Risk Reward Quotes & Sayings
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Top Risk Reward Quotes

His gaze was soft on my face, filled with a sudden tenderness that made my throat tight. "You're the greatest risk I've ever taken." He pressed his lips gently to mine. "And the greatest reward."
Chapter 6, pg 100 — Sylvia Day

The biggest problem which is ever than is from the parents by saying "Don't give your money to the kids" or something like this. People must learn to risk, to make risks, not to be people which to play safety. If it is safety where is adrenaline? Where is the mess?? Where is the curiosity?? Where is the reward after all done??
Where are the challanges which change your way of thinking?? Where are the lessons???
Parents should teach their child or children about safety and about the risk. "They must say to them that to make risk is the part of the proccess! — Deyth Banger

Entrepreneurs often underestimate costs and overestimate rewards. But the fact that they estimate & still take action sets them apart from peers. — Ryan Lilly

To me it is harder to play a real person, but when you do it and you feel good about it and the person feels good about it, I think that's doubly rewarding. So the challenge is greater, the risk is greater, but the reward is greater as well. — Donnie Wahlberg

There's no reward without work, no victory without effort, no battle won without risk. — Nora Roberts

Sometimes we know in our bones what we really need to do, but we're afraid to do it. Taking a chance and stepping beyond the safety of the world we've always known is the only way to grow, though and without risk there is no reward. — Wil Wheaton

Sometimes you have to just go for what you want. Take the risk in order to get the reward. — Melody Carlson

To the army of common soldiers, who do the actual fighting, and risk mutilation and death, there is no reward except the consciousness of duty bravely performed. — Warren Olney

For some people though, the typical American lifestyle just doesn't cut it. They want something else, something different, and that in itself is pretty scary. Breaking away from what's normal can be absolutely terrifying (and exciting) because there is just no way of knowing how it will pay off. It's higher risk, and hopefully higher reward. — Stephanie Yoder

Don't make decisions based on whatever problem you're having.You should make choices based on what outcome you want.Decision has to be made with the bigger picture in mind. You've to weigh the risks against the rewards of your decisions.And when the balance begins to tip one way or the other,you just have to find the courage to do it.Risk vs reward & then follow your heart. — Adriana Locke

If you can talk the talk but cant walk the walk youll look like a fool. That's the risk but with great risk comes great reward. — Chael Sonnen

Thomas Stanley has not only found no correlation between success in school and an ability to accumulate wealth, he's actually found a negative correlation. 'It seems that school-related evaluations are poor predictors of economic success,' Stanley concluded. What did predict success was a willingness to take risks. Yet the success-failure standards of most schools penalized risk takers. Most educational systems reward those who play it safe. As a result, those who do well in school find it hard to take risks later on. — Richard Farson

Fairchild Parent rewarded Fairchild Child's success the way all East Coast companies of the era did: it kept a sizable chunk of the profits to fund other company operations, and it promoted the people at the top of the division to a fancier position and a better salary for a job well done. Back in New Jersey, it didn't cross anyone's mind that this was exactly the wrong response to an egalitarian company that shared both risk and reward among all of its employees, whose executives had moved to California precisely to get away from the Old World of business, and which needed to plow most of its profits back into product development to stay ahead of the competition in a fast-moving take-no-prisoners industry. — Michael S. Malone

Adventures are funny things.
Some streak down upon you like a storm.
Others emerge after many years have passed and something forgotten is revealed.
They can be discovered on a dusty bookshelf or the yellowed pages of an ancient map.
They promise great reward, but no adventure is without risk. — Wayne Thomas Batson

However, optimism is highly valued, socially and in the market; people and firms reward the providers of dangerously misleading information more than they reward truth tellers. One of the lessons of the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession is that there are periods in which competition, among experts and among organizations, creates powerful forces that favor a collective blindness to risk and uncertainty. — Daniel Kahneman

Now that I am past picking the knife to stab one, the reward of stabbing a few more comes at an unfairly lower risk! — Pawan Mishra

Researchers have discovered that adolescents do not walk around with a defect that prevents them from properly assessing risk. B. J. Casey, a neuroscientist at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, notes that it's just the opposite: adolescents overestimate risk, at least when it comes to situations involving their own mortality. The real problem is that they assign a greater value to the reward they will get from taking that risk than adults do. It turns out that dopamine, the hormone that signals pleasure, is never so explosively active in human beings as it is during puberty. Never over the course of our lives will we feel anything quite so intensely, or quite so exultantly, again. — Jennifer Senior

1. Project What is the project? Why is it unique? Why is the business needed? Why will customers love your product? 2. Partners Who are you? Who are the partners? What are your educational backgrounds? How much experience do you all have? How are you and your partners qualified to make the project a success? 3. Financing What is the total cost of the project? How much debt and how much equity is there? Are partners investing their own money? What is the investor's return and reward for their risk? What are the tax consequences? Who is your CFO or accounting firm? Who is responsible for investor communications? What is the investor's exit? 4. Management Who is running your company? What is their experience? What is their track record? Have they ever failed? How does their experience relate to your industry? Do you believe this is the strongest management team you can assemble? Can you pitch them with confidence? — Donald J. Trump

True love, whether you live your life on the run or spend it in the same house where you raise your children, is never easy and it's certainly never safe. It's a risk we take believing the reward is greater than what we give up. — Rachel Higginson

To many Congressmen and Senators right now, there's a ceaseless antagonism toward Hollywood because politically, it is high-reward and low-risk. So when you can't do anything about poverty or the budget deficit, and you can't deal with Bosnia or the possibility of nuclear explosions in Russia, what do you do? You bash Hollywood and get on the front pages. — Jack Valenti

Circumstances could change quickly at the outer edges of the world, bound as they were to the global economy, yet distant from its heart. — Charles Emmerson

I'VE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST: There is ONE technique that can work to both find the risk, and close the deal. BUT it's a delicate one that requires mastery through preparation and practice. The strategy is called: What's the risk? What's the reward? When a prospect hesitates, you simply ask him or her to list the risks of purchase. Actually write them down. Prompt others. If the prospect says "I'm not sure," you ask, "Could it be ..." After you feel the list is complete, ask the prospect to list the rewards. Write them down, and embellish as much as possible without puking on the prospect. Then eliminate the risks one by one with lead in phrases like: Suppose we could ... did you know that ... I think we can ... Then you simply ask, "can you see any other reasons not to proceed?" One at a time, brick by brick, remove the risks that the buyer perceives as fatal mistakes in his decision-making process. Then drive home the rewards, both emotionally and logically. — Jeffrey Gitomer

Always understand the risk/reward of the trade as it now stands, not as it existed when you put the position on. Some people say, "I was only playing with the market's money." That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. — Bill Lipschutz

As de Saussure said, risk-taking brings with it its own reward: it keeps a "continual agitation alive" in the heart. Hope, fear. Hope, fear - this is the fundamental rhythm of mountaineering. Life, it frequently seems in the mountains, is more intensely lived the closer one gets to its extinction: we never feel so alive as when we have nearly died. — Robert Macfarlane

If it was really successful, it was a life calling, a career I was excited about doing, so I didn't think the overall risk was anywhere near as high as what the reward was. — John Hickenlooper

Risk is reward inside out. — Matshona Dhliwayo

...If there is no risk, there is no reward. — Christy Raedeke

Emperors are not made from cowards; they are made from those who take great risk where there stands to be even greater gain. — A.J. Darkholme

Risk is the twin of reward. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Singin' In the Rain might get you through an anxious week or two, but it won't get you through an anxious life. For that you need either a brain transplant (the only procedure of its kind, it has been said, in which it is better to be a donor than a recipient), a fully stocked bomb shelter, or a thorough adjustment of your perspective on existential risk and reward. — Daniel Smith

Adventure comes with no guarantees or promises. Risk and reward are conjoined twins - and that's why my favorite piece of advice needs translation but no disclaimers: Fortes fortuna juvat. 'Fortune favors the brave,' the ancient Roman dramatist Terrence declared. In other words, there are many good reasons not to toss your life up in the air and see how it lands. Just don't let fear be one of them. — Mary South

Bigger the risk, bigger the reward. But the higher the climb the harder the fall. — Greyson Chance

Sustainability is today's freedom crusade, because the next generation will not live free - will not have the freedom to pursue its economic dreams or to delight in all that nature has to offer - if our approach to the financial world and the natural are not grounded in sustainable values. That lack of sustainability will constrict everything in our lives. It will limit everything we might want to do. Unless we become less dependent on hydrocarbons, and unless we find a balance between the need for markets to be free enough to reward innovation and risk-taking but not so free as to reward recklessness that can destabilize the whole global economy, our lives will be reduced, redacted, and restricted. We will be overwhelmed by all the toxic assets we will produce in the Market and in Mother Nature. It will feel worse than had the Soviet Union won the Cold War, because we and our children will be enslaved by our financial debts and constricted by our ecological debts. — Thomas L. Friedman

I've wanted everything in my life to change for so long, and when it's finally about to, my urge to escape slows down. I think that's why people stay unhappy for so long, you know? Miserable or not, it's easier to stick with what's familiar.
Do you notice that, too? How all of us just want to get through life as quickly and as easily as possible? And even though we know that without risk there's no reward, we're still so scared to chance it? — Penelope Douglas

Often hell is portrayed as a place of punishment and heaven as a place of reward. But this concept easily leads us to think about God as either a policeman, who tries to catch us when we make a mistake and send us to prison when our mistakes become too big, or a Santa Claus, who counts up all our good deeds and puts rewards in our stockings at the end of the year. God, however, is neither a policeman nor a Santa Claus. God does not send us to heaven or hell depending on how often we obey or disobey. God is love and only love. In God there is no hatred, desire for revenge, or pleasure in seeing us punished. God wants to forgive, heal, restore, show us endless mercy, and see us come home. But just as the father of the prodigal son let his son make his own decision, God gives us the freedom to refuse God's love, even at the risk of destroying ourselves. Hell is not God's choice. It is ours. — Henri J.M. Nouwen

Because the reward is worth the risk. — Susan Mallery

Everyone can tell you the risk. An entrepreneur can see the reward. — Robert Kiyosaki

The greater the potential for reward in the value portfolio, the less risk there is. — Warren Buffett

You're the greatest risk I've ever taken." His pressed his lips gently to mine. "And the greatest reward. — Sylvia Day

As I was saying, you have made the decision to let people into your life. Part of that involves being disappointed by them sometimes. Part of that involves being thrilled by them sometimes. It's up to you to decide whether the risk is worth the reward. — Craig Lancaster

Everything involves a risk. No risk, no reward. — John Gokongwei

Intelligent risk mothers reward. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Well, you know what they say about traps." "Be sure the reward is worth the risk?" "Aye. — Carl James

Words have meaning beyond the obvious. Words have consequences beyond intentions. Civil words align risk and reward of such unknowns. — John R. Dallas Jr.

Let's face it, making movies is all risk. Most of the time, batting average-wise, the reward does not outweigh the risk. — John Slattery

Though there is much we still want, there is much we already have, and that means we have much to lose as well. It's that potential loss that can keep us bound so tightly that we never reach our biggest dreams, because the biggest dreams require the most risk. — A.J. Darkholme

The greater the risk, the bigger the reward. — Anonymous

Do you notice that, too? How all of us just want to get through life as quickly and as easily as possible? And even though we know that without risk there's no reward, we're still so scared to chance it? I'm — Penelope Douglas

The reward is in the risk. You can't stay hidden inside Grandpa's overprotective cloak forever. You've seemed like you needed to grow out of that for a while. Mom and Dad going away, and the red notebook, these things just helped. Now it's up to you to — Rachel Cohn

Every chance worth taking will make you a little scared. That means you're taking a risk. And where there is risk, there is reward. — Elise Kova

For me, the risks in terms of opening that brewpub were fairly high. I put my house up as collateral, I invested the liquid money I had and two years of my time to get it over, but that's really not much of a risk for what the potential reward was if it worked. — John Hickenlooper

Sometimes you have to take a risk because the reward is worth it. — Priscilla West

Radical obedience to Christ is not easy ... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us. — David Platt

A French player, Sylvain Marconnet, broke his tibia skiing in 2007 and missed his home World Cup. For me the risk of breaking something versus the reward was never worth it. — Mike Tindall

There's no reward in life without risk. — Barry Farber

The people who are playing it totally safe are never going to have either the fun or the reward of the people who decide to take some risk, stick out, do it differently. — John F. Akers

Money is the reward for risks taken, value delivered and promises kept. — Robin Sharma

If you want risk taking, set an example yourself and reward and praise those that do. — Jack Welch

Maturity meant thinking about risk long before you pondered the reward, and that success and happiness in life were as much about avoiding mistakes as making your mark into the world. — Nicholas Sparks

Though you and I find ourselves surrounded by the lure of temporary pleasure, we must fasten our affections on the one who promises eternal treasure that will never spoil or fade. If your life or my life is going to count on earth, we must start by concentrating on heaven. For then, and only then, will you and I be free to take radical risk, knowing that what awaits us is radical reward. — David Platt

The art of banking is always to balance the risk of a run with the reward of a profit. The tantalizing factor in the equation is that riskier borrowers pay higher interest rates. Ultimate safety - a strongbox full of currency - would avail the banker nothing. Maximum risk - a portfolio of loans to prospective bankrupts at usurious interest rates - would invite disaster. A good banker safely and profitably treads the middle ground. — James Grant

I know you want adventure, I know you want to see the world. But love is the greatest adventure, where you risk the most for the greatest reward. What good will all this exceptional living do if you're doing it only for yourself? — Penny Reid

Unlike most of life, what you do really matters. Your actions have real consequences. You have to pay attention and focus, and that's very satisfying. It forces you to pay great attention and you lose yourself in the task at hand. Without the risk, that wouldn't happen, so the risk is an essential part of climbing, and that's hard for some people to grasp. You can't justify the risk when things go wrong and people die. The greater the risk, the greater the reward in most aspects of life, and in climbing that's certainly true, too. It's very physical, you use your mind and your body. — Jon Krakauer

If the risk is high, the reward is high ... Why not roll the dice? — Tyron Woodley

The reality is that I need to be challenged and interested, as long as the risk and reward is in line. — Sam Zell

No risk is too great if the potential reward is revenge. — Paul Platt

The man who knows it can't be done counts the risk, not the reward. — Elbert Hubbard

Our government disdains a risk-reward game that millions of Americans play," Matt wrote, "then bails out Wall Street sharks who bet unfathomable sums. I can only conclude that this contradictory stance has little to do with the skills required for each pursuit. No, for some reason, lawmakers just don't like poker. — Colson Whitehead

Finally, gentlemen, there are people with an hereditary animus against private property. You may call this phenomenon degeneracy. But I tell you that you cannot entice a true thief, and thief by vocation, into the prose of honest vegetation by any gingerbread reward, or by the offer of a secure position, or by the gift of money, or by a woman's love: because there is here a permanent beauty of risk, a fascinating abyss of danger, the delightful sinking of the heart, the impetuous pulsation of life, the ecstasy! — Thomas Seltzer

One of my guiding principles is don't do anything that other people are doing. Always do something a little different if you can. The concept is that if you do it a little differently there is a greater potential for reward than if you the same thing that other people are doing. I think that this kind of goal for one's work, having obviously the maximum risk, would have the maximum reward no matter what the field may be. — Seymour Cray

But love is the greatest adventure, where you risk the most for the greatest reward. — Penny Reid

Perhaps we're too embarrassed to change or too frightened of the consequences of showing that we actually care. But why not risk it anyway? Begin today. Carry out a random act of seemingly senseless kindness, with no expectation of reward or punishment, safe in the knowledge that one day, someone somewhere might do the same for you. — Princess Diana

The greatest risk is not taking any. — Tim Fargo

Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the reward in their error be that at least they cannot blame you because you did show your teeth. — Johnnie Dent Jr.

If you want the most reward you have to take the most risk. — Jesse Itzler

In any survival situation, you need to weigh the risk and the reward. — Joe Teti

I am not where I am because of luck. I am where I am because I took risks others weren't willing to take. The world rewards the risk takers. It always has. It always will. — Dan Pearce

That is a risk. Risk/reward, life's chances. There's always that part of it. — Chan Gailey

It's a risk-reward thing. If I do go out and try and play and get hurt again, then I'm definitely out. I've got no chance to go. If I'm ready, then great. It's getting better. I've been doing a lot more in the last couple of days. I've got a day off (on Wednesday) and then hope to come back in on Thursday and really see where I am at and test it out. Hopefully I'm going to play this weekend but, in reality, we'll see. — Steve Ralston

The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf. — Shakti Gawain

Adventure, opportunity and reward extend beyond our field of vision, and are made known to us only when we test our wings. — Gina Greenlee

The fallacy in the progressive critique is the egalitarian dogma that no one should get more than what liberals deem is a 'fair' reward, nor should there be any risk to anyone to fail. — Robert Agostinelli

Just follow your bliss, that's all you have to do. Be willing to be disappointed, for if you risk nothing, you'll have nothing worth having. — Kate McGahan

When you train your employees to be risk averse, then you're preparing your whole company to be reward challenged. — Morgan Spurlock

It was fatiguing, but nothing was sacred to the Kerch except trade, so she'd gone out of her way to make the risk much higher than the reward when it came to disrespecting her. — Leigh Bardugo

Sometimes you have to wait for the right deal. They all seem good, at least at first, and they may make you some quick money. But when the right deal comes, and it fits into your [overall] plan, it's just overwhelming success. Sometimes, with the long-term deals, you have to take a risk if you're going to get a reward. It's exactly like fighting. Sometimes you have to take chances to get that huge win. — Mike Tyson

Romney is right: free enterprise is on trial. But he's wrong about the question at issue in that trial. It's not whether America will continue to reward risk taking. It's whether an economic system can survive when those at the top get giant rewards no matter how badly they screw up while the rest of us get screwed no matter how hard we work. — Robert B. Reich

The reward is in the risk. — David Levithan

Risk may bring pain, but risk also brings freedom and reward. — Shandel Slaten