Famous Quotes & Sayings

Rijeci Sa Quotes & Sayings

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Top Rijeci Sa Quotes

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Lauren Bacall

When a woman reaches twenty-six in America, she's on the slide. It's downhill all the way from then on. It doesn't give you a tremendous feeling of confidence and well-being. — Lauren Bacall

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Leila Sales

Like all stories, the one you are about to read is a love story.
If it wasn't, what would be the point? — Leila Sales

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Zongtrul Losang Tsondru

If we seek the permanence of an object as something existing from its own side, we discover something inexpressible. If we take three sticks and place them together in a certain way, they will all stand up. If each of the sticks could stand under its own power, it would remain standing even if the others were removed, but they cannot. In this way we must understand dependent arising precisely.
Another way of thinking about it is to consider clothing. Only when cloth is of the correct color, shape, and so forth is it labeled "clothing." Or think of a clock. Whenever we see a clock, we label it a clock, but if we were to separate the component pieces, then the "clock" would cease to exist, because no basis of imputation would remain. In actuality there was no truly existent clock in the first place - only the causes and conditions fit to be labeled a "clock. — Zongtrul Losang Tsondru

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Oscar Wilde

But a chance tone of colour in a room or a morning sky, a particular perfume that you had once loved and that brings subtle memories with it, a line from a forgotten poem that you had come across again, a cadence from a piece of music that you had ceased to play
I tell you, Dorian, that it is on things like these that our lives depend. Browning writes about that somewhere; but our own senses will imagine them for us. There are moments when the odour of lilas blanc passes suddenly across me, and I have to live the strangest month of my life over again. — Oscar Wilde

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Christina Rasmussen

When the dream that was no longer can be, you have to dream a different dream. — Christina Rasmussen

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Gerard Manley Hopkins

Glory be to God for dappled things. — Gerard Manley Hopkins

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Art Rooney

The biggest thrill wasn't in winning on Sunday but in meeting the payroll on Monday. — Art Rooney

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Jojo Moyes

I couldn't tell him that I wasn't sad when i was with him. I couldn't tell him that he made me so happy I was afraid of it. — Jojo Moyes

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Agatha Christie

Ah! Madame, I reserve the explanations for the last chapter. — Agatha Christie

Rijeci Sa Quotes By Christian Bale

An actor should never be larger than the film he's in. — Christian Bale