do it for the infinite. — Frederick Lenz

Selfless Help Quotes By Fisher Amelie

I don't believe in regrets, not really. I mean, in the heat of a moment I may strongly wish I hadn't done something but to be honest, I believe all our decisions help mold us into the persons we're supposed to become. Think about it, if everyone made flawless decisions, how could any of us truly understand life, and all it's accompanying beauties? If we never suffer, how can we recognize joy for what it is? If we never witness another's struggles, how can we submit ourselves to helping them? No regrets help shape us into selfless people. After all, the only regrets people really speak of are surrounded by a hesitation to love or allow love. — Fisher Amelie

Selfless Help Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Oh God, please find it within your heart to grant me a heart that looks after itself only because it has first looked after others. And help me to realize that anything less is not a heart. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Selfless Help Quotes By Neal Shusterman

I still can't figure out if it's bravery or cowardice to take your own life. I can't figure out whether it's being selfish, or selfless. It is the ultimate act of letting go of oneself, or a cheap act of self-possession? People say a failed attempt is a cry for help. I guess that's true if the person meant it to be unsuccessful. But then, I guess most failed attempts aren't entirely sincere, because, let's face it, if you want to off yourself, there are plenty of ways to make sure it works. — Neal Shusterman

Selfless Help Quotes By Maryanne Raphael

We will see every human beings as Christ and we will help Hindus to be better Hindus, Muslims to be better Muslims, and Christians to be better Christians"(Mother Teresa). — Maryanne Raphael

Selfless Help Quotes By Pratima Kapur

A fertile, open mind is like a sponge. Every individual, event and episode in one's life is a learning experience. It's up to you what you want to emulate; the good or the bad, as your personality is constantly evolving. The innocence of a baby, the selfless love of a pet dog, or a stray comment from a stranger - all these can have an everlasting effect and help to mould your character. It's these incidents and experiences, episodes and the people you meet along the way, that weave the tapestry of your life. — Pratima Kapur

Selfless Help Quotes By Will Barnes

Through the reciprocation of energy, always, and every time, we will get exactly what we put out there to others. Like Karma, whatever we do will indefinitely come back to us in some way shape or form.
When goodness is given, it is likely to returned.
When you support someone, you will be supported.
When you Love, you will be Loved.
If you give someone your last dollar, someone will help you equally.
This is the law of the universe. What selfless characteristics do you portray to benefit your reality? Expand. — Will Barnes

Selfless Help Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

The best of who you are is not from who you have in your life, rather who they helped you become because they loved you. — Shannon L. Alder

Selfless Help Quotes By Clayton M Christensen

No other occupation offers more ways to help others learn and grow, take responsibility and be recognized for achievement, and contribute to the success of a team. I drew heavily upon this learning to mold my likeness. From these parts of my life, I distilled the likeness of what I wanted to become:
- A man who is dedicated to helping improve the lives of other people
- A kind, honest, forgiving, and selfless husband, father, and friend
- A man who just doesn't just believe in God, but who believes God — Clayton M Christensen

Selfless Help Quotes By John Earl Haynes

Eric' continues to work willingly with us, but he still balks at even the slightest hint about mater. assistance. We once gave him more than he asked to cover his expenses. He was displeased by this and said that lie suspects we want to give him a certain kind of help. He asked us to give up any such thoughts once and for all. In such circumstances, we fear that any gift from us as a token of appreciation for his work will make a negative impression. 'Eric' is completely selfless in his work with us and extremely scrupulous when it conies to anything that could be seen as 'payment' for his work. — John Earl Haynes

Selfless Help Quotes By Nikki Rowe

If you help someones bank account rise
But you can't help their heart feel ...
Really, what is your value? — Nikki Rowe

Selfless Help Quotes By Ann Brashares

It wasn't just that Lucy wanted to help him. She wasn't as selfless as that. She was madly attracted to him. She was attracted to all of the normal things and the weird things, too, like the back of his neck and his thumbs on the edge of his desk and the way his hair stuck out on one side like a little wing over his ear. She caught his smell once, and it made her dizzy. She couldn't fall asleep that night. — Ann Brashares

Selfless Help Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

At times we feel outnumbered in our attempts to improve the world - to brighten and beautify, to preserve and heal and do what's best for humanity. Selfless efforts can start to feel beleaguering, discouraging, even pointless with so little support. It is at these times I remind myself that I would rather be the last Good Samaritan standing than to join the ranks of selfish multitudes creating misery. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Selfless Help Quotes By Peter Scazzero

Jesus was not SELFLESS. He did not live as if ONLY other people counted. He knew his value and worth. He had friends. He asked people to help him. At the same time Jesus was not SELFISH. He did not live as if nobody counted. He gave his life out of love for others. From a place of loving union with his Father, Jesus had a mature, healthy 'true self. — Peter Scazzero

Selfless Help Quotes By Sarah Vowell

Acts 16:9 is the meddler's motto, simultaneously selfless and self-serving, generous but stuck-up. Into every generation of Americans is born a new crop of buttinskys sniffing out the latest Macedonia that may or may not want their help. — Sarah Vowell

Selfless Help Quotes By Tony Gaskins

Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child. He must be selfless. He must be responsible. He must be reliable. He must be a role model. Happy Father's Day to the men who are being real fathers. — Tony Gaskins

Selfless Help Quotes By Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Day after day, ordinary people become heroes through extraordinary and selfless actions to help their neighbors. — Sylvia Mathews Burwell