Famous Quotes & Sayings

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes & Sayings

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Top Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Chuck Missler

Bohm's interpretation of quantum physics indicated that at the subquantum level, the level in which the quantum potential operated, location ceased to exist. All points in space became equal to all other points in space, and it was meaningless to speak of anything as being separate from anything else. Physicists call this property 'nonlocality.' — Chuck Missler

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Cindi Madsen

Hope was so dangerous. — Cindi Madsen

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Jaggi Vasudev

We must understand what our idea of wealth is. Is it just about more buildings, more machines, more cars, more of everything? More and more is death. In the most affluent societies in the world, for example in the United States of America, a significant percentage of the population is on anti-depressants on a regular basis. If you just withdraw one particular medication from the market, almost half the nation will go crazy. That is not wellbeing. Generally, an American citizen has everything that anyone would dream of. — Jaggi Vasudev

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Marie Helvin

I've been lucky: my Japanese genes - from my mother's side - and a lifelong moisturising routine have helped keep me looking good. — Marie Helvin

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Andre Suares

Heresy is the lifeblood of religions. It is faith that begets heresies. There are no heresies in a dead religion. — Andre Suares

Seinfeld The Wizard Quotes By Charlotte Riddell

All truth contains an echo of sadness. — Charlotte Riddell