Scottish Highlander Quotes & Sayings
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Top Scottish Highlander Quotes

In a heartbeat, he scarcely could take a breath.
Wearing not a stitch of clothing, Eva stood in thigh-deep water with her back to him.
Before he blinked, his gaze slid from coppery tresses brushing feminine shoulders to a tiny waist which fanned into glorious heart-shaped buttocks. Heaven's stars, her flawless skin had to be as pure white as fresh cream.
God on the cross, save me.
Christ, he was only a flesh and blood man. Who on earth could resist such a temptation? He clenched his teeth and growled. Frigid water or nay, he lengthened like a stallion catching scent of a filly in heat. God's teeth, even his ballocks turned to balls of tight molten steel. — Amy Jarecki

No more sounds emerged as he walked through the forest, save the whisper of the leaves above. Though nothing further appeared out of the ordinary, he knew one thing for certain.
He was not alone. — Madeline Martin

When are we going to deal with Usaeil?"
"The sooner, the better, Con. If you don't do something she's going to."
He raised a brow. "You mean worse than she already has? She's all but told the Light."
"You think you know her, but you don't. She cares about nothing but her own desires now."
Sounds like the Dark," he said.
"I know. — Donna Grant

Seeing that glorious body and to-die-for face only made her crave him more.
Then he had kissed her.
And what a kiss!
It was a kiss like none other. There was fire and a hunger that was both savage as well as tender.
At first.
Then the fire had come. The kiss had charred her, searing her from the inside out. Each touch of his tongue, each time those lips of his moved over here, had been the most incredible feeling in the world. — Donna Grant

Had her ordeal addled her mind? She was on a horse with a wild Highlander going God knew where with men even he did not trust and yet she found it thrilling! — Margaret Mallory

Grace flattened her palm on his chest. "I've not been writing it correctly."
"Writing what, exactly?"
"Passion. I forgot what it was," she whispered. "I went off what I saw in movies or read, but I haven't ... experienced ... it in many years."
He didn't like thinking about other men being with her, but they were in the past. Where they would remain. "Were they no' good lovers?"
"They were all right, but without passion, it all feels ... empty."
Arian tightened his arm around her before he rolled her onto her back so he could look into her face. "I'll be happy to show you several times a day. — Donna Grant

If he caught sight of ye in yer wee bit o' black lace, the man's plaid would surely stand out stiff as a banner hung across a pole. — Maeve Greyson

Hmm?" She raised her eyebrows and looked up at him, then her cheerful expression faded. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?" he asked, though he knew damned well what she meant.
"Like ye think I'd be willing to have my wedding night lying in the dirt," she said, narrowing her eyes at him. "If ye believe that, you're quite mistaken."
"So we're only debating where, and not whether, to have a wedding night?" he asked. — Margaret Mallory

I knew how you liked long tales," he said, giving her a wink. "There's sure to be plenty of those."
"In Gaelic," she said.
"All the better for learning it. — Margaret Mallory

In that moment, I finally figured out what kind of handsome he was. He was fiction-handsome. Romance novel handsome; but not the clean-cut (billionaire) alpha male or even the tattooed (billionaire) bad boy archetype. He was the Scottish highlander, Viking conqueror, bodice-ripper historical romance kind of handsome; an unshaven, lion wrestling, mountain man recluse, toss you over his shoulder and plunder your goodies kind of handsome. He was both scary and swoony. I wanted to braid his beard. I also wanted to run away. — Penny Reid

Tis no use fighting with the lass," Niall said wearily. "You will lose the battle, Gunnolf. No matter what it is about."
Gunnolf shook his head, then helped Niall to stand, and with his arm around his waist, he helped him out of the cottage. "I tell you, she is the one for you. — Terry Spear

Well, if he was already damned, he might as well follow his wicked impulses all the way to hell.
At least he'd get to taste her again. — Kerrigan Byrne

He held the sword as if he's used one before," Rhys said.
The stranger snorted. "Of course I've used a sword. What kind of Highlander can no' wield a blade? — Donna Grant

God save him, she smelled of a field of roses and tasted sweeter than port wine.
Drawing her hands over her mouth Charlotte gasped. "Hugh. How did we end up on the bed?"
"I think we must have floated," he whispered. — Amy Jarecki

He pulled her into his arms. Closing his eyes, he savored every inch of her small frame. God, why did she have to be the daughter of the Governor of Fort William? Why could she not be a simple lass from his clan. "Och, mo leannan, what am I to do with you?"
She took in a stilted gasp. "Love me. — Amy Jarecki

No one lacked imagination like the English. Yet he could not dismiss the notion that this lass dressed in breeches could be the seer his grandmother foretold. Finding an English lass lying on a Scottish hillside so many miles from the border was strange enough to have a touch of magic about it. — Margaret Mallory

He couldn't believe it!
He knew her intent before she dove for her sgian dubh. But he couldn't react quickly enough. He wasn't about to allow her to arm herself again. He dropped his sword, needing both hands free and lunged for her, only with his body this time. Tackling her, he took her down, her back cushioned by the wealth of leaves, and planted his body on top of hers.
She grew very still then, and he smiled a little at her. "If you had done just as I asked, we wouldna be like this, now would we lassie?"
Sorcha was fuming mad and scared witless as the braw Highlander pressed his body on top of hers. She felt his staff growing against her belly the longer he remained between her legs. He was beautiful, his dark brown eyes swimming with lust, his long brown hair hanging about her face as she looked up at him, panting for breath, trembling, despite wishing to show he didn't frighten her one bit. But he did. — Terry Spear

Do what ye must, but 'tis a sorry day when a man's betrothed willna grant him the divine pleasure only she can give. — Maeve Greyson

A lifetime without breath or thought passed before his fingertips skimmed over the tops of her breasts. — Madeline Martin

And who e'er said I wanted such a fiery-tongued woman to wife?"
"I'll wait until the two of you are married to tell Trulie you said that. — Maeve Greyson

He shrugged. "I am nae like any otherman. I am a Highlander. — Victoria Roberts

- I like my shirts.
- It's plaid.
- There are no rules for shirts. Plaid is good.
- Plaid is bad. Although, if you went with a Scottish plaid in wool, it might be okay.
- I'm not dressing like some damned highlander, Mercedes.
- And the lumberjack look is okay?
- You don't like my shirt? — Kathleen O'Reilly

The rough pad of his thumb dragged across the split on her lip as light as a whisper. She felt his caress in her bones.
And elsewhere. — Kerrigan Byrne

The man peered through the doorway - a blond bearded man with steel blue eyes, who first considered her holding Niall's sword, and then Niall in her bed. She couldn't believe he would grin at them. The heathen. His friend was sick and could be dying and Gunnolf was grinning?
What kind of a friend did that?
"I should have known you would be in a lass' bed while I have been searching for you everywhere. Not to mention trying to locate our horses, and the lass we should be finding. Is the woman protecting you with your own sword, mon?" Gunnolf laughed.
"He was wounded and is now feverish. There is naught to jest about," Anora said harshly.
Gunnolf laughed again. "I hope you plan to wed the lass, Niall. She appears to be just the one for you. Every mon needs a woman who will fight to protect him. — Terry Spear

A large man with wild blond hair gripped hr horse's reins, drawing her steed to a stop.
"Welcome to hell." Though he presented a jovial grin, his words shot straight to her gut.
"Enough, Murdoch," Sylvi said in a warning tone.
The man shrugged his shoulders. "Ach, I'm just toying with the new lasses. "I'll no' be here long to share my winning personality. — Madeline Martin

Kissing me will not make the horse any smaller."
Laughter rumbled from Gray's chest as he closed his arms around her. He inhaled the sweetness of her hair and nuzzled the warm silkiness just behind her ear. "Kissing ye will no' make me any smaller either. — Maeve Greyson

Anora signed, then retook her seat. "I believe you are the most handsome man I have ever encountered."
Niall raised his brows at hearing the news. "Whatever made you think to say that, Anora?"
"Poor Matthew, he has a weak chin and an unmanly nose. Now you, your jaw is strong and persuasive."
"I thought you said I was demanding."
"Commanding, you said. And you have the loveliest dark brown eyes, like a stormy dark sea."
"That you have never been on."
"Aye. — Terry Spear

You are charismatic. Men are drawn to you. I am drawn to you. And by your size, let alone your skill with weapons, they will be in awe of you. — Amy Jarecki

Yer true future, the future waiting to set your soul on fire, can only be found in the past. — Maeve Greyson

Well dammit. Trulie hooked her hand into the crook of his elbow and turned toward the bridge. The chilling height of the structure spanning the ravine could no longer be blamed for the tingling dizziness pinging across her senses. Fear of heights was nothing compared to this subtle emotional dance with a heart-stopping Highlander. — Maeve Greyson

She hadn't said a word about his comment concerning marrying her. If she was of the French nobility, she might not wish to marry him. But still, he was of the mind he would change her thoughts concerning the matter - despite that he had no title or lands to call his own. What Highlander could say that he had a wife who would fight a Highland warrior, wielding only a pitchfork, or that she would raise a Highlander's sword to fight a Viking warrior to protect him?
Her stories fascinated him, and he was thinking that if he had a bairn with her, how she would tell the child her delightful tales. And he would settle down with them to listen, too. Most of all, he loved the way she worried about his health, snuggled with him as if it was for more than warmth, and even kissed him back when he weakly attempted to kiss her earlier. — Terry Spear

Oh, how she loved the braw Highlanders, his boldness as he'd regard her with his discerning gaze, and how she wished he'd touch her with his hands in the same places and not with just his eyes. — Terry Spear

I-I've wanted you ever since..." She untied the sash around her waist and let the dressing gown drop to the floor.
God save him, she wore not a stitch of clothing. Every shred of self-control fled. His mind consumed with the tantalizing woman before him. Somehow she was even more beautiful now that he'd remembered. The candlelight flickered amber across her skin. Chestnut tresses slid over her shoulder, framing two perfectly formed breasts, tipped by rose.
Sean licked his lips, those delectable rosebuds would be his second stop. In two strides, he wrapped her in his arms and crushed his body against hers. "For all that is holy, you have claimed my soul, my flesh and my mind. — Amy Jarecki

Damnation. She needed him inside her. All the way. Now. "If you don't take me now I'm going to be forced to rape you." Trulie slid her hand down between them, grabbed his cock and aligned it for immediate entry.
"As you will it," Gray chuckled. — Maeve Greyson

They couldn't turn back time. What was done, was done.
He dropped his arms and lowered his head. Despondency filled him to the very brim. He was a dragon. A creature of magic and fire. A being that was lethal and dangerous.
The Kings had forgotten that. All but one. — Donna Grant

Would you like to see where I will build your house, m'lady?"
She grinned. "You mean our house?"
He mirrored her smile. "Aye."
Taking her hand, he led her along the path to the mouth of the River Coe. They stood on a curved peninsula high above the river where it would be free from floods. Hugh spread his arms wide and looked across Loch Leven. "The hills of Glencoe will be our backdrop, the river of the Coe will be our music, and our galleys will sail through the water of the Leven to Loch Linnhe and out to sea. Mark me, my love, Clan Iain Abrach will rebuild, and will once again rule these lands."
He looked into her eyes and saw joy there. "And you will be my queen. — Amy Jarecki

The woman and her dragon.
"You're mine," he said.
She smiled. "And you're mine. — Donna Grant

She was still of the opinion that if she threatened him sufficiently, he would leave. It had worked well for her before - on two separate occasions. Not that the men had been so well muscled - or half naked.
Then she frowned. What if under the sheepskin covers, the man was entirely bare? That would put him at more of a disadvantage, she decided. — Terry Spear

It doesna matter the direction necessity forces ye to take in life, it matters which way ye go when ye have a choice. — Madeline Martin

He snorted. If she was truly the one he sought, she was not safe in the least. "Mayhap we could go together."...
"Nay," she said, taking Niall's arm firmly and forcing him to retire to her bed, shocking him that she was so determined and concerned. "Lie down. I will do this. You cannot go anywhere. What if you fell off your horse on the way?..."
"I wouldna' fall off my horse," he said. "I was born to the saddle. — Terry Spear

Let's get your face washed and fix your hair," Catriona said. "My mother used to say that will make ye begin to feel better."
"Mine said that too, but it won't help this time."
"Well, my mother also said that wallowing in misery never fixed a thing. — Margaret Mallory

She'd come across a few Highlanders while in Edinburgh, but none compared to Darius. She didn't even have to ask if he was a Highlander.
It was in the way he held himself, the way he spoke. It was a look that couldn't be faked or copied. Whatever made a man a Highlander was in his blood, in his very soul. — Donna Grant

Don't let the doorknob hit you where the good Lord split you. — Maeve Greyson

Kieran unfolded the letter and scanned the scrawled message....
'Beware an English assassin.'
He knew exactly what this meant. — Madeline Martin

I've been wanting to kiss ye since the first moment I saw ye," he said. "I'm going to do it now."
Sybil could not breathe, let alone form the words to object. When she moistened her lips with her tongue, she felt his heartbeat leap beneath her palm. Her gaze fixed on his mouth as he drew her to him ever so slowly.
She had expected a sweet, teasing kiss, not this explosion of passion that seared through her body at the first touch of their lips. No one had ever kissed her like this before, as if he would die if he could not have his mouth on hers. With a will of their own, her arms wound around his neck and her fingers tangled in his long, thick hair as she pulled him closer.
She was lost in the sensations and long past thought. As his kisses slowly changed from feverish to tender, she felt as if she were floating. She wanted this to go on forever.
When Rory pulled away, she stared up at him, stunned.
"That was promising," he said with a wide grin. — Margaret Mallory

He held his crotch, his knees bent and his kilt showing he wore nothing beneath it.
She shuffled from one foot to the other as she stared at his Scottish bagpipe. Bet he could hit a lot of high notes with that thing. " startled me when you grabbed me like that."
"Well, ye needna be afraid now. I couldna molest ya, even if I wanted to, which I dinna.I'm betting foreplay with ye would be like grabbing hold of an electrical wire while sitting in a tub of water." He groaned and cussed some more. "Hell, I bet yer vagina is lined with shark's teeth. — Vonnie Davis

Her eyes widened, convinced by the size of it that his shaft was fully erect. She blinked several times. No, she was wrong. The bulge moved, growing as she watched it.
Not that I mind ya staring, love, but I've got an appointment I must keep. — Michelle M. Pillow smell of lavender." She didn't think it wise to tell the man what he smelled like so she politely nodded. — Victoria Roberts

If he is strong, then we'll have to be quick and clever," she said in a cheerful tone."A bit of trickery may be needed as well."
"Ach, ye sound like a Highlander," he said. "In Gaelic we say, an ten ach mbionn laidir ni follair do bheith glic." He who is not strong must be cunning. — Margaret Mallory

She held her finger to his lips. "We have a lifetime to reveal our secrets."
In a bold move, she took his hand and led him to the bed.
Ever so eager to follow, Hugh's mouth suddenly went dry. Hell, he couldn't even manage a swallow. "Are you ready, my love?" he croaked.
Licking those delectable lips, she nodded. "I want you more than the air I breathe. — Amy Jarecki

You're not paying attention to me, are you?"
"Eh? What's that? Sorry, love, I didn't hear you. Wasn't paying attention. I had my eyes on your perfectly formed arse."
Catherine fixed him with a glare worthy of a Scottish schoolmaster. "This is serious business Jamie. If you've to pass for a Highlander, you've got to get the kilt just so,"
"Bah! You're a hoydenish vixen. You just want to ogle my knees."
"Nonsense. I'm sure you'll find the ah... freedom and... utility very appealing once you try it on."
"You mean you think I'll like the feel of the family jewels waving free?" Blushing, she spread both great kilts on the ground. "One lays down on it like so. Oh stop grinning, Jamie, and do try."
She was so earnest and eager in her lesson that he hadn't the heart to tell her he'd worn a kilt a time or two before. — Judith James

He wanted one night with her when he did not have to be on his guard waiting for the Douglases to discover that she was English and a lass; one night when he could sit and talk with her by the fire without another soul in sight; one night when when he did not need to pretend he did not want her. — Margaret Mallory

Rory did not want her.
After devoting so much effort to avoid being wed to a man she did not want, she found herself bound to a man who did not want her. — Margaret Mallory

Tell me you doona want this. Tell me that ye didna feel this storm brewing between us since the very first day we met. That a part of ye didna know that this was an inevitability. I knew from the first time I saw ye that it was my destiny to claim ye here in the mists. And ye must take me, Mena ... all of me. Make demands of yer own. Lay claim to the pleasure I'm willing to offer ye. — Kerrigan Byrne

If ye have needs to see to, do it quickly."
"You're a stubborn man," she said.
"Tis a good quality in a man," he muttered under his breath as he picked up the saddle. — Margaret Mallory

She was in love with the very man she had to kill. — Madeline Martin

It was written in those stars that we meet." His voice gathered a tender fervency that unstitched something from inside Mena's soul. "We are bound in some inescapable way, thee and me. I've known it since I first laid eyes on ye in that dress. — Kerrigan Byrne

Why can't I get enough of you?" she asked between kisses.
"Do you want to? — Donna Grant

Gray's watchful gaze made her want to squirm as he stepped to her side and tucked her arm into his. "I'd be more than honored to claim ye as friend."
Claim ye. There was something about the way he said those two words that made her look forward to his claiming whatever he wanted. — Maeve Greyson

Damn it, Mariel," Kieran growled and spun her around to face him once more. "Ye belong to me."
Her heart skipped a beat. He wanted her. Mariel wrenched her arm from his hold but did not back down from the heat of his stare. "Then be a man and take what's yours. — Madeline Martin

Unbridled passion with an incredibly hot seven hundred-year-old Highlander in the middle of the night? Mm Yeah. Bring it on. — Amy Jarecki

Ciaran broke the silence and spoke quietly. "She means naught to me."
A tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it away. "It doesnae matter--truly," she whispered.
He reached out and gently brushed her arms. When she closed her eyes to avoid his probing gaze, he raised her chin with his finger. "It matters to me," he said solemnly. He wiped her tears with his thumb. "I told her we were done when I returned to Glenorchy. She wasnae pleased. I didnae know she was there, Rosalia. She saw ye and Aisling and threw her body upon me."
She could not help but smirk. "Her verra bare body, my laird."
He paused for a moment, a spark of some identifiable emotion in his eyes. "I didnae notice, Rosalia. All I saw was ye. — Victoria Roberts

Steeling her resolve, she stepped further into the study. "Regardless if I have your blessing, I have made up my mind. I love Hugh Maclain. It is he whom I will wed."
Pap guzzled the remaining dregs. Slamming the bottle to the table with a belch, his gaze wandered to the hearth rather than to Charlotte. "No." He drew the word out and it hung in the air and chilled like death. "You cannot marry a corpse. — Amy Jarecki

Come with me, sweet lass, and I'll make good on me promise to chase ye through the woods like a highlander." Broen spoke in a rich timbre laced with good humor. " Ye there ... Lads, be sporting now and let me ravish this charming creature the way only a Scotsman can! — Mary Wine

Lie with me," she said.
"I don't know if I can sleep beside ye tonight and not touch ye like I want to," he said in a strained voice. "I need ye too much."
"I know that," she said, and flipped back the blanket for him to lie down. — Margaret Mallory