Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sand Castle Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sand Castle Quotes

Sand Castle Quotes By Jack Prelutsky

We Built a Castle Near the Rocks,
we built it out of sand.
Our fortress was an ice-cream box
with turret, tall and grand.
Our men were twigs, our gun were straws
from which we'd sipped at lunch.
We had the best of wars ...
till someone's foot
[Joan Walsh Anglund] — Jack Prelutsky

Sand Castle Quotes By Shani Struthers

12. They had spent a lot of time on the beach, as did everyone for miles around when the sun decided to shine. Theirs was no ordinary beach; it was a gorgeous swathe of golden sand, framed by granite cliffs upon which stood the crumbling walls of an ancient castle. There were caves to explore too, hidden in the cliffs. Children and adults alike would venture deep into them, discovering a dark world that belonged predominantly to birds and sea creatures. — Shani Struthers

Sand Castle Quotes By Sebastian Cole

As I lay there watching Robin sleep beside me, I realized that she was right all along. I didn't need to live in a castle - a shack in the woods with her would do just fine. And for that matter, I didn't need to be prince of the ocean either, because with her by my side ... I was king of the pond. — Sebastian Cole

Sand Castle Quotes By Winston Churchill

The man who stands firm in order to protect a sand-castle can never be relied upon; for he has given away his common sense. — Winston Churchill

Sand Castle Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

The emotions attached to them were like sand castles in the tide, slowly washing out to sea. — Nicholas Sparks

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

The shrine I prayed at not to go to university," Sand said.
"I guess your prayer was answered," Perrotte said.
Sand strongly considered throwing something at her - but there was nothing to hand that wasn't sacred. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Malak El Halabi

I recall those beautiful summer mornings with my parents by the sandy beach of Belek. My father used to teach me how to ride waves. I remember him constantly emphasizing the fact that no wave, no matter how big it is should stir enough fear inside me to keep me glued to the shore. He used to repeat those words while glancing at my mother with a smile that could set the whole sea on fire. My mother, sitting on the beach, too afraid of the deep blue sea, contented herself with building sand castles, ones my father would step on trying to drag her hopelessly into water.
Step on your sand castle and dive deep. Dive deep into the unknown. Life is damn too short for building sand castles. — Malak El Halabi

Sand Castle Quotes By Jethro Tull

The sand-castle virtues are all swept away in the tidal destruction, the moral melee. — Jethro Tull

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

You're not mending anything, remember, Sand? The hedge." He paused and shook his head at himself. "And Perrotte's away for a few minutes, and you're talking to yourself again. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Dilgo Khyentse

Seeing the world with all the unspoiled simplicity of a young child, you are free from concepts of beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and no longer fall prey to conflicting tendencies driven by desire or repulsion. Why trouble yourself about all the ups and downs of daily life, like a child who delights in building a sand castle but cries when it collapses? To get what they want and be rid of what they dislike, look how people throw themselves into torments, like moths plunging into the flame of a lamp! Would it not be better to put down your heavy burden of dreamlike obsessions once and for all? — Dilgo Khyentse

Sand Castle Quotes By Utah Phillips

The big system can be pretty overwhelming. We know that we can't beat them by competing with them. What we can do is build small systems where we live and work that serve our needs as we define us and not as they 're defined for us. The big boys in their shining armor are up there on castle walls hurling their thunderbolts. We're the ants patiently carrying sand a grain at a time from under the castle wall. We work from the bottom up. The knights up there don't see the ants and don't know what we're doing. They'll figure it out only when the wall begins to fall. It takes time and quiet persistence. Always remember this: They fight with money and we resist with time, and they're going to run out of money before we run out of time — Utah Phillips

Sand Castle Quotes By Yaa Gyasi

Split the Castle open,
find me, find you.
We, two, felt sand,
wind, air.
One felt whip. Whipped,
Once shipped.
We, two, black.
Me, you.
One grew from
cocoa's soil, birthed from nut,
skin uncut, still bleeding.
We two, wade.
The waters seem different
but are same.
Our same. Sister skin.
Who knew? Not me. Not you — Yaa Gyasi

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

And turnips - endless ruptured turnips. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Marie Castle

I lifted my chin, meeting the eyes of the woman who'd become the living embodiment of my totem, my bright phoenix, and forged ahead. "But I live with the wrong choices, the paths untraveled, the lives lost, and I never hold those regrets against anyone but myself. So, if you have some reason that you think I'll regret getting in that car or not getting in that car, then tell me. Because I won't have anything between us, either." My mind flashed to an hourglass, grains of sand trickling away, carrying my life with them. "At least, nothing that we can avoid...like the fear of unspoken words. — Marie Castle

Sand Castle Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

Children make prayers so thoughtlessly, building them up like sand castles - and they are always surprised when suddenly the castle becomes real, and the iron gate grinds shut. — Catherynne M Valente

Sand Castle Quotes By Dan Simmons

even the Pyramids and other "great works" were as ephemeral as a castle of sand on the beach at Brighton. — Dan Simmons

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

Perrotte frowned. "I'd like to turn a plowshare into a sword ," she said. "I'd cut our way out of those thorns, and then use it to run my enemies through - " She bit off her next words and swallowed them. Sand stared at her, aghast. She met his eyes, defiant. "What? You don't like bloodthirstiness?" she asked. "Pardon? No. I'm horrified that you would dull a sword on that thorn brake. I could make you some pretty good hedge shears. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By L. H. Cosway

Cruelty is seldom forgotten. You feel it as a child. Somebody takes away your toy or thoughtlessly kicks over your sand castle. A beautiful boy walks into your life, sees something he doesn't like or doesn't understand, and painstakingly endeavours to make you feel how much he hates you, to be constantly aware of the flaws that provoke that hatred. And then you grow older and wiser, but you don't forget the cruelty. You can't forget it, because there is nothing stronger, nothing more palpable in the human brain than the memory of mistreatment. — L. H. Cosway

Sand Castle Quotes By Megan Hart

The past is gone, Claire. It's like a sand castle washed away by the waves. We can remember what it looked like, but even if we build it again, it won't be the exactly the same. — Megan Hart

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

How did you get into the castle, Alexandre, son of Gilles Smith?"
Sand shrugged. "A saint kidnapped me from his shrine and put me into a fireplace here. So I guess the answer is, a miracle of Saint Melor. Or so I think. He has not told me."
"If you are trying to antagonize him, you are doing a good job," Perrotte whispered.
Sand scuffed his shoe at her. "I'm just telling the truth!"
"You're very good at telling it in the most maddening way possible."
"Thank you? — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

The magical force that had sundered everything in the castle had occasionally made some very odd choices in its destruction - Sand found a hammer that had been broken only at the wooden handle and not any of the metal parts, and another hammer whose handle was whole while the metal was broken. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Drew Lerman

You think God created the world?" he asks me. "Bullshit. Any kind of benevolent and righteous being would never create a fucking world like this. It's impossible. God didn't fucking create the world."
Before he walks away completely, he turns back to me one final time, pointing his finger at me. Some people on the beach look over.
"Henry," he says, "the Devil created the world when God wasn't looking"
He kicks down the little kids' sand castle and goes somewhere with the girls. — Drew Lerman

Sand Castle Quotes By Pema Chodron

We are like children building a sand castle. We embellish it with beautiful shells, bits of driftwood, and pieces of colored glass. The castle is ours, off limits to others. We're willing to attack if others threaten to hurt it. Yet despite all our attachment, we know that the tide will inevitably come in and sweep the sand castle away. The trick is to enjoy it fully but without clinging, and when the time comes, let it dissolve back into the sea. — Pema Chodron

Sand Castle Quotes By Nancy Gibbs

New Orleans lives by the water and fights it, a sand castle set on a sponge nine feet below sea level, where people made music from heartache, named their drinks for hurricanes and joked that one day you'd be able to tour the city by gondola. — Nancy Gibbs

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

The truth is . . . Well, the truth is the truth, and thus worth telling, but sometimes truths are so complicated that it's exhausting to get them out in the right order." He glanced up at her. That sounded like an evasion if ever she'd heard one. She raised an eyebrow. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Your existence is passing before you. Grains of sand in the hourglass. The Wicked Witch of the West has you in her castle and she's turned the hourglass over and the sand is running through. Will you be liberated or will you die? The only way you can beat death is liberation. — Frederick Lenz

Sand Castle Quotes By Erica Sehyun Song

The other one was filled with loud and obnoxious tourists. Always boasting on winning a sand castle competition and seeing who could get tanned first. What a whacky bunch of people. — Erica Sehyun Song

Sand Castle Quotes By Kenneth Patchen

It is the nature of man to expose with laws of doubt & impatience, no feeling of wonder that he should a participant in such an incredible undertaking; but rather the shameful certainty that what has been willed without him must in some way resemble the productions of his own sand-castle magnificence. — Kenneth Patchen

Sand Castle Quotes By Aaron Sorkin

Writing anything, it sorta starts the way you'd build a castle at the beach. You're just taking your hands and you're mounting up sand. — Aaron Sorkin

Sand Castle Quotes By Toni Morrison

Six months into the bliss of edible sex, free-style music, challenging books and the company of an easy undemanding Bride, the fairy-tale castle collapsed into the mud and sand on which its vanity was built. And Booker ran away. — Toni Morrison

Sand Castle Quotes By Ned Hayes

It is a kingship grand that all of us build, every day of our meager lives, and it is a castle made of sand. Every wrong righted seems to bring another misdeed tumbling down upon our heads. But I for one will keep building such a kingdom. — Ned Hayes

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

Are you suggesting we eat cursed fruit? Vicious fruit? Attacking fruit? — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Merrie Haskell

I'm alive," he groaned. "But I'm not doing a very good job of it. — Merrie Haskell

Sand Castle Quotes By Cassandra Clare

You had every right to be. He raised his eyes to look at her and she was suddenly and strangely reminded of being four years old at the beach, crying when the wind came up and blew away the castle she had made. Her mother had told her she could make another one if she liked, but it hadn't stopped her crying because what she had thought was permanent was not permanent after all, but only made out of sand that vanished at the touch of wind and water. — Cassandra Clare