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Quotes & Sayings About Sacrifice In Friendship

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Top Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Rosemary Sutcliff

The young Centurion, who had been completely still throughout, said very softly, as though to himself, "Greater love hath no man
" and Justin thought it sounded as though he were quoting someone else. — Rosemary Sutcliff

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Shaikh Ashraf

We are born, we get names, we get educated, we get values, we get job and money. But all this is not life, life is love found in friendship, friendship found in love and in love, sacrifice." Vijay — Shaikh Ashraf

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Love is years of devotion, sacrifice, commitment, loyalty, trust, faith, and friendship all wrapped up in one. True love does more than cause your heart to flutter. It upholds your heart when the infatuation no longer makes it flutter. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Love never lives on a one-way street, for it will always come back up the road bigger than how we had sent it down the road. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Kahlil Gibran

Only yesterday I was no different than them, yet I was saved. I am explaining to you the way of life of a people who say every sort of wicked thing about me because I sacrificed their friendship to gain my own soul. I left the dark paths of their duplicity and turned my eyes toward the light where there is salvation, truth, and justice. They have exiled me now from their society, yet I am content. Mankind only exiles the one whose large spirit rebels against injustice and tyranny. He who does not prefer exile to servility is not free in the true and necessary sense of freedom. — Kahlil Gibran

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Lawrence Reed

Where there are love and generosity, there is joy. Where there are sincerity and sacrifice, there is friendship. Where there are harmony and simplicity, there is beauty. Where there are prayer and forgiveness, there is peace. Where there are moderation and patience, there is wisdom. Where there are conflicts and crises, there is opportunity. Where there are wonder and adventure, there is growth. Where there are adoration and confession, there is worship. Where there are compassion and concern, there is God. Where there are faith and hope, there is spring. — Lawrence Reed

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Beth Moore

My name is Pride. I am a cheater. I cheat you of your God-given destiny ... because you demand your own way. I cheat you of contentment ... because you "deserve better than this." I cheat you of knowledge ... because you already know it all. I cheat you of healing ... because you're too full of me to forgive. I cheat you of holiness ... because you refuse to admit when you're wrong. I cheat you of vision ... because you'd rather look in the mirror than out a window. I cheat you of genuine friendship ... because nobody's going to know the real you. I cheat you of love ... because real romance demands sacrifice. I cheat you of greatness in heaven ... because you refuse to wash another's feet on earth. I cheat you of God's glory ... because I convince you to seek your own. My name is Pride. I am a cheater. You like me because you think I'm always looking out for you. Untrue. — Beth Moore

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke

Love will sacrifice more to others than friendship, but then it exacts more from them. — Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Reyna Pryde

Even if I never get to see the light of heaven, it will still be worth my sacrifice as long as I save you. — Reyna Pryde

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Erin Bow

Taggle looked up at her, his amber eyes as deep as the loneliness Kate had felt before he became her friend.
"The traditional thing," he said slowly, "involves the river and a sack. — Erin Bow

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Christopher Moore

For me, 'Lamb' started out as a further exploration of the phenomenon of faith and the responsibility of a messiah that I touched on in 'Coyote Blue' and 'Island of the Sequined Love Nun,' but it ended up being an exploration of the true meaning of sacrifice, loyalty, and friendship. — Christopher Moore

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Jonathan Anthony Burkett

In every relationship one must sacrifice to show thy love. Are you willing to make sacrifices for someone you love? — Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Milan Kundera

Today I know this: when it comes time to take stock, the most painful wound is that of broken friendships; and there is nothing more foolish than to sacrifice a friendship to politics. — Milan Kundera

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By John Wilmot

If you have a grateful heart (which is a miracle amongst you statesmen), show it by directing the bearer to the best wine in town, and pray let not this highest point of sacred friendship be performed slightly, but go about it with all due deliberation and care, as holy priests to sacrifice, or as discreet thieves to the wary performance of burglary and shop-lifting. Let your well-discerning palate (the best judge about you) travel from cellar to cellar and then from piece to piece till it has lighted on wine fit for its noble choice and my approbation. — John Wilmot

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Joko Ono

To find out if you really are friends with someone, consider what you can sacrifice to help him. — Joko Ono

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

There is a fine line between friendship and parenting, and when that line is crossed, the result is often disastrous. A parent who strives to make a true friend of his or her child may well sacrifice authority, and though that parent may be comfortable with surrendering the dominant position, the unintentional result will be to steal from that child the necessary guidance and, more importantly, the sense of security the parent is supposed to impart. On the opposite side, a friend who takes a role as parent forgets the most important ingredient of friendship: respect. For respect is the guiding principle of friendship, the lighthouse beacon that directs the course of any true friendship. And respect demands trust. — R.A. Salvatore

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Thomas A Kempis

Some there are who resign themselves, but with certain reservation; they do not trust fully in God and therefore they try to provide for themselves. Others, again, at first offer all, but afterward are assailed by temptation and return to what they have renounced, thereby making no progress in virtue. These will not reach the true liberty of a pure heart nor the grace of happy friendship with Me unless they first make a full resignation and a daily sacrifice of themselves. Without this no fruitful union lasts nor will last. — Thomas A Kempis

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Emily Giffin

I love him wholly and unconditionally and without reservation. I love him enough to sacrifice a friendship. I love him enough to accept my own happiness and use it, in turn, to make him happy back. — Emily Giffin

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

For me, to remember friendship is to recall those conversations that it seemed a sin to break off: the ones that made the sacrifice of the following day a trivial one. — Christopher Hitchens

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Richard Russo

In the end it all came down to companionship, to friendship, to sacrifice, to compromise. — Richard Russo

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Sydney J. Harris

The paradox of friendship is that it is both the strongest thing in the world and the most fragile. Wild horses cannot separate friends, but whining words can. A man will lay down his life for his friend but will not sacrifice his eardrums. — Sydney J. Harris

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Khaled Hosseini

I loved him in that moment, loved him more than I'd ever loved anyone, and I wanted to to tell them all that I was the snake in the grass, the monster in the lake. I wasn't worthy of this sacrifice; I was a liar, a cheat, a thief. And I would have told, except that a part of me was glad. Glad that this would all be over with soon. Baba would dismiss them, there would be some pain, but life would move on. I wanted that, to move on, to forget, to start with a clean slate. I wanted to be able to breathe again. — Khaled Hosseini

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life. If I had to give a piece of advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I should say, 'sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near your friends. — C.S. Lewis

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Pope Pius XII

This practice of adoration is based on strong and solid reasons. For the Eucharist is at once a sacrifice and a sacrament; but it differs from the other sacraments in that it not only produces grace, but contains in a permanent manner the Author of Grace Himself. When, therefore, the Church bids us to adore Christ hidden behind the Eucharistic veils and to pray to Him for spiritual and temporal favors, of which we ever stand in need, she manifests faith in her divine Spouse who is present beneath these veils, she professes her gratitude to Him, and she enjoys the intimacy of His friendship — Pope Pius XII

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Walt Whitman

Poor boy! I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you — Walt Whitman

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Lauren Kate

Sometimes love was not about winning, but about wise sacrifice and the realiability of friends like Arianne. Friendship, Roland realized, was its very own kind of love. — Lauren Kate

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By P.W. Catanese

I haven't been around here for long. Well ... actually, I haven't been around anywhere for long. I don't know who I am, or what I'm here for. I know that Lord Umber's important, though. I've seen all the good things he's done. I know for sure the world needs him. I can't say that about me. — P.W. Catanese

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Sadashivan Nair

Love isn't in body to body contact nor is it in the emotions oozed through tears and weeps. Real love lies in soul to soul connection that you can feel through spiritual practices. Love is boundless and selflessness often we mistake with greedy contentment. Love is give and sacrifice — Sadashivan Nair

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By John Herrick

I've learned difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Acquaintances provide a warm body in the room. They provide entertainment. They can keep you from feeling lonely. And acquaintances don't involve sacrifice. If they don't fit your schedule, it's no big loss. You can know someone for decades, get together with them on countless occasions, and never become their friend. Friendship means cutting away a small piece of your heart and allowing another person to fill that gap. Friendship is anchored in love. When we put love into action, it communicates value. — John Herrick

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Jim George

Every good marriage must be a friendship between two people who are willing to sacrifice for the other person. — Jim George

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Henry Fielding

[A]s it is impossible that any man endowed with rational faculties, and being in a state of freedom, should willingly agree, without some motive of love or friendship, absolutely to sacrifice his own interest to that of another; it becomes necessary to impose upon him, to persuade him, that his own good is designed, and that he will be a gainer by coming into those schemes, which are, in reality, calculated for his destruction. And this, if I mistake not, is the very essence of that excellent art, called the art of politics. — Henry Fielding

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Marcel Proust

I had reached the point, at Balbec, of regarding the pleasure of playing with a troop of girls as less destructive of the spiritual life, to which at least it remains alien, than friendship, the whole effort of which is directed towards making us sacrifice the only part of ourselves that is real and incommunicable (otherwise than by means of art) to a superficial self which, unlike the other, finds no joy in its own being, but rather a vague, sentimental glow at feeling itself supported by external props, hospitalised in an extraneous individuality, where, happy in the protection that is afforded it there, it expresses its well-being in warm approval and marvels at qualities which it would denounce as failings and seek to correct in itself. — Marcel Proust

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Janvier Chouteu-Chando

...The world gets blessed every now and then with unique souls who though burdened by their invisible crosses, still have the extraordinary strength to forge ahead in life and give others a helping hand at the same time. Despite their tribulations, most of us think they are fine. Even when the weight of their crosses become unbearable, even when they proceed in a breathless manner, we still have a hard time understanding that they are drowning. In fact, we even condemn them for failing to sacrifice more... — Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Keith Ward

True sacrifice is the offering of self so that God can realize the power of creativity, compassion and friendship in and through your life. — Keith Ward

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Samuel Johnson

Friendship may well deserve the sacrifice of pleasure, though not of conscience. — Samuel Johnson

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Christine Fonseca

Each memory rips through me, and although I stow myself against the emotions, I can't prevent the pain that accompanies each image. Pain for a love never acknowledged, pain for a friendship now gone. Pain for a loss I can't possibly endure. — Christine Fonseca

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Jessica Fortunato

You think me noble?" She rolled to her side facing him. "Am I saint-like? Do I slay dragons and hang the moon as well? — Jessica Fortunato

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Jackson Browne

Give up your heart and you lose your way
Trusting another to feel that way.
Give up your heart and you find yourself living for something in somebody else.
Sometimes you wonder what happens to love.
Sometimes the touch of a friend is enough. — Jackson Browne

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Robert Patrick Lewis

It is something that cannot be explained or even understood until you've lived it; a man can't know or fully appreciate his life until he's been close enough to taste the end of it, and the bonds forged in battle are some of the strongest a man could ever have. We are brothers, the men of ODA 022, and though we didn't have the same blood running through our veins, we had all shed the blood of others together, and knew that none of us would hesitate to step in the way of fate and take a round or jump on a grenade to save one another. — Robert Patrick Lewis

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Sean Stewart

A real friendship is like a marriage: for richer and poorer, for better and for worse. If the moment of truth comes, and you can't bear to make a sacrifice, what kind of friend are you? — Sean Stewart

Sacrifice In Friendship Quotes By Martin Schulz

Would I sacrifice a friendship to take a step forward in my political career? Thus far in my political career, I have been spared from having to make such a decision, thank God. And I can't imagine what it must be like. — Martin Schulz