Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sage Green Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sage Green Quotes

Sage Green Quotes By Barbara Taylor Bradford

You've got to admit it takes real genius to start out with nothing and build what she has so brilliantly built. Only — Barbara Taylor Bradford

Sage Green Quotes By Michael Ignatieff

To imagine Canada as a citizen requires that you enter into he mind of someone who does not believe what you believe or share what matters to you. — Michael Ignatieff

Sage Green Quotes By Richelle Mead

He shook his head. "No. Because there's no one else out there who understands you like I do."
I waited for more. "That's it? You're not going to elaborate on what that means?"
Those green eyes held me. "I don't think I need to. — Richelle Mead

Sage Green Quotes By Richelle Mead

Sage!" he called. "You have got to see this."
Eddie and I reached the next green and stared in astonishment. Then I burst out laughing.
We had reached Dracula's Castle. ( ... )
I couldn't stop laughing. Adrian and Eddie looked at me as though they'd never seen me before.
"I don't think I've ever heard her laugh," Eddie told him.
"Certainly not the reaction I was expecting," mused Adrian. "I'd been counting on abject terror, judging from past Alchemist behaviour. I didn't think you liked vampires. — Richelle Mead

Sage Green Quotes By Richelle Mead

I tried to dredge up the same reaction other girls had around Marcus, but nothing happened. No matter how hard I tried, I just didn't have that same attraction His hair was too blond, I decided. And his eyes needed a little more green. — Richelle Mead

Sage Green Quotes By Jack Vance

The banquet proceeded. The first course, a mince of olives, shrimp and onions baked in oyster shells with cheese and parsley was followed by a soup of tunny, cockles and winkles simmered in white wine with leeks and dill. Then, in order, came a service of broiled quail stuffed with morels, served on slices of good white bread, with side dishes of green peas; artichokes cooked in wine and butter, with a salad of garden greens; then tripes and sausages with pickled cabbage; then a noble saddle of venison glazed with cherry sauce and served with barley first simmered in broth, then fried with garlic and sage; then honey-cakes, nuts and oranges; and all the while the goblets flowed full with noble Voluspa and San Sue from Watershade, along with the tart green muscat wine of Dascinet. — Jack Vance

Sage Green Quotes By Angie Sage

Blue to get ready
Green to go
Yellow to guide you through the snow
Orange to warn you that over you'll go
Then red will be the final glow
Now seek the black, there's no going back. — Angie Sage

Sage Green Quotes By Jane Green

She had married him because she felt sage, because she'd had enough pain to last her a lifetime, and because although he had many faults, faults she was aware of before she married him, she knew he wouldn't hurt her.
She knew because there was no passion, and the only time she had felt passion, it had come with a price. — Jane Green

Sage Green Quotes By Peter Singer

For a long time, rich countries have promised to reduce poverty but have failed to match their words with adequate action. Of course, some important progress has been made and millions of lives have been saved, but millions more could be saved. — Peter Singer

Sage Green Quotes By Christopher Buehlman

Oh, would you look at this, now," she said, pointing at a hole in her sage-green velvet couch. Never mind the brain and hair on it, she could clean those off with a stiff brush. And never mind the point-blank gunshot to the face she'd absorbed. It was the bullet hole in her couch that pissed her off. — Christopher Buehlman

Sage Green Quotes By Tammy Blackwell

And you would not Shift into a Fox, noti in a box, not wearing sock?
Scout — Tammy Blackwell

Sage Green Quotes By Michael Scott

Hi," she said. The gloomy interior of the car lit up with a warm green glow and the scent of sage filled the air. Virginia rubbed her forefinger and thumb together, and in the mirror, Josh saw a tiny ball of green energy appear. She flicked the ball at the motorcyclist.
"You missed!" Dee snapped.
"Here,let me ... "
"Patience,Doctor,patience," Virginia said.
The rubber on the bike's front tire abruptly crumbled to black powder. Spokes collapsed, the wheel buckled and the bike careered across the road, the front forks scraping a shower of sparks from the concrete. Then the bike hit the low restraining wall on the bay side of the road and the rider was catapulted over it, disappearing without a sound.
"Subtle,as always, Virginia," Dee said. — Michael Scott

Sage Green Quotes By Marina And The Diamonds

I feel numb most of the time
The lower I get the higher I'll climb — Marina And The Diamonds

Sage Green Quotes By Angie Sage

Septimus look at Jenna, his green eyes serious, "It's a luxury Jen," he said.
"What do you mean?"
Septimus stared at the scraped and bloody snow at his feet. It took him some moments to reply.
"I mean ... " he began slowly. "I mean that if you go through life and never face a situation where, in order for your to survive, someone else has to die, then you're lucky. That's what I mean. — Angie Sage

Sage Green Quotes By Donna Grant

Guy's only thought was to help her. It wasn't until he'd shoved aside the curtain and held her very wet, very naked body against him that he realized what he'd done.
Her sage green eyes were wide as she stared at him. For long moments, they simply looked at each other.
"I heard you cry out."
"My ... my ankle," she said after clearing her throat. "I put too much pressure on it."
"A bath would have been better." He was valiantly trying to keep his gaze on her face, but it was difficult with her pert breasts against him and her bare ass beneath his hand as he held her up.
"Probably," she whispered. — Donna Grant

Sage Green Quotes By Christine Zolendz

Those green irises were like gentle pools of brilliant meadows of sage and green-envy coneflowers swaying in a warm breeze.
HOLY fuck. What the hell sort of poetry was that dribbling out of my twisted brain? — Christine Zolendz

Sage Green Quotes By Richelle Mead

Something clenched in my chest, and for a moment, the whole world narrowed down to the green of his eyes. — Richelle Mead

Sage Green Quotes By Sarah Bower

Agatha surveys the garden, its rows of crinkled spring cabbages and beanstalks entwining bowers of hawthorn and hazel. The rosemary is dotted with pale blue stars of blossom and chives nod heads of tousled purple. New sage leaves sprout silver green among the brittle, frost-browned remains of last year's growth. Lily of the valley, she thinks, that will be out in the cloister garden at Saint Justina's by now. — Sarah Bower

Sage Green Quotes By Richelle Mead

Sydney Katherine Sage," he said, his green eyes full of love and earnestness. "Would you do a brooding, deadbeat Moroi the honor of being his wife? — Richelle Mead

Sage Green Quotes By Seamus Heaney

I'm not personally obsessed with death. At a certain age, the light that you live in is inhabited by the shades - it 'tis. — Seamus Heaney

Sage Green Quotes By Carew Papritz

Wind now Sweeping over my Bare Back
I wish I could wrap up the glitter star-green of this moment and hand it to you like an angel gift.
Give you the heat lightning flying in jagged silence over the distant mountains. And the smell of September prairie grass and the even fainter scent of October pine now descending ...
Give you the invisible sage wind whisking past your cheeks. And the cricket quartets and frog symphonies that play near the creek's edge.
To collect these sensations like a scientist of the soul and give them to you in their finest hour of coincidence and destiny. — Carew Papritz

Sage Green Quotes By Stephen Lloyd Jones

Cotswold stone framed tiny sash windows gleaming with pale green paint. Wisteria vines twisted about the stone, bunches of purple flowers hanging thick and heavy with pollen. Above it all a tiled roof sagged with sage. — Stephen Lloyd Jones

Sage Green Quotes By Amy Seidl

The world is exploding in emerald, sage, and lusty chartreuse - neon green with so much yellow in it. It is an explosive green that, if one could watch it moment by moment throughout the day, would grow in every dimension. — Amy Seidl