Famous Quotes & Sayings

Scommetto Su Quotes & Sayings

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Top Scommetto Su Quotes

Scommetto Su Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

When people hurt it is because they feel they are going to lose something. The questions to ask is: What? — Shannon L. Alder

Scommetto Su Quotes By S. Kelley Harrell

When I say 'practice' I don't mean
repeating an act until you get it right. In this use, it means to instill regular discipline to accomplish a specific task, ritual without which we feel incomplete, or that our experience of each day is less. — S. Kelley Harrell

Scommetto Su Quotes By Eric Voegelin

The use of method as the criterion of science abolishes theoretical relevance. As a consequence, all propositions concerning facts will be promoted to the dignity of science, regardless of their relevance, as long as they result from a correct use of method. Since the ocean of facts is infinite, a prodigious expansion of science in the sociological sense becomes possible, giving employment to scientistic technicians and leading to the fantastic accumulation of irrelevant knowledge through huge "research projects" whose most interesting features is the quantifiable expense that has gone into their production. — Eric Voegelin

Scommetto Su Quotes By Fritjof Capra

Religion is the organized attempt to understand spiritual experience, to interpret it with words and concepts, and to use this interpretation as the source of moral guidelines for the religious community. — Fritjof Capra

Scommetto Su Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Once upon a time, Aristophanes relates, there were gods in the heavens and humans down on earth. But we humans did not look the way we look today. Instead, we each had two heads and four legs and four arms - a perfect melding, in other words, of two people joined together, seamlessly united into one being. We came in three different possible gender or sexual variations: male/female meldings, male/male meldings, and female/female meldings, depending on what suited each creature the best. Since we each had the perfect partner sewn into the very fabric of our being, we were all happy. Thus, all of us double-headed, eight-limbed, perfectly contented creatures moved across the earth much the same way that the planets travel through the heavens - dreamily, orderly, smoothly. We lacked for nothing; we had no unmet needs; we wanted nobody. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Scommetto Su Quotes By George Burns

People are always asking me when I'm going to retire. Why should I? I've got it two ways - I'm still making movies, and I'm a senior citizen, so I can see myself at half price. — George Burns

Scommetto Su Quotes By Pierre Beaumarchais

I make myself laugh at everything, so that I do not weep. — Pierre Beaumarchais

Scommetto Su Quotes By Gary Johnson

As I told the students every time I visited a campus, you are the director of your own movie, and if you aren't enjoying what you are doing, change it. — Gary Johnson

Scommetto Su Quotes By Chace Crawford

I went into broadcast journalism. I loved every class I took, I just got anxious because I came to the realization that you're groomed in high school to get good SAT scores to get into a good college or else you're done for. — Chace Crawford

Scommetto Su Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Wake up to a brand new day and realize why you woke up to meet the day! Live to the end of another day and understand why you lived in the day! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Scommetto Su Quotes By Ariel Dorfman

I'm a mongrel in the sense that I'm Spanish, English, Latino, Jewish, north, south - all these things are mixed in me. — Ariel Dorfman

Scommetto Su Quotes By Jamie McGuire

If I had to do it all over again, I'd rather endure the pain in the beginning than have had it easy and then have it all go to shit later on. — Jamie McGuire