Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sacrosanct Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sacrosanct Quotes

Sacrosanct Quotes By David Byrne

Likewise - now don't laugh - cars and trucks should view the bike lanes as if they are sacrosanct. A driver would never think of riding up on a sidewalk. Most drivers, anyway. Hell, there are strollers and little old ladies up there! It would be unthinkable, except in action movies. A driver would get a serious fine or maybe even get locked up. Everyone around would wonder who that asshole was. Well, bike lanes should be treated the same way. You wouldn't park your car or pull over for a stop on the sidewalk, would you? Well then, don't park in the bike lanes either - that forces cyclists into traffic where poor little meat puppets don't stand a chance. — David Byrne

Sacrosanct Quotes By Michael Sandel

I do not argue that nature is sacrosanct in the sense that we must never tamper with nature. That would disempower, really, all of medicine. That would mean that we can't combat dread diseases - malaria, polio, all of which are given by nature, if one thinks about it. — Michael Sandel

Sacrosanct Quotes By Dante Alighieri

O Virgins, sacrosanct, if I have ever, for your sake, suffered vigils,cold,, and hunger, great need makes me entreat my recompense. — Dante Alighieri

Sacrosanct Quotes By Matthew Battles

In the ideal public library, we are all readers of the "middling sort." Reading whatever we will, we fulfill a public function, preserving the sacrosanct space of inner thought that is our birthright. Assaults on that birthright in the forms of legislation, surveillance, and censorship ultimately are precisely as dangerous as our acquiescence in them. — Matthew Battles

Sacrosanct Quotes By Pat Conroy

No man or woman has the right to humiliate children, even in the sacrosanct name of education. No one has the right to beat children with leather straps, even under the sacred auspices of all school boards in the world. — Pat Conroy

Sacrosanct Quotes By Glenn Haybittle

The snow, the effect of concealment and secrecy it creates, makes him think of the brutality of the wartime legislation to forbid and violently extract secrets. It is as if the hushed white landscape is showing how sacrosanct are our secrets, how much of our vitality is bound up in them. — Glenn Haybittle

Sacrosanct Quotes By Skye Jethani

More than a century of marinating in this stew of products, ads, and desire has transformed the way people see themselves and the world. Although lack of self-control has always plagued humanity, for the first time in history, an economic system has been created that relies on it. If people began suppressing their desires and consuming only what they needed, our economy would collapse. To prevent this, satisfying personal desires has become sacrosanct. — Skye Jethani

Sacrosanct Quotes By Brenda Ueland

Science and vivisection make no appeal to a theological idea, much less a political one. You can argue with a theologian or a politician, but doctors are sacrosanct. They know; you do not. Science has its mystique much more powerful than any religion active today. — Brenda Ueland

Sacrosanct Quotes By Clifford D. Simak

There are certain segments of society that will never lend an ear to a new idea. They squat in a certain place and will not budge from it. They will find many reasons to maintain a way of life that is comfortable to them. They'll cling to old religions; they'll fasten with the grip of death on ethics that were dead, without their knowing it, centuries before; they will embrace a logic that can be blown over with a breath, still claiming it is sacrosanct. — Clifford D. Simak

Sacrosanct Quotes By Alan Arkin

Unless you're doing Shakespeare or Chekhov ... the written word is not sacrosanct. — Alan Arkin

Sacrosanct Quotes By Michael Dalton

There is no rule of writing so sacrosanct that a talented writer can't break it with impunity if he knows what he's doing. If you never cross lines or break conventions in your writing, you're not doing your job as an artist. — Michael Dalton

Sacrosanct Quotes By Timothy Egan

The [Apache] tribe was under siege by government agents, who had jailed some of the medicine men for practicing their rituals. Freedom of religion was cherished as a sacrosanct American right -- everywhere, that is, but on the archipelago of Indian life. — Timothy Egan

Sacrosanct Quotes By Daphne Merkin

It was through reading that I discovered the crucial, even sacrosanct place the rituals of drinking held in the American imagination - the ingenious way alcohol seemed to lubricate everything from onerous chitchat to self-conscious sexual advances. — Daphne Merkin

Sacrosanct Quotes By Theodore Sturgeon

Dear Mr. Garry,
Let us face it. Small considerations, magnified by the conventions, are not important to people like you and me. It is our duty to found a super-race together. My background of deep study into esoteric matters has convinced me that the only thing that can save the race is to people the world with the superior strain evident in both of us. I enclose a nude photograph of myself and will appreciate it if you will do likewise. I am thirty three years old and have kept myself sacrosanct awaiting this great moment. — Theodore Sturgeon

Sacrosanct Quotes By Willow Bay

On the Web no subject is sacrosanct. No one, from icon to unknown, is off-limits. — Willow Bay

Sacrosanct Quotes By Paul Watzlawick

The ideological premise, however, "can" not be defective; it is sacrosanct ... Whatever does not seem right, whatever does not fit, must be explained by something wrong outside of the ideology; for its perfection is beyond all doubt. In (t)his way the ideology immunizes itself by offering more and more hair-splitting accusations. Betrayal and the dark powers of inner and outer enemies lie in wait everywhere. Theories about conspiracies develop and conveniently hide the absurdity of the premise, necessitating and justifying bloody purges. — Paul Watzlawick

Sacrosanct Quotes By Bryant McGill

Freedom of expression and freedom of peaceable assembly must remain sacrosanct. — Bryant McGill

Sacrosanct Quotes By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Tocqueville was correct in his rendition of how the Constitution was formed, but he likely never dreamed that an American president would ever send an invading army to kill some 300,000 of his own citizens in order to destroy the right of secession, a right that all of America's founding fathers held as sacrosanct and that was at the very heart of the American system of government. — Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Sacrosanct Quotes By Laurie Beth Jones

As a leader, it is vitally important that you keep in touch with your boss on a regular, sacrosanct basis. Chances are your boss can provide an aerial view that will make your path more clear. — Laurie Beth Jones

Sacrosanct Quotes By Michael Shnayerson

In the hierarchy of public lands, national parks by law have been above the rest: America's most special places, where natural beauty and all its attendant pleasures - quiet waters, the scents of fir and balsam, the hoot of an owl, and the dark of a night sky unsullied by city lights - are sacrosanct. — Michael Shnayerson

Sacrosanct Quotes By Lois Lowry

A book, to me, is almost sacrosanct: such an individual and private thing. The reader brings his or her own history and beliefs and concerns, and reads in solitude, creating each scene from his own imagination as he does. There is no fellow ticket-holder in the next seat. — Lois Lowry

Sacrosanct Quotes By Rainn Wilson

So much about religion has to do with rigid, sacrosanct preciousness. I don't live my life that way, and I don't feel that's what Baha'u'llah teaches. — Rainn Wilson

Sacrosanct Quotes By Joseph Sobran

Controlling the interpretation of the Constitution is vital to the leftist agenda of expanding the federal government's power. That means keeping the federal judiciary as liberal as possible and treating the U.S. Supreme Court's liberal legacy as sacrosanct. — Joseph Sobran

Sacrosanct Quotes By Saroo Brierley

Mum had decided that there was nothing sacrosanct about families formed only by birth parents. Though brought up Catholic, she and Dad thought the world had enough children born into it already, with many millions of them in dire need. They agreed that there were other ways to create a family beyond having children themselves. — Saroo Brierley

Sacrosanct Quotes By Vikas Swarup

I'm the opposite of those writers who believe that my work is sacrosanct and cannot be touched. — Vikas Swarup

Sacrosanct Quotes By David Foster Wallace

The individual's right to pursue his own vision of the best ration of pleasure to pain: utterly sacrosanct. — David Foster Wallace

Sacrosanct Quotes By Steven Erikson

Peace did not serve order; order served peace, and when order became godlike, sacrosanct and inviolate, then the peace thus won became a prison, and those who sought their freedom became enemies to order, and in the elimination of such enemies, peace was lost. — Steven Erikson

Sacrosanct Quotes By Arthur Koestler

I don't approve of mixing ideologies," Ivanov continued. "There are only two conceptions of human ethics, and they are at opposite poles. One of them is Christian and humane, declares the individual to be sacrosanct, and asserts that the rules of arithmetic are not to be applied to human units. The other starts from the basic principle that a collective aim justifies all means, and not only allows, but demands, that the individual should in every way be subordinated and sacrificed to the community
which may dispose of it as an experimentation rabbit or a sacrificial lamb. The first conception could be called anti-vivisection morality, the second, vivisection morality. Humbugs and dilettantes have always tried to mix the two conceptions; in practice, it is impossible. — Arthur Koestler

Sacrosanct Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Our sacrosanct obligation is to tend to our own personal wounds and furiously love the entire world irrespective if the world loves us back. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Sacrosanct Quotes By Dorothy Stang

I don't want to flee, nor do I want to abandon the battle of these farmers who live without any protection in the forest. They have the sacrosanct right to aspire to a better life on land where they can live and work with dignity while respecting the environment. — Dorothy Stang

Sacrosanct Quotes By Kate Millett

It is necessary to realize that the most sacrosanct article of sexual politics in the period, the Victorian doctrine of chivalrous protection and its familiar protestations of respect, rests upon the tacit assumption, a cleverly expeditious bit of humbug, that all women were "ladies" - namely members of that fraction of the upper classes and bourgeoisie which treated women to expressions of elaborate concern, while permitting them no legal or personal freedom. The psycho-political tacit here is a pretense that the indolence and luxury of the upper-class woman's role in what Veblen called "vicarious consumption" was the happy lot of all women. The efficacy of this maneuver depends on dividing women by class and persuading the privileged that they live in an indulgence they scarcely deserve ... To succeed, both the sexual revolution and the Woman's Movement which led it would have to unmask chivalry and expose its courtesies as subtle manipulation. — Kate Millett

Sacrosanct Quotes By Jonathan Lee

I was the outsider in Fernhall House, but they were all outsiders really. Outside society. Outside time. You hear people say that those in asylums and care facilities are out of their minds. But in truth their minds are often the one thing they are not out of. Their whole being is sheltering behind walls of muscle and bone. Everything they are - and are not - exists within their sacrosanct headspace. — Jonathan Lee

Sacrosanct Quotes By William O. Douglas

The Arctic has a call that is compelling. The distant mountains [of the Brooks Range in Alaska] make one want to go on and on over the next ridge and over the one beyond. The call is that of a wilderness known only to a few ... This last American wilderness must remain sacrosanct. — William O. Douglas

Sacrosanct Quotes By Sam Harris

Some ... sexist evil probably predates religion and can be ascribed to our biology, but there is no question that religion promulgates and renders sacrosanct attitudes toward women that would be unseemly in a brachiating ape. — Sam Harris

Sacrosanct Quotes By C. G. Jung

The morbid thought had a power of its own that he could not control. It was not foreseen in his philosophical brand of psychology, where everything flowed neatly from consciousness and sense-perception. The professor admitted that his case was pathological, but there his thinking stopped, because it had arrived at the sacrosanct border-line between the philosophical and the medical faculty. — C. G. Jung

Sacrosanct Quotes By Franco Frattini

The free circulation of citizens, which is sacrosanct, cannot become the free circulation of criminals. — Franco Frattini

Sacrosanct Quotes By Kenneth A. Kitchen

No theory can be sacrosanct, and widespread acceptance of a theory does not guarantee its truth. — Kenneth A. Kitchen

Sacrosanct Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Images, I must suppose, have their use or they would not have been so popular. (It makes little difference whether they are pictures and statues outside the mind or imaginative constructions within it.) To me, however, their danger is more obvious. Images of the Holy easily become holy images - sacrosanct. My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself. He is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks of His presence? The Incarnation is the supreme example; it leaves all previous ideas of the Messiah in ruins. And most are 'offended' by the iconoclasm; and blessed are those who are not. But the same thing happens in our private prayers. — C.S. Lewis

Sacrosanct Quotes By Khoi Vinh

I know that what keeps me interested in my job and in the medium in general that what makes every few months more interesting, or newly interesting every few weeks, is the idea that everything is changing, that the ideas that you think are sacrosanct and unimpeachable suddenly are up for grabs again. — Khoi Vinh

Sacrosanct Quotes By Amy Jarecki

Before I go, please tell me one thing."

The candlelight flickered amber in her eyes. "Yes?"

He licked his lips and glanced toward the coveted, yet sacrosanct bedchamber. "I would like to know the given name of the woman who can kiss me so passionately she makes me want to climb to the rooftops and roar."

Her cheeks turned the color of her mantle and she grasped the latch. "Jane," she whispered.

"Well then." He stepped in and touched his lips to her forehead, "Goodnight, Lady Jane. — Amy Jarecki

Sacrosanct Quotes By Paul Feyerabend

Science is not sacrosanct. The mere fact that it exists, is admired, has results is not sufficient for making it a measure of excellence. Modern science arose from global objections against earlier views and rationalism itself, the idea that there are general rules and standards for conducting our affairs, affairs of knowledge included, arose from global objections to common sense. — Paul Feyerabend

Sacrosanct Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

The pathetic thing that grows out of this condition is called faith: in other words, closing one's eyes upon one's self once for all, to avoid suffering the sight of incurable falsehood. People erect a concept of morality, of virtue, of holiness upon this false view of all things; they ground good conscience upon faulty vision; they argue that no other sort of vision has value any more, once they have made theirs sacrosanct with the names of "God," "salvation" and "eternity." I unearth this theological instinct in all directions: it is the most widespread and the most subterranean form of falsehood to be found on earth. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Sacrosanct Quotes By Anne Fadiman

The chambermaid believed in courtly love. A book's physical self was sacrosanct to her, its form inseparable from its content; her duty as a lover was Platonic adoration, a noble but doomed attempt to conserve forever the state of perfect chastity in which it had left the bookseller. — Anne Fadiman

Sacrosanct Quotes By Karl Popper

No particular theory may ever be regarded as absolutely certain ... No scientific theory is sacrosanct ... — Karl Popper

Sacrosanct Quotes By Susan Cain

We tend to forget that there's nothing sacrosanct about learning in large group classrooms, and that we organize students this way not because it's the best way to learn but because it's cost-efficient, — Susan Cain

Sacrosanct Quotes By Leviak B. Kelly

As noble (and often ignoble) creatures of the universe, the people of the world must acknowledge the nakedness of long held beliefs and be open to constructive criticism. Even if the criticism comes from within or without the structures held sacrosanct. — Leviak B. Kelly

Sacrosanct Quotes By Salman Rushdie

The moment you say that any idea system is sacred, whether it's a religious belief system or a secular ideology, the moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible.
[Defend the right to be offended (openDemocracy, 7 February 2005)] — Salman Rushdie

Sacrosanct Quotes By Wolfgang Streeck

In the United States, the sacrosanct nature of dreams, never to be critically assessed, may be the most powerful impediment to political radicalization and collective action. — Wolfgang Streeck

Sacrosanct Quotes By Ret. Gen. Peter Pace

Your integrity is sacrosanct. It is who you are. Never let anyone step on your integrity - that's absolutely where you must stand solid. — Ret. Gen. Peter Pace

Sacrosanct Quotes By James Lee Burke

There are events you witness, or in which you participate, that forever remain sacrosanct and inviolate in memory, no matter how painful that memory is, because of the cost that you or others paid in order to be there in that moment when the camera lens clicked shut. — James Lee Burke

Sacrosanct Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

Libertarianism is a way of measuring how the government and other kinds of systems respect the individual. At the core of libertarianism is the idea that the individual is sacrosanct and that anything that's done contrary to the well-being of the individual needs some pretty serious justification. — P. J. O'Rourke

Sacrosanct Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Images of the Holy easily become holy images
sacrosanct. My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself. He is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks His presence? The Incarnation is the supreme example; it leads all previous idea of the Messiah in ruins. — C.S. Lewis

Sacrosanct Quotes By Mike Mansfield

Once secrecy becomes sacrosanct, it invites abuse. — Mike Mansfield

Sacrosanct Quotes By N. T. Wright

We have lived for too long in a world, and tragically in a Church, where the wills and affections of human beings are regarded as sacrosanct as they stand, where God is required to command what we already love, and to promise what we already desire. — N. T. Wright

Sacrosanct Quotes By Julie James

Say she had nefarious motives."
Davis looked over at Jack with a bemused grin. "Nefarious. This is what we get when we hire a
Yale boy."
"You missed sacrosanct earlier. And taciturn and glowering," Jack said.
"What's glowering?"
"Me, apparently. — Julie James

Sacrosanct Quotes By Kate Braverman

Women are defined by their biography, and men are sacrosanct from their biography. — Kate Braverman

Sacrosanct Quotes By Thomas Nagel

I realize that such doubts will strike many people as outrageous, but that is because almost everyone in our secular culture has been browbeaten into regarding the reductive research program as sacrosanct, on the ground that anything else would not be science. — Thomas Nagel

Sacrosanct Quotes By Joshua Ferris

I never did anything on game night, even though I recorded the games and could always watch them later, because those nights were sacrosanct, and if I gave up the one sacrosanct thing, where would I be and what would I have? — Joshua Ferris

Sacrosanct Quotes By Peter Landesman

What interested me was the story of Bennet Omalu. You hear his narrative: Immigrant from Nigeria, landing in Pittsburgh, only to learn and tell the truth about this most American - and sacrosanct - cultural institution: the NFL. — Peter Landesman

Sacrosanct Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Our children are an integral component of our stories as we are of theirs and, therefore, each child acts as the knighted messengers to carry their forebears' stories into the future. To deprive our children of the narrative cells regarding the formation of the ozone layer that rims the atmosphere of our ancestors' saga and parental determination of selfhood is to deny them of the sacred right to claim the sanctity of their heritage. Accordingly, all wrinkled brow natives are chargeable with the sacrosanct obligation of telling their kith and kin the memorable story of the scenic days they spent as children of nature splashing about in their naked innocence in the brook of infinite time and space. We must scrupulous document our family's history as well as scrawl out our personal story. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Sacrosanct Quotes By Susan Cain

Moreover, they tell us that the Extrovert Ideal is not as sacrosanct as we may have thought. So if, deep down, you've been thinking that it's only natural for the bold and sociable to dominate the reserved and sensitive, and that the Extrovert Ideal is innate to humanity, Robert McCrae's personality map suggests a different truth: that each way of being - quiet and talkative, careful and audacious, inhibited and unrestrained - is characteristic of its own mighty civilization. — Susan Cain

Sacrosanct Quotes By Gary J. Shipley

He remembers the philosophers dead with detail, and how they honed their trade into the grave for the sake of their livelihoods. Incapable of audacity, they pleasured themselves with a maze constructed of nothing but dead-ends. They were so petrified they might happen upon the truth, might come to know something for certain, that they deployed some of their best minds to obliterate it, scattering its shards into infinity. But they were only trying to keep the dream alive, after all, fighting to keep the questions outnumbering the answers, picking away at the odd dropped stitch in an otherwise ever-tightening blanket of sacrosanct precision. They fought hard, if unwittingly, against the encroaching dullness of complete knowledge, but ultimately paid the price of becoming as dull as their enemy - at least the chemical truths of literature sometimes bothered to wear a suit and tie. — Gary J. Shipley

Sacrosanct Quotes By Sam Harris

In my experience with print journalists, the distinction between remarks being uttered on- or off-the-record is held sacrosanct, but the distinction between truth and falsity sometimes isn't. — Sam Harris

Sacrosanct Quotes By Milan Kundera

The novelist teaches the reader to comprehend the world as a question. There is wisdom and tolerance in that attitude. In a world built on sacrosanct certainties the novel is dead. — Milan Kundera

Sacrosanct Quotes By Doug Stanhope

High definition ruined a lot of things that I used to hold sacrosanct in pornography. — Doug Stanhope

Sacrosanct Quotes By George Orwell

Stalin is sacrosanct and certain aspects of his policy must not be seriously discussed. — George Orwell

Sacrosanct Quotes By Paul Kurtz

Skepticism is essential to the quest for knowledge, for it is in the seedbed of puzzlement that genuine inquiry takes root. Without skepticism, we may remain mired in unexamined belief systems that are accepted as sacrosanct yet have no factual basis in reality. — Paul Kurtz

Sacrosanct Quotes By Letty Cottin Pogrebin

I find it profoundly symbolic that I am appearing before a committee of fifteen men who will report to a legislative body of one hundred men because of a decision handed down by a court comprised of nine men
on an issue that affects millions of women ... I have the feeling that if men could get pregnant, we wouldn't be struggling for this legislation. If men could get pregnant, maternity benefits would be as sacrosanct as the G.I. Bill. — Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Sacrosanct Quotes By Peter Singer

Why [..] should the boundary of sacrosanct life match the boundary of our species? — Peter Singer

Sacrosanct Quotes By Richard Holbrooke

People in uniform are not sacrosanct. They don't have all the answers. The use of force is a political decision at its core, in terms of its objectives; then the military, as the experts, must be brought in to tell you how to do it. — Richard Holbrooke

Sacrosanct Quotes By Julie James

You don't touch the purse. The purse is sacrosanct. — Julie James

Sacrosanct Quotes By John Kenneth Galbraith

The shortcomings of economics are not original error but uncorrected obsolescence. The obsolescence has occurred because what is convenient has become sacrosanct. Anyone who attacks such ideas must seem to be a trifle self-confident and even aggressive. The man who makes his entry by leaning against an infirm door gets an unjustified reputation for violence. Something is to be attributed to the poor state of the door. — John Kenneth Galbraith

Sacrosanct Quotes By Chris Riddell

My sketchbook is not sacrosanct, and my children would draw on one page while I drew on the other. It was something we shared. — Chris Riddell

Sacrosanct Quotes By Helene Hanff

I personally can't think of anything less sacrosanct than a bad book or even a mediocre book. — Helene Hanff

Sacrosanct Quotes By Florence King

The feminization of America has made emotions sacrosanct while condemning as cold and unfeeling rigorous concepts such as duty andhonor. Propelled by incessant hosannas to woman's "finer" this and "softer" that, we make emotional decisions instead of ethical ones and then congratulate ourselves for having "heart. — Florence King

Sacrosanct Quotes By Lois Lowry

A stage adaptation of The Giver has been performed in cities and towns across the USA for years. More recently an opera has been composed and performed. And soon there will be a film. Does The Giver have the same effect when it is presented in a different way: It's hard to know. A book, to me is almost sacrosanct: such an individual and private thing. The reader brings his or her own history and beliefs and concerns, and reads in solitude, creating each scene from his own imagination as he does. There is no fellow ticket-holder in the next seat. The important thing is that another medium
stage, film, music
doesn't obliterate a book. The movie is here now, on a big screen, with stars and costumes and a score. But the book hasn't gone away. It has simply grown up, grown larger, and begun to glisten in a new way. — Lois Lowry

Sacrosanct Quotes By Ron Chernow

I'm dubious about having Social Security put into the stock market. I think that we have gotten very far away from the idea that there's something sacrosanct about retirement investments. — Ron Chernow

Sacrosanct Quotes By Donna Goddard

If love isn't there, nothing will grow. If it is, there is always hope and it will win in the end. Love is vital and sacrosanct. — Donna Goddard

Sacrosanct Quotes By Milan Kundera

The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything ... The novelist teaches the reader to comprehend the world as a question. There is wisdom and tolerance in that attitude. In a world built on sacrosanct certainties the novel is dead. The totalitarian world, whether founded on Marx, Islam, or anything else, is a world of answers rather than questions. There, the novel has no place. — Milan Kundera

Sacrosanct Quotes By Shashi Tharoor

The U.N. guards the vital principles entrenched in its charter, notably the sovereign equality of states and the inadmissibility of interference in their internal affairs. It is precisely because the U.N. is the chief guardian of both these sacrosanct principles that it alone is allowed to approve derogations from them. — Shashi Tharoor

Sacrosanct Quotes By Bill McCollum

[A new all-encompassing national identification system] contradicts some of our most sacrosanct American principles of personal liberty and expectations of privacy and is far in excess of what is needed to provide us with the security and protections we all want. — Bill McCollum

Sacrosanct Quotes By Wole Soyinka

The arrogant elimination of the Djaouts of our world must nerve us to pursue our own combative doctrine, namely: that peaceful cohabitation on this planet demands that while the upholders of any creed are free to adopt their own existential absolutes, the right of others to do the same is thereby rendered implicit and sacrosanct. Thus the creed of inquiry, of knowledge and exchange of ideas, must be upheld as an absolute, as ancient and eternal as any other. — Wole Soyinka

Sacrosanct Quotes By Anne Rice

I looked up and saw myself in a most palpable vision ascending the altar steps, opening the tiny sacrosanct tabernacle, reaching with monstrous hands for the consecrated ciborium, and taking the Body of Christ and strewing Its white wafers all over the carpet; and walking then on the sacred wafers, walking up and down before the altar, giving Holy Communion to the dust. I rose up now in the pew and stood there staring at this vision. I knew full well the meaning of it. God did not live in this church; these statues gave an image to nothingness, I was the supernatural in this cathedral. I was the only supermortal thing that stood conscious under this roof! — Anne Rice