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Secrets To The Grave Quotes & Sayings

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Top Secrets To The Grave Quotes

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Joseph Conrad

And for a moment it seemed to me as if I also were buried in a vast grave full of unspeakable secrets. — Joseph Conrad

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By James Patterson

Justine pulled her Jag over to the side of the road and stared out at the landscape. I twirled the dial on her police band radio until the signal was clear. She opened her thermos, passed it over to me. I took a sip. The coffee was black, unsugared. That's the way Justine liked just about everything: straight up, no bullshit. — James Patterson

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Robert Breault

There are secrets I will take to the grave and others I'd feel safer having cremated. — Robert Breault

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Simone Elkeles

Secrets she'll take to the grave and secrets she's dying to share. — Simone Elkeles

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By George Herbert

The dark grave, which knows all secrets, can alone reclaim the fatal doubt once cast on a woman's name. — George Herbert

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Trisha Leaver

Perfection isn't everything," she said as she turned and walked away. "I think the flaws are what make it perfect. — Trisha Leaver

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Drew Lachey

Some secrets are meant to be taken to the grave, and that's what I plan on doing with all mine. They're not necessarily my secrets to tell. I'm the gatekeeper of other people's secrets. — Drew Lachey

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Violet Cross

She hadn't been scared for herself, she'd been frightened for me.
Good. Her A-class horror movie scream earlier had nearly put me in an early grave. When this was over, I could call us even. — Violet Cross

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Edward W. Said

There has been no major revolution in modern history without intellectuals; conversely there has been no major counterrevolutionary movement without intellectuals. Intellectuals have been the fathers and mothers of movements, and of course sons and daughters, even nephews and nieces. — Edward W. Said

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Annie Jacobsen

For decades, the men at Area 51 thought they'd take their secrets to the grave. At the height of the Cold War, they cultivated anonymity while pursuing some of the country's most covert projects. Conspiracy theories were left to popular imagination. — Annie Jacobsen

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

There is no trifling with nature; it is always true, grave, and severe; it is always in the light, and the faults and errors fall to our share. It defies incompetency, but reveals its secrets to the competent, the truthful, and the pure. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Dorothy Dix

Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its own punishment in silence. — Dorothy Dix

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Malcolm Lowry

No, my secrets are of the grave and must be kept. And this is how I sometimes think of myself, as a great explorer who has discovered some extraordinary land from which he can never return to give his knowledge to the world: but the name of this land is hell. — Malcolm Lowry

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By George R R Martin

There were some secrets that should never be spoken, some shames a man should take to his grave. — George R R Martin

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By C.M. Stunich

Secrets are secrets, but if it comes to choosing life or death, then I'm not taking them to the grave. — C.M. Stunich

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Deniece Schofield

Even an organized person has days that aren't efficient and well-managed. — Deniece Schofield

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Walter Pater

She is older than the rocks among which she sits; like the vampire, she has been dead many times, and learned the secrets of the grave; and has been a diver in deep seas, and keeps their fallen day about her; and trafficked for strange webs with Eastern merchants, and, as Leda, was the mother of Helen of Troy, and, as Saint Anne, the mother of Mary; and all this has been to her but as the sound of lyres and flutes, and lives only in the delicacy with which it has molded the changing lineaments, and tinged the eyelids and the hands. — Walter Pater

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Zadie Smith

Samad! My mouth is like the grave! Whatever is told to me dies with me.
Whatever was told to Zinat invariably lit up the telephone network, rebounded off aerials, radio waves, and satellites along the way, picked up finally by advanced alien civilizations as it bounced through the atmosphere of planets far removed from this one. — Zadie Smith

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Richard Chenevix Trench

Common sense meant once something very different from that plain wisdom, the common heritage of men, which we now call by this name. — Richard Chenevix Trench

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Heather O'Neill

As soon as I looked at Alphonse's face, I knew that he was dead. I had the strange feeling that I was dead myself. It felt as if I were lying at the bottom of a grave and earth was being thrown on me. When death takes someone you know, he holds you and whispers all his secrets in your ear. — Heather O'Neill

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Marguerite Yourcenar

He, too, had dreamed dreams. Folk are usually content to draw from such visions portents which sometimes prove true, since they reveal the sleeper's secrets; but he surmised that these games the mind plays when left to itself can indicate to us chiefly the way in which the soul perceives things. Accordingly, he sought to enumerate the qualities of substance as seen in dream: lightness, impalpability, incoherence, total liberty with regard to time; then, the mobility of forms which allows each person in this state to be several people, and the several to reduce themselves to one; last, the sense of something akin to Platonic reminiscence, but also the almost insupportable feeling of necessity. Such phantom categories strongly resemble what Hermetists clam to know of existence beyond the grave, as if the world of death were only continuing for the soul the awesome world of night. — Marguerite Yourcenar

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Trisha Leaver

I'm already gone. I died that night on the side of that road with my sister. — Trisha Leaver

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Saadat Hasan Manto

Here in Manto's own words that he wanted to mark his grave with:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Here lies Saadat Hasan Manto and with him lie buried all the secrets and mysteries of the art of short-story writing ...
Under tons of earth he lies, still wondering who among the two is greater short-story writer: God or He. — Saadat Hasan Manto

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Shannon A. Thompson

No one wanted to die with secrets in their grave. — Shannon A. Thompson

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Trisha Leaver

With her I'd buried myself, every memory of who I was now, six feet under with the sister I'd put there. — Trisha Leaver

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Sue Townsend

I prefer to keep my secrets to myself, to the grave ... and beyond! — Sue Townsend

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Rocco DiSpirito

Yield 1 main course Prep time approximately 2 minutes Processing time approximately 10 minutes Calorie Burn 172 Calories 105 Net-Calories -67 Ingredients: Olive oil cooking spray Pinch of red pepper flakes, plus more as desired ½ head cauliflower, grated on the small holes of box grater to the size of rice (about 1 cup) Kosher salt — Rocco DiSpirito

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Boethius

We cannot raise the question: How can there be evil if God exists? without raising the second: How can there be good if He exists not? — Boethius

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By John Lanchester

The organization is "committed to improving the state of the world." In practice it is mainly a rich people's club, committed to preserving the existing world order. — John Lanchester

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Ernest Vincent Wright

Youth!! Ah, what a word!! And how transitory! But, how grand! as long as it lasts. How many millions in gold would pour out for an ability to call it all back, as with our musical myth, Faust. During that magic part of a child's growth this world is just a gigantic inquiry box, containing many a topic for which a solution is paramount to a growing mind. And to whom can a child look, but us adults? Any man who "can't stop now" to talk with a child upon a topic which, to him is"too silly for anything," should look back to that day upon which that topic was dark and dubious in his own brain. A child who asks nothing will know nothing. That is why that "bump of inquiry" was put on top of our skulls. — Ernest Vincent Wright

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Jessica Sorensen

I remember that sometimes secrets need to be taken to the grave. Besides, my mom has never been one for wanting to hear about the ugly things in the world. — Jessica Sorensen

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

A secret is a strange thing. There are three kinds of secrets. One is the sort everyone knows about, the sort you need at least two people for. One to keep it. One to never know. The second is a harder kind of secret: one you keep from yourself. Every day, thousands of confessions are kept from their would-be confessors, none of these people knowing that their never-admitted secrets all boil down to the same three words: I am afraid. And then there is the third kind of secret, the most hidden kind. A secret no one knows about. Perhaps it was known once, but was taken to the grave. Or maybe it is a useless mystery, arcane and lonely, unfound because no one ever looked for it. — Maggie Stiefvater

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Fredric Jameson

(On George Eliot's narrative strategy)
It also forfeits the great game of the omniscient narrator, which is to know secrets which none of the characters involved will ever learn, ironically taking their unhappy ignorance to the grave. — Fredric Jameson

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Russell Banks

The received truth of history is shot through and falsified by unknown secrets carried to the grave. — Russell Banks

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Tea Obreht

No matter how grave the secret, how imperative absolute silence, someone would always feel the urge to confess, and an unleashed secret is a terrible force. — Tea Obreht

Secrets To The Grave Quotes By Haruki Murakami

There's something about those secrets that only the deceased person can rightly understand. Something that can't be explained, no matter how hard you try. They're what the dead person has to take with him to his grave. Like a valuable piece of luggage. — Haruki Murakami