Famous Quotes & Sayings

Se Y Quotes & Sayings

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Top Se Y Quotes

Se Y Quotes By Juvenal

The thirst for fame is much greater than that for virtue; for who would embrace virtue itself if you take away its rewards?
[Lat., Tanto major famae sitis est quam
Virtutis: quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam
Praemia se tollas.] — Juvenal

Se Y Quotes By Dwight Howard

You don't have to be best friends as basketball players but I do believe in chemistry. I think it makes everything different if a team is really together and they're all on that same page. They might not like each other, per se, but if you're on the same page and the chemistry is there, you can play great basketball. You can go back to teams like Detroit, the Bad Boys. Those guys had great chemistry, that's why they won. — Dwight Howard

Se Y Quotes By Spencer W. Kimball

It's not possible that the problems of this world be resolved by the pesimists and sceptics whose horizons are guided by the obvious realities. We need men and women who think of things that have never been thought of and who dream of things that have never been dreamed of, and who ask, "Why not?"
[It sounds better in Spanish]
No es posible que los problemas de este mundo sean resueltos por pesamistas y esepticos cuyos horizontes esten guiados por las obvias realidades. Necesitamos hombres y mujeres que piensen en cosas que nunca se hayan pensado y que suenen en cosas que nunca se hayan sonado, y que se pregunten '?porque no? — Spencer W. Kimball

Se Y Quotes By Rachel Sklar

I didn't go to law school to become a lawyer, per se - let's just say I was leaning in to some strong suggestions from my parents - but my nebulous goals of someday becoming a writer were just that, nebulous. — Rachel Sklar

Se Y Quotes By Ramon Gomez De La Serna

Amor es despertar a una mujer y que no se indigne.
(Love is when you wake up a woman and she is not mad at you.) — Ramon Gomez De La Serna

Se Y Quotes By James K.A. Smith

The upshot is a hermeneutics of suspicion; if someone tells you that he or she has converted to unbelief because of science, don't believe them. Because what's usually captured the person is not scientific evidence per se, but the form of science: "Even where the conclusions of science seem to be doing the work of conversion, it is very often not the detailed findings so much as the form" (p. 362). Indeed, "the appeal of scientific materialism is not so much the cogency of its detailed findings as that of the underlying epistemological stance, and that for ethical reasons. It is seen as the stance of maturity, of courage, of manliness, over against childish fears and sentimentality" (p. 365). — James K.A. Smith

Se Y Quotes By Carolyn Ives Gilman

We're all inadequate," David answered. "Just think: the light from the outside world is mapped onto the retina, then further mapped onto the visual cortex, then broken apart and analyzed in other areas of the brain. At every step there's a loss of information. In the end, what we are aware of is not the outside world per se, but the image of the world projected onto our brains. Plato was anatomically right; we do see shadows on a wall. — Carolyn Ives Gilman

Se Y Quotes By Kathy Acker

You create identity, you're not given identity per se. What became more and more interesting to me wasn't the I, it was text because it's text that create identity. That's how I got interested in plagiarism. — Kathy Acker

Se Y Quotes By Kevin Kelly

The great advance of personal computers was not the computing power per se but the fact that it brought it right to your face, that you had control over it, that were confronted with it and could steer it. — Kevin Kelly

Se Y Quotes By Linda Weaver Clarke

Amelia took Rick's dare and began signing:
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones ...
Rick leaned toward her and whispered, "Do you know what the message of that song is?"
She shook her head.
"Singing gladdens the hearts. — Linda Weaver Clarke

Se Y Quotes By Jean De La Bruyere

The beginning and the end of love are both marked by embarrassment when the two find themselves alone.
[Fr., Le commencement et le declin de l'amour se font sentir par l'embarras ou l'on est de se trouver seuls.] — Jean De La Bruyere

Se Y Quotes By Anthony Capella

Anni, amori e bicchieri di vino, nun se contano mai."' '"Years, lovers and glasses of wine; these things must not be counted. — Anthony Capella

Se Y Quotes By Adam Rapp

I love plays that have musical moments. I'm not a big fan of musicals per se, but I love straight plays that have musical edges to them. I don't know if I will ever be able to structure a musical, but 'Finer Noble Gases' is as close as I've gotten. — Adam Rapp

Se Y Quotes By Chris Hughes

Profit per se is not my motive. — Chris Hughes

Se Y Quotes By Michael Brooks

As noted, there's nothing wrong with the DTP vaccine per se. However, studies that have been going on for more than two decades show that, when it is administered after other vaccines, such as BCG or measles vaccine, the combination can be deadly. But only if you're a girl. — Michael Brooks

Se Y Quotes By Trinity Faegen

In her red dress and black boots, she stood straight and tall, blue eyes flashing with righteous fury, breasts rising and falling rapidly. Se had never looked more beautiful. — Trinity Faegen

Se Y Quotes By Action Bronson

I don't ever have the pressure of making a hit, because I've never had a hit song, per se. The closest thing to a hit song was 'Shiraz,' and it's not your prototypical hit song, with a catchy hook and all this other stuff. — Action Bronson

Se Y Quotes By Ken Thompson

There are no projects per se in the Computing Sciences Research Center. — Ken Thompson

Se Y Quotes By Mavis Staples

I was not fortunate enough to run into Obama. We were at the same church per se, but I would never be there when he was there. — Mavis Staples

Se Y Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Why do so many people chose to spend their whole life destroying paths they didn't even want to follow, instead of following the one path that would lead them somewhere. — Paulo Coelho

Se Y Quotes By Judith Crist

Just as violence is the last refuge of the inarticulate, so it is also the first resort of the incompetent, the easy out for the man who is capable of expressing himself only in the most primitive and vulgar of dramatic terms. He leaves us with only the obscenity of violence per se - and the pornographer thereof will always be with us, in film as in any other medium. And so will his audience. — Judith Crist

Se Y Quotes By David Foster Wallace

Pleasure becomes a value, a teleological end in itself. It's probably more Western than U.S. per se. — David Foster Wallace

Se Y Quotes By Nathalie Sarraute

Chacun peut e prouver en soi ce double mouvement: de s ir de s'inte grer a' la socie te , besoin de se re aliser par soi-me me en dehors d'elle. We all have this double impulse within ourselves: the desire to integrate into society, and the need to fulfil ourselves outside of it, through our own efforts. — Nathalie Sarraute

Se Y Quotes By Eustache Deschamps

Rien ne se peut comparer a' Paris. Nothing can compare to Paris. — Eustache Deschamps

Se Y Quotes By June Jordan

The purpose of polite behavior is never virtuous. Deceit, surrender, and concealment these are not virtues. The goal of the mannerly is comfort, per se. — June Jordan

Se Y Quotes By Anna D. Shapiro

I'm not sure I have a role model per se, but I do deeply admire every woman who raises children and has to walk for water. — Anna D. Shapiro

Se Y Quotes By Alexis Munier

l'after-shave, le badge, le barbeque, le best-seller, le blue-jean, le blues, le bluff, le box-office, le break, le bridge, le bulldozer, le business, le cake, la call-girl, le cashflow, le check-in, le chewing-gum, le club, le cocktail, la cover-girl, le cover-story, le dancing, le design, le discount, le do-it-yourself, le doping, le fan, le fast-food, le feedback, le freezer, le gadget, le gangster, le gay, le hall, le handicap, le hold-up, le jogging, l'interview, le joker, le kidnapping, le kit, le knock-out, le label, le leader, le look, le manager, le marketing, le must, les news, le parking, le pickpocket, le pipeline, le planning, le playboy, le prime time, le pub, le puzzle, se relaxer, le self-service, le software, le snack, le slogan, le steak, le stress, le sweatshirt, le toaster and le week-end. — Alexis Munier

Se Y Quotes By S.E. Hall

As you grow into a fine young woman, try not to make excuses. If you know the bottom's safe - jump. If you know it's returned - love. If you really want it - fairly take it. If you run, do it 'til your lungs burn. Laugh until your cheeks ache. And forgive, as you'll always want to be forgiven. I didn't say forget, and certainly your spirit won't allow you to be a doormat, but forgive. Ask yourself always, if they die tonight.. was I really that mad? The answer will almost always be no. So act accordingly. — S.E. Hall

Se Y Quotes By Blaise Aguera Y Arcas

My attraction has never been to computers per se, but to the fact that they offer a highly leveraged way to invent magic. — Blaise Aguera Y Arcas

Se Y Quotes By Pablo Neruda

Por que en las epocas oscuras
se escribe con tinta invisible?
Why in the darkest ages
do they write with invisible ink? — Pablo Neruda

Se Y Quotes By Melinda Gebbie

I think, honestly, the film industry is eating up comics characters at such a fast pace, and spewing them out as so much unspeakable, stench-y, crap. I mean, I think people are going to get pretty sick of the comics product of superhero, per se. Super-heroism seems to be so visceral for these times. Nobody needs a big clunky guy to throw cars about. You know, we've got drunks in town here that can do that. We don't need that kind of superhero. What we need is a super-sage. We need a genuine group of wise people. We need to become wise. That's the job of tomorrow; becoming wise, and integrated, and understanding. — Melinda Gebbie

Se Y Quotes By Hermann Broch

The maker of kitsch does not create inferior art, he is not an incompetent or a bungler, he cannot be evaluated by aesthetic standards; rather, he is ethically depraved, a criminal willing radical evil. And since it is radical evil that is manifest here, evil per se, forming the absolute negative pole of every value-system, kitsch will always be evil, not just kitsch in art, but kitsch in every value-system that is not an imitation system. — Hermann Broch

Se Y Quotes By Hank Stuever

While I don't like violent programs per se, I do like good storytelling, which made me a fan of shows like Breaking Bad and American Horror Story. — Hank Stuever

Se Y Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle

Qui plussait, plus se tait. French, you know. The more a man knows, the less he talks. — Madeleine L'Engle

Se Y Quotes By Tamera Alexander

Let no one define how you se yourself ... save God alone. See yourself through His eyes and His strength, and you'll see who you can be despite being who you are. — Tamera Alexander

Se Y Quotes By James Joyce

Then Nuvoletta reflected for the last time in her little long life and she made up all her myriads of drifting minds in one. She cancelled all her engauzements. She climbed over the bannistars; she gave a childy cloudy cry: Nuee! Nuee! A lightdress fluttered. She was gone. And into the river that had been a stream ... there fell a tear, a singult tear, the loveliest of all tears ... for it was a leaptear. But the river tripped on her by and by, lapping as though her heart was brook: Why, why, why! Weh, O weh! I'se so silly to be flowing but I no canna stay! — James Joyce

Se Y Quotes By Jules Feiffer

I was never interested in the two-party system per se. I was interested in how authority was abused by government, and how lies were told, and rewritten, to seem to be true. I came up out of a tradition of radical journalism. — Jules Feiffer

Se Y Quotes By James Surowiecki

What an economy really wants, after all, is not more investment per se but better investment. It wants capital to flow to companies that will create value - not in the form of a rising stock price but in the form of more goods for less cost, more jobs, and rising wages - by enhancing productivity. — James Surowiecki

Se Y Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

Sure as hell didn't se that one coming. — Stephenie Meyer

Se Y Quotes By Charles Dickens

Se there was a matter of half a ream of brown paper stuck upon me, from first to last. As I laid all of a heap in our kitchen, plastered all over, you might have thought I was a large brown-paper parcel, chock full of nothing but groans. Did I groan loud, Wackford, or did I groan soft?' asked Mr Squeers, appealing to his son. — Charles Dickens