Famous Quotes & Sayings

Roelf Van Quotes & Sayings

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Top Roelf Van Quotes

Roelf Van Quotes By Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The unchangeable can only be realised in silence. Once realised,
it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining unaffected. — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Roelf Van Quotes By Taraji P. Henson

I'm not interested in disposable music. — Taraji P. Henson

Roelf Van Quotes By Tony Robbins

The best way to get a better answer is to start asking a better question. — Tony Robbins

Roelf Van Quotes By Paulo Coelho

The acomodador or giving-up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappointment in love, even a victory that we did not quite understand, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his hidden powers, the shaman must first free himself from that giving-up point and, to do so, he must review his while life and find out where it occured. — Paulo Coelho

Roelf Van Quotes By Kiera Cass

You're absolutely right. And I don't know if that will scare the rebels off or make them more determined, but there's no doubt you changed the game. — Kiera Cass

Roelf Van Quotes By Robert Moss

Subatomic particles exist in all possible states until they are observed - at which point something definite emerges from the soup of possibilities. — Robert Moss

Roelf Van Quotes By Kallistos Ware

Fr. Amphilochios, the geronta or elder on the island of Patmos when I first stayed there, would have been in full agreement. Do you know, he said, that God gave us one more commandment, which is not recorded in Scripture? It is the commandment love the trees. Whoever does not love trees, so he believed, does not love God. When you plant a tree, he insisted, you plant hope, you plant peace, you plant love, and you will receive God's blessing. — Kallistos Ware

Roelf Van Quotes By Terry Pratchett

A dollar for a human bought a loaf of bread that was eaten in a few bites. The same dollar for Wee Mad Arthur bought the same-sized loaf, but it was food for a week and could then be further hollowed out and used as a bedroom. — Terry Pratchett